BARN FIND | Ford Sierra Survivor!!!

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Hyo everyone um you joined me on a lovely Sunday morning and uh I don't know if you noticed but it's- 400° today and I'm really warm in this hoodie anyway um we're doing a bit of a bar fun today and I don't know much about the car I know that it's been here for over 30 years and uh it's quite overgrown it's uh I say quite I mean a lot now we got a team of people we've got strimmers we've got Snips we've got Sam's massive Dela we will show you in a minute turn around here this is the back entrance right we'll show you that in a minute but if we go around here this is the where the car has to come out of the car at the garage and uh is a sound and this is the disaster that we have to get it out now I probably underestimated how much work it this actually was cuz there's a tree here probably about 4 tons of dirt and the car is in there and by the looks of it it's not actually a door it's actually just nailed in and fenced off so yeah we're going to clear some of this and then basically we're going to just knock the fence door off take much and there's an old car in there and you're going to see it in a minute this is the only access into the property the car has been there so long that they've actually fenced off every access and it's all the way down there so take the fence out this is Sam's Beast if we need to tow the vehicle out he's bought the perfect vehicle we got to get the car down here as well it's kind of an off-road track this car was putting there so long ago and they probably just thought it' never come back out again so this is going to be pretty much the best access for us to come out of here and all around this rubbish and then Sam's going to drive around there and we'll probably tow out around that way as well cuz obviously there's a lot of soil is it soil everything I think yeah and you can also see here there's like a little entrance for rodents so hopefully the car's not destroyed you can actually see it through this hole look at that car coming through there oh it's so good that car is so cool this path we've created in about 1 minute no I'm joking it's probably about like 20 minutes is it I have been doing some work I haven't just been filming all so we cleared an exit the car is sort of like that side of the garage uh and we should be able to just spoon out of there and then we don't have to dig 4 million tons of ground and mud and soil and actual full-on trees we go on the back I'll show you it cuz we get around the back to a little door as you see the uh everything is sort of like falling down so the factu that the garage is still up up is massively surprisingly so we got to be um you know pretty careful when it comes to that sort of thing otherwise you start taking the door off it might just collapse on everything so we got to be careful but this is the back entrance now make sure you wipe your feet when you come in actual jungle see this this was an old shed next to it that's fell down nothing left of that and uh it's in here it's four little PE PS I don't know if you can see through there but ready I don't know anything about Fords to be honest I know my neighbor's got one and that's about it Sierra 1.6 I believe it's a pinto it was parked here 30 years ago um had a little oh M on the floor just collapsed there there's a little bit of a story of it um the guy that owned it he parked it up in here 30 years ago before that it got stolen and before that he got stopped for driving it without any insurance or something like that I don't know but it's here in it Old Glory I don't know anything about it today we've got a bunch of parts like coil leads plugs batteries everything and hopefully we can get it running so we don't have to tow it out with sound Delica but if not we'll tow it out anyway we're all knackered cuz we just absolutely shoveled like nuts to get all the rubble out the way and we're just waiting on Mike now to come and take a decent thumbnail for this video so yeah enjoy like I reckon if you got the chainsaw down the front edge yeah and it just that bit of wood you stay there look at that bit of wood that you're stood on yeah most my is on this foot hell you're bra than me I'm not going up there do you feel like you're going to fall through yeah so this door is like nailed in right was was nailed in there's a post there yeah there's a post there there's a hinge down the bottom here look look at that and uh I'm hoping just must be just one massive door right it's like one of those fora Horizon findes yeah is that we just leave it for a bit and it comes back immaculate yeah that's where hopefully that's the case um we're going to have to probably dig the bottom out of that just so it there like that's like an inch a bit of Ivy there oh yeah that is it's all part of the nature has taken it back um yeah that's with one that is proper grown in there we get the chainsaw you a you get the chainsaw from the bottom maybe got to be underneath it yeah that's all right I got this chainsaw here atast it's dropping away Paul's let me this chainsaw and uh I've been trusted with it oh my God the ground just moved your knees poor knees look who's arrived my Mr thumbnail taker hello sweetheart hello YouTu right before before we crack on can I just say shout out to my dad he watches this love you Dad yeah like I said we are going to try and get this car running in there cuz I think that would be fantastic if we can get it running um I got a bunch of parts like I just said fuel gloves jump pack coil leads dizzy capap rotor arm plug bugs electrical connectors brake cleaner battery Jack funnel brush everything so as long