Basic Excel Business Analytics #42: Comprehensive PowerPivot, Data Model, DAX & Reporting Example

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Welcome to Highline BI348, Class Video No. 42. Hey, if you want to download this workbook, BI348 Chapter02.75Example02Start, or, more importantly, the zipped folder with the source data, click on the link below the video. Hey, in this video we are going to import big data into the data model in PowerPivot, import a number of dimension tables, lookup tables, build relationships, build formulas, and create some reports. Now, I want to look at the end result. Now, from five million transactions from an online website, we need to build various reports. Here's one of the reports. We need to summarize by country the total net revenue. We're going to need another report that shows us for each month and year the total net revenue, total cost of goods sold, and gross profit. We're going to need to look at the percentage change. Notice, here's our months. We need the percentage change from the previous period. And we need a report that shows us the percent of each one of our products as a percent of our grand total. Now, all the calculations in these various reports could be done with standard internal pivot table functions. For example, this would just be Show Values as Percent of Grand Total. But we don't want to rely on the internal functions and calculations in a pivot table. We want to use DAXed formulas in our data model because those formulas and functions interact with the data model columnar database to work more efficiently and quickly on big data. Now let's go over to our Start file. And we just want to remind ourselves, the last couple of videos we've talked about, what is PowerPivot, and what is data modeling? Here is the five steps. Step one, transform and import source raw data into fact and dimension tables in the data model. Then step two, build relationships between dimension and fact tables. Then step three, we have DAX-calculated columns. And those columns are used in other DAX formulas, or as the criteria in the Row/Column/Filter/Slicer area of the Pivot Table. And then still in step three, we build our second type of DAX formula called a DAX measure, or calculated field. And we use those in the Values area of the pivot table or in other DAX formulas. Then step four, we build our pivot table reports. In step five, we refresh the data model and our pivot table reports when the source data changes. Our step one is to import our fact and dimension tables. Now, let's go look at the files. Here is the folder you can download and unzip. We're actually going to import this price table. And we can double-click and open this. This has the products, the retail, and the standard cost. We'll use the retail price to calculate revenue, the standard cost to calculate cost of the product, or cost of goods sold. Now let's close this Excel product price table. And I want to look at the text files that have all our transactions. Now, there's a Start text file and a New. The new ones are the files we'll dump into our folder after the data model on all the reports are finished. And we'll see that the reports and data model can be updated easily. But here, let's look in this Start text files. Here's all the text files. Look at the sizes on these. And I'm going to open up just the smallest one here. Now, these are text files, tab, delimited, with date, website, product, quantity, revenue, discount, net, standard cost, equivalent, and country code. Now, we have a bunch of these files. This is no problem for us. As our earlier study in this class showed, we can simply use Power Query to get all these text files, dump them into a single fact table and import it into our data model. And of course, Power Query will allow us to just point to that folder, and then anything in that folder that's a text file or that meets our criteria for our query, will be imported into the data model. So let's start with that step. We want to go up to Power Query. And here is that amazing From File. But down at the bottom, From Folder, I think we did this five or six times earlier in the class, we're going to browse and go to wherever our folder is. I'm going to click the arrow there to open up. And we want to point Power Query to the Start Text Sales file. Now, Power Query, automatically when I click OK, will try and import every single one of the files in that folder. I'm immediately going to come over and name this query, because this is going to import and merge all the tables together, the query. And I want to give it a smart name because this name will show up over in our data model. This is the fact table, so I do a little f, and then Sales, or Transaction, or whatever you want, f Sales. Now, when we pointed Power Query to that folder, it's going to always import every single type of file. We actually are never going to have anything in that folder except for text files for this report. So we actually don't need to filter it. In earlier videos we saw how to filter this. Now, this is all information about the files, and we don't need any of it, so I come over to the Content, right-click, Remove Other Columns. Now, we're going to use this double downward pointing arrow to expand. And when I click Link in Other Videos, it dumps everything here. But it's not as polite as examples earlier in the class. Power Query didn't interpret and automatically do a number of steps. But no problem. Were going to do them. For example, it didn't automatically promote the headers or field names from the first record up to Column, Headers, or Field Name. So I come up to the upper left-hand corner, click the dropdown, and say, Use First Row as Headers. Now, that only happened for the very first file, and we have like five or six text files. Further down in this data, we have date, website, product, the exact field names from those files down below incorrectly listed as a record. So we're going to have to pick one of the columns, whichever one has the fewest unique records, and come up to the filter. And when we click the Filter, it tries to show us a unique list. This is a huge data set, so it says List May Be Incomplete. We definitely want to click Load More. Now we can see a unique list. And I see the actual field name, Website. So when I uncheck this, notice, this is in the Website column. It will go down and remove all of the websites listed in this column. That will automatically remove all of the field names in the records below. So when I click OK, boom. Now, when we did Import From text files earlier, it