Barn Find Ford Capri Mk1 in London

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London the capital city of the UK I've come to London to a back street where even though the real estate in London is still really really high there are still little pockets of semi- deric garages and the garage in question that I'm interested in is just here because in here is a car which has been in the same family from new and we think it hasn't been out of here since maybe the early 80s I'll give you a clue it is an old Ford and the slogan on the advert was the car you always promised yourself you might know what I'm talking about so this is a b fine edition of the late break show and I'm Johnny Smith so panel thank you so much for inviting me to North London I used to live not that far away from here it's like a distant memory now but the car in here this is your car or someone in your family's car so this is my car and uh I actually uh purchased it from my godmother uh she purchased it brand new in 1972 and I got it from her in 1983 wow you got 83 so you bought it 40 years ago yeah oh yeah did you actually drive it yeah I was driving it for a few years yeah and then uh pretty much we put it in here and uh it's been here ever since bloody hell in it's in here ever since sat there ever since can we have a look yeah we'll carry We Carry On chatting cuz I know you said door works the car you always promis yourself it's a mar gpri look at that it's a beautiful color yeah right up with the roller shutter gosh so it really has sat here for a long time you haven't when panels got got in touch with the late break show I did say please don't touch it and sure enough you haven't which is great this was your Godmother's car 72 Capri from new is it a 1.6 1.6 automatic it's an auto yeah so she lived in London as well she lived in Holloway on merca Road okay yeah so Auto would have been appropriate as a for a city Capri driver yeah this is my first Capri barn find on the show W which is amazing given how popular they are and and it's great that we're doing a mark one as our first one so what made you put it in here then what did it break down did no it didn't break down it's just I I bought uh I had the Triumph stag yeah and also had a as my weekend car and I had a Sierra as an everyday car yeah um but I used to work in the city so I ended up riding a bike to go to work yes what this is exactly what I did when I lived right and so um we just put it in here and it was just here and uh it's just been here ever since oh my gosh so we don't really know the condition of it I guess it's it's gradually become a store room for mattresses we get this a lot on the show people just put stuff on it yeah it's on axle stands I think I see at the back yeah is that right back on the back okay so it's on axle stands at the back front tires are clearly pretty flat so mark one Capri launched in 6 9 Brussels Motor Show and it ran till 74 when the mark 2 Capri became a hatchback so the first one was a true Coupe second one was a hatchback because it was the oil crisis era and they wanted to make it more family car orientated but basically this was launched as Europe's answer to the Mustang but it used a mark 2 Cortina running gear so the the chassis is a mark 2 Cortina with a more muscle carry body on it and then in 74 just as the production was ending for these they did the race homologation version the 3100 RS which is probably now the most collectible Capri but very very I love this style of the I can't see them because it's dark back there but you've got these sort of like fake intakes on the rear quarter panel that were very muscle car ERA this is a dry garage yeah that much we know I don't know what the story is with all of the the military coats above our heads but this is my brother-in-law um was using the garage and he he was a panel beater yeah and a spray and fixed cars but he was using this uh garage to actually store this stuff he used to buy Army cplus and uh sell it oh that's all the all the military stuff right okay he passed away in 2011 so this stuff has been here for since before then I've had a quick look around the back um it's there's a lot of stuff so before we show you we thought we just clear a bit of space around the Capri then I can get it off the axle stands pump the tires up and stuff all right so that's what we do just stop for a quick coffee break that's [Music] all [Music] we're one mattress away from seeing the vinyl roof I do love a vinyl roof so the car looks a lot better now now we can see around it there yeah it it's such a cool color yeah so is has this car ever been repainted repaired do you know it's been repainted so when we when we lift the onnet was you'll see the original color it's slightly different it was green again slightly different Y and um yeah we'll see it in a moment and it has a repair um it was hit on the back quarter when my godmother had it I remember she told me oh really yeah she got hit by somebody on the corner yeah on the on the rear quarter she was Sid swiped oh and and um I was hit by an xr3i right here really nice guy in my end and he tore out of a side street hit me got down apologized said I just bought this car I thought it was faster I thought i' be able to pull out in front of you and I'm really sorry and that was like the easiest Insurance claim I ever had and down here I found a plastic pigeon I was really scared at first that