as the engine isn't like properly seized up or like knocking its off we might be able to get it running I'm not quite sure we're waiting on a rot arm lud's bringing a rot arm from the car shop my local car shop got me it Car Parts Express if you're watching this this is this is Adventure good morning so we're thinking we're thinking uh Mike's going to take his pictures for the thumbnail thank you Mike uh instead of digging the bottom of the door out we're probably going to try and cut the top off and knock it Forward because all of this needs to go and be thrown away basically because they're building houses on this area which is why I know about this car I've known about this car for8 n months and I've just finally got permission to go and get it so this whole thing this whole thing needs to come down so it doesn't matter if we destroy it not like a listed build or anything it's someone's made it in the back Garden effectively all right so kicking off just goes hands on some [Music] [Applause] [Music] machinery [Music] amazing we're going to get that sier out today Josh just handed the Baton over to Sam Actually covered in see Sam's uh he does this sort of stuff all the time so he's an expert he loves yeah he's a carpenter take it all home with him [Music] epic so so we're going to try and open the door normally first but if not uh we are going to knock it down from the inside and I shoulder barge it and hope it just falls down beautiful are we getting it started today hopefully we are optimism I believe if lud arrives with a rotor arm we should be in for a treat because the car has no rotor arm no cap and no leads on it so I don't know what happened but have you have you got like a pump and stuff fuel pump yeah we have oh no it's got a mechanical fuel pump yeah so should be a to put a separate man yeah we can go man no gloves either I did nothing yeah it's got me of fuel pump so we put a separate fuel can next to it we won't use the tank we should be able to just get the pump working unless it's seized or something that's the only thing I didn't think of if not we'll try and gravity feed it but amazing we'll see I believe we're wise men oh well I say we you guys are wise men so I'm sure you can get this thing started today this is the direst you've been in years mate I'm quite clean so yeah I've not done anything I come here I come here asking to do stuff give me a pair of gloves so I can do that and I know you're holding the camera today GL i' got loads of gloves go I'm going to put this down as you can see this is a very precise uh operation oh wait hold a minute there she is look at that somebody's been shooting it with hair rifle Matt's going to get us some gloves she's not going to need them anymore oh careful Josh J and there's a catch on the inside also catch check this out Matt the car seeing light for the first time in years 30 years or so yeah picture of that prop yeah all right J look at that it's like a little window yeah there it is there it is that's the first time we had a proper look at the front of that car oh wow amazing very early a 1983 fre yes leg Yeah well as from January anyway you can drive that home oh well yeah in a couple weeks no today no it's you is staggered by a year yeah anyway let me get let me get a photo let's do this tactically be with J amazing look at what they reux high you wear those you actually would wear them I me one worse things as you can see it's slowly slowly becoming less of a garage door and more of a of a pathway for us P this thing out for you amazing no we're going to drive it out oh are we trying to to start up in there yeah okay all right it's on the shelter I like the sound of that a look at this epic door's open this is your first B find yeah yeah wow and here we are the boys have knocked down build the front garage door bricks I'm in here on my own have we had a look inside this yet H not on the video no well there we go the flash one look at that it back more on that later overly deep all right Josh take over mate it's like a double door so it opens like a full on let's try and open it cuz that'll be like actually no that should be it what's in there oh it's like a barrel lock yeah that's okay that's freed up there should be one down there nice one down the floor give me PA gloves oh uh G wait Sam Sam before you do that there's a one in the bottom there go pull it out there's a pin as you see it's all grown inside as well as the outside I just say these guys are absolutely loving [Laughter] it Dicky bottle that I don't know if this is going to be is up here uh it might cause difficulties I we should just cut them out cuz the pressure is going to this ain't going to fall yeah that once that's out that'll go you are right you are correct cuz it's probably swelled just go okay let's get the out the floor ready [Applause] we do this we come out with it oh hey amazing there it is yes wed right again give me a sec that went a lot smoother it's even got the blue plastic bumpers blue plastic bumpers obviously it's going to be plastic anyway but like they're tinted yeah Morrison Road garage garage I'm going to text the old owner see if he wants to come down this whole thing P up yeah I know I think that Grill is loose we take that off yet yeah yeah yeah this is nuts this is so sick I to get a picture Brown I didn't see it first oh no it's not the B tripod that will be fine that will work get a group picture but honestly obviously might be a photographer say he brought all of his Gear with him this is what he meant this is all the gear this like there's a twig in front of there that's fine right so now we've destroyed the door it was pretty much rotten it was fairly easy