actually did a bunch of steps, like promote headers. And it actually changed the data types. And it didn't do that. You could see visually this is to the left, and all of these numbers are too. So we have to manually go through and verify Home, Transform, Datatype. This is going to be a date, so I'm going to click the dropdown and say, Date. For each field, we want to verify. Text, that's fine. Text, that's fine. Quantity, text is not fine. And if we made a mistake and forgot to do this and imported into Power Query and tried to do stuff, we probably wouldn't get the results we want. We can always come back and edit Power Query later. But we're going to try and catch all of this up-front. So this one I want definitely whole number, both revenue discount and net standard cost equivalent are decimal, so the data type is Decimal Number and click. This one should be text. And look at this. This column, I'm not even sure what this is. It says, Blank. I'm going to click Load More, just to see what's there. Looks like there's nothing there, like a blank cell. I definitely want to right-click and remove. All right. That should be all of the steps. There is our name. We're going to come up and close. And we're definitely not clicking this, because it would try to load it to a sheet, and it wouldn't succeed because it's five million records. Close and Load To. We want to say Only a Connection. Add this to the data model. And when we click Load, it's going to try and load it into the data model. And there we go, 5,320,493 records loaded from those five or six text files in a single table. Now we can go over to PowerPivot. When we click this, it opens Manage Data Model. And there's our table. You can see down here it's got the five-million-plus records. Now, we don't really need to do anything to these columns, except for I am going to change the formatting here. So Format, I'm going to click, let's say this one right here. Now, that's only one table, so I'm going to Alt, Tab and go back to Power Query and get our next table. I'm going to go From File, and I'm going to get the product table. So I've navigated here, D Product Price table, double-click. There it is right there. I'm going to select it and click Edit. Now, notice it took D Product Price. That's from the sheet name. Here's the steps. And notice, it promoted headers and changed type. This data set is fine the way it is. Come up and close and Load To. And I want to only Create a Connection an add this to the data model. Click Load. Now, those are the only two tables we're going to load through Power Query. If we ever need to update or edit or anything, we can come back to this window, right? That's the Show pane, Power Query. If we needed to edit this and change data type or anything, we can right-click Edit. I'm going to close this for now and go over to the data model Alt, Tab, and there's our two tables. Now, Alt, Tab we actually have two more tables. And I'm going to click a new sheet. We're going to need a calendar table, because as we will see, you cannot group dates in a PowerPivot pivot table. So I'm going to double-click the sheet and call it D Calendar and Enter. Now, all it means is, for a calendar table, is we're going to need a listing of every single individual date, like January 1st, January 2nd, January 3rd, for each one of the years. And then we'll have an extra column for, like, month, name, and year. Now, I'm going to type Date, Control/Enter, Control B. And here's a great trick. How do we create all these dates? Well, it's easy. Ah, ah. But wait a second. First, we need to know our data. And we do know our data. Our data goes from January 1st, so 1/1/2014, all the way to December 31, 2016. So here's an awesome trick for creating every single date for your calendar table. Point to the little fill handle. And when you see your crosshair, or angry rabbit, right-click, drag down a little bit. Don't let go. And then drag back up. And now let go and a secret menu pops up that gives you the option Series. So I'm going to click on that. And this is so cool. It will fill the dates automatically. We want to fill it down through a column. The step value is going to be 1, because we know that's a serial number there. And the stop value, just type the date you want- 12/31/2016. And when I hit Enter, or click OK, just like that, it creates all those dates. Control, down arrow, there it is. Now, as we remember from earlier videos, if we want to get an actual table from Excel into PowerPivot, it has to be an official table. So with one cell in the table, I click Insert in table, or use the keyboard, Control T and Enter. Now we definitely want to go up to Design, Properties and Table Name. If you do this a lot, it's Alt, J, T, A. And there it is. I'm going to call this D Calendar and Enter. Now I click in a single cell. Go up to PowerPivot, and there it is. Add to Data Model button. So I click this. And there we go. And it has a little link because it linked to that Excel table. These don't have a little link. But of course, they are completely dynamic and linked to the source table through Power Query. Let's come up here, and I'm going to do the same thing. You don't have to do this, but I like to-- Formatting. And I want this one right here. There we go. Later we'll come back and add some extra calculated columns. Now, we have one other table we need to import into our data model. And I want to go look at f Sales. So we have date. We have a website name. That's where we've sold it, the product, the quantity, the revenue discount for each transaction, net standard cost equivalent. And here it is, Country Code. And if you click the dropdown to see a unique list, there's all sorts of country codes. Now, if I were to drop this into a pivot table row or column or slicer or filter, the viewer of the report may not know all of these abbreviations. So we're actually going to have to create a table, a lookup table, that will be able to look up these and return the full country name. Now, we know from our data set, these are ISO, International Standard Organization, country codes, 3166-1. And so we're going to open up a browser. And in Google I'm just going to type ISO 3166-1. And we can look through here, but Wikipedia sometimes has some amazing data for you. And the one we want is this Alpha 3. It's a three-character code. That's what we have. So when I click on here, you can look through here. And sure enough, they list it. Now, we could absolutely use Power Query using this web address. And we learned how to do that earlier in this class. It would be dynamic