BASH Environment | Aliases, Functions and Scripts

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greetings and salutations people have been saying hey do some more videos where you show us things about working in a terminal I say cool in this video I'm going to show you your shell environment we'll talk about how you can create aliases and functions and scripts to make it more your own obviously this video is going to be for more advanced viewers you probably already work a little bit in the terminal or the command line or the shell whatever you want to call it it all works even if you don't stick around watch the video this will introduce you to some pretty cool concepts and even if you might have to work your way up to a place where you're going to use them it's nice to have them floating around in your noggin anyway so where are we going to start out well I want to start out with a very quick little explanation for any of you who are not already familiar with how the terminal works in Linux when you open up your terminal application or you log into that virtual terminal that you get by using alternate control and one of the F Keys you are actually logging into a shell environment the shell is the program that allows you to type humanly readable commands into a keyboard and then goes off and makes the system do something useful with it the shell is one step above the kernel so it essentially tells the kernel what to do in most Linux distributions the default shell that is shipped is bash the born again shell and it has become a universal language for all kinds of computers because you can run bash in Linux UNIX you can have it on a Mac you can have it on Windows you can use bash to communicate with every kind of computer from a little embedded device you know like a little IOT device or a supercomputer and it's all the same language and that's one of the reasons that it is very cool so if you're gonna be spending a lot of time in this shell it helps to understand the environment and what that is all about most people who sit down in front of a Linux computer for the first time this is what they see is this prompt that you have in the upper left hand side of your screen here and that's it and this scares people because of the fact that this basically puts it all on you you have to know what to type next to get this machine to do anything and it also assumes that you know what you're doing in other words it doesn't necessarily warn you if you're about to do something stupid so keep that in mind as the video rolls along I might do something stupid and it's not gonna warn me it's going to mean that you are gonna have to kind of know where you're going well once you get going and you start knowing where you're going then you can come up with these ideas in your head about boy it would be nice if I would type in this command one way but it would actually do something else and we'll get into that in just a few minutes the first thing we want to talk about is your environment when you log in the first thing that you see is just this prompt but there's actually a lot going on behind it there's a lot of settings and there's a lot of tools that you can use to get things done so the first thing we're going to do is take a look at our environment and there's a couple of ways that you can do that the first way is to use the set command without any arguments and this will just print out your entire environment so we're going to take a look at that now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pipe this which means I'm going to send the output of the set command into the less command and less as a pager that will just allow me to scroll through all the crap on the screen because there's a lot to look at here so the first thing that we see is a whole bunch of variables and a variable is just a way that you can stick some little bit of in memory in the computer and call it back later that's all a variable is so you see here we've got a bunch of information here looking for something that would be you know semi useful so right here here is the home variable and essentially that tells the system where your home directory is and in my case it is home Joe right there and then here's the host name right after that and the host name is Big Boi and we can scroll down through here and see that there's all kinds of information about the system and some of it is gobbledygook like like here see where it says LS underscore colors what is all that well actually we're going to look at that a little bit later on it's just some information that is stored in your shell environment here's your operating system right there so you get the idea so if we keep scrolling down through here you'll see all of these different variables that are set and then we kind of go through that section and then we see a lot of code and it's a lot of if statements in here and different kinds of commands to basically tell the system what to do in a certain situation it's all right there so all of this is set up in the background and it constitutes your environment a good deal of it you don't even need to mess with worry about whatever it's set up for you and you don't have to worry about it but some of it you can change and you can make it do things for you so let's go ahead and get out of that and there's another way to show the environment and this is actually it's just a shorter way it's a dirtier way but you might find it useful so I'm going to show it to you is the print environment command and if it would help if I got it right okay PR NT env and once again we'll put it into less although we really don't need to this essentially outputs the variables and the only thing about it is is that it doesn't do it in any kind of order it's just how they're set so that's somewhat useful but I figured I would show you anyway just in case you can't remember set you could always remember print environment that'll give you that down and dirty stuff so when we're talking about working with our environment really we're talking about working with two files this usually contains the stuff that you will want to change so if I do LS on my home directory and then I tell it I want to see everything that's what the - a does means all show me the hidden stuff - then you will see that we have a bunch of files in here that are obviously configuration files like here we have a directory called dot config right there and that's where a bunch of configuration files are the ones that we are really interested in here are doc bash RC and there is another file in here called dot profile that's