it was real but I realized it's not my brother-in-law was was into hunting as well oh okay you say to the bumpers the front bumpers just down there and you don't know why the front bumper is not on it how weird it looks like the number Plate's just been sort of like intentionally just put at a juny angle oh there we go oh now it's got an aftermarket twin choke carb on it yeah that's the only thing I put on as aftermarket a Nikki I remember the Nikki card with a visible float Bowl wow a Nicki twin choke but if you look at the structure of the car like these chassis legs and the inner Wings this looks really good yeah I mean it's comical isn't it how much space yeah the Mark 1 Capri you could get engines from 1.3 to 3 lit and loads in between they did they did a V4 they did the V6 they did the straight four this is the 1600 Kent did the 2 L Pinto there's so many different engine options and uh yeah it's cool the fact it's been parked in here all these years has probably done it favors although as we were are about to find out somebody's decided to fill the interior with quilts and dues and I'm worried that the the mice and the Rats might have had a festival in there but we'll see so we'll come back to this that's definitely yeah nice cream parasol brilliant look CNA bag that's a CNA bag and CNA are not around anymore no right I haven't seen a CNA bag oh my God that's me with my XY really that's you yeah you must show that to the camera just got to take a call you can send a fax as well right yeah yeah I'm sending a fax at the same time as taking the call cuz it's a combined fax copy of telephone and digital answering machine which would have been worth quite a lot of money at the time I'm starting to see the whole interior finally now I've always like Capri back seats cuz they're totally separate buckets with a um with an armrest and the headlining I know you had some guy cut a hole in the roof in the for your 80s sunroof but the the headlining looks pretty good yeah and that cool three spoke steering wheel what's really weird about the caprito me is that they they invented it to be our European Mustang but yet they launched it in North America in 1970 and they sold half a million of these in North America so you didn't just have to buy Mustang you could buy and I think probably maybe it was a good idea with regards to fuel shortages in the in the early 70s and maybe it started selling well as a result of that I don't know but the same spec they were slightly different spe and I think they were badged as a Mercury Capri not a Ford Capri and and nowadays I don't know how desirable they are in the States but it was it was only the mark one that was sold look I've got a there a nice aate grill badge yeah that's cool oh my God that needs to go back on the colors match as well the colors I was just thinking the same thing you've totally got to put that back on yeah of course I'll subscribe yeah I'll comment on the video if that's what you want yeah we can do that yeah if you want to become a patreon of the channel you can do that yeah you can from as little as one pound a month it's true yeah thanks for letting me know that thank thanks by key's been left in the boot and uh it's full of again army army surplus German Army jumpers just dozens of them dozens and dozens and dozens of German jump I'm going to be here for some time probably want have fast forward this bit there is a connection a historical connection between the mark W Capri and Germany as you probably know Ford of Germany and cologne been in business for years but this was a collaboration between Ford Germany and Ford UK and apparently the mark wer PRI project cost 20 million and it was going to be called The Cult because the Mustang cult another name for a horse but mitubishi took them to court Ford lost so the Ford had to be called a capri not a cult in fact I did a bomf find on a cult I'm sure it was a Mitsubishi cult um or cult saporo yes Colt saporo I'll put a link above my head that was so professionally done so profession so it's time to crack on and see if we can get the engine to turn over Panos hasn't even attempted this in decades um the old 1600 Kent engine is a very simple engine luckily and access is incredible I've never worked on a capri but I've worked on numerous other Fords and the thing about Fords was Parts interchangeability was amazing um and so there's a lot of relatable stuff here and and it really is all here it's pretty solid actually this aftermarket carb I don't know much about Nikki carbs but I know they were fitted to numerous cars but first of all like always um take the plugs out put a little bit of lube down the BS and then see if the engine seized by maybe spinning it over with the plugs out I have seen some rodent droppings on the inner Wings up there but no sign of any of the cables or hoses from being chewed which is really good right these are coming out really nicely which is such a pleasure such a pleasure really the Capri was killed off by the hot hatch they looked so old compared to XR 3s RS turbos Sierra Cosworth you know that was why the car got killed the coupe got killed basically right plugs are out and they all look really good they are good color so as usual down the plug holes I'm either going to spray a bit of normal oil or a bit of penetrant like WD40 and that's just to when I try and turn the engine over just ascertain whether or not it's seized oil