Barstool Pizza Review - Zazas Pizzeria (Chicago, IL)

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[Music] and i'm not surprised because i told you they've been asking for us to come um brand new about 10 months he said his brother he worked does it with a brother uh and he said he owned a spot in napersville like a restaurant i said it was like the number one restaurant neighborsville they started this um yeah oh yeah eddie you would in awe you always loved mapersville right oh yeah i i don't know anything about in brisbane no why do i love napersville yeah you've always been a big neighbor as well okay this listen when i saw it i knew this looks like dave portland they say new york artisan right on the thing they actually have a pizza in there that is uh a homage to me it's called the gold medal pie which i say cheese is the gold mouse slice this is their traditional cheese so it could be a little confusing they're gold metal which i think they want me to try after has multiple cheeses so everything's great great great they said they were talking white talks dave though to try to get him to recommend it which means they have a lot of their eggs in one basket but it there's nothing that makes me uh respect anybody less than getting like a white sox day of recommendation i have no respect for him as a human on any level so if i hear something from white sox dave i generally cross it off the list no offense to him i just think he's pretty bad at life uh i could tell right away this is light and they did put it they were putting artisan when they said artisan i could see them sprinkling and doing a little doo ditty but sometimes i don't like it makes it heavier but this is still very light and a delightful undercarriage we may have something here we may have something big on our hands here see what we got [Music] i don't say this lightly what i'm about to say don't say lightly a lot of people say they do new york style pizza new york this new york i don't know how to describe it but when i bit into it i tasted new york this tasted like a true this tastes like a true new york pizza in the streets of chicago where are we in chicago by the way okay this is the gold medal pie we named this pie after you we got a grammar slice here and some cookies can i hand this to one of your people yeah yeah sure there you go oh yeah they're called thick-ass cookies they're cass cookies yeah they're double-sized um this is so far really good that by the way the old you're going to windy city smoke out out of you see i don't think so we got a vent at our bar tonight all right cool yeah i want to get down there yeah yeah yeah i'm on your sportsbook man all right thanks dave um i broke my turn i was about to give it a great score i'm again personal here it's uh 45 45 you're gonna do only two pieces right oh i started getting my steps in i have like five pound dumbbells we're gonna do some pushing you wanna do some that was just the box moving if you want me to whip down 10 push-ups i'll do it but i'd rather not you only could be perfect yeah i have a bad shoulder no all right there's no cartilage yeah i'll do lunches yeah yeah are you like a physical trainer or you're guilty yeah you are yeah yeah all right so it's like pizza thank you see people yeah people like you and the pizza i like you thank you thank you how do you know i'm not what'd you say you said i'm not um well now i feel bad about myself how do you like that she made me feel bad she really like push-ups and lunges everything this pizza deserves my full attention now sham on her i'm gonna get that in her face because i could take another bite because i've lost my train of thoughts no no hey excellent pizza maybe i think this is my favorite pizza in chicago zaza's pizzeria established 2021 i don't think i've given a bigger score i think it's my favorite pizza in chicago it's new it's new york if you want the new if you want the tavern style which is average at best sorry deep dish totally different you want true good new york style pizza 8-2 is the real deal now you're getting a workout i'm sorry um so they should just quit with the a2 but they give us really fat cookies thank god that lady didn't see it huh she would have been like in my grill let's see what the gold medal pizza is all about named after me all right so it's a fancy i can smell it waving [Music] ouch still very hot great on the carriage these people know how to make pizza [Music] this is named incorrectly this should not be the gold medal pizza because it's too fancy too many cheeses that's the gold medal pizza eight two this great i'm not gonna score it stick with the original cheese um i guess we'll do a big fat cookie they're giving me all oh stepped on that one bite big fat cookie bone wow kind of reminds me of it in new york wow eight six cookie place is a real deal sausage i probably just changed your life with this review peach is the best i've had in chicago spectacular that's all i got that's a review wow you
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 758,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza, Things to do, Italy, Pizza Review, Review, Food, Food Review, Dave Portnoy, Barstool Sports, El Presidente, Pres, El Pres, Italian Food, One Bite Barstool, Barstool Pizza Review, El Pres Barstool, Dave Portnoy Barstool, humor, entertainment, comedy, celebrity, funny, yummy, New York, new york pizza, el pres reviews, pizza scores
Id: hjimo1XRoe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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