Basic Settings for TIG Welding Mild Steel with the Prime Weld TIG 225X AC-DC TIG Welder

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hey guys bruce here with diy homestead projects welcome back i'm going to go over some settings for mild steel with a prime weld tig 225 x ac dc tig welder i've had a few people ask me if i could do a video on this so this is the video for you guys and i'll tell you what i know and what i've learned about the settings since they're all analog and there's no digital settings except for the amperage so let's have a look at the front of the machine and we'll go through the settings for again for mild steel on the primeweld tig 225x it can be kind of confusing and it was a little overwhelming when you break this down for mild steel it's actually pretty simple first off you've just got the amperage readout the next one you want to make sure you're on tig mma would be for stick welding the next one is ac or dc since we're not doing aluminum we're using this for mild steel we're going to put it on dc for direct current these two knobs are associated with ac so they are not needed they're irrelevant for mild steel when you're in the dc setting the next row of buttons is one of two things 2t or 4t 2t is used if you're using a foot pedal 4t is if you're going to use that finger switch that attaches to your torch that comes with the machine i'm using it in 2t which is for the foot pedal so when you've got this set in 2t the only thing that applies out of these five knobs is the welding current i just use the basic rule of thumb so one amp for every thousandth of an inch generally speaking i'm welding on 1 8 inch material and in that case that's 0.125 thousandths so i set the machine for 125 amps now there's a lot of different variables here and techniques depending on your skill level and what you're trying to accomplish now some people will set that for 40 percent higher 30 percent higher than what's required so you have plenty of available amperage for that particular thickness of steel so the next row as you can see this is all grayed out for these two knobs and that's connected to your pulse setting so i'm not going to go over any pull settings we're just going to weld standard welding so this pulse switch setting is in the bottom so pulse is off these two are irrelevant that only leaves these three to deal with pre-flow pulse flow that controls the gas and then base current i just leave base current on zero my pre-flow i don't use a pre-flow i'm trying to save gas i'm just practicing my welds are not that critical a lot of people will say that it's not necessary for mild steel some people use a little bit i just leave it on zero and then the post flow how long does your gas flow after you've stopped the arc generally people usually go about five or six seconds now if you look at this and this applies for any of these knobs in the settings this range is from zero you can barely see that maybe you can't see it in the video but 0 to 15 seconds and that red line around the outside circle there is divided into four separate sections there's a little black tick mark there one in the center and one over here so each section is approximately divided to 15 by four approximately four seconds per section so this first tick mark would be four seconds this center mark would be eight seconds 12 seconds and technically 16 but it only goes to 15. so i just use four seconds roughly so if you use the first two that would be eight seconds of flow i like it around five or six so i back that off this would be four and eight so six would be right in between those two tick marks or pretty darn close i used that for all of the settings except for current welding current you know you've got your readout so you don't need to worry about the tick marks on the dial and that's it basic settings for welding mild steel on the prime weld 225 225x ac dc tig machine just to recap so we've got tig dc set your current general rule of thumb that i use is one amp per 1000 of an inch i'm using a foot pedal so i need to be on 2t free flow and the pulse flow and technically i don't even use the pre-flow so post flow approximately five to six seconds and pulse is off in the down position so that's it guys that's how i set my primal tig 225 x machine up for tig welding mild steel just try to keep it simple don't let that face of that machine intimidate you with all those knobs basic mild steel for practice that's how i like to set the machine up i hope this uh helps you out if it did give me a thumbs up think about subscribing if you haven't already and thanks for coming along on this video to show you how i set this up for beginner tig welding with mild steel see you guys on the next [Music] video [Music] so you
Channel: DIY Homestead Projects
Views: 10,177
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Keywords: Prime Weld TIG 225X AC-DC, tig welder, tig welders for home use, primeweld, primeweld tig225x, prime welder, ac tig welder, ac/dc tig welder, primeweld tig 225, welding, tig welding aluminum, primeweld tig, tig welder review, Prime Weld TIG 225X AC/DC, primeweld tig225x ac/dc tig welder, primeweld 225, primeweld 225x, Prime Weld TIG 225X AC-DC TIG Welder, primeweld tig 225 setup, prime weld, primeweld 225x ac/dc tig welder, primeweld tig 225x settings, tig welding mild steel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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