Baseball 9 1.6.0 Update + Jackie Robinson Joins The Team !!

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what's up youtube it is imax plays and we are back with another video baseball 9 just had an update 1.6.0 we will be covering what they added to the game with some gameplay in a second um before we get the video started guys make sure you smash that like button drop a comment and let me know what videos you guys are interested in seeing next whether it's a new player whether it's responding to comments whatever it is guys drop that comment and let me know let's get into this video so in the update they did add some new bunting motions and now you're able to switch from left to right-handed swinging at the plate if you are a switch hitter switch hitter does cost a bit of gems as you can see switching to right-handed will be 16 000 coins but making your batter switch is 230 gems so it does cost quite a bit but we're going to go ahead and check that out we do have one battery i believe that's a switch hitter but also before we get headed into the gameplay i want to bring another legend to the squad so far the legends we have on the team range from hank aaron as you guys can see here we also have babe ruth um hatred wise not sure if we have any is mariano rivera a legend is it too early i'm not sure guys you guys can correct me in the comments but yeah so far we have about two or three legends and we're going to bring the third or fourth to the squad so let's go ahead and get into the customization of that as you guys could see we are wearing dodger blue uniforms with the brooklyn bee on the hats so if you guys haven't guessed already i know we've been talking about this for a long time and i said i was going to wait until jackie robinson day but that seems too far away i kind of want to do it now and bring him to the squad so we will be replacing our second baseman dj le mayhew and turning him into jackie robinson guys he's actually already number 42 already i think it's because i forgot to change it last time but yeah jackie robinson will be coming to the squad we will be resetting his stats and fixing up his attributes and making him as fast as possible because i want him to get the most stolen bases this season so let's go ahead and find jackie robinson to face you know the customization here kind of sucks they don't really give you too many options i wish they would give you more but maybe they will in the next few updates guys [Music] but for now we're going to have to find one that suits him best really none of these kind of dude like i mean i would like a more serious face for jackie robinson but who knows guys like i said maybe in the next few updates but for now i think we'll take this one right here all right so i would say jackie robinson had an open batting stance with his hands high up with the bat so let's see what we can find for him something like this maybe more closed a little bit [Music] but he definitely held a high back so let's keep looking i kind of like this one for him what do you guys think [Music] actually this one might be perfect he did kind of lean forward like towards the pitcher and held his back back a little bit i think we're gonna go with the open 10 guys so now that we got his customization out of the way let's go ahead reset his attributes and upgrade him to the fastest possible speed that we can and that means giving him the best items that he can have so as you can see these earrings right here give a speed plus five they do cost 600 gems let's go ahead and get those guys all right his max level cap is at 120 let's go ahead and bump that up to 125 and let's upgrade him to 120 for sure giving us 35 extra attribute points um as you can see he has 140 power as of now 113 speed but i want to give him like 150 speed and no less and will redistribute his points how we see best but let's go ahead and get that 200 gems will be the cost to reset his attributes [Music] and as you can see now we have 1999 attribute points to work with let's give them that speed guys all right so there's three skills that give them a speed boost deception tenacious play and concentration i think we'll be going with tenacious play only because concentration only gives them that stat boost when the team is losing and most likely since we won't be losing too often i'm gonna need that speed and batter's eye boost the entire game so let's go ahead and get this one all right let's get right back to speeding him up a bit [Music] let's distribute the rest of his points and see what we can do with him [Music] all right so i think i'm going to do something like this low fielding low throwing and we'll focus on batter's eye and the rest on batting and just make them as fast as we can guys [Music] all right guys so here's what we're looking at so far let's go ahead and see what it looks like once we apply these points so now he's sitting at 151 speed 117 power 117 contact and 109 batter's eye i can't wait to see how he does in the game guys let's see how many stolen bases we can get so i'm already noticing something new in the update as you guys can see at the bottom right of the screen it does show the stadium name and your next three games that you're going up against right next to the ready button that's kind of new guys all right guys so as we head up to the plate with mookie bets one of our fastest base runners play ball so let's go ahead and test out the new features that they added to baseball nine guys we got mookie bets coming up to the plate one of our fastest base runners so let's test out that new bum feature with him play ball cycle through the batting types so you got contact swinging tower swinging butt and drag blunt and if you guys didn't notice when you bunt it's already set to the bump position letting the pitcher know you're going to try to bunt your way on base whereas drag bunt he does not do anything so let's go ahead and try drag boy out but we won't swing so as you can see he kind of motions and now you guys can see it gives you the option to actually move your bat when you're bunting so this time let's go ahead and attempt to actually bun as you can see you can control it and try to go right down the line with it we did get out but as you guys can see if you do have runners on base you can really force the runners to move over when you're drag one bunting [Music] all right let's see if we can steal some bases or if we can bring the runner home with the drag button [Applause] [Music] so let's try to steal third if we can [Music] man we can bring him home with the drag but we'll use that as an example guys so we're gonna signal the third base runner to steal home and we're gonna butt strike out and we failed all right let's try to get on base [Applause] all right so he can go to second but we're going to keep him on first because we're going to steal second and third on them with jackie robinson and test his speed where he goes he makes a break for second he is way ahead of the throw let's go ahead and seal third as well way ahead of your throw he is gone so now that we got some speed on the bags now we can try to steal home or drag button his way home so let's try that [Music] [Applause] he is in there guys strike jackie robinson is a speed demon around the bases let's go ahead and substitute tatis for babe ruth since he is my only switch hitter and we could try out the new feature that they added so he is coming up to the plate as the lefty let's see how we can swap him out okay so as you can see over here above the cycle button you got the right swing so as you guys can see wait you got to hold it down and it'll switch over to the other side and it doesn't look like there's a limit you can switch as many times as you want so that's pretty cool guys so if you do spend the 230 gems to make your battery a switch hitter you now have the option to switch between left and right all right so that was it for today's video guys just a quick video on the update and our new player jackie robinson like i said we will be going for the most fallen bases with him currently mookie betts is in the lead with 12 but we are only like 16 games in i think he will be taking the lead he is currently in fifth place with four stolen bases in his first game so like i said guys i think he will be taking the lead and taking the title at the end of the season imax plays and we are out of here guys thank you for watching the video peace out
Channel: iMAXX PLAYS
Views: 25,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baseball9, Baseball 9, Baberuthhomerun, Baseball9homeruns, Baseball9 mods, Baseball 9 mods, Baseball9hacks, Baseball 9 tricks, imaxx plays, jackierobinson, jackie robinson
Id: k3Fr2bMde9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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