Basic Editing Trim, Split, Cut, Change Duration, STTTTSSRT Filmora Tutorial

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in this lesson we're going to learn some basic editing techniques using filmora now that we have imported and organized our files in our project media it's now time to put them together and make something with them so I'm going to access one of my folders and just add a clip to my timeline I can also do that by clicking this plus button click it once and it just shows up here all right so I have this long clip of cars in the background and we're first going to learn about our first keyword which is trimming so trimming is basically when you uh shorten the video and get rid of the rest so what that means is that I can just click the end here you can see my cursor is changing click the end and maybe keep about this much of my clip I no longer have access to the rest of my clip because I have trimmed my video so that is trimming you can do that and you can also bring it back if you change your mind just bring back as much as you need you can also see the duration and the end time showing up above and the end time is basically showing um how long this whole project will be as you increase the duration is only talking about the duration of the video so there's a difference so end time right now is 36 and if I bring my cursor my time indicator here we can see we got 36 but the video itself is only 11 or actually 16 seconds so that was how you can trim your video now let's learn how we can split your video splitting is when you can divide your video into one or more pieces right now we have one block for our video but if I go ahead and get my this scissor thing I can click it once and now I have divided my video into two separate parts just like that another way that you can split your clip is by selecting that part and getting the scissor up here it's the same thing as the one down here but you can just use that as well and you can do this as many times as you want for your clip like that another way to split your clip is by going on that clip and then we're going to right click go right over to splits there we go now this one is in two parts as well so why would you need to split or trim your video a lot of times we have long footage and we just want a certain part of that video If you have a video of fireworks you only want the part where the fireworks are out and all the colors are visible you don't want the parts before it when the sky is just black so trimming and splitting your videos is one of the most basic techniques that you will use when you're editing your video now let's say I I just deleted all of the little parts that we made I can bring them back by just getting one of the ends here and stretching this video you can see that the uh slider is green here but at some point it turns red because we've reached the end of the duration so I cannot expand it uh even more but I can make it less than 16 seconds all right now let's learn about cutting your videos I'm first going to just uh split my clip again I'm going to go on this guy this part and I'm just going to hit cut so it disappears but it's not gone yet it's in my clipboard I'm gonna get another video just place it right here and I'm going to trim this as well hit the scissor and delete it now I want that part that we cut I want to bring it back and place it next to this video to bring the video back all you have to do is to hold down command and press V or Ctrl V if you're on Windows and now I have this video right here the first half is now over here you can do this multiple times as well if you need copies of that same part let's go ahead and right click and hit delete so that was cutting your videos uh as you saw they disappeared for a while and they came back once we pasted that clip now you can also copy your Clips so let's just go in this one right click hit copy now with copy it doesn't disappear it's right there and I can just come somewhere else and hit command V and now I have that copy uh exactly where I kept my time indicator now you can also do this on a video so let's go on this one you can see I'm in the middle hit Ctrl V and and it goes in between that video so now we have this cut into two pieces I'm going to select all of these and we're going to delete them so that we can make something with four videos using what we've learned so far I will go to my Sprout folder click and drag my first clip I'm going to keep the project settings my first clip and I'm just going to move my time indicator second clip let's go back to shopping let's get some images in here and we're just going to put these right next to each other there we go so I have four footage like this but they're all very long and I just don't want everything to be in my video so I can go ahead and hit play pause it and then hit command b or Ctrl B on your keyboard to split this clip remember that splitting keeps the other half that you cut but if you were to trim it you will get rid of the ends and the second parts so I want this second half but I want it to stop here instead of splitting it again and hitting command B I can actually go ahead and trim the rest because I do not want this bit so I'm going to click this and get the edge right here click and drag to where I want it to stop which would be right here there we go I will also click and delete the first half so I just have a little bit of each video select that and you can either hit this trash icon up here or hit backspace on your keyboard and it just goes back to the start so that's my first video ready for my project for my second video I'm also going to get my time indicator and comb through to find the part where I want to split my clip which would be somewhere around here again I can either split it if I want to keep the first half or I can trim it if I don't want to keep the first half I don't want the first half so I'm going to click the edge right here and drag it to the right and it's going to jump back to the point where we trimmed so now I just have this guy and I can also trim the end so I just have a little bit of this great I have two videos placed next to each other and it's looking really nice but now I got two images that are just there for a really long time I don't want everyone to stare at these pictures for that long so what I can do is to change the duration of these images I'm just going to put my time indicator here and let's zoom into our timeline a bit because we do have some gaps here click the area right there and hit backspace to get rid of those pauses and if I play it back we're not getting any black screens okay so let's go ahead and learn about changing the duration of your footage so duration is how long that media is going to be seen in your project and if you remembered when we were trimming something like right now you can see there's a duration and it's changing as I'm dragging this left and right so if I bring it to the left I'm reducing the amount of time that this image will be on screen but if I go to the right I am increasing the duration now because images are still you can actually increase the duration for however long you want but that is not the case with videos because they have a set duration the camera only caught let's say five minutes of this and I cannot create more minutes by increasing the duration unless I slow down those frames and that's the only way that I can increase the duration so if I were to just let's copy this clip right here Ctrl C or command C Ctrl V right here I can click and drag this but at some point just move to the side here at some point it's going to turn red it's not letting me move because we've reached the end of the video's duration so for videos if you want it to be longer you would either have to get more footage or slow it down to get more duration now we have these two videos and like we said they're just on the screen for way too long and no one wants to just stare at an image forever so I'm going to click this image or maybe both and uh one option that you have is to either get the edge like we did for the videos and just change the duration yourself you can see the number for duration but another way to change duration is by clicking that media and then going up to this guy it's like a stopwatch it's labeled duration click it once