a really important file and we might be somewhat interested in history we also have dot bash logout here we're not worried about that but that's actually part of your environment so let us take a look at the profile first and I am going to use Nano to look at that so up at the top here there is an explanation of what this command is this is essentially the first file that is loaded when you log in the profile is the first thing that gets loaded and there's really not much in a modern profile we don't really edit this very much this is set up by the system of course you can edit it if you want to but really when you're going to be making changes to your environment you're going to be doing it in bash RC so right here is where it looks for the batch RC file it's pretty much the first command first it checks on the bash version make sure that you're running bash right there and if it does then it says oh we can go ahead and load the bash RC so this is the command to do it so if that file exists bash RC right there then we will load the local bash RC right there the dot right here is the read command this just tells the system to actually read that file and then we use a shell variable to kind of make it easier on the script writer here he doesn't have to know that your name is Joe or Sam or Bob or Kinsey or whatever your user name is it makes no difference because this is the variable that's set when you log in to your environment for your your name your well I actually know it's not your name it's your home directory right there see that there you go you got you figured you knew what I was talking about so then that loads this bash RC file then it does one more thing before it it ends up stopping what it's doing it will load the bin directories your local been directories here so it's doing it right here now for those of you who are not already familiar with writing your own scripts and programs what that basically means is that any program that you write yourself or compile you can put in this local bin directory and you have complete control over it is yours and it runs in your environment so you would create a directory in your home directory called Ben and if it finds it then it will throw it in there another place that you can put your own personal programs like that is in dot local slash bin which I guess is sort of a kind of a neater way to do it if you don't want your bin directory showing up in your home directory but it's for me I just put it in bin I like being able to get to the stuff and we'll actually talk more about that later on in the video so that's what the profile file does that's it so let us go and take a look now at the bash RC file this is a much more involved file so we'll use Nano once again so this file actually goes on there are more commands here there's more to look at so right up here something that you might find interesting is a command to set a variable in the environment that tells the part of the shell that keeps track of your history how many commands to do it'll do a thousand lines it sets an absolute size to the history file right there you can change that if you want to if that's important to you also in here it talks a lot about different prompts under different situations and here is where it sets your main prompt and whether you want that prompt to be in color or not and so for for interested okay let's go ahead and if we have this set here - yes then it would do this now a boon - now sets that somewhere else it used to be that you'd had to go into your bash RC and uncomment that line or you would not get a color prompt but a boon to sets that somewhere else and I'll show you where that somewhere is in in just a few moments so that variable is already set elsewhere before this file gets loaded and then it goes through and does that and it has to load up all the different colors one of the things that you can do with your bash RC file is to modify your prompt to get it to do things and it's very flexible so it can show you all kinds of information or not show you information as a matter of fact up until I was prepping to do this video I was running a custom batch our C file that changed how the prompt work and I got to looking at that now and I don't think I really want that modification anymore so I went back to a standard bash RC which makes it better to do the video anyway because if you sit down in front of a boom - 1804 you'll get one that looks an awful lot like this of course what's in your bash RC file is going to depend a great deal on what distribution of Linux you're running Linux Mint used to ship without a local bash RC file at all to the user and use the master I'll show you what that's about in a few minutes so as you can see here gang there's all kinds of kind of situations where it's looking to see if things exist and if they do this is what we're gonna do and we'll set it up this way now this is the next thing we want to talk about here is aliases so we have aliases that are set up on this system and we'll use the aliases for the LS command as examples here so the first one that you see is that if we type in LL we're going to get LS with certain options I'm going to show you how to take advantage of that in just a few moments and we'll get down into that because that's really the meat of what we're talking about so if we get down here there is a place where you'll see that we can create a file called dot bash underscore aliases and your bash our C file we'll go look at it so if you have a whole bunch of aliases that you set up for whatever reason you can put them here and in this file and it will find that and it'll just load them and then the only thing you have to do is manage the file and you don't have to come and edit on the bash RC file if you don't want to so now we've basically made it down to the bottom of the file and this is all the standard stuff that comes with it so we're going to talk a bit about putting that to use but before we get into that let's talk about what this file comes from because this is kind of an important thing to know so the system has a universal file that works for all of the users and that is in the e.t.c directory so let us do LS et Cie don't eat our TC just TC bash and we'll tell it that we want to see everything in there with bash and it's got anything after that so you see now that we have a file in here right there called bash bash RC that is the master batch RC file and actually a lot of the settings that we looked at in our local bash RC file might be in there as well it might have some different settings like I'm sure that's