to knock down um it's horrible in here the outside is also on the inside but it is quite Dry still so it's obviously concrete floor which is good um the alarming thing is there is a dry sh on the floor at the back there there's a head here and then there's a box full of alternator parts and stuff like that but back in the day everyone used to just keep their old junk and I don't know why cuz you're never going to use it again at the back there is a clutch and relas bearing and stuff like that stter motor over there um I was told that he put a clutch in the car so wherever he's lying to me he doubt I doubt he is um it might have a new clutch new head gasket and it might just not be timed up properly but this is a non interference engine I do believe this is a 1.6 pin so if it is if the timing is wrong we should be able to change the timing and then make it run properly cuz I was told that when he did fix his car he spent 90% of the time of his life just drunk so so he might have done it wrong but we'll see got an actual genuine proper V time look at this I mean it looks a little scabby I'm going to be honest this one mate do donuts this one so much spaghetti in this fat boy yeah we'll check the grill off for one of on it it box cover in it what about these boook peel that back three as far as I'm aware sh box isn't it okay that what did you break nothing I don't know Fords or anything but apparently they rot around the strut towers and around this area but it's fine I mean it looks mint yeah what's the mileage on it 93,000 miles light you mate oh that's good also oh it's beautiful speaking of the previous owner he said a couple of times he uh used to come off the pub just there and he used to come from the pub and if he was that drunk he'd just come sleeping here if you look at the driver's seat it's all the way back and that's how he left it he said he's spent a couple night in here back in the day so Sam's got us a little funnel out the um a little bowl he found out the back he's cut it into a funnel cuz we didn't bring one so now you just put all down the spike plug socket yeah this is the one plug that was Rusty right at the front uh hopefully it's okay where about the others the other ones are all right the back one's got a little bit of oil on it um which is good yeah uh so that one went flying down there somewhere we've got new ones we got new leads of course is coming with ro arm in a minute is he actually coming yeah yeah's he's coming uh and then we're going to try and turn it over with a bar last time we looked at this there something here what was that Josh uh air filter oh yeah we're just taking the air filter off um get access to the car oh yeah there it is on the roof you can see it there's a mechanical fuel pump just here with an in and an out we're going to obviously take the in off so we're not taking any of the dirty fuel out the fuel tank hopefully we're can run that through the car and it goes room and we drive it to Africa amazing hello hey man right I'm really dirty that's all right hello M we got some friend for context this is being documented so when Josh is post the Top Gear we can look back on this as a great day out so time to check if the engine seiz it or not if it can manually rotate it we have to Good Start what the 19 oh what the bets on there this actually turns of course it'll turn why not I don't know it's been sad for 30 years maybe hey we see men on the internet do this all the time yeah we are now those men my first B us just buy cars that been dragged out yeah we start the Sierra before you know it F40 yeah this is direct comparison to an F40 it's exactly the same same color on same color don't reveal the build [Laughter] yet that just tighten up tightening up oh oh no that's not good then is it put it in put it in gear we put it in gear we'll pump the tires up rock it in gear if I was s for 30 years I won want to move either so yeah for good point damn we put oil down there let it Circle a little bit ties up have we got wd4 we have we're not sponsored by DW foot yet pull out ah okay yeah very nice can we see much in there look at that now a great time to put a meme in there you go all Josh in the edit when I do that put Lou de's l in here we go what's down here and put the Lop now [Music] amazing just Josh just had a brain wave what he said well it's got an alternator straight on the bottom of the poy so if I can snip the belt it might have just be a seized alternator and then the engine might just turn over you just take the butt off and say uh it run the water pump as well it's going to be trashed anyway it'll run about but right exciting news Lou's calling which means the rotor arm should be here oh yeah let me pick up so taking the take off now yeah I was going to cut it but then Ricky made a great point that we might actually need the belt but if they is we're not going use the belt anyway well let's take up for now and do things properly rather than just be ropey as well cuz even though this is a a bom find we do actually like it Jack the car up Sam is great help yeah can I just yeah this guy none of this would have happened without him literally every bit tools we've used and all that stuff is Sam's Sam's doing there you go just Jack the car up so he can pump the tires up the idea is we pump the tires up um because the engine is well we might it's not moving uh it's not over so in order to get it to hopefully turn over move we're going to pump the tires up um and rock it backwards and forwards and hopefully that loosens up a little bit and wakes it up after 30 years of of sleep there you go team effort here me on camera him there him there he's lovely lot support crew there