if it changed there. But two things, I don't want it because the actual data-- if any of this changes, I don't want it to update. And not only that, if you go through Power Query and import it, which I did, it's a lot of steps. And for some websites that's fine, but some websites, like Wikipedia, when they have data like this you can highlight it. And if we were to copy and paste it into Excel, it might not look exactly how we want. But I want to show you a trick. We want to go actually over to our Exhale Workbook. I'm going to insert a new sheet, call this D Country Code and Enter. Now, I'm going to just paste, Control V. Oh, that's messed up. Control Z to undo that. But here's a great trick. And whenever I'm in a hurry, I always try this. Sometimes stock data from Yahoo Finance or other website type tables, you come up to Home, to Paste dropdown. And I want to say Paste Special. And if you paste it as a text, oftentimes, the website designers knew that people would copy and paste. If you paste it as text, boom, instantly in a correct, proper data set. It took those three different columns and imported them properly as a single table. Now, when you import it through Power Query, it gives you three tables and you have to do that append like we did in earlier class. Actually it didn't give us a complete proper data set. I'm going to insert a row. You can either right-click Insert, or there's a keyboard Alt, I, R, Country Code tab. And this would be Country and Enter. I'm going to add Bold. Any time you have a proper data set, at the minimum, make sure the field names are in bold. Most data analysis features, if you have no formatting to distinguish the text field names from the text values in the data set, it won't know that this is a field name. But as soon as you add some basic formatting, like Bold, most features, especially in Excel, will distinguish between the two. Hey, I'm going to Control T. And look, it did there, because I had Bold. It says my table has headers. Alt, J, T, A. And I'm going to name this D Country Code and Enter. Now, I can come up to PowerPivot. Add to Data Model. And just like that, there is my D Country, with a little linked. Now we have our fact table and our one, two, three dimension or lookup tables. Now, that's step one, importing, getting all your data here. And this is all dynamic. If any of that stuff changes, we can refresh. Now, step two, we have to build relationships. So I'm going to go up to Diagram view. And here is our fact table. And we have product with retail and standard price. That's the dimension or lookup. There is our calendar table. And we'll put our D Country Code. And let's go ahead and expand so we can see all the columns. And this one will actually have a few extra columns. This one will have a few extra columns also, later, when we add our calculated columns. Now, here's product. This is a unique list in the first column of our lookup table. I drag it over to product where we have many duplicates here. There are many transactions, for example, that sell the Quad. But over here in the first column there's a single entry for Quad. Now, date I'm not going to build, because I want to show you what happens if you don't have a calendar table. And then we'll come and build a relationship and see that it fixes something quite cool. Country Code I want to click and drag over to the Fact Sales table. There are many transactions that were sold in the United States. Over here in the first column there's a single entry for country code and a single entry for the actual full country name. Now, I'm going to Control S. Again, later we'll come back and build a relationship there. Go back to Data view. Now, we want to go over to the fact table. Step three is building our formulas. We have the choice between calculated columns and measures, or calculated fields. And I'm going to pull this up. And the first one we want to do is we want to calculate net revenue for each transaction. That will be a calculated column. And then we'll make a measure, or calculated field, for total net revenue. And we'll use that in the Values area of the pivot table. So I'm going to double-click to add column and name this Net Revenue and Enter. And this is the same formula we did in the last couple videos. It's a similar data set. One of the differences we have in this data set is that we have net standard cost equivalent, because we're going to have to calculate our costs, or our cost of goods sold. And we have country. But we had revenue discounting quantity. Now, you can see a bunch of zeros, because these didn't get a revenue discount. But you could look at some of the discounts in our unique list here. Depending on the quantity, there are different revenue discounts. I'm going to click OK. So we're going to look up the price for each one of the products. We can do that because there's a relationship. We'll multiply the price times quantity, and then times 1 minus the revenue discount. So we're going to click here. And equals R-E, while we're jumping up to the Formula bar and Related. Related is DAX, VLookup. And because we have a relationship, we just need the name of the table, that's D Product Price. And the name of the column in square brackets, for us it's Retail Price. That's it. The related function, when I close parentheses and hit Enter, of course, it will know from row context to look up the product name over in that table. And because we said Retail Price column, it will return it. Now we come to the end. We need to multiply that by-- and our convention, even though we're allowed to click on Quantity, that's not our convention. Any time we have a column in a formula, we're going to put the full table name, and then in square brackets the field name. We will reserve square brackets alone only when we're using measures or calculated fields in other formulas. And we'll see an example of that just in a moment. Then we need to multiply price times quantity times, open parentheses, 1 minus f Sales, and down, down, down until we get Revenue Discount. Remember, that's just the discount line, 1%, 2%. So 1 minus will give us 0.98 if it was 2% to give us the actual revenue, not the discount. Close parentheses and Enter. And as we saw in earlier videos, we're going to need to round that also. So I come to the beginning, and this function is exactly the same in DAXed and over in Excel. I come to the end, comma, and 2 to the penny. If you are rounding to the dollar, it would be to the 0. But 2 because we have pennies. Now, there's a calculated column on five million rows, net revenue for each