Bass fishing Lake Shastina!

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hey guys today I'm doing something a little different I don't have much footage time but I'm out at Lake Shastina and I thought I'd film a quick little video so I'm going to see if I can have any luck I'm going to start off with a frog probably use some soft Plastics going to do a little bit of exploring oh dang it there we go it's a little guy look at that not a big fish but I really like the Lake Shastina bass cute little guy there we go that one seems a little better all right pretty little one again but the bite's pretty fun I think Shane's got something interesting on let's see what's in there here look at it you think he's in that thing yeah okay it won't come up anymore whoa holy hold him up pull him up for the camera wow he really ate it he did eat your frog oh my gosh guys look at that this frog ate his frog that thing is literally huge here we're getting a picture of that break your neck there we go wow look at that thing that's a funny catch all right looks great over here going try right there first oh my gosh we could always walk around the trees he missed it oh my gosh that great oh my gosh dang throw my my soft plastic oh that was so cool I just Chuck this over there and he came out from under the weeds and ate it that was cool whoa it's okay buddy that was so cool super fun bite thank you fish that was so cool maybe that'll happen again watch oh oh that is so fun maybe he'll hit it again oh oh that's my best one of the day right there that is such a fun bite oh my gosh all right what a fun [Applause] bite thank you little bass no wonder I was getting hits on the Frog they're literally just sitting under this stuff it's so much fun thinking there might be some fish on this side in the weird Moss oh got him knew there'd be one hanging out over here all right I've never done any fishing like this it's so fun pitching the bay into the weeds catching these guys they're not big but I might get lucky and catch a big one oh got him oh yeah that might be my best of the day now another good little chunky bass I'm loving this bite all right bass Chucky out there that look so funny the way he just disappears in the mck oh whoa oh my gosh it flew in my face that was a really good hit that was fun went right back over there I had him again I saw the water swirl up underneath my bait yeah set the hook but he fell off knew there was one right over there oh jeez got him this one's putting up a fight another nice little guy be so cool if a monster hit underneath these weeds right I guess I'll just let them go right off the bank cuz I know it's it's just water under there all right Shane got one too whoa show them to the camera nice wa Isn't that cool there it is that's a cool place to fish even if it's just a little bass look at that cute little guy I'm just going to do that oh that was a nice bite oh oh I just saw that one come up and hit it that was a cool bite all right try not to backlash this I think I could get some good luck oh got him that was cool yeah that was one of my first casts all right thank you fish don't you want to fish like moving baits this is fun getting hit again got him H another one on the [Music] worm o Perfect Look at that guys just caught another one you let him back cute little guys this one guys I can't believe he ate the senko right in front of me that is my biggest one out of Shastina I am so happy get him in the water oh that's so cool look at that fish it's just under a four pounder another one on the little ChatterBait hey buddy cute little one a oh got him ate it twice hey little bass it's okay more ChatterBait [Music] action I know that one ate right in front of me little guy it's okay bass they love this thing caught him who pretty little one whoa this is a better one it's not a big fish but it's a lot better than the dinks I've been catching oh look at that it's a nice fish that was a lucky last cast all right that was a fun bite on the little ChatterBait better sized one go ahead and let him swim off thanks buddy I caught a sunfish a everything likes this bait at that I love these little guys all right aggressive little guy oh dang he ate it yeah that's not bad yeah another decent one hit the chatter that was such a cool bite came up and smacked it thank you buddy all right time to try try this again I'm going to go over there right oh I know I could get a hit oh I got one Glide bait it's not a big fish but that's still super cool oh he got off he got off but it's okay I got to see him it wasn't huge guess I'll try my little ChatterBait out again that one seemed to really like it smacked it dang it had a hit oh that one came up and smacked it on the bank it's just a little chunky one good fighting fish at that came up right to the bank and ate it nice little guy fish what are you doing okay got a mini ChatterBait on now I know I should get some hits on this thing oh there's one mini ChatterBait catches a mini bass oh missed him oh look at that guys I don't know if you can see the Glide bait on there I took one cast with this Glide bait I just got this little guy smoked it little fish but that was such a fun bite thank you [Applause] buddy just caught a crappie on a little Chatterbait I wasn't expecting to catch anymore so I turned off my GoPro that is super cool I love these fish all right what a surprise catch I knew it was something different didn't feel like a a little Bass another one another crappie that's cool look at that crappy wow was hardly even hooked super cool thank you fish [Music] gosh that's so [Music] cool look another one that is just so cool I've never just caught crappie off the bank like this sure there's some big ones somewhere can't believe I'm actually catching crappie I never catch crappie I love how like cool looking their patterns are there you go buddy Che out that giant I wonder if I'm just in a school of crappie right now sure seems like it what is this that's a bass apparently you don't know you're going to catch with a little mini ChatterBait might catch a baby bass or a crappie oh another craie whoops gosh that's so cool I love these fish I love Lakes where you can just catch crappie off the bank like that I'm not even trying there we go what I'm the crappie master I just keep catching crappie clean crappie ow he got me this one's definitely been caught before lips all torn up look at that big old hole in his lip all right such pretty fish all right guys I caught some more crappie and little Bass even caught some Sunfish but bite kind of died so it's going to head back now and it was a pretty good day caught a lot of fish can't complain about that but thank you all for watching
Channel: Grace I Fishing
Views: 1,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lady fishermen, fisherwomen, bassfishing, big bass, Lake Shastina, Z man, chatterbait, fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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