is oil is up to the mark right just give these plugs a little clean up make sure the contacts are bright just degrease them and then but we'll leave them out when we do the first turnover of the car if you have a car that you think is of interest for a barfire for me to come and visit in a garage out on a driveway in a hedge maybe it's got an amazing backstory maybe it's a beautiful Survivor car let me know uh email us there's a description uh a link in the description email us give us some photos give us a location and a back story always appreciated I've just noticed a car alarm it's there and there's a switch there but Panos did say he did it back in the 80s but um he thinks he disconnected it we'll find out in a bit when I put a new bloody battery on it and the fleece is on the fleece is on the fleece is on get this always a bit nervous and excited at this moment where got no idea if the engine's dead wiring is dead it's going to be seized there's all kinds of variations to this experiment always I always disconnect the fuel line before I go for an initial turnover because I don't want to drag I mean we don't know if the fuel pump down there Works anyway but what you what you desperately you don't want to do is drag old fuel through sludgy fuel through the whole system cuz once you do that you've opened a complete can of worms then what's quite cool about these aftermarket Nikki carbs is this window the float ball window so you can see when this has got fuel in it or not there's a little level there there see that black float which will be quite a good reference that's assuming this careta works at all but I'm going to assume it does I'm not going to put the old one back on now ah here we go okay it was that key it's just the barrel was a bit seized but I've lubed the barrel and now it's okay so I've got two dash lights should we should we try it see if it spins no no sometimes it can be the inhibitor switch on the auto box yeah the light the lights are just fading when I go to to turn them to turn the ignition so that means that means there's other problem at the starter end you might remember on an earlier bar find I did of an escort Mexico another green Ford I had the same issue with the just there the stter motor solenoid on these Fords is separate to the starter motor I don't know what's gone on there but I've bridged across this and I've got a quick clack of the starter motor and a quick turnover I'll do that again just using a piece of wire to bridge it just to convince you the viewers that I haven't made up what I've just said here we go you should get a turning over of the engine any second now it's quite a fiddle cuz it's brake master cylinders in the way and so's the uh all right so we know it's not seized which is really good and we're getting a strong Spark from the uh points which pleases me immensely so what I might do I might just clean the points quickly with some contact cleaner and then uh and a bit of Emory cloth and then we know that the ignition is pretty good on this car so then I can put those plugs back in now and then we introduce fuel so tell me a bit more about your godmother who owned this car from new um she came over to England before the second world war and uh she uh she was I remember stories of uh her being down in the aage shelters well not in the aage shelters actually in the underground stations where they using as air a shelters yeah yeah yeah and eventually she actually was helping some lady there and she eventually married her son wow um she ended up getting divorced but uh she was um she had actually had a coat factory she actually made coats off of Bond Street and uh she was always in the rag trade with um making buttons and stuff like that right which is where you first saw this car yeah outside the button factory right that she owned yeah do you want me to help pump up the tire listen Panos if you want to pump the tires up I'm not going to stop you it's something I know I've got to do and I'm just focusing on the engine work but if you want to do it pal problem I've got a seriously slow analog pump but you're a fit man so I'm going to say you're not going to find that a problem I enjoy watching other people doing that cuz it's normally me that does that that's least I can do so I've put the plugs in and still I still can't get it to turn over on the key but I'll just Bridge it again so this is plugs in no fuel at compression uh and let's see what we get doesn't that sound nice that sounds good I haven't heard that sound for years no that sounds happy just want to check got one plug back out again just for peace of mind to see if I'm get to if I'm getting a spark there no I'm not getting a spark there Yeah Bugger it's turning over beautifully though [Music] so I'm re cleaning the points I've phone my brother the Oracle we've established that we're getting voltage to the points which is why that little bulb lit up so I just think there might be a bit more dirt on the point so I'm going to just do that meanwhile the Sun is going down and I just want to I just want to make sure these are as clean as they can possibly be and I'm going to spray a bit of contact cleaner in there just using a bit of bit of card for the last bit cuz I have already used an abrasive twice I don't think they need any more abrasive don't know if you can hear it yeah there yeah that's a strong spark will blow me down with a feather so it's