Basics of Openstack Swift Object Storage

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hello good day to you so in continuation of my topic of OpenStack administration I would like to talk about the strict service the Swift service is responsible for object storage Oh so this is similar to AWS s3 service so if you have ever heard of AWS s3 or the suit service is similar to it so this Swift service you know by definition you know it is a highly available distributed eventually consistent object store so what does that mean you know what is highly available that means oh you know you you gave me you can rely on it that you know your hob jet would be available you know when you need it it is distributed meaning that its distributes the file so that even if one file is one region is destroyed you still have the valve you know in other regions eventually consistent means you know since it is distributed you know when you make changes to your file over you're right your file you know the file will eventually be consistent with the holder and no fouls you know since it is attributed so it is an object store it uses replication to you know make sure that your files you know how vailable so that is Oh if one file is deleted you go corrupted you have you know other copies of the same file so what is an object basically an object at things like files you know video audio files you know what like whatever files you can think of oh that is an object so the objects are stored as binary files oh that is important that it is totally Estrada's binary files on the file system which the data stored in the extended attributes so extended attributes if you have family awaits you know files and the attributes on the Linux system so that is what it uses to store the metadata so three things you have to be familiar with you know that's a fundamental to Swift account container and the objects through the account represent you know maybe like the organization or the project that holds the particular file the container is the you know the nib space you know that surrounds the object or that define that the object so the object itself you know they are the contents of document images videos you know etc so the objects are accessible by a REST API status you can use HTTP you can make HTTP requests you know for your objects and what does that mean that means you can you know access the objects over very long distance so for example let's say you have an object that is told somewhere in the UK and you reside in India you can easily be able to risk review or your fast because you can access it via HTTP so the way the the files are like a part you know what like what defines a particular object is like I said account the container and the object so think of the part to allow you to be like you know the account the container and the object so you can think of the containers you know something like the h3h3 pockets you know so let's go to the OpenStack dashboard actually you know so that we can see a demo straight so I have your post doc this login oh so I'm not in here I'll go under my project then you'll see a tab called object store so this is it stop that till suite or the Swift service so right now I have only one container and let me delete this container so that I start all over again so like I said you don't have the container is like the namespace you know for example where you store related files you know related for example if you want to store if you have a file that contains images maybe your pictures you know maybe a family picture you can name that you can name that continuous family picture so that would be your container so I can create a continuum by doing our heart let's call it demo container so I can make it public or not public so public for example if I want everybody to be able to view maybe my pictures or listen to an audio file I will make it you know public if I if I wanted maybe people to pay me maybe I want people to pay no to access this document I will say not public so I can say public then submit so I have created or my my container so now I can upload files so to upload files basically you see there's a Sumpter beer you can say upload file or you can create a folder you know inside the container so they make colleagues or reduce that is the folder so if I go into the folder I can had you know an object so I will upload I know J right now I have it video file here let me look for a smaller they do are Charlie I don't want it to take like a long a lot of time so I have a 10 megabyte video right here upload file so it is going to you know help load that file so like I said you can have the file can be images document audio video or like worry about oh like s to be serviced you know in the W is I think it is one of the most useful the most used or so I've seen it W is a lot of videos i watch online tour a lot of o document pictures i see they are stored in a street state so you see I have created you know my and object so this object right now it's it is replicated internally that is o if by any chance one of the object is deleted some way our buses to eat you know some way that is why to say that this is this services you know available distributed eventually consistent I can look at the value loop I can view the details so you see it is like the details this is the hash of the file you see the contents time type the timestamp and size so this are what is what disarm it editors so these are method it does so basically I have created you know my object and I can download it so for example I can upload this object and maybe even if I have a friend you know some way let's say I have a friend you know Jamaica let's say my friend in Jamaica or my friend can go and download this file so it is available it cheapy so what that makes it very useful so and you can do with or swift's stop object you know you can do with it you know from Oh from other places like the command-line sorry so right now I did all the oppression from the dashboard but we can actually go to this command line and do something so this is my command line actually under so for you to if you want to do anything from the command line you have to saw Co our C file definitely so if you don't know what an RC file is I made a video all about it so it's a father contains your credentials so then you can so for example something we can do we can do shifts and let's get help let's see help so some of the commands that we can do we can do delete download lists post copy start so let's add it to shift list so let me list or my demo container so I'm doing a list on this demo continue I see displayed the directory the folder and the file so I can do I think I can do is top that is another that is another operation I can do let me try this out so I'm doing status you know a way to get some information okay sorry so I'm supposed to do it like this Oh so so to do a start do the container then they object so try again basically okay let's do a start on the on the container Faust's so it start to give you no information about that container or you see like a lot of information these are what is called metadata you know and let me try to do it on the other objects okay let me what's the name of this object actually you okay finally so basically this start I do start on the container then the founding I had to put the funny minute coat because there is a space somewhere in the name of that far so so I did this tax so the start give me our information about this particular object so if you if I want to treat a container a lesson to create a container from the common line I can do Swift post so you see post is actually one of the rest api HTTP api s-- or method to post our let's say i'm posting so i'm using the post to create a new or container so i did post demo to so if you go to the - to the dashboard right now and i reload so you see I have another container so that so I think that is the busy so you know using the Swift storage I can do an upload you know from the so try example let me see I can do an upload from my command line also or let's say I do it lists next I want to upload one of the command is a hood I want to upload to this container I want to upload let's see also prove this far please see if I go back to this demo oh very load so you see now the demo2 container contains you know this file so I can feel the details so you see that is out to some of the basics of you know dealing weeks the swift object storage it is a very very useful or service like I said in PW is one of the most useful service is the s/3 s/3 studies so and you can do a lot of other things so gradual shift help so some of the other things you can do it from copy start and post list you can download or do a lot of things so for example let's say I want to download one of these files so let's I want to download you know this far you know from the command line here to download so you see I've downloaded the file but I don't know way okay yeah sorry so you see it now I have this folder called videos we do a little some videos now I have this file so that's so these are like some basics of using Swift so there's a lot of things you know to this service so if you go to the post on dashboard you can learn about a lot of things you can learn about how to do the risk using HTTP or like I said you can do HTTP you can so some of the most fundamental concept like I said account container and the object so it's very important so yeah there are some other what that things to eat about for example the architectural overview learn something about the proxy server drink policy love beans so replication like I said it uses replication or so it says replication is designed to keep the system in a consistent state in the face of temporary error conditions like Network how did after keys and drive video so replication I think by default the replication factor is 3 so it replicates you object three times you know to make sure the object is no available or so yeah so that's the basics of you know distribute service I hope it's been beneficial here to learn one or two things about this service and if you learn one or two things so I would like you to like the video and subscribe if you haven't subscribed thank you for watching see you in some other videos if you have any questions or comments let me know thank you bye
Channel: dolastack devops
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Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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