where a boon to has it set up to give us a color prompt that's happening in that file right there so that actually runs before the local profile does and we don't need to mess with that the only time that you would want to mess with that is that if you are administering a system and you want to make a global change that's going to affect every user so let's say that you create an alias and now you want everybody to have access to that well you put it in that file and by the way you can have the same commands more than once so you could have a command that would be in the main bash RC file it would be in your profile and then it would be in your local bash RC file doesn't matter the system will just put it back it doesn't care it's just redundant it goes oh we're doing that again ok boom it's done you can do it more than once and not worry about breaking something so anyhow ok so when your sue your user account is created on the system where does it get a bash RC file to put in your local directory good question so this time around we're going to run LS and we're going to use a once again to show everything and we're going to look at e TC and we're going to look in a directory called Skell and i'm just going to show everything that's in that directory and look there is a dot bash RC file which is going to look just exactly like the one we just looked at because I'm now using a default bash RC file and I don't have any aliases or modifications in there so this is a good thing to know if you ever get into a situation where you're messing around with this kind of stuff and you end up messing up your bash RC file if you want a fresh one you want one to start over like the this is the default one that was set with the system that's where you can find it and before you start messing around in your bash RC file or your profile whatever you're gonna want to make a copy of it so let's go ahead and do that right now because we will be editing on this file a little bit later on so we're gonna copy bash our seat and we're gonna put it into a file called dot bash RC dot old or you could make that back if you want to either way the same concept this is always a good idea to do this before you start messing around with stuff and we're gonna do that because we plan on messing around with this stuff okay so let's talk about aliases there are two kinds of aliases the first alias is one where you will type in a command and the system will actually do something slightly different but it'll have the same name as a command that you always use so let's go ahead and clear the screen and the alias command works like this we do alias and then space and then the name of our alias is going to be in this case Nano and it equals put this in single quotes and the command you want the system to actually run so in this case I have just aliased the Nano command which opens up the Nano text editor and now it's going to open up Nano with that l option right there and we got no output so we know it took so let's find out what that L option does to nano makes it create light enough line numbers so if you want line numbers in your nano text editor that would be how you do it so there's a lot of programs like that that you would probably want to open with some sort of options and LS is one of them and we saw that there were aliases already set up for LS so when we type in LS it's actually got the option turned on to show us colors see we have we have colors in our directory and different file types have different colors assigned to them and that is what we were looking at in our environment or in the first part of the video anyway to go around an alias you can bypass it by simply putting a slash in front of it like so now we get LS without any colors pretty cool huh we can do the same thing with Nano even though I set that alias we're going to ignore it so that's nice I set an alias but you notice that it's not permanent the next time I login it'll go away it might be useful to set a temporary alias every now and again so how do we create an alias well now we get into some real fun because you there's several ways to do this I mean it's one of the beautiful things about working in Linux there's always more than one way to skin a cat and for people all around the world I know they thought of skinning a cat is you know whatever but that's an expression where I come from that means there's more than one way to do something so before we get into showing the aliases and how you make them permanent let's talk about the other kind of alias which is one that is actually where you have kind of a different custom command that might go off and do something else and we can still use LS for our example so you might remember that we had an alias setup that was LL right and L L is LS with a whole bunch of different options that give us a long listing and show us all kinds of crazy information so that is LL right there now when we start getting into aliases like that they start becoming pretty close to being like scripts and that's how I handle it but first let me show you the traditional way of setting up your own alias and making it stick permanently so what we're gonna do is use our Nano program again and we're gonna get into our bash RC file like so now we're going to go all the way down to the end of the file we don't want to mess with any of this stuff in here we have no need to change anything we like the way our prompt is that sort of stuff and we'll add a line down here this is just like working in a script you guys might have seen videos where I've done that because it's it's sort of a script it's just a bunch of commands and we want to put a comment in here anytime that you make a change to a file you want to explain what you're doing so put in alias so that's what that does and now we can put our alias command in I spell that correctly I didn't feel it okay yeah it's right equals so now our alias command is in there and all we have to do is to save our script or are actually our batch RC file yes and out we go close that and I guess maybe what we can do is to reload our bash RC and make sure it takes so how do we do that well remember early on I showed you that little read command that's just a dot it all it does is tell the shell would you reread this file please and put what you read in memory thank you very much so we'll put bash RC and it reread it so to see whether Nano is going to do what we need it to go well our alias obviously took so now every time we log into our own environment we're going to be able to use Nano and have that alias on it now you're not a