and you can see right now this image is on screen for five seconds I can go ahead and maybe add or remove time from this let's set this to two seconds hit OK and it's down to two seconds now if I have multiple images I can click and drag them all and then change their duration together so I'm just going to set this to set this to two seconds hit okay they have both been trimmed down to two seconds but this does not apply to videos because like we said they have a set duration and you can't really mess around with it that much as you can with images because images have one single frame but videos consist of much more frames and images the only way to change the duration is by either trimming your videos or like we said changing the speed of your video which we're going to learn in further lessons changing the duration and trimming also applies to other types of files right now we dealt with videos and images but let's try this with a gif file the one that we kept in our folder I'm going to click and drag it over here and play this back it's just a gif of Snoopy and I can like all the other uh files click the end and maybe trim the thing trim the video there we go so it stops right at where I trimmed it but we do not have the change duration option because like we said things that have motion already have a set duration so you cannot manipulate it that much as you can with images so I cannot like the video I cannot extend this GIF but I can reduce the amount like so so now we have some videos images and a gif placed next to each other forming a sequence but what if I wanted to add things on top of this sequence to make my video more interesting so right now you can see we have a video track and then we have another one on top which if you're not seeing this you only have one of these you can simply go up in this plus button to add a video track now I have three and you can also make as much as you want for these you need additional video tracks in order to stack things on top of each other so I'm gonna go to this video of the Sprout go to my stock media to giphy where I can get a sticker here let me look for something that matches we have sprout we have this nice plant that I'm going to click and drag on top of my video so I'm going to double click on this guy to just change the size put it in the corner there we go hit okay so now I have two things playing at the same time on top of each other and as you saw it ends as it reaches the part here I cannot extend this because it has a predetermined duration what I can do is to get a bunch of other stickers and put them next to each other you can see how this guy is shorter compared to this guy let's get a bunch of other things put this one there we go so each of these each of the GIF files and videos have their own Set uh duration and we just gotta work with what we have there we go and that's how I can stack things on top of each other again you can double click on any of these and just change them move them around and just make something cool with your Clips the same thing applies for videos you don't have to always use stickers so I'm just going to drag this second video and place it on top but I would have to change the size so we can see the video underneath there we go and now I have two videos playing at the same time on top of each other maybe I can add a image as well just grab one of the corners so I can keep the size keep the width and height and then just move it somewhere else and now I have three things playing on top of each other nicely trimmed for my project let's go ahead and delete the space in between and now I have a very random project consisting of photos gifs and videos so that was how you can use basic editing techniques to connect videos together we learned how to trim how to split cut and change the duration in the further lessons we're going to learn more about editing and we're going to use different tools and that way when put all together you can make a really awesome video I'll see you guys in the next lesson let's look at three new features in filmora 11. one of which allows us to turn speech to text text to speech and another one allows us to bring in external subtitles into our project let's start with the speech to text tool I'm going to record my audio with the voiceover tool right here select your microphone and start recording hello my name is Sherry stop recording let's give it a listen hello my name is Sherry now I want to transcribe this audio file select the file right here head over to tools speech to text this is the window that you're going to get first of all you need to choose the language of the speech ours is English but you have other options right here then you can choose the file that needs to be converted we have one clip but if you want your entire sequence to be transcribed and you would want to select this one and we have this option that will automatically match the new file to the audio file which I recommend turning on so that the new file will be matched with the audio file and it won't be somewhere random hit OK and now it's going to scan and transcribe the audio file there we go so I have this text layer on top of my audio file if I go back you can see hello my name is Sherry hello my name is Sherry you can see that the text is matched to the audio file you can double click on the text and just change up a few things maybe you want to change the font the size make it bold italic and all that you can add more subtitles over here but we don't have any audio so there won't be a need for that but you can simply type in something and you will have this text playing hello my name is Sherry it's going to play here and then this is the main text you can put something else here if you'd want if you don't want anything else then you can just leave it be as it was leave it empty we have some presets over here you can style your text by going on any of these and adjust the text to your liking these are the same options that we had for a regular text hit okay once you're finished and now I have this subtitle for my audio file now let's say you want to do the exact opposite you want the text to turn into an audio you can also do that by using filmora's new features let's go ahead and delete these two go to the titles menu and grab any text that you want I will get something from the plain text drag it onto your timeline and then just type in something type in something random hit OK select the text on the timeline and you can also access the tools over here so this one is text to speech this one is speech to text we need text to speech and this is the other window that we're going to get again it's asking us about the language and then we have some voice options double click on them to hear a preview wondershare creativity simplified wondershare creativity simplified wondershare creativity simplified so you can choose your artist right here I will go with Lily then you can adjust the speed and the pitch of the audio and again we have this that we should just leave on hit OK once you're finished and it's going to scan your uh text and there we go this is my new audio file let's play it I like ice cream and now I have a new audio file that says exactly what I typed out let's delete those and I will just bring in a sample video so these are my videos you don't need to bring in a video file but you could if you'd like let's bring in our DOT SRT file which is the extension for subtitles you can either create it yourself put in the timestamps or you could download from the internet drag this directly onto your project media and you would be putting these onto a video track so let's make a new one and now I have subtitles for my video it's pretty easy to use you can also double click on this text layer maybe change the text and also the timestamps change how the text looks and just play around with how long they are on screen let's hit okay and that's how you can use the three new features of filmora 11 that allow you to either turn text to speech speech to text or bring in external subtitles
Channel: Filmora for Creators
Views: 3,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora, wondershare filmora, filmora 12, video editor
Id: qTTTsxs2sFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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