Basic Bass Plucking Technique (Beginner Bass Basics)

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[bass riffage] I'm gonna show you the basic right hand plucking technique for bass, and we're actually gonna play a little music together as we learn it. So, for starters, take your right thumb and place it on the edge of your pickup. You might have two pickups like I do, you might just have one, doesn't really matter, just find a spot for your thumb, and that's gonna help anchor your hand so that you can consistently find where the strings are. And then for actually plucking, we're gonna use our index and middle fingers. We're gonna do something called alternating plucking on bass, which just means we go back and forth, index, middle, index, middle. This is really cool because it allows you to play stuff that sounds really fast but your fingers don't actually have to be moving that quickly because they're alternating the work that they do. Let's try doing a few plucks on the E string. So rest your thumb on the pickup, and then just pluck that big, fat string, closest to your face, that's the E. E A D G. Give that some plucks, index, middle, index, middle, back and forth, doesn't have to be in rhythm with me, just make sure you're hearing some sound. Now, here's the big tip about plucking, I'm gonna show you this at a high-tech, super special angle. Don't pull up and away from the bass like this when you pluck. A lot of times, beginners wanna do that. What you wanna do is pull across towards your thumb. So when you pluck the E string, your thumb's resting on the pickup. Your fingers are actually hitting your thumb after you pluck, so you're moving along the plane of the bass, kinda like a little dude just walking on the bass. So, across, not this. See the difference? If I pluck the A string, I actually hit the E string after each pluck, see that? So, if you pluck the A string and you do not touch the E string after you pluck, you're pointing up and away from the bass, which you don't wanna do because it thins out your tone and it just doesn't give you the sound of the bass that you really want. So, if you're plucking the G, D or the A string, you should hit the next lowest string after you pluck. If you're plucking the E string, you should hit your thumb. That's true of index and the middle, same plucking direction. Just pulling across, not this thing. Just straight across. Like a little walking dude, doo pa doo pa doo. So pulling across instead of up is gonna give you a big difference in your tone. It's gonna make you sound a lot less like a beginner even if you are one, which is great. So that's the basic plucking technique, now we're going to play some music with it. Before I teach you how to play this groove, let's just take a listen, and get in our ears, and then we'll start playing it. [play that funky music white boy] Okay, this is gonna be really straightforward. We're just gonna pluck open strings, we're not gonna fret any notes with the left hand. And here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna do four plucks on our open E string. So, give that a try just out of rhythm, just go index, middle, index, middle on E string. Then we're gonna do the same thing on the A string. Four plucks, so try this with me, and again, don't worry about the rhythm. Index, middle, index, middle, then we're gonna go back to the E string. Index, middle, index, middle, to the A string, index, middle, index, middle. And that's gonna be the whole groove. Just back and forth between those two strings. And this may seem a little bit simple, but a lot of bass lines really are this simple and this is a great chance to work on this technique a little bit and play some music while you're doing it. So before we play with the track, let's try doing this together in rhythm but without the track, you and me. So I'm gonna count one, two, three, four, and then we're gonna do our plucks on one and three. So let me just demonstrate. We're gonna go, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four one, two, three, four and then we repeat. So each note lasts for two counts. We go one, two, three, four. And we're not playing on two and four, we're just letting the note ring. Got it? Okay, so pluck on one, pluck on three every single time. I'm gonna count to four and then we'll start. Ready? One, two, three, four. Pluck two pluck four, index two, index four. To the A string, pluck two three four, one, two, three, four, back to the E string. Index, two, middle, four. Index, two, middle, four. A string, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Let's finish on the E string pluck. Nice. So, one last thing before we play this with a track which is after you finish on the A string and you start plucking the E string, you might notice that your A string is still ringing like this, so I pluck the A string. And then I go to the E string. Well hear how both of those strings are ringing right now? I don't really want that. So, if you can handle this difficulty wise, after you're done with the A string and you start plucking the E string, just touch the A string with your left hand and that'll stop it from ringing. So you're just getting the E string. Just make sure you don't touch the E string as you do that otherwise, you're gonna mute the note that you do want, you just wanna mute the note that you don't want. All right, all the preliminaries are out of the way, we're ready to have a disco-tastic time. We're gonna start with this at a slow speed, then we're gonna do a medium and then we'll do the full speed that you heard in sneak peek. So you'll get to kinda work out your speed on this. Here we go. We're gonna get four counts and then we're in it in one, two, three, four. Pluck, two, pluck, four. Pluck, two, pluck, to the A string. Pluck, two, pluck, four. Pluck, two, pluck, to the E string. Pluck, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Pluck, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. All right, we're gonna move on to the medium speed. If you need more practice on the slow, you can just head to and there are extended versions of all these play-alongs at all of the speeds, so you can get some more practice there. All right, here we go with medium. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. A string, three, four. One, two, three, E string. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. A string, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. All right, here comes the full speed and we're gonna jam on this a little bit longer this time. And remember, to touch the A string after you switch back to the E string so that you only have one string ringing at a time. If you can think of that many things at once. If not, just have fun, don't worry about it. Okay, here's the full speed. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. A string, three, four. One, two, three, four. E string. One, two, three, four. A string. Pluck, pluck. All right, awesome work on that. Hope you enjoyed whipping out your bell bottoms and remember that you can play along with extended versions of all these speeds at and there's also a no-bass track version of the full speed if you wanna be the only bass player on the track.
Channel: BassBuzz
Views: 306,999
Rating: 4.9737554 out of 5
Keywords: bass plucking technique, right hand bass technique, how to pluck the bass, beginner bass lessons, fingerstyle bass, right hand technique for bass, bass guitar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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