real geek if the light is not dawning in your brain right now at all of the weird and wild and strange things that you can do with your bash RC file and it you just be my guest but we we're not done yet that's just the first thing I wanted to show you so another way that you can add functionality to your bash of RC file is to create functions within the bash RC file and a function might be a whole bunch of different commands so let's let's give that a shot let's see what happens when we do that so once again let's jump into our Schatzi file and we're gonna use nano nano is a cool text editor and it does all kinds of really cool stuff here on the command line and no I don't like VI or VY have fun in the comments with that so now we're gonna go all the way down to the end of our file here and we're going to place in here a function so a function is just a bunch of commands that you want to load into memory this is used in programming all the time and one of the nifty things about working in the shell it's not just something that opens up other programs there's a programming language that goes along with it and weak and we can take advantage of that so we're gonna do a function to show system status and what what should we call our function I'll tell you what let's make it real easy we'll call it system and - system status and there are two formats for doing functions this is the one that I can remember because I do this in programming all the time so we put those two little parentheses looking at each other right there and then we are going to add that little bracket and then down here is where we put our commands so I'm gonna cheat what you gonna do I'm gonna go open up another program I'm gonna steal the commands out of that and stick it in our function because it's gonna be a lot easier to do it that way so here we go let's use less and then we're gonna look in bend because this already exists and we're gonna call it check sis and that's going to show me all my stuff now I'm just gonna steal all this crap right here but I do not want see this exit command down here we don't want that wouldn't be a good idea to put it in there and I'll explain why as we could roll along here we go and we're gonna copy that copy and we're gonna place that's not what I wanted to do thank you very much we're not done with the video yet don't show that slide hit the wrong keys so I paste that in there like that and now when we get done putting the commands that we want to have loaded in memory we can just use that other bracket like that enter and we're done now what this will do is every time that our environment loads this group of commands will load and it will become like a program it will become a command of its own like an alias this will replace a command elsewhere so let's say that for some reason and this is purely hypothetical that you're using Nano and you want Nano to do all kinds of create more than one thing you want to run a script before you run Nano you can just put your commands in there and this will take over from that aliases always come first in a script now if in your environment and then it actually goes out and starts looking for the actual command in the path statement and we're gonna talk about that here in a little while too so one of the rules of thumb is if you're gonna create a function that is going to be in your environment it will only be for you but it will block out any command so don't use a command that already exists now obviously there's no program on the system called system status so we can use that but make sure that there's not a command somewhere in the system that will conflict and you might lose access to so let's go ahead and save this and we'll exit Nano and we can go ahead and clear the screen I'm gonna have to get rid of that other terminal back there because we don't need it it's glaring it's it's annoying go away I don't care close the terminal all you had to do was hit Q I don't care so what were we doing oh I was gonna show you let's make sure that there is no command cult system status of course we're doing this backwards but I want to show you know it doesn't exist so if the witch command doesn't put anything out let's read bash or see once again and now let's see what happens when we put in system status don't think it a lot of film no it won't you're gonna have to type the whole thing in and hopefully I got it correct the first time around and it's saying command not found must have typed it in wrong when I did my function hold on let me go troubleshoot be right back I had that spelling on that thing all jacked up and you didn't tell me you knew that was coming and you were laughing at me weren't you you were I heard you out there it's okay it's all right happens to the best of us so I have fixed it now I will exit now we will reread the thing and hopefully it'll actually work this time okay so now we're rereading what was what seems to be the problem again oh I forgot to period all right so now let's see if this works system status you got it wrong again yeah I did I'm not flustered making mistakes you all mean alright it works so it's running that little bit of information and it's showing us some stuff here pretty cool huh yeah and of course every time I hit that it's gonna work now the bad thing is is that is only available to you you do not get the autofill function which means that every time you want to run that thing you're gonna have to do it like this you have to type that whole deal in see I can't autofill and it doesn't know it's there and that's the downside but it is a possibility and you can do it which is why I wanted to show you how to do it in a video you can do it so when I'm dealing with a little thing like we were talking about the two different kinds of aliases there's the kind that absolutely replaces an exact command like we did with Nano and then we have these little things where we we have our own little names for things but it might run a command in a slightly different way well you can do that as a script so let us clear the screen and this is how I choose to deal with this this is how I choose to work with this kind of stuff so let's jump into my bin directory and we'll do LS and it will show all kinds of little scripts and little programs that I have come up with and if you've watched my channel you might know what some of these are already but the main one that I want to start out looking at is let's look at this thing called in R so this is actually a script this is a bash script that is running on my system and it's essentially just an alias so I could do