Based on a VORON, made by SOVOL... but is the SV08 any GOOD?

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this is the soille sv8 a large blazing Fast corxy 3D printer based on the voron 2.4 a popular open- Source kit but is this 3D printer an affordable path to premium printing in an open source format or just another forgettable machine let's get started now you explore microsc to kick things off unboxing and assembling the sv8 needs some pretty serious planning the machine comes from flat packed but the box is incredibly dense and heavy this is great for shipping efficiency considering that the printer is quite large indeed but it does require some careful planning the assembly process for the sv8 was surprisingly smooth considering how complex this machine is with four independent Z AIS units that slide into place albeit a little bit awkwardly before being secured in place with a few screws securing the pre-assembled core XY Gantry into place is also pretty awkward you need to angle it and slide it in carefully before securing it to the Z axis mounts with hard to reach Fasteners the printer comes with Allen Keys which will work but I recommend grabbing a decent screwdriver with hex bits to reach right into the corners as this makes doing up the Fasteners a lot easier and then you add the screen filament holder and extruder attach some wires and well you're pretty much good to go overall the process was way easier than I expected and much faster than assembling a kit full of parts soal claims that it takes about an hour to assemble and I'd agree with that estimate the sv8 comes equipped with a planetary geared extruder and hot end with a ceramic heater to enable the high flow rates needed when printing at speed and it has this impressive looking print head with an inductive probe for adaptive bed mesh leveling plus nozzle offset using this touch point on the back of the print bed the construction quality for the printer seems very good though I've heard that some reviewers have gotten units with assembly and quality issues in my case the machine feels very well put together with custom aluminum Extrusion for the uprights and top structure linear rails at all axes including each independent Z axis and this absolutely gigantic injection molded base with triangle details seriously this one plastic part is possibly the largest I've seen on a printer to date unless I count the injection molded monstrosities that Chey Tech put out so there's no question that the soil S8 is quite large has a volume of 350X 350X 345 mm in The Zed and it puts it in a league above many other fast corxy offerings on the market currently at an impressive price point but more on that at the end prints are laid down on this large removable magnetic print bed which is coated with a rough resilient coating it says it's Pei but it appears to be much tougher than your regular run ofth the mil powder coated pii because once again I dove the nozzle into the print bed by overdoing the nozzle baby stepping on my first test print and you can't even tell the damaged print just peeled away leaving a Flawless surface behind that's really impressive I really love this sort of print surface because you don't need any additions to print pla securely it just sticks to the print bed when it's hot and when it cools down it just releases and if it needs a little bit of help you can just Flex the removable sheet and it pops away I had zero issue with print adhesion on any of my pla prints on this machine during my testing connectivity the S8 is very important to cover because on initial inspection all you get is this basic mono LCD with click wheel interface you can opt to upgrade to a nicer color touchcreen that plugs into the HDMI port on the side for 99 bucks but honestly once you get this machine set up over your network you'll pretty much never use the interface again getting it connected to your network though is a pretty archaic process you need to load onto a special file on USB drive your SS ID and password and then put that into into the printer and it will boot up and connect to your network and once it's done you simply need to navigate to the assigned IP address e either through any browser on the network or through the slicer like in the case of orca slicer and from here you'll be greeted with this awesome interface where you can upload files to the printer remotely you can choose to preheat or home the axes and you can also check the prints progress to the built-in webcam with that out of the way let's fire some prints off after running the bed level and nozzle height routines it became pretty clear that suril hasn't fine-tuned the calibrator routines much yet some feel redundant or completely ignored when you fire the prints off that's certainly something that's easy to fix with future profile and firmer updates however I will say that these updates are more than likely going to come from the community rather than the company knowing how these things tend to go the printer came pre-loaded with a speed benching and man doesn't really show what this printer is capable of it is blazing fast but it's also crazy loud with that cooling fan maxing out to tring cool of plastic coming out of the nozzle at rapid Pace that was the fan at Max Speed considering the quality of the print though I'd say it does a really good job and it's a far cry from the calling fans that we've seen on soil's previous printers of the past when they just weren't very good this thing it's a jet turbine it's loud but it does the job and yes guys I've heard you loud and clear my tables are wobbly and you're sick of it so I've upgraded to this steel frame table with a thick wooden top and even then there will be some wobble because my floor is carpet and there's no getting away from how foamy and Squishy that is I do hope this helps because I get it looking at a wobbly printer isn't very satisfying but trust me it doesn't affect print quality at all in fact I did a video some time ago showing that you could print with a printer hanging from the ceiling with little to no effect on your print quality doesn't matter if the print is moving in fact it might actually help deaden some vibrations when printing at crazy speeds like this machine can do all slicing was done through Orca slicer which is a modified version of bamboo slicer which in turn is based of prusia slicer complicated I know but it's a really capable slicer with tons of modern features and updates all the time at time of recording suril has only provided two print profiles for the s48 using pla at the odd layer height choices of1 and2 somewhat redundant if you ask me but I sent a few with a15 mm layer height modification and I preferred three perimeters and support cubic infill and they worked great even with these rudimentary profiles my slightly tweaked 0.15 mm profile yielded very impressive results of the sv8 for example the clearance Castle worked perfectly including the drawbridge which has very good bridging and it shows that the cooling capability of the sb8 is very high so high in fact that I was brave enough to throw the lattice Cube torture test at this machine that a lot of these