Basic BIND DNS Config With Webmin

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welcome back first I want to start by saying thank you to every one of my subscribers we passed a 1000 subscriber mark and it means a lot to me and like I said you know I never thought I'd have one and now we're over a thousand so thank you to each every one of you I am gonna do a thousand subscriber giveaway this weekend so look for that on Sunday along with those firewall rules but what this video is going to be about is over the last couple videos one we learn to install web men and then the other one we kind of talked about what DNS is so this video is gonna show you how to configure some DNS using webmin because I think that that's an easier way to do it so we're using a vanilla 16.04 ubuntu install so to configure DNS now what should happen is I I purposefully removed it and there's two different ways and there and the reason I did that there's two different ways that you should be able to configure DNS or get it up and going on your Ubuntu server the first would be when you're actually doing the install and it asks you what you want the server to do you know that screen where it says lamp server or it says mail server or SSH server well do you remember the there's a little box that says DNS server so when you do the install you could select that and then it would install bind and bind is the Linux based DNS server that Ubuntu uses so I've removed that package so let's make sure okay you can see that's not even showing up under server we'll make sure it doesn't show up anywhere else nope doesn't show up there show up under system so it's not webmin didn't detect it so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna pretend that you know this is an Ubuntu system and you can see we're on 16.0 4.1 so we're not pretending we are actually on this the system but we're gonna pretend that we we didn't install it and now we want to install it so to install the DNS server we'll do a sudo apt-get install fine 9 it'll go out it'll buy download everything that it needs it will install by nine looks like it's got it set up so let's refresh this and see if webmin automatically detects it it did not let's see what if we refresh the modules so anytime you add software if there is a module that can be used and it's installed by default you can click refresh module and look now we see our bind DNS server shows up so this is bind and I will tell you I've administered bind servers from the command line I believe that web man gives you a much easier way to do it otherwise you have to edit text files and it becomes overwhelming if you're if you're new to it so the first thing we're gonna do the first thing I would tell you to do is to get familiar with all of these options all of them because this video and will probably actually do some more in-depth videos but this video is gonna show you how to just set up a zone and it'll be a master zone and it will be for widgets dot-com and this will be on our internal network not our it won't be our external DNS server so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to look and see what existing DNS zones we have we've got the root zone and then anytime you see these numbers these are usually reverses zones so with DNS you can do you look up you match names to IPS reverse DNS matches IPS to names so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to create a master zone and a master zone is where you can have to actually manipulate the record and we'll go through the record types a slave zone is a copy of a master zone and it cannot be manipulated but you can convert a slave zone to a master zone you can create forward zones delegation zones and then you can create your own from batch files you can just get to know this interface if you're gonna serve messin with DNS really get to you know play with it in your lab break it learn how to fix it all that good stuff but the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to create a master zone and you can see it wants to know what's the zone type is it a forward or reverse so forward does names two addresses and reverse those addresses the names like we talked about earlier so this one we're gonna call widgets comm and then it wants to know where's the records file we're gonna let it just do that automatically wants to know what the master server is and we can leave it at the default for now we're just messing around here we're just kind of configuring it and then an email address and do we want to use a zone template no your refresh time so we could actually make this as low as as 60 seconds and now we'll create the zone so now we are in the master zone for widgets comm and look at all the different types of records and types of records that we can create addresses name servers aliases mail servers so like mail server you'll hear MX record that's what this is information text so like well actually SPF sender permitted from so if you want to try to limit the amount of if you've got a domain and people are spoofing email from your domain set up an SPF record well-known services responsible person reverse addresses IP version 6 addresses DNS security all kinds of stuff get get to know this google it ask questions on the video down below so then you can also see if you look down here we can check the records and in so bind will check the records and report any problems you can convert it to a slave zone or you can delete it you can also freeze and unfreeze the zone but for now you know we'll just add will add well I had a simple address record ok and so what this is is we're just gonna call this w W right and then we'll put in 170 to 220 10.11 and can update through sure let it update the reverse so now we have a record for WWE widgets comm it's using the default time to live and the address is 172 dot 2011 so now we can return to the zone list and now you can see under existing DNS zones now we have a widgets comm so oh you know what our problem was earlier bind wasn't started so we're gonna apply we're gonna apply the bind configuration now let's see what happens there it goes so now you can see it's resolving let's see if it resolves over here yeah boom there it is so it's resolving outside addresses but let's see ns look at leave a doobie doobie tap widgets calm and there it is so we added you know the www and there it's resolving to that so let's here we'll add we'll add another one just so you can see how easy some of this is especially the forward lookup stuff some of the a records the see names things like that canonical names are something else that you'll probably want to get used to so if here we'll call this Willie and we'll just use 10 10 10 10 and we'll create that so now we've created us in a record for Willie widgets comm and we pointed it to 10.10 not 10 not 10 we will Eurasian there we go return to zone list apply configuration just to make sure we still got widgets calm down there let's do NS look up www there Willie that widgets come we'll look it up on our name server and there it is now you see it's resolving - Tendai 10.2 hitting the 10 now here's something that we didn't do yet so we're just gonna run an nslookup just on widgets comm because you know if you go to a website you can go to www.hsn or you can just go to widgets comm but we never set an address for this so what do you think it's gonna do hmm can't find widgets com so we come in here to the address we're gonna leave the name blank we're gonna put our address in here and we're gonna create it so now you can see we've got this name it just says widgets calm return to this will apply the configuration we'll come over here and now widgets calm is pointing to that same address so this is just a little bit about bind and and DNS get you know play with it if there's anything you want to see let me know otherwise we will at some point get into some more advanced configuration here's real quick here we go here's one for some of you that are out there in radioland and you're watching this channel for a specific reason now if my DHCP server is handing out widgets calm as the default domain and I have this unify in there if it's handing out widgets calm is a default domain and I plug an access point in and it gets widgets calm as its default domain and it does just that look up on unify these are gonna resolve that and your layer three adoption process should begin so that's one of the things so if you've got any questions you got any comments leave them in the leave them in the comments below let's make sure this works there it is you know if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up please subscribe please comment and share and I've got don't forget to come back this weekend for the thousand subscriber giveaway I've got an awesome video I'm cooking up on some security related things that I really need to get out there so don't forget to subscribe and come on back we'll see you at the next video
Channel: Willie Howe
Views: 41,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dns, bind, bind9, dns config, dns webmin config, webmin dns config, webmin bind config, webmin bind9 config, ubuntu bind install, ubuntu bind config, ubuntu bind9, sudo apt-get, sudo apt-get install bind9, bind host config, ubuntu install bind, ubuntu install dns server, unifi layer 3 adoption, unifi dns
Id: jmcNUNA_B88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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