transaction. Now, we're not going to do number formatting, and we're not going to ever use Net Revenue over on our pivot table, because that would be an implicit formula using the pivot table function. And we don't want to do that. We want the efficiency gain by using DAXed formulas. I'm going to use this wide column here, net standard cost equivalent and make all my measures. And we're going to have a number of different measures, or calculated fields. Of course, when we're creating a measure, slash, calculated field, remember, those are synonyms. We type the name of the new field, Total. And it shoots me up to the Formula bar, Total Net Revenue. And we have to type a colon and an equal sign when we're doing a measure, calculated field. And all I'm going to do is Sum. Now I need to reference in the Sum this net revenue. So f Sales. And there in our list, down arrow, down arrow, is our net revenue. That is our calculated column, which we're now going to use in a measure, calculated field. Close parentheses and Enter. Now we definitely need to add number formatting. I love this aspect of PowerPivot and DAX. Now that I have this formula in Total Net Revenue, and it has a number format, you want to drag and drop that field [INAUDIBLE] into the Values area. It will carry that number formatting. Now, with our calculated column and our measure, or calculated field, again, that's step three, now we're going to move on to step four and build a pivot table. We'll come back and calculate more measures and more calculated fields. But let's make our first report, which is revenue for each country. Now, when I click this button, it automatically makes a pivot table from the data model. That means all four tables. I'm going to put it on a new sheet and click OK. I'm going to move this sheet over here, double-click and call it Revenue by Country and Enter. Here's our field list. That is beautiful. We can drag and drop from any one of those tables. The three-dimension tables have relationships with the fact table. In here, our first criteria for the Row area is going to come from Countries. So when I drag Country from the D Country Code table down to Rows, I instantly get a unique list. Now we come down to Fact Sales. And there is the net revenue. That would be implicit. I want my measure, calculated field with the number formatting. And I click and drag, and, boom, just like that. There is my report. Now I can come up and Design, Report Layout in either Outline or Tabular. And there is our first report from our data model using the pivot table user interface. Total net revenue for each one of the countries, I could-- if I wanted to sort it Z to A. And look at that. There are some blanks in this data set. Now, this is going to be the troubleshooting part of building our reports. Now, what happened was we went to the website. Our boss said 3166-1, and we got these. My suspicion is that from our original fact table here, our country code, there's probably a discrepancy between that and what we downloaded over here because, remember, this column right here, Country, is related through country code to our fact table. So my guess is there is some trouble there. So here's what we do. We go back to our boss and say, hey. I got the ISO 3166, and there was a discrepancy. So then you have to dig out the company's original set of ISO's. So that's what we're going to do. In your download, if you open up D Country Codes, ISO 3166 and open this up. And so how would you investigate this? Well, this is from inside the company. This is the website. These are the exact ones that the website used. I'm going to Control, Asterisk, to highlight Control C to copy. And then I'm going to go over to our Start file. And here's the country codes that we import. And I'm going to Paste, Control, V. And since it appears that one of these is not on this list, this is comparing one list to another list in the function inside of Excel that we use to do that, is the Match function. So I'm going to ask the Match function, hey, is this particular country code right here, comma, and select this entire column, Control, Shift, down arrow, Control, Backspace to jump back up. And I want you to notice something totally awesome about this. This is an Excel table. And this is called Table Formula Nomenclature, or Structured References. And it's exactly like PowerPivot DAX. Look at that. That's the table name right there. And that is the field name in square brackets. So now, comma, 0, because we're doing an exact match, close parentheses, and Match. We'll look up the country code over here and tell you the relative position of the item in the list. Control, Enter. So USA is the 235th item in the list. Double-click and send it down. Those are all the positions in the list, but when we scroll down, NA means it did not find UNR. This is what we use in our website. That's what we want returned in our pivot table. But guess what? NA means it did not find it over here. Similarly we have APR, [INAUDIBLE]. I'm just going to add these two records to the bottom, Control, C to copy. And guess what? This is an Excel table, Control, down arrow. The whole reason that Power Query and PowerPivot require that you use Excel tables is for exactly this reason. If I had any new records, the table sees those new records, and when I go over to the data model and refresh, it will pull in the new records. So Excel tables are awesome. Control, V, just to paste at the bottom. And check that out. It's already part of the table. The other one, Control, C, and then click here, and Control, V. That's also part of the table. Really, the moral of the story is probably that we should have got this list in the first place. But this is a great example of getting your hands dirty with data, right? We were trying to be all slick getting this from the website, instead I'm going to get in the file. But we got the file. We updated. And guess what? This is an Excel table. We click Add to Data Model. And it's looking at the table. This extra data won't matter. This data wouldn't matter if we had used Power Query to import the file and told it the whole sheet, or something like that. But it won't matter here. Control, S. When I go over to the data model, I'm going to go to Country Code. Click in the cell. And up here, here's the ribbon tabs. And look at that. Link table, and there's the button. Update Selected. And now, I could use the Update All from somewhere else. But I came here because I didn't want to spend all the time waiting for five million records to be re-imported. So this Update Selected instantly