Basic conservation of a print -part 1

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hi this is namita disal and in this video we'll be watching some um basic conservation treatments in case of paper prints and the first step here is cleaning the surface of the paper and then we fix the ink so that uh any further Aquis treatment can be given the damaged edges or the weak edges or Corners are protected and given some stability here we can see that there are very thin myar sheets to protect the treatment we have given another important thing to notice over here is that uh the print is kept over a nonwoven polyester sheet and underneath it is a polyester film this particular print is very brittle and uh which is more visible from the back which is um much more Brown than the front and it is always better to prepare the paper for uh before we actually go for Access treatment and here we are doing the same by relaxing it a little bit with the help of um ethanol water uh Mist it is um not exactly 100% water we have mixed ethanol to improve um the maybe the vetting property of the paper so that it can take it can withstand and the actual dipping process uh in case of acis um cleaning which would be the next step in aquous uh treatment we'll be slowly dipping uh the print inside the water bath which is specially prepared for this uh um particular process it is mainly having distilled water with some calcium salts like uh calcium Hydrox side within a couple of moments of uh dipping the print we start seeing the yellowish uh material coming out of the print into the water the water starts getting more and more yellower brownish and you can see over here uh slowly and slowly from various areas the these acidic components of paper start coming out of it and into the water bath print is then dried under the blots and then kept for flattening we're just taking the print out to see if it is uh if the treatment is working well and if there is any need to change the blots yeah here we can see that the tide Lanes have lightened for teer mending or Edge mending we use Japanese tissue paper made of a Koo plant and which is having very long fibers it is non acidic and hence uh provides a harmless trength uh to the paper paper support and Min the tier in the most idealistic way now here the adhesive used is uh water-based in this particular case but it can be um of different solubility also in other cases it depends on uh the strength or uh the requirement of the paper and another thing that we have to keep in mind while using while selecting uh even among the water-based adhesives is that it should be non acidic it should not impart any acidity which was the case in case of um uh previous Restorations that we find in different prints and books and uh moreover it should not allow uh the growth and um propagation of um uh fungal colonies or bacterial colonies the cellulitic microorganisms be it bacteria or fungi so uh we have to be very careful in selecting the edes that is to be used uh it should be it should not chemically or biologically or physically damage the paper with age or the time now we have to be very careful while selecting the adhesive we are using in the individual case we have many options within the waterbased adhesives and it there are other ades also which are not water-based and there are certain cases in book mending and all where we don't want to use water-based um adhesive and and uh so we have Japanese tissue paper with uh adhesive which is um having a different solubility it is not water soluble rather soluble in organic solvents um and uh among them also there are either the adhesive which are activated with pressure alone and there are some which are to be heat activated and this set once they are given a little uh temperature an exact temperature at which they get activated uh with a little spatula uh which is specially designed for this sort of mending rest of the steps um in this conservation process will be covered in the next video so keep watching thank you
Channel: Namita Jaspal
Views: 106,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paper conservation, heritage conservation, art conservation
Id: 5-JBBSdxO3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2013
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