you go all right sitre Sam has gotten the wheel off the idea is now to turn sees these brakes anyway have a look at the state of this wheel after 30 years of sitting yeah that buff out mate I'll come right [Music] out we are a finally oiled machine here we got man of the WD40 man of the brakes man of the alternator what you say about the oil pump Josh water pump us well cuz I realized it's running off the water pump at the same time so that's likely the case because look at this hose oh yeah oh nice nice yeah okay so hey but we're diagnosing it bit by bit before you know it this thing will be driving back to the unit today I it's probably the only thing that'll get me home I Van's over there oh yeah that's not getting out yeah Sam's taking the van in and that's got the most bold tires as well well the Alor is not SE which is a bonus oh just cracked theator oh no oh no go oh no anyway SE to the like stuck on the pulley that's fine that's fine it'll spin right I've got some movement but nice weird it's almost like hitting it after years there you go it's spinning yeah that's one unseized look at that this is an actual real man at work he's actually do man of Genius too fair from experience you do need to hit things a lot sometimes so all right well mate Sam that's a jum well done I'm saying whoa cool that's amazing seed off which is better than yeah yeah that's great was it left with hand bre up or down down amazing know what he's doing he does yeah Josh give us a little sitre cuz you just found something out about the engine didn't you what is he wearing oh Lou is here with amazing look at this nice whil we have a mother's me over here like balance this guy still cracking on unseizing all the calipers for us I mean got start some yeah absolutely this is luc's first time seeing the car what you looking at L how you finding it look it's cool it it's cool isn't it yeah really cool [Music] yeah when he living down here it got nicked the car got nicked the water pump is free think's 4 years old now so doesn't even need anot anymore or tax what an absolute I drove that car leis is it awful yeah it's terrible absolutely terrible absolutely terrible jeez Louise all right one sec it's not coming off it's not coming enough locked up hey I'll get around and catch it that thing is solid on it's moving there we go no not sponsored not sponsored amazing another one side to list move it move it oh beautiful there you go so in the space for 10 minutes weone SE both front braks is that about the same as the other one yeah nice work boys inside here inside here looks mint yeah does actually I've had BMWs that look worse than this and these cars are supposed to rot out so we want it to 20 psi roughly so look at that going straight out the Tire man maybe someone's right maybe we did need a wire brush did you get someone that knows what they're doing there you go 100% crossfitting the share these poor studs a that's so painful to watch people just blur it out so they can't see it this one's not going on well now there's now there we go right give it a roll so it might just go you never know J trying to roll it forward it's moving [Applause] yep there no Drive sh there's no drive shafts I don't think there is there is I can't see it prop sha prop sh prop sha maybe I'm trying to get my camera in there I don't think there's a prop shaft in it oh no let's have a oh there is there is a prop sha f look in here look yeah yeah there's a little crusty there yeah but the rest of the Arches Immaculate this this is stance ready Place classic 2024 winner here oh yes baby look at that that is actually really good that's a lovely color as well that's a stunning color AIT SE here a bit Seas look at that how clean it is 1 six l oh baby baby for badge back there amazing what you think yeah very sick very sick very sick come on there you go prop a view of the underneath there can't wait to go baging I'm not going to base it probably just put on the floor instead yeah some people say that's worse probably H tell you what good news is there's still some oil in that dish still leaking out 30 years later that's good yeah monster you know you know what we're going to fit there mark free golf suspension oh yeah that he knows what coming hey W magic yeah not sponsor they should soon look at that it's a l oh boy oh boy Matthew we need the compressor back here please amazing found ex Minister smoked pot they beat up blond oh no get a perect bikini when when's this from is there a date on it 2000 I think yes yes yes July 20th 20 2000 yeah wow very cool so chances are the mate boy who left the car here Josh was telling us he to sleep in the car drunk so maybe one one time he brought a newspaper with him to enjoy here we go quent and lets yesterday in Parliament wacom's fingernail jabbed and straw recoiled amazing right back to the back of the car oh I can hear it spinning Sam yeah amazing look at that that's all right I'm actually I mean you know we watch videos of people diing like this out and they just have endless headaches with this they AR trying hard enough yeah you they need a Sam that's what they need everyone needs a Sam what you found Sam a little butterfly mate oh well be free anyway all right what's the state to back here I'm just taking this wheel off yep one day I'll find one I need a hammer this hammer yeah the the the the real fact about the decent England de PTI hell yeah baby right nice band from every Grand of the country crob headed with a huge tattooed stomach spinning over his jeans as Belgian police lead him away amazing so much going on here today this got air in it oh yeah look that one's not even really flat that to top cool and now what we want