Basics of AWS Cloud required for Devops-Hindi/Urdu | Lec-03 l DevOps Tutorial for Beginners
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Channel: Technical Guftgu
Views: 237,019
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Keywords: what is devops in hindi/urdu, what is devops for beginners, devops tutorial for beginners in hindi/urdu/english, how devops works, how become devops engineer, what is agile methodology, what is scrum, devops tutorial for beginners, devops interview questions, devops in hindi, devops engineer, devops full course, devops tools, devops interview, what is devops and how it works, what is devops for beginners in hindi, how devops works with aws, how azure devops works, bhupinder
Id: kCToCLzu6iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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