much faster 3D printers have been struggling to print in recent years because of that cooling now granted the machine did slow down quite a lot from its top speed because of the small cross-sectional area of each layer but it did still complete and it looks really good with just a little bit of wispy stringing possibly caused by the hot end and the cooling fan speed or because of a little bit of moisture in the PLA and then I tried some prints with this gorgeous rainbow pearlescent pla from soille themselves and this this dinosaur head just looks really cool in this shiny filament absolutely stunning and I also did this hexasphericon some of you guys might remember that from way back in the day and again it looks really good but there is one noticeable issue on all of the prints and that is a slight overe Extrusion on the topmost solid layers you can see quite clearly in the hexos syon at that top you can see that it's actually overe extruding in these macro photos and also on this top plate for a little robot I made you can see it's quite rough actually and this is an issue with overe Extrusion I'm not sure if this needs to be tweaked in the printing profile or it's an issue with the actual firmware of the machine and some settings need to be tweaked there but either way it's just overe extruding just a little bit on those top Solid layers and the print quality is pretty good but this machine isn't the strongest when it comes to printing flexibles uh which is surprising compared to for example the s spo7 that actually printed flexibles actually quite a bit better than the extrud setup on this machine I suspect it's because of the longer filament path from the extruder to the hot end and nozzle possibly because they needed that extra room to really pump the heat end for high flow pla printing that may have affected the ability to print flexibles it can do it but only really expect printing with semiflex not super flexible filaments in my opinion this machine is better suited to rigid filaments like pla which you can lay down at brake neck speeds but let's address the elephant in the room this isn't really a soil 3D printer is it it's a voron 2.4 that soil has taken and made their own that's not to devalue the work soille has done in turning this machine into something that can be mass produced with injection molding and metal fabrication but the voren project is open source seril has relied on an open source project the voron project in order to create this impressive 3D printer for an impressive price and in line with what the printer is based on the S sp8 is also fully open source this is in dark contrast to other brands that are going the route of clothes and proprietary like bamboo lab and it's something that is honestly really refreshing to see and when soils say open source they mean it on their GitHub you can download the firmware even the engineering drawings for various sheet metal components and labels but this this is what really impressed me what I have here is the entire assembly for the sp8 inep format I can go in and isolate any component I like I can take measurements to create custom modifications even use them as a basis for brand new components to be engineered for repair or for modifications to my machine I challenge you name not a 3D printer released by a commercial company in the last few years that has its full CAD model published for you to use unfortunately despite the open source nature of many aspects of this machine there are still many parts in the S8 that are unique and somewhat proprietary in the fact that you probably couldn't machine them yourself such as the unique nozzle design and main board in a quest for High printing speeds the e3d V6 threaded nozzle style that was so standard for so many years has largely been replaced by integrated nozzle and heat brake designs which leaves you at the mercy of the manufacturer to keep providing spares because nozzles are a consumable but thankfully in this case soil has all the spare parts available for really affordable prices you can expect hundreds of hours out of a nozzle unless you print abrasives which these aren't designed for and they're only 24 bucks us for aair so that's okay by me just make sure to grab some when you buy the machine because at the rate of 3D printers hitting the market at the moment it's Relentless and I can't guarantee in a couple years time if you try to buy parts that they're going to be still available as it is this is a large machine but it doesn't have an enclosure now you can upgrade an opt to buy the enclosure ver from their website but in my testing it was done without one so I only printed in pla and TPU you cannot print high temperature materials in an open frame machine it just won't work you need to keep the heat in and the ambient temperature high the nozzles also aren't Harden they may bring out Harden nozzles in future but right now any carbon fiber or AB BRAC of materials you try to print will instantly destroy the nozzle so you cannot print stuff like carbon fiber nylon on the sv8 currently I'm sure with with an enclosure and some modifications to the extruder assembly you probably could with not very little issue but right now out of the box no you cannot print those materials I only use this machine for PLA and a little bit of TPU which as you saw wasn't the best result I would mainly stick to printing pla on my sv8 overall I was really impressed with the sv8 from soille the build quality is really good but just a few questionable design decisions which may affect the longetivity of this machine going forward much less than usual though if I'm being honest but I suppose soille did have it easy considering that this machine wouldn't exist without the voron project v2.4 but as long as svil sticks to the open source agreements of that project it's okay by me but I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and what you think about this commercial machine existing based on that open-source project but it's the price of the S8 that's really impressive this machine comes in at $59 $9 us or even less with the current early bird sales it's an absolute steal for the functionality on offer and the larger than usual print volume it's much more than you can get from similar offerings from companies such as bamboo with the p1s which will come out at the same price as the S8 if you opt for the enclosure upgrade and I guarantee you that is definitely not a coincidence if you'd like to pick up the sv8 then you can find purchase links in the description below and full disclosure soille sent me the machine free of charge for purpose of of review but all thoughts are my own they're seeing this review at the same time as you guys they haven't been able to influence it in any way if you found this video useful then maybe consider subscribing to Makers Muse where as my aim to empower your creativity through technology and I look forward to seeing you again very shortly bye
Channel: Maker's Muse
Views: 58,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printing
Id: A1Q7nkIiwCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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