to do is again try to see uh this brake drum disclaimer it's probably all going to get new brakes all around of course of course it will most of this most of the things that allow the car to actually drive will be getting replaced and fixed which you'll probably see in future videos anyway that was easy spinning straight away car not that good yeah there you go all right so we know for a fact then we can definitely get this thing out yeah and get it to the to the to the workshop L extended ball joints on that bad boy we're a bit late for Missi oh shake it s going to get it in gear once all the wheels are on try rock it uh and then see if it can break free their engine obviously if we let full of oil for like an hour or so and should be uh pretty simple hope it gets exciting now hopefully back to the back to the news section with Matthew oh wow D wants to be loved but love isn't part of the royal vocabulary put it in gear give it a bit of a rock and hopefully it just goes see straight away yeah when we second dragging the rear tires maybe put batter on it see if it start for it that look quite locked up all right so sitre we tried to rock it back and forward as you saw and the it wasn't spitting it wasn't rotating so wishful thinker and just stick a battery on it get some power in it and maybe something moves along somewhere in the syst start with a St motor but we'll see yeah H starts with a St motor on a seized uh seiz lump ambitious starters are quite strong yeah all right do we put enough oil down the the B of it you reckon yeah all right I mean I put like a shot of oil so but some WD I did down there on the floor down there check the lights on see if it works a man who's been in the barn all day there we go in fact I'll come around the back cuz the back class will glow a little bit better in the dark oh we've got ignition lights yes we do yes we do there they are sorry I just swore sorry Mom that's okay oh it's not my mom right how do you turn the lights on I imagine there's a light switch Josh yep oh let's not waste any energy on yeah I'm trying to find the lights who the back one's moving it's like it's like Reviving a ghost or something it's crazy that was you trying to start wasn't it yeah the start motor was going I can't see I actually can't look at that Jen could you pass us the light there there we go I should be a bit better headlights are on you got headlights they're on the stalk here not yes oh it lives is indat that's sounds like Wasing just right it's the relay clicking okay yeah sorry the bottom and have we even checked how much oil is in it dipstick no he left a come on let's fill up with oil it should be oily well maybe not enough to sees it if he's like put the head on and not put any oil in di this is is dry oh look okay now it's quite that's bad it's good color is it what about the rust on the rest of the stick yeah the r the rust is the issue it's locked up like acon that is we won't get defeated that EAS come on I'll say this as if I know anything that can that can help this situation there's plenty of oil is there I mean it's not the right color but there green isn't it looks uh bit watery full of water I mean it's been set 30 years yeah maybe that's the maybe the head gasket went that's why it got pked up no and water got into the oil was it actually doing a head gasket it did there's a there's a head on the floor oh perfect o no that's just me UND doing it excited then you know what look great in it m52 it actually would I know you would rollers last time we looked in there Ricky we saw Louis's Lo it doesn't look too dry oh we got lunch to have form one oh right that's [Music] Ferrari P pepep this is definitely for our uh P1 Charles P11 uh we're checking uh bugs bgs one moment going to see what all right bring it back she is we're just trying to get it out now this and it doesn't even run sorry doesn't run we've lived here for 22 years and it's been in the shed all that time until today luck it body good you been in there huh you been in it no not for a long when we first moved in we had a look at it but I know the guy whose car it was AR he yeah yeah yeah he's that job Lu cheers look at Josh being a sociable guy the sun's coming out you can kind of see that there beautiful it's actually a really nice day today so B A sitre we've just spent 20 minutes rocking it backwards I for trying to get it unseized um and it's not happening it's not firing off the ignition it's not far it's not moving when we rock the car back and forward so Sam and the Gang put a little bit more oil into the BS bmed up a little bit um and the idea is now that we're going to head to the pub that's conveniently just there bash and um have a pint and wait for it to kind of soak and settle and hopefully when we come back we can uh keep it and it'll go ping rotate it and hope it gets a fire I am worried though we we ain't got much sunlight left we'll be here till after dark but that's fine I'm not worried about that put some epic music in is it worth just quickly if we if we RI the r cover off yeah and just cuz there might be a uh like a thing we can get you know what I mean do timing we can give it a and see if that Lo flat on the can yeah yeah yeah another a flat bit and you know what Ricky that's exactly what I was thinking as well myself the flat of the cams that's they those guys are thinking that as well it's the flat of the cams isn't it God so good being an engineer should be getting paid for this some of these angles man oh I for Spielberg got these weird things [Music] here it's sky1 you got the little it's upside down there you go [Music] watch it be absolutely slush Heaven of rust in here and they go well oh I've