Base RAIDING a CULT in Roblox Survival Game

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all right men so in This Server there is a tribe called the New Order and if you see here this is a satanic symbol now me I don't like satanic symbols so I've started the holy Crusade let's get this voice for the grace and the might of the Lord oh okay you want to declare war on me hey no I don't know how I too hate him generally have no idea they should really put the toilet in production but that's fine you know that's just me so uh fun fact I already destroyed this entire tribe before they were out over on this island which is why you can see a bunch of boats of New World Order cultists going towards oh and they decide to not change their base I destroyed their front gate already destroyed everything in their base and they still did not decide to move oh as a very fatal flock not doing this for us boys we're doing it for the grace and the love of our heavenly father all right get plus 30 Health First we're destroying the space today boys hello anybody in here no here we go that is their base technically destroyed looks like they moved though I don't know where let's go check inside the cage boys you might have retreated inside the caves uh oh we might need a Pokemon voice there's one of them come here buddy get out of here I don't know if that pink guy was trying to hunt me down or what but by golly that was that was almost scary I'm surprised this tribe didn't quit because they had like four guys in blue steel oh my gosh I should have been recording that ah why was I not recording that all right if I can hit this guy out here then you guys have to like And subscribe the hell we freaking go you can subscribe run to 4K gold oh yes let me have it Frick are these he leaves here it looks like he might have left yeah there used to be stairs going up here but the coal has only gotten stronger I wonder if they've gone to the desert it could have gone to the desert oh maybe we should follow this yellow guy see where he's going all right but we have to be stealthy let's follow him from afar that way we don't attract attention going okay looks like these quarters have no idea where they're going come here where is your base tell me or die any clue unfortunate should have known where his face was I I freaking told him I you know I think they might be in the desert I have a sneaking suspicion that are jungle finally so there is a base there is an official base we just need to find it no okay it doesn't look like they're here okay so it doesn't look like there's any presence of the cult here but we still need to check inside the tomb oh hello and about the hair oh it's quite freaky a lot of people tend to go towards the iron Bend nope just a bunch of lonely Villages all right let's go check jungle foreign members we kill and the more we make rage quit the better hi buddy there we go get off the server leave your tribe my keyboard stopped working so I rejoined and I tried to steal another tried ship but they just went along with it wait did I just hijack the ship and they're just going along with it did I just abduct this tribe bro I just hijacked the ship they have no idea they have no idea I'm not a part of them they're clueless they're so clueless I think I might have just recruited a band of mercenaries to help me on my crusade No Cap this is hilarious hello would you gentlemen like to join me on my crusade they towards the mainland where where where where where where where where where where where where oh it's on the other side of the map all right all right what God wants to join your kingdom heck yeah we need more people on our Crusade where is this Imperial ship is that it that's not it that's it that's the Imperial ship no no no no no no no no no we're gonna be late we're gonna be late no no no no no no no no oh no people are there already come on blocky legs carry me fast Master please all right let's get some of this blue steel shall we good boy all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh this Owen boy thinks he's really funny hey 14 blue Steelers freaking go boys you can fight people with the sight I'm not sure what he's doing there we go get out of here dude let's drop him some blue steel there we go we'll give him five blue steel icon where are you I'm trying to find the new border base wait wait let's see if we can get this cult member to give us our base location I'm thinking he's out in the jungle that's my suspicion they're dwindling boys us killing New Order members have slowly been chipping away at their member count good hello behind you where is Isaiah is he gonna lead us to there not telling unfortunate oh no where's my food get out of here oh dude cops freaking cracked dude he just took out an iron guy he just saved my life oh my gosh he's so cracked here's another coal member boys this Colt's trying to sacrifice the deer ah I will look through every cave I will look through every biome until every cult member is eliminated is this guy in Blue Steel freaking Go free Blue Steel free blue Steels always good well I see New Order members over there my suspicions are correct all right we're coming up on their base oh there's a cave in here now oh where are they not over here where is this base bro there's quite literally a gate opening and closing I'm not sure where I think I might have found it is this where the New Order faces all right boys let's get ready for a fight what is this I never knew there was a cave over here this is it I found their base Savage news Savage knows yep he sees me he sees me he sees me he knows he knows he knows he knows he knows come here buddy come here they've retreated they for treated down the sides wait did they log oh he's back get out of here Your Leader left yes he left a while ago well then it's time to disband the New Order because your symbol represents something The Crusade is against come here I'm not yes you are leave destroy all of their bad symbols all right oh we left that's it we finally got rid of the New Order Our Crusade was a success we've brought peace and the grace and the might of the Lord Upon This Land make sure to like And subscribe run to 4K
Channel: Konusu
Views: 45,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the survival game roblox, roblox survival game, roblox the survival game, roblox survival game challenge, survival game challenge, roblox, roblox survival game secret base, roblox survival game raid, survival game raid, roblox survival game base raid, roblox survival game beta, solo raid, survival game solo raid, roblox survival game solo, roblox survival challenge, the survival game, roblox survival game iron, raiding a cult, raiding a cult in roblox, survival game
Id: 5wLJ6zkd7zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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