the same thing with alias and then use the name NR and that would equal this command right here which restarts the network manager so if there's a problem with my network that restarts and there you go right right so this for me is a little bit easier way to keep up with my own stuff because it all goes into the pin directory and I can back it all up and I don't have to go searching through a file to look for things that and this is how I how I do it let me go ahead and get out of here and this little chicks this program that we looked at earlier well that's just another script as well that's all it is so just a few commands put into a script so if we wanted to create a script I'm going to take you through it because it's actually really quite easy to do so let's say that we want to make a script and we want to put it here and we'll call it hello yes I'm gonna use that example I'm gonna do it you guys know what's coming right yeah I'm just showing you the basics of making a script so we use Nano and then we're gonna call our script hello so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a file name start with that way we don't have to do that later and the first thing that you want to do in a script is you will want to put in the hash bang or shebang and it looks like this and we'll write this for bash now you may have noticed in the script that I showed you before that it didn't say bash here it said Sh and you might be wondering what's that all about well SH is the shell and a lot of old books that you'll write read about scripting they'll tell you that if you want to make a program run on every Linux system anywhere that you should write your code for SH it's a slightly different language than what we have in modern bash but it's actually pretty close and the reason why you do that is just simply because you know that script will run anywhere not every Linux system that you could sit down in front of would be running bash there are other shells but every Linux system has SH so when I wrote that screen that's why I did that so that it's going to tell the system hey we're writing for bash so would you please run this in bash okay so well let's just put in one command it'll make it so easy so much easier we'll do echo and then we'll put some text in here and the text will be yeah you got it G and then when I'm done with my scripts I always like to put exit in there so we're gonna write that out control X and there we go so we are now have our script we can make sure it's here you see that we now have a file in there called hello so let's run it right ah well it says no you can't run that what do we forget well what we forgot to do was we forgot to tell the system that it's an executable so this gets into file permissions and I'm going to show you a really quick and dirty way to make your scripts executable no you don't have to open up the point-and-click graphic user interface interface based file manager and then right click on properties no you don't have to do that you don't have to do that at all no what you can do is just do it at the command-line so let me show you a little bit about permissions because I have mentioned this in videos in the past and when I have done this in the past some folks out there have gotten confused and I want to show you what this looks like well that's not gonna work because I tell you man you're doing a video you're gonna slip up you want to add extra keys and do all kinds of crazy stuff okay so let's look at this file real quick because this is going to talk a bit about permissions so remember when we look at that long list earlier and we saw that we had that gobbledygook over here this is the permissions that are set for each file it's one of the reasons that Linux is very Cure because we have first of all a little bit a byte of data that is set that tells us that what kind of file this is so if it's just a - it means it's a regular file D means it's a directory L means it's a link if we get into the next set of nine characters there you'll see that we have first one a set of three that represents the user this represents the group that the file belongs to and this represents anybody that has access to the file for whatever reason and we can use this to our advantage to keep people from reading our files and all that kind of stuff today we're really worried about making them executable so you'll notice here that we have octal and this is where you can set the permissions just by using numbers and all you got to do is remember that if you want to make a file readable then that equals four if you want to write a file that equals to if you want to execute a file that equals seven if you want everybody to be able to do that all at once then the number that you remember is seven so I put this down here because in past videos we've talked about this and it gets people confused we have eight bits in a byte and this represents like one byte worth of data and we do zero through seven to set our permissions we only worry about one through seven that's it zero yes that is a bit so when we say eight bits in a byte we have zero through seven but we're only worried about the numbers one through seven in this particular thing that is confused the hell out of a lot of people and I hope I made it clear this time around so now can we go ahead and get out of that yeah let's go back and get back to what we were doing so what we want to do is we want to make our script executable so remember seven means that anybody can read write or execute the file and four means read and plus one more would mean that somebody in a group could read and execute and the world can read and execute name of the file hello well it took it so it must've did it let's see what happens when we run hello why it just says hello world there you go so that is how you can use scripts to execute one command or two little commands and what we're going to do now is the last thing we're gonna look at is getting your bash of our C file to execute commands when you launch the system so let's get back to our bash RC file get back to our home directory to look at it so I hear a lot of you out there and you're saying to yourself you know that setting up a function thing at the end of the file man you know that's that's kind of a big pain to what I do I really don't need to do that but I might want it to actually just run something so we're gonna go ahead and remove our function because you don't want to do it that way that's fine but you never know you might run into a reason why you might want to do that that way later on you might want to so