lost it anyway now they went off the side I think that's it do you need some gloves Sam look at this man he's an outsider his hands are natural glov the warming embracing the one at the s Palms there we go thex of all right also I know we joke about being in be careful cuz there so much dust this oh nice oh boy oh boy oh I remember oh okay ah okay it doesn't look nice does it all right well we seem to have unraveled the pond there's a bit of rust in there boys so that other head how good do that look look at that rust on the C there see it's probably rusted to that um oh boy in there it doesn't lift off even but slice through doesn't it yeah oh it hasn't even got like a a thing on it we can turn it oh is it no that's that's flat is it flat is it Square two sides yeah yeah what's this oil Square yeah yeah oil Square cuz there is a little 10 mil at the back there bubbling uh that's so this is this is got the all rail but there's a little uh to hold the cam back Groove so if we could take that out and then we could get a little bit of Lefty righty where's the WD40 cuz down there be you not sponsored in here yeah get all three oh that's not very nice in there that's awful so to say the engine's pretty yeah but if anything that means we can be a bit more off of it's trying get fun brute force and ignorance maybe the car needs a beer have you tried pouring you seen those videos where they like get a car that's at the bottom of the sea and it's like missing pistons and stuff they still could it running yeah yeah yeah I love them videos it's great you're making one right now [Laughter] mate I'll help the rusty C the top the Cal if we didn't take rock cover off you just turn on you'd never look at yeah yeah I mean it's less than ideal that being like that yeah yes I've definitely seen healthier I don't think we'll get to Africa on that no well hold on a minute good thing you love rebuilding engines Josh down the road maybe not Africa yeah quite Africa actually went to Africa on a kayak mate do have a pin [Laughter] yeah to M you know what when we get to the pub going to Google how to unseize Pinto lump I'll bet you there's there's pages and pages of Internet forums with a bunch of daes and barries and gares with bber hat oh why have I been there all that time this is such a bad angle it's not a funny angle done a r driver Co and then we got a screwdriver or to just knock that down watch that WD40 ball just round Ed on it Hammer Hammer always very lightly tap it that's moving yeah that's moving moving moving here we go smack it off there hang on Torch torch torch torch L uh got you going P jobless got to be holding that there baby yeah at that nice nice who who what that come on the left coming yeah oh so just explain for the viewers what was happening here Jos basically there's so much rust on this Cam that obviously at this point we might as well just try and unseize it by fruit Force instead of just turning it moving it in and out to disturb all the oxidization on the Cal and hopefully that's one of the leading factors of why it's not turning so now it moves in and out you know it's not definitely not stuck you should be able to turn that around fairly easy that have a spin or it won't you know what I mean just fire straight up careful cuz plugs in it so doubt nothing's happening it's not even try well considering the top of the engine was seized I'm imagining the bottom ain't going to be I tell you what we'll let it soak then we'll going get a p cuz there's oil there loads of oil down the a good idea let it sit for a bit and then we'll put it in gear and rock it now we know we can eliminate the top house at least some yeah everything's question everything's off question for a noob is there anything we can do today to unsee the bottom the way we' just done the top yeah just what we just said well rock it but if that doesn't work is that it okay taking head off today it's just it's either you start GE it moves or it's right well let's get the cover back on let's cut here we going to p cut amazing and the bar's right there and the pub is right there he's got loads of beers all the beers in the world so jent what are we doing here if we can uh break her free what are we looking for we're looking for this little thing here to spin aren't we yeah no luck no no luck it doesn't help it's absolutely freezing today and metal not cold I got this hoodie on yeah ah where can I get one of these joshh tell me a bit more about it mate let's go baby amazing probably best doing that it's back at the workshop oh we just put it in gear if it turn in just yeah it's got c yeah you'll have yeah yeah and it might just you have have cuz if you got clutch yeah then you could just off the Seas have a handbrake essentially yeah literally basically my unit is less than a mile away so try and tow it back to my workshop and in the workshop you have lights so considering it gets darker like 330 now we yeah if we pull it out now at least we've got some time while it's out there should we should I just bring and then we can mess about with in the workshop try and get started we should probably put that shim back in the cam anything needs to go back sand the sand of rust off the top of the cam it might become unse I'm at0 gritting the cam it's rather pitted so if it does run and it it doesn't actually matter I swear my mom will tell you off Josh again sorry M what is that right can I just look at this how tiny these little Pi I there you go head for scale they're tiny Christmas mate what we're about to witness now is arguably some of the more interesting bits of today cuz uh the car's finally going to come out of this shed This Barn rather not shed it's quite a big