updates just that one Excel table. And now when I go over and look at my Revenue by Country report, the blanks are gone. Now, that's pretty cool. So we made our first report. We ran into trouble, and we fixed it and saw the whole dynamic nature of source data, data model, and our end result report. Now, I actually want take a look at field list. Open up this Fact Sales table and notice something. Revenue Discount, Net Standard Cost, and Net Revenue, we're never going to use those. Not only that, but we don't want anyone to use those. So we can actually go over to the data model, and for each table, we can choose which fields to show in the pivot table field list. Alt, Tab, and let's go over to Manage Data Model. Now, let's go to Diagram view. We don't want Revenue Discount, and I'm going to use the Control key to select columns not next to each other. And now I'm going to right-click and Hide from Client Tools. So imagine we were going to give this to a client on a reporting system, right? We don't want them messing around with these, or see them, or have them clutter our field list. So we say, Hide from Client Tool. They are grayed out here. And now when we click on Data view and go over to Fact Sales, we can see that they are grayed out. They are still there, and we can mess with them, but for the time being, they're grayed out. But more importantly, Alt, Tab, over in the f Sales, that is a much cleaner list of fields in our pivot table field list. And there it is. There is the only revenue number we're going to drag and drop. Now I want to go over back to Manage Data Model. And I want to talk about the calendar table. But before we do that, we want to make a mistake. I'm going to click on Pivot Table. Put it on a new sheet. I'm not going to name it. I'm going to go to Fact Sales. And I'd like to group by date. So I'm going to drag Date down to Rows. And now it gives me that unique list. Those are all the days that we had sales. I can even drag Total Net Revenue down here. And that's a great report. That's total net revenue for each day. But watch this. If I come over, and, let's say I want month instead of day, right-click. Oh, grouping is not there in the Data Model pivot table. It is there on a regular pivot table, but it's not there. This means we have to learn about the calendar table. So I'm going to delete this sheet. Right-click, Delete. And we'll go back over to the Managed Data Model and over to D Calendar. What it means is that we have to have a unique list of all the days from the minimum date to the very max date in our data set, an actual list with every single one. Even if we don't have sales on some of the days, you want a complete list here. And then we can add extra columns- Month Name, Year, and various other columns. Now, we're going to start by coming and double clicking the first column. And we want to do Month Number first, and Enter. Sometimes people like to have Month Number, 1 is January, 2 is February, 12 is December. Well, guess what? We can create a calculated column, and the name of the function is exactly like it is in Excel. Month, this is D Calendar, down arrow to D Calendar Table, Date field, and Tab. Close parentheses and Enter. And we could use that and that's fine. However, lots of times we would like to see, just like in a regular pivot table, the actual month name. So I'm going to double-click up here and call this Month Name and Enter. Now, what we'd like to do is what we do over in Excel, equals T-E-X for the text function. Text function over Excel takes a number. And we can add a number formatting to convert it to text. But it's just not here in DAX. We have to use the new function Format. And actually, the Text function in Excel describes what Text delivers, which is text. But Format over here in DAX describes what we're doing to the number. We're going to format it with a custom number formatting for month. So I'm going to put for Value, D Calendar, down arrow for Date tab, comma. And the format is exactly like we would do over in Excel. You have to know custom number formatting. In double quotes, the custom number formatting for month, three-letter abbreviations is three M's, end double quote, close parentheses. And when I hit Enter, there we go. If you wanted to see the full month name, you add four months and Enter, just like over in Excel. I'm going to only have three, Backspace and Enter. Now, let's try to build that same pivot table. Put it on a new sheet. This is exciting. I go to the calendar, and there's Month Name. Oh, what is that? It's not sorting correctly? Oh, my heavens. Pivot tables not only can group, but they sort correctly. Oh, it's no problem. Let's go back over to our calendar table. And the way you have to do it is they have this button Sort by Column. We actually have to tell this Text column not to sort alphabetically but to sort by the month number. So we come up with our cursor inside Month Name. Click on Sort by Column, Sort by Column button. And it wants Sort Column Month Name by Month Number, because, of course, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, that will get our January, February, March, even though they are going to be alphabetically out of order. When I click OK, and there we go. Nothing changed over here. But when I Alt, Tab and go over to our pivot table, there it is. So that's how you can use a calendar table. You have to add Month Number, then the Month Name, and be sure to Sort. I need to tell this not to sort alphabetically but to sort by Month Number. Alt, Tab. Now we can build our report, Total Net Revenue. What in the world is going on? So you can see the yellow button comes up. And earlier in the class we saw this. There is no relationship. Yeah, when we first went in step two to create relationships, we didn't create the relationship between the date calendar table and our fact table. So we're going to go back over to Manage Data Model, over to Data view. Now we can drag Date right over to our fact table. A one-to-many. There is exactly one of each date. And over here there are many through that relationship. Now, the fact dates will know to get the right month name. Alt, Tab, and there we go. Instantly it updates. Now, let's get rid of that row, Labels, Design, Report Layout, Show in Tabular. Now, our goal here is to have month and year. So we go back over to our calendar table. Go to Data view. And we can add yet another calculated column. We'll call this Year, Enter. Equals, and this functions exactly the same as it is over in Excel, Year looks at a serial number. We'll look at D Calendar and