just very very dirty points Third Time Lucky so I'm going to quickly put that back on that last plug back in uh and then we should have a PL a spark at the plug and then we can do the fuel and hopefully then if the carbur is behaving the kind of hope will let it run let's see just changed plan really want to get the car outside to show you it um it's been on these axle stands for goodness knows how long and it's um and it's seized so I'm trying to quickly unseize the brake so we can get it outside that's what we'd like to do [Music] trying to [Music] get [Music] okay [Music] now that we've got the Capri out I love the profile of this window so iconic this oval shape which sort of mimics the oval of the Ford badge even though the oval four badge isn't on this um and then you've got the the fuel filler that's also covered in vinyl and the lovely piece of trim which goes around the vinyl roof there that in combination with these faux vents is sort of muscle car era vents when all the muscle cars in America had lots of artificial lumps and bumps and and fake vents but it was the fashion love that think it's great it's great I mean I know that we've lost the light now but we've managed to get out and have a look at it and I think the chassis is really good the inner wings are really good it's had some body repair where it's had accidents a couple of minor accidents but from Mar one Capri it's pretty good take now yeah stra that's it good good that's it right you might notice it's got dark um so there might be a bit of a jumping continuity and the reason for that is cuz I've been trying to troubleshoot the same issue for quite a long time and it looks very syy so we haven't filmed all of it it's properly wrecking my head I've been on the phone to my brother about six times but I think I think we have a solution for why we've we had a spark then we don't have a spark then we had a bit of a spark and then we don't have a spark and it's because well I think inside the distributor cap the the wire on the condenser had some tape on it I couldn't see when it was light that there was actually a a damaged part of the insulation I couldn't see it from this angle you can't see it but when I look down from the down straight down from between this hole and the manifold I can see there's a bit of damage and my brother thinks that's been earthing inside the casing of the distributor and therefore not sending the 12 volts to where it needs to send it to so if we repair that that we will should get a spark where we want to spark and then I might have some chance of starting the car but I am so tired and I am I'm so mentally worn out from trying to troubleshoot this I'm at the peak of my mechanical understanding if that doesn't work then I I I can't I can't get this Capri to run today it's one of those situations where if I had a spare set of points condenser plugs distributor cut rotary arm Etc yes I probably could but we got kind of two problems here remember cuz we've got it doesn't start on the ignition key so I've already had to bypass that and then we've got a secondary problem here so I know when you sit at home and you shout at the TV because Johnny's not doing it right well when you encounter these B findes cars that have been set for decades you never really know what you're going to get I'm going to shut up and I'm going to try and mend [Music] that [Music] right ignition on final attempt to get a spark and this is really I've said this a couple of times this really is the final attempt I've repaired that issue will I get a spark at that plug no no I hate to give up and not have a successful fire up but I'm afraid this is one of those it's really frustrating we've tried as many things as we can the bottom line is it has several problems and it needs a couple of crucial new parts like points and condenser uh and probably uh rotor arm but there's some good parts to this car obviously a lot of them it's really great to have it back on its Wheels unse the brakes it's a very solid car where it matters um and we know it's going to be it's going to ride again Panos is definitely going to get this car back on the road uh and it's great because it'sot exempt it's tax exempt it's ulz exempt I think London congestion charge exempt so it can live on in the city uh where it was where it was kind of live forever and that's going to be really good it just annoys me that I couldn't quite get it to spark consistently and therefore no point in trying to make it run so hope you've enjoyed this episode of the late break show as I said before if you know of a car that's of interest uh that's outside inside in a barn not in a barn let me know send pictures location and the backstory to the email in the description and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe and so would my fleece the BFF thanks a
Channel: The Late Brake Show
Views: 407,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonny smith car reviews, carpervert, the late brake show, jonny smith barn find, barn find ford mk1, abandoned ford capri, barnfind, barn find, mk1 ford capri, will it run, classic ford garage find, forza horizon barn find, barn find cars, old ford, jonny smith barn finds, rare classic ford, capri mk1, ford capri, one owner car, garage find ford rescue, rare ford, Mercury Capri
Id: Bri0_iQvGQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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