big shed Big Barn do you we could go out fine yeah I think we can get it out fine yeah yeah and we got a good tow vehicle look at this thing amazing here L has the oh yeah pork pie can get a little inside on the inside look at that nice that really really good go check it I'm going to wait for he finish MTH I'm going to do like hand cam in it slow motion yeah going so of your and it's warm warmer anyway man of the hour and Bruno the dog look at this amazing absolutely amazing right it's on let me put the window down and then I'll Ste it right all just let me know when I'm slack off slack okay okay yeah keep going three two one and you're nearly off slack nearly bit keep going keep going keep going that's it yeah it's moving let's go are we ready yep full look right yeah I'm trying watch that head on the floor is it going to hit that head on the flooor all right this is the first time this car has seen light in 30 years let me move this in fact you know what this car has been in that shed longer than all of us have been alive not me mate ah well you got to look to match us anyway don't matter I'm going try go that way Drive oh those tires are pretty bold slowly slowly one sec Sam one sec where watch that front is it going to climb over that should be fine though the camera pictures I can only I only have one uh One Pair of Hands mate did you want to all right God got to do this and this at the same time what do we want that want this you know what Matt if you don't mind could you take over for a second thank you Louis could you leou could you could you hide behind the brambles for a second so I can get a photo it is amazing 20 to again oh no the the door in who the thought I think S I think I can s turns right and to drag the front I think it just pull through oh it smells so musty oh baby oh stinks in there proper is that an A to Z or some sort of map down there some manual Maps yeah look at the mold on the steering wheel a proud man in his new car oh yeah it's uh not terrible I think this will clean up very nicely it's going to be pretty good you think the road for 10 years yeah yeah 10y old carate she show condition that is all Josh pulling going try pull the front round at the same time as we pulling it we're quite tight right got s now should we just do you want to keep a little bit out yeah yeah you're out now you're out now you're out you can go there it is there's a Sierra guys and Mikey R actually it won't keep running forward with it leave it there leave it there all right let's get some photos this is pretty special this there she is for the first time gone 30 Years Gone 30 years actually nice it's actually DEC it's a lovely color as well very solid you can see it you can kind of see it there and yeah it's not you take a picture of the grill back on yeah have we got the grill yeah yeah let me yeah let me get some pictures of IT stand yeah o j FM so good I love flying this thing this is more fun than driving any car the seven series of drones I'd rather fly this and drive fire again look at that look at that it's amazing all right B with uh Sam when we shut the up into the field all right got us a little sitre mate what we doing now uh uh we're going to try and move it out of the Jungle um amazing use the seized engine as a handbrake so you can stop and my unit is literally yards away beautiful not even far so when we get on the road I'm going to hop in this car with you I'm going film you from the inside we need someone it's not it's a private road it's not a real road yeah yeah yeah down down the driveway to the unit we need the bra volunteer to film using their phone amazing I in the back as it's where the guy slept there you go this is uh the M car own now we good to go Sam GTA cam look at this trying to do that whil doing that tricky right well CH there's a bit of a lump here on your left that you need to never get over uh whoa whoa Sam one sec your um tray is Flowing open I don't that you sure stop Sam stop stop oh my God whoa whoa stop stop stop stop stop st St St St stop you need to spin your steering to the left Josh one sec oh my god there like no control yeah full onad it's like laid out the whole amazing look at that amazing that front left tire is pretty flat Josh we need to pump up could you hold this very quickly thank you amazing thank you that's it all right amazing that felt so weird it looks sketchy from the outside can't I just like this every uh amazing Stu in here after shave fragrance uh refresher tissue [Laughter] still that smells amazing smell Vision on there oh no oh no is that a battery no it's just up to 20 psi oh more yeah you see that after shave fragrance just pull out the packets it still up to all right let's see the coupons Premier points this whole car is just an absolute Time Capsule of things have the fun of a barn find is it all the stuff you find in it head off oh Wicked it's got the tools there for when we had to take the head off it SE up oh I got the B I got it oh wow you I'm painted butter is that a bug in it what is that amazing the dreaded peanut butter what the is that whe right solid no spare no spare spare is on the car this car is for sale of 15 grand if you do want to buy it peanut butter included let's get that slam hello buddy I'll drive back uh yeah we come back and do it who's jumping so to the unit let's go to the unit let's go to the unit we got M what I I didn't I should have come here stinks in it hor yeah we got a map in case we get lost stand there we got some tissue paper in case you have a moment Josh just trying to Hand Works yeah sound okay cool are the hazards on do they work I don't know they are bit usually a big red triangle somewhere hey they're