then the Date column. Close parentheses and Enter. And so now we will get the year. Alt, Tab, expand D Calendar. Now we can drag Year down to Columns. And look at that. We have our three years and our months. Now, you know, we're not going to need Month Number, so Alt, Tab, Diagram view. We come over here, Month Number, right-click, Hide from Client Tool. Data view, we can see that one is missing when we go over to our pivot table, boom. There it is, the date, the month, and the year. You know, here's another thing. What about Month Name? That's helpful for us. But probably we don't need it over here on the field list. So let's go back over to Manage Data Model. And I'm going to double-click and change the name. Alt, Tab, D Calendar, and that's looking much better. But this is not looking much better. We need to drag and drop down to Rows. And there we go. Now, our next report is going to involve a couple more DAX measures, or calculated fields. So let's go back over to our Manage Data Model. And on f Sales, we're going to come down here, and we have to calculate total cost of goods sold. But first, we're going to come up and do a calculation for the individual transaction, cost of goods sold. I'm going to call this Cost of Goods Sold, COGS, and Enter. And it's actually a very similar format. We're going to have to look up the product, find the standard cost from this table, then multiply it by the same quantity for revenue, and we have a net cost equivalent. And if you click the dropdown, this is-- since we're using a price list over multiple years, we have a net cost equivalent that you multiply. So we can see here this was 2% below whatever the standard cost. This is 1%. This is right on, 1 1/2%, above, et cetera. So same type of formula, round, related. The one difference is that this is a cost equivalent. So there is no 1 minus. This is the 1 minus the discount. So equals related. There's our VLookup. DP for Product Price. And I need to go down to the Standard Cost and Tab. Close parentheses and Enter. And of course, that gives me the standard cost for each. Up in the Formula bar, times f Sales. And I need Quantity tab times f Sales. And I need the net standard cost equivalent. And if I hit Enter, boom, that will copy all the way. There is our Cost of Goods Sold for each transaction. But of course, we want to Round, Tab. We come to the end, comma, 2, close parentheses and Enter. Calculated column, we're never going to drop this in the pivot table. We're going to make an explicit formula down here, measure, or calculated field. Those are synonyms. We type the name of the field first, Total Cost of Goods Sold, up in the Formula bar, colon, equal sign, and then Sum, Tab. And from the f Sales, we can go down and get our new calculated column, Cost of Goods Sold and Tab, close parentheses and Enter. We want to add some number formatting. Come up here and use English. Now, guess what? We have two measures, or calculated fields, and we want to calculate gross profit. So Gross up in the Formula bar, Gross Profit, colon, equal sign. And guess what? This is the first time we're going to use a measure, or calculated field in another measure, or calculated field. So this is where our convention comes in. We do square bracket. And you can see down here, it has a big M, that means this is a measure. And I need to take Total Net Revenue minus square bracket, T. And there it is, Total Cost of Goods Sold, Tab. We got our two total, our two measures, and Enter. And now, when we look at this, we know that that is a measure. We're not confused. We're not thinking those are columns or fields. Those are measures. So that is our convention. Let's add some number formatting. And now we have our three calculations. We can now go and amend our pivot table. Alt, Tab. This report right here, Month and Years, we actually want to calculate total net revenue, and we'll click our f Sales table. We want to drag Total Cost of Goods Sold down to the Values, and then Gross Profit. You know, actually, I think I'm going to Alt, Tab. We're going to come back over here and amend this. We're going to call this Total. Consistency in naming is awesome, and Enter. Leads to less confusion. Alt, Tab. We have our two measures, or calculated fields. I'm going to scroll down, and here is Total Gross Profit and drop. I want to change this layout of the pivot table report, so I'm going to drag Values down under Months. And there we go. Actually, let's do something-- that seems kind of busy. We're going to go up to Design, and actually we're going to use Compact form, which doesn't show the field name so that we can type these. And that adds a little space to the top that makes our report a little bit easier to look at. I'm going to call this Month and Year. And that might be self-evident. Let's delete that. But you can't. So watch this. I'm going to cheat. I'm going to put a single space and Enter. And I'm going to come over here and type a single space and Enter. That's looking much better. So that is one of our end reports we needed by month and year, total net revenue, cost of goods sold, and gross profit. And if we scroll down, there it is. Now, I actually want to make a similar report, year and month, but I want to see the percentage change from one year to the next. So we're going to Alt, Tab. And I'm going to start a pivot table, and then it won't work. And we'll come back and make a new measure. Click on Pivot Table button from the data model. Click OK. There's the new sheet. I'm going to double-click and call this something like Percentage Change Report. D Calendar, Year down to Columns, Month down to Rows. And we're just going to look at the percentage in total net revenue. And actually, let's bring Years over here, because we're actually going to want it oriented totally vertical. Now, when we make this report, since we start in 2014, and we don't have 2013, we're not going to have the numbers for percentage change. So I'm actually going to collapse this. But here we want-- actually, we'll collapse this in the final report, but here's what we want. We want to actually be able to take the January from this month, the end amount divided by the January from the previous period and subtract 1. And that tells us the percentage change. But again, we don't want to use internal functions or calculations in the pivot table. So we have to figure out how to do that formula in DAX. Now, here's the amazing thing about DAX, Data Analysis Expressions, which means data analysis formulas. There are some amazing functions. And one of the functions is Same Period