let us put a command in here that will just simply run a script that has exactly the same stuff in it remember I showed you that little check sis script so we can just put our note here right there and what you're gonna want to do if you're going to run a file you want to run a program out of your bash RC you want to kind of make sure that you put it in in such a way that the machine won't have to look for it we don't want to have it go to the path to look for now I mentioned this earlier now it's when we get to follow up on it so what we got to do is we got to tell this thing exactly where this program is that we're running this is good practice for every script and it's actually a practice that I break a lot I don't do this and you should what you should do is give an exact path to any program you want to run so I'm gonna tell it to look in home Jo and we're gonna look in the local Bend folder right and then we are going to look for that program check sis right there so we can go ahead and save our file control X or out once again let's read bash RC now this time when it reads bash RC it should execute that program we'll know that it's working yep it did so what am I talking about about path this is very important to understand so you'll remember that when we were looking at profile that that is where it put the path statement for our local bend in there but it loads bash RC first so if I would have just put at the end of this file here come on if I would have just put at the end of this file to load this command check sis it wouldn't work because it doesn't know it's there yet it doesn't have a clue don't make that mistake if something doesn't work it's like the first thing to check for so right now our path this is another thing about path I wanted to show you before we got out of here was you see I want to show the path I'm getting it to show us the variable this is all the places that it will look and you will notice that the very first place that it's going to look is in our local bin directory so it's slash home slash Joe slash bin right there that means that we could use the first kind of alias that we talked about and put that in a little script if we wanted to that's not accepted practice because if you ever run that in a situation if you're not in your own environment you're not going to get that alias of course that's going to be true with your bash RC as well so we don't even have to modify our bash our C file we don't have to add any aliases if we don't want to we just need to come up with a little tiny script to do that if we wanted to and that's how I handle it that's exactly how I do it so once again go back to bin will show you one more example of that and then I will wrap up the video and we are going to list the storage and I think the one that I want to show you is SSH in now SSH is the secure shell this is how you log in to other computers and here's what SSH does so let's just show SSH in and you'll see that it's just a little bit of text here now what this does is it uses a shell variable so that I don't have to type in my entire network to address if I want to go into another machine so you'll see down here where it says the X that also makes it so I can use something called X forwarding so I can run graphic applications with another computer so let me show you how it works real quick go ahead and get out of there okay so on most networks or if you're dealing with a server that's on the internet you can just get into it by putting in the name of the machine so I can do that on my local machine here the name of this machine is Big Boi and it will log me in I'm now logged into my local machine and yes it remembered to run the the system status there so that's great that's not a problem the only problem is I can't do that on my network with other machines get out of there because I don't have a name server running on my router and a lot of modern routers don't which means that it can't resolve hostnames and so the only way to do that is to do it through using a network address so that would involve me having to type in every time that I wanted to get into this other machine SSH X and then the whole dang address for this other machine and I'm logged in well that was good that's gonna get to be a drag so that is why I created that little thing it takes the variable in there was dollar sign and then the number one well what that is is the first argument after any command and it's stored there in the shell remember we looked at all those different variables so we can call that again later in a script and we can put it in there so now all I have to do to do exactly the same thing is type in SSH in and then I can type in 13 because that's what the machine that we got into before and I'm in and everything's the way it is so that is you could do that as an alias you could do that as a function or you could do that as a little tiny script in your local bin folder which is how I choose to manage this sort of thing I have armed you with a great deal of information in this video and I hope that you go out and make use of it and do interesting fun things with your - RC file or you start writing little scripts to get things done whatever if this is one of the really cool things about working with bash and working with a terminal is that all of this stuff is sort of universal doesn't matter what machine you're sitting down in front of and you can take your little aliases file or your little programs put them on any machine that you're running in your own local environment it doesn't affect the big system and you can have your own little world so there you go you have been introduced to the environment your feedback is always welcome please join the discussion at easy talk also you know that is free secure and fun I wrote that so I would remember to say that and it's our forum you can check out easy Linux on Facebook give it a like if you are a Facebook user also check out easy Linux comm that's where all of that comes together and it's where you can contact me directly through the contact page and check out freedom penguin comm for more stuff about Linux this video just may end up at freedom penguin com along with a lot of other content from a lot of other cool people yeah that's it this was fun thanks for hanging out with me we'll do it again soon
Channel: Joe Collins
Views: 49,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, BASH, Ubuntu, OS, Software, FOSS, Computer, Desktop, Laptop, Server
Id: dDyoNC33TY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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