on amazing somebody better be filming this from the outside they know they're going to do that are they R is chat R the landscape landscape oh my God imagine seeing this oh my goodness we're going down the private driveway now it's the unit H works oh what's that car what's that car hell Josh oh you can feel that the tires are proper he good shape jump yeah yeah yeah yeah we're on the Move see in there the dub van is in tow with the hazards we have support vehicle front re amazing the H works so good look look watch how high goes ready yep oh you can hear it you can feel it she's a born Drifter ready to go ready stle straight doesn't even need an alignment there's a Moment of Truth oh my God I would love to see this from this angle right now love to be that guy there can zoom it on him there we are in the Sierra of Dreams can't even get a gear it's not clut down maybe for the gear no I'm trying it didn't want to get in the gear all right Lou get a video get a video oh my God this is the bigest piece of yeah it's whoa yeah out um all right Tove this a little bit here we go uh how do I put the window down here it don't work it don't work oh he's fixed the window it out all right Louis we're going to try to do something ridiculous here I'm going to try and get a Runing shot this is so to drive how is he driving this can you hold this real quick all right we're going to do some pretty pretty nuts to this all right you're going to have to me here when when the road opens up go in the right lane yeah and uh I'll try and lean out the window as we do normal roading shots it's all right I got the video as well we're going slowly enough so you can um yeah you get closer like get re bumper then I want to I need to zoom out here perfect there we go right got it look at this actual media production [Applause] you can hear it who was that how we made it home so this is absolute yeah you've driven you've owned some pretty cars you've owned one of them and this is worse this is one of the most dire cars I've ever driven this is actually worse this is so bad anyway here he is how was that RS like a dream man daily beautiful let's go baby we're moving these cars out to get the Sierra in [Music] amazing what we're going to do is going to put this on the ramp up on the ramp Coral underneath it see I can go in here amazing why is that spinning backwards Josh that wheel spinning backwards that wheel is spinning backwards no idea what's going on there slowly [Applause] I'll be honest with you viewers I'm not really sure what we're trying to achieve [Applause] here Josh that death is beyond belief that wheel is spinning backwards the entire time backwards yeah it's cuz it's open if so why is it going in reverse one of them's locked up and the other one would just spin so but why backwards we going make this I thought was more do just drag around let me put second all right you have to do these things you're going to end up ripping the PO thing it off oh it's it's rim on concrete stop stop the tires off the beads the tires off the beads it's too late now have to get going ni what is going on here [Laughter] I still C on the [Music] [Music] side what are you doing to this thing well do it I think he sees me I think it's locked up oh no look at the r done to it Josh all right get it in there we left a spare over there we did we oh well I'll get another day P I got to go back and fix the fence oh yeah I got to go and get my car same you I don't she's in amazing right so now I have four of my own cars in here and I have a workshop to run so amazing anyway well better get this one running then so you can get out right yeah maybe we'll put a new engine in it depends I don't know do you want to bother Tinker with this one today seized up now it's over no point I think it needs a new engine because it is proper locked up obviously you see we drag around thank you everyone well we tried hey we Che quite up though we got a car that car where is he think my van would have got anything no Sam's the hero yeah he's gone somewhere anyway we're going to end it here we're going to go get some like follow sub do that just payp Lo money inad F right so I'm made it in this video I didn't actually put anything else at the end of the video um yeah thanks to the guys that come and helped me yesterday it was I needed the help I could have done that on my own so thank you to those guys um as for the car uh we're going to see if I can get it unseized see if I can get it running if not if it's worth my time and cost effective I'll look into put another engine in it as you seen the video I have a lot of cars already and a lot of projects and I can't do it all I can't do it all so yeah if it's worth my time I'll put an engine in it but other than that I will be you know cleaning it up getting it like really nice inside nice on outside maybe put a set of tires on that don't leak instantly uh and then I'll I'll be shifting it on to someone else um so if you're interested message me on Instagram and I'll let you know if you can buy it basically but it's definitely getting a clean first I really want to clean it because the inside and the outside they've not been exposed to any sunlight or anything for 30 years and the car's like 10 year old when it was parked so it's really nice it's really nice under all that dirt and I'm excited to see what it's like but um if you've made it this far in a video thank you for watching go to pick yourself one of these up thank you goodbye
Channel: Josh Gresswell
Views: 254,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 55sec (4435 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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