Last Year. That's actually the name of the function. It will actually remember, it's as if it looks at that number and knows to automatically go back one year and get January. And if you change the date criteria, it knows to go back to whatever that period is. It's going to be an amazing function. But here's the thing, the way that DAX functions work, and we talked about this the last two videos, is in that cell is a measure, or calculated field that sees the criteria from the pivot table. So it sees January 2015. So we actually have a formula that can change the filter context. And in our formula, we'll actually use our Total Net Revenue, that will see the filter context. But in the denominator, I need to somehow go back and get the previous year, which means in that cell I need to actually get the criteria January 2014. And the two functions that we're going to use are Calculate, the function that we use to change the filter context, which means change January 2015 to January 2014. And inside of Calculate, we'll put the total net revenue, and then in the filter argument we'll use a function called Same Period Last Year, so there is a way to actually do that. Let's go back over to our Manage Data Model. And below here I'm going to type Total up here in the Formula bar, Space, NR, for Net Revenue, Last Year, colon, equal sign. And we need to use the Calculate. Now, the Calculate function does amazing things. We're going to see a couple examples in this video here. I have a reference video you can watch for other examples. But the expression is where you put the actual calculation. And that's going to be Total Revenue. So we do square brackets, Total, down, down, Total Net Revenue. Again, we're following our convention. Right there we used our square brackets, so we know it is a measure, or calculated field. Now, comma, and you can change the filter context in the pivot table. And here it is, Same Period Last Year. You gotta be kidding me. And since the filter in the pivot table comes from the date table, you just have to put DC and the actual primary key in that column, and it will know to switch the criteria to the same period last year. So there it is. There is our filter. There is our calculation in the Calculate function. Close parentheses and Enter. Now, the answer there. Let me format this. Since it's Same Period Last Year, if you added up everything, which is that right there, and subtracted 2014, that would be that answer right there, because it can't find anything for the year 2014, because we don't have 2013 records. Now let's go over and just see this in action. I'm going to go back over here and open up our field list. And there it is, Total Net Revenue Last Year, and drag it right down here. Of course, we get nothing there. But look at that. That's exactly the number we want right there. Exactly the number we want. So now we have these two measures, Total Net Revenue and Total Net Revenue Last Year. We can do our division and subtract 1. So let's go back over to Manage Data Model. I'm going to do a new formula over here. I type Percentage Change, it jumped up to the Formula bar, colon, equal sign, square bracket, T, for Total Net Revenue. And that's the end amount. And then we divide it by square bracket, T, and we want Total Net Revenue Last Year, subtract 1. And when I hit Enter, I'm going to add Percentage Number format with two decimals. Now Alt, Tab, and we can drag this new one, Percentage Change. And look at that. We're going to get an error. And how we're going to fix this is, we could use the If Error function. And if you've watched my videos at YouTube, I've talked about the problem with If Error over in Excel. And it's the same thing over here. It oftentimes takes a long time to calculate, because it actually has to calculate the formula and get the error every single time. So if there's an alternative to running the formula and getting the error to determine whether to turn this off or not, meaning there's an alternative logical test, you should use it. And guess what? Same Period Last Year is equal to 0. So we'll use the If function and simply check, is that equal to 0? If it is, we'll put a blank here. Otherwise, we'll run the formula. Alt, Tab, so we come up here. And after the equal sign, If, and now square bracket, T, and I'm going to arrow down to Total Net Revenue Last Year. If you're equal to 0, that's the logical test. It comes out true or false, comma. And guess what? In Excel we would put double quote, double quote. But that is text. And since the result of this formula here is a number, you are not allowed to have two different data types co-exist. Now, if you think over to Excel, if you've ever done a pivot table and tried to group dates and there's an empty cell, that's an example of where Excel let you have two different data types, but it caused huge problems. So that is an actual awesome thing over here in PowerPivot. You cannot have text and numbers coexisting together. So Backspace, Backspace. They fixed it, because now there is a Blank function. And that is neither text nor a number, so it will work. Comma, and then, of course, if this comes out false, which means it's not equal to 0, then it runs the formula. So I'm going to hit Enter. And now when we Alt, Tab, there, it's disappeared. And now we can collapse this and scroll down. And there are our percentage changes. Look at this, from the March previous we just had a huge increase, and, of course, the following period we went down. Now, I see that the Row labels are gone when we pivoted our pivot table. I'm going to do a little trick with a Space there and then Enter. Now, we have one last report we want to create. We want to, by product, show the percentage of each sales for each product that's a percent of the grand total. Now, one thing that we're going to have to do, and we can go ahead and come back over here and click the Pivot Table. Click a new sheet. Double-click this and call it Percent of Grand Total and Enter We can come over to our Product Price, drag Product down here. We can drag our f Sales, Total Net Revenue down here, Design, Report Layout, Show in Tabular or Outline. What I really want is just to take each one of these amounts and compare it to the total. Well, if we're talking DAX, and the pivot table's based on the data model and DAX, if we have the total revenue, that would be fine in each cell, because, of course, the formula sees the filter context. But how in the world are we going to get access to the grand total? Well, we're going to have to alter the filter context, and Calculate