Basketball Star Found Not Guilty | Was It A Set Up?

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teren Shannon Jr the basketball player acquitted on those sexual assault charges do you hear that yeah I did were there text messages so here's my view on this and I've said this from the miza thing from from everywhere if somebody I don't care if it's male to female female to male accuses you of a sexual crime okay that could anyone honestly any type of crime but this was going to ruin his life okay ruin it this is a very very big charge and it is proven you are found not guilty but not just that but it is found and proven Beyond a reasonable doubt that there was nefarious reasons why this charge was brought up right to try and ruin you because you cheated on somebody or broke up with somebody then the person who made the accusation should have to serve whatever sentence he would have had to serve if he was found guilty we've seen this with sha Oakman we've seen this multiple times before I'm not saying just if you're found not guilty I'm saying if it is proven that the reason you are found not guilty is because there is a nefarious motive by the accuser to ruin you for any reason for any reason so I'm happy for him he got this got taken out early in his career so now he's clear he's good to go play in the NBA remember he had to sit out and there's a lot of controversy when he came back because he's Illinois's best player one of the best players in the country and I think it is so evil it is a different type of evil evil to try and accuse somebody and ruin their life of a sexual crime knowing they didn't do it one cuz wasn't it you said there was a text that the girl sent that yeah something like that I mean the biggest thing to keep in mind here is that acquitted doesn't mean that he didn't do something right that's exactly right that's that with OJ Simpson he wased as well um but there was there were it sounds like there were four text messages that the girl sent to some of her friends I could only find one that said something like his ass with dollar sign emojis or something see you should go to you should go to jail for as long as he would have had to go to ja go to jail it would stop it cuz you know what people always say well oh you have to believe everybody that say no no that's not how this works because now now if something really happens to you right and you report it guy's going to be found guilty or at worst if he's not found guilty whoever it is you don't go to jail because there wasn't a nefarious motive right maybe you got lucky maybe somebody mishandled evidence or something like that but we got to cut this out like this has got to stop there's got to be a fear of Justice there's got to be a fear of Justice not a fear of reporting it's like the same a fear of Retribution for trying to do something you ever met that guy who was never afraid of anything like you know grow like growing up like to me like when something was sounded too wild I always thought my parents would kill me if I did this so all you always have that slight fear all right before you go and do something stupid of like well your parents will do and stuff like that but now there's no fear when it comes to any girl there's no repercussion you're going to face if this happens hey what's up YouTube do us a favor if you haven't hit that subscribe button trying to keep getting those sub numbers up y'all know how it works hit the like button on those videos and please keep sharing the show thank you
Channel: Crain & Company
Views: 4,471
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Keywords: Daily Wire, Sports, News, Media, Politics, social media, crain and company, podcast, daily wire, sports, crain & co, crain, nfl, sports commentator, sports news, news, conservative, media, crain & company
Id: uv0fdbKe0AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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