is the function you use to change the filter context. Not only that, but just as there was a Same Period Last Year that got the number from the previous year. There's a function that can strip away all of the criteria. It's called All. So now we're going to go over, and we're going to build a formula that when we drop it into the pivot table, has the grand total in every single cell. And then we'll use that with Total Net Revenue. Total Net Revenue will be the numerator. This Calculate All with the Grand Total will be the denominator. And boom, that will be our Percentage of Grand Total formula. So Alt, Tab, to go over to Manage Data Model. Click down here. So I'm typing Percent of Grand Total, colon, equal, and then C, for Calculate, Tab. The expression, square bracket, Total, and we want the Total Net Revenue, and comma. The filter? We only have one field dropped into our Row area, so we can use the All function. And you can read the little screen tips. They have them just like they do over in Excel. It will take away all of the filters, or criteria, from the filter context. You can have a table and then specify columns, but we're just going to put the table. What is it? It's Products. So it's DP, and there it is. T for table, Tab, close parentheses. That filter is the All. The All will say, hey, strip away all the criteria from the Products table. Total revenue will then be calculated without any of that criteria, which, of course, is the grand total, close parentheses and Enter. Add some number formatting. Alt, Tab. Let's go ahead and just drag this and see what happens. Percent of Grand Total, (SOUND EFFECT) the same one all the way down. I'm going to drag this off, Alt, Tab. And actually, I was going to come back and alter this. But one of the rule of thumbs is we might want Grand Total in another formula, another DAX formula. So I'm actually going to get rid of that, rename this Grand Total. That will just be the grand total. Then we can take that measure as the denominator. And we can take Total Net Revenue as the numerator. So I come down here, and I typed Percent of Grand Total, colon, equal sign, square bracket, T. And now, remember, this is Total Net Revenue. That sees the filter context, so when it's dropped in there, it calculates the total net revenue for whatever the product is in the Row area. We want to divide it by square bracket, G, for Grand Total. When I hit Enter, it gives us 1. It doesn't have any filter context, so I'm going to click the Percent to show two decimals. Alt, Tab. Open up f Sales and down at the bottom Percent of Grand Total. And look at that. There is our Percent of Grand Total. Now, that's our final report. I want to save this. And now, we're going to drag some new folders. So when you download this, here's the text for the year 2017, copy. In Power Query, we told Power Query to look at this folder. So if I start dragging new text files, or pasting new text files down here, when I click Refresh it will instantly go and get all of the files, including the new ones. Now, if you're thinking ahead, it will cause a slight problem, because our calendar table doesn't have 2017. But that's not a problem either. We'll fix that easily. Now, we're going to go up to Power Query. That's where we imported Show the Pane, and come over here and right-click, Refresh. You gotta be kidding me. Look at that. 7.7 million records. And this pivot table updated right away, because we don't have any dates. Look at that, 2.6 billion. If we go over to Percentage Change, you can see it has a big blank down here. We need to fix our calendar table. But no problem, Control, down arrow. Remember, this is an Excel table. I'm going to do the same trick we did before, right-click fill handle with my cross hair, or angry rabbit, click and drag down 1. Bring it back. It says, Series. I'm going to take it. Columns, because I want to fill down the columns. And the stop value is going to be 12/31/2017. And when I click Enter, just like that, Control, down arrow, the table has expanded. Control, Home, Alt, Tab to go back to the data model. This is one of the tables we imported from Excel. So I come over to the table, link tables, and I say, Updated Selected. And now it's updated. And when I go over and look at my Percentage Change, just like that. That is just amazing. It totally updated. And it's running on over 7 million records there. If I wanted to add a slicer-- and I'm going to go up to Analyze. It's filter group Slicer, and I'm going to Add by Country. Click over on All. Here's our country. Click OK. I might change this to four columns. And now I can click on any one of these. And what's happening when I click on Change the Criteria is it's recalculating on the seven million records. I mean, that is just amazing. That's quite an epic video. We created one, two, three, four final reports. We saw how to take tables, country codes, and calendar table from Excel and get them into the data model. We used Power Query to get an Excel table and seven million rows of data from text files. And of course, Manage Data Model. On the Fact Sales we, of course, did our Diagram view to build relationships between the fact table and our dimension, or lookup tables. In Data view, we have our four tables, various calculated columns. We built our measures, or calculated fields. These two calculated columns were used in the measures we had down here in the measure grid. Over on D Calendar we had some calculated columns. And we used these as criteria in the Row/Column/Filter/Slicer area. Wow. That was amazing. If you want more about PowerPivot, because this is kind of just scratches the surface, I have a video playlist, and Video 9 and 10 go a little bit further, especially with the Calculate. But then, of course, the books that I listed in the PowerPoints, the reference books from Rousseau and Ferrari, are a must. We'll see you next video.
Channel: ExcelIsFun
Views: 46,813
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Keywords: Excel, Microsoft Excel, Highline College, Mike Girvin, excelisfun, Michael Girvin, Mike excelisfun Girvin, Slaying Excel Dragons, Excel Magic Tricks, Ctrl Shift Enter Mastering Excel Array Formulas, Array Formulas, Business Analytics, BI 348, Data Analysis, Comprehensive PowerPivot, PowerPivot Data Model Reporting with PowerPivot, Import Big Data, Build Data Model, DAX functions, DAX formulas, Basic PowerPivot, What is PowerPivot? What is Data Model? How to build Data Model?
Id: NHk-g_EChik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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