Barley is a dream!

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[Music] good everyone welcome back always a good start of the morning when you got a jump start your a so we're uh we're filling this up this morning Henry's obviously here but he's about to go spine George had to pull up last night at uh 5:30 is where he got to that's where he caught up to Henry and he's basically out of seat anyway uh cuz we had all that drizzle yesterday I didn't even check I think we had 2 Ms of rain and uh yeah we we couldn't load because it was all wet and uh Henry couldn't spray cuz it was windy and rainy so we're uh we're getting into it today okay so dad's filling up the uh the truck with the fur and George and I down here well one I've got a very happy seater driver now don't I yeah I'm happy no more stubble blocks no more stubble blocks really nice well you got one didn't you I had one yesterday but I think it was been a pile cuz I didn't get one the rest of the day yeah so you did well 80 something hectares and the end sewing which is lovely he's a happy driver it's nice when it all runs it is very nice so uh anyway this morning well he's going to wash his windows I'm going to fuel him up but I'm also going to top up his hydraulic oil so we need to bring that level up to here cuz we had a seal go on the back of the bin there we had it go last year I'm not sure if I recorded it or not but I didn't record it this year cuz uh it was Saturday and uh that was Dad and George who were doing that wasn't in his work GE that's why no I wasn't in my I was in my Crocs um so yeah it's a hydraulic seal uh it's a seal that's out the back on the bin and it's solenoid that controls the uh the fans and the oras and uh yeah that went and when that goes it just squirts a lot of oil out quickly so we've got 40 lers there I definitely don't think I'll use close to that but um yeah we'll top him up and then uh yeah get him all right have you got some words for case on how they can improve you know how could they improve take some tips from John Deere people like there's no walking area here there's no handlebars at the top and have you seen the Step at the back there yes you'll have to put a picture of the John Deere one compared to that little diddy thing yes so the Step at the back here you're you can't really get in there so you're having to stand on the tank there's no rail that goes around the top there it is honestly like dangerous trying to wash your windows or do anything up here I don't know how you get the no it's just no and you're sitting on my Bonnet you're got to scratch it how else do you like you just can't the other side there's a step there what the case it's like so many little details are great you know like on the armrest well you when you put it down it's got the little slow thing yeah like the soft clo it's so nice it's like all little details and then you see this thing where kind of under oh oh I'm just going to lose it cuz there's no chain on it what what tra like am of money people want to know your pros and cons of this tractor George so I wanted to just interview you write you a list I think we could all write your list it does have its pros but unfortunately wearing is that empty yep yeah I'm happy with that we'll run we'll run it when it's warm and we'll see what it's like on your next Fu now gets the camera I want to show people what it's like show your struggle George of what cleaning windows yeah so Henry's about to get roaring I do have the Drone with me I will get it out when we're all set and going and I'll get some uh footage of him in the air [Applause] too but you don't get to see his orange spray just yet cuz he obviously didn't finish here it'll be finished somewhere down there right fuel all right he's all fueled up uh they're filling him feeling him now and there's not much we can do at the moment now we can't check a sea depth or well can't do a SE check cuz the times are in the air um yeah so George did 85.4 hectares yesterday before pulling up and uh Henry's over the other side there's a dam up there he's over the other side of that spraying so uh yeah when he comes back on this side I'll try the drain up well if my dogs uh so pepper just stood in my uh my trench that just dug so pop out just having another look at se depth so we got it just there and there and uh just there it's fairly good uh it is a bit shallow we might just lower in in one more shim just to yeah just so it's in uh in the proper amount and then I can know that the whole bar is consistently in properly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] sh a [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] a new place a new home for a while let me feel like nothing to hold me back take my time just enjoy the ride I passing by life is good best ever F get me up some somewhere I can find [Music] myself oh I feel I feel I feel I feel so alive as I reach out Reach Out Reach Out reach out to the sky I found my way I found my way I was in the dark against it all but made it through the day cuz I found my way I found my way in bad times I know I'll be okay cuz I found my way cuz I found my [Music] way cuz I my way my way my way my way my way so you can see by that footage it's uh much nicer for George when he's uh inter sewing it's uh yeah it's the next year when he comes back uh so to do canol into here into rosai it does get a little bit difficult cuz you got that weight stubble still there but and that's why we did end up starting to go on the angle but we'll see what happens next here with this new bar if we get this new bar so uh anyway I'm going to go and grab uh the fine and bring it back down and we just need to wash out his uh or and his Hopper cuz it's getting a bit yuck so we'll give that a wash so it's got time to drrive before we fill in which will probably be in about 5 hours and uh yeah that's the plan Henry's going to go do another tank as well I think he's back Brewing up so he'll get another tank out and then that's 200 heares out in front and we'll just wait and see how George gets on today and maybe he'll go on do a third so you can see how yucky it is so that's why we wash it all sorted washed the uh the or rinsed all down here cuz uh this black panel just there is uh where the hydraulic lake was and it just sprayed like just a mist of oil out so everything was sort of slightly covered in oil so I've just rinsed all that rinsed the buckets cuz they were getting nasty so yeah we'll leave George to it and uh I better go back and fuel up uh fill up uh Wally so that's already so when Dad came back up here before he went Mouse spreading he uh he loaded up the barley for me on the back there so it's made my job a bit easier and I just thought I'd show you the uh the F shed we are getting today is Tuesday so we are getting F delivered on Friday so we'll be able to fit your rear in here now cuz we are getting quite low like we still have you know a week worth there but we're getting low and our eggar is also starting to get low so again we' probably be able to last about a week I reckon depends how quick we can get through the barley is how quick this would this would go but uh yeah I'll get it loaded up and get it all ready to roll got Wally back in the shed now not for belts I won't be tipping the cab forward for the spotlights Wally has got okay lights at night time but the uh spotties make a huge huge difference uh and the other night they just stopped working uh I'm going to assume that it's going to be something to do with uh just the cord has come off the what's it called battery so uh no that's the wrong one that's windscreen wipers that's the high beam yeah so I don't know why but when I'm turning the high beam on the switch light comes on and then doesn't do anything there anyway so uh yeah I'll climb up in there which isn't the easiest to do if you have a look at this in there have a look at the batteries yep it's a simple easy fix so I can't get my arm in there to show you you can see the wire over here that's hanging around freely that has rusted through so just got to cut that put a new one on climb in there and Chuck that on the battery and it will be all good to go so it is a simple fix cuz uh we just tested it so first step get yourself a Henry who can squeeze into there so andry's obviously finished spraying for the time being um so he just held that on the negative and I put the spotties on and they worked so just a quick and easy job and we'll be back in firing for spotties no no spotties are they 24 Vol spotlights or something uh just hang on SI H yeah so those switch is 24 Vols so that's why they that's why it was on that they're on they're on no hey what hey what did we do why just pick this up they're not on anymore yeah they're on Swit I think if I do swap it yeah okay yep there we go we got spotlights time to fill George he's all the way up that end coming down so we're waiting for him that's all right Henry is uh back there and oh we got an or there why have we got an or we we're going to try and speed our Fields up so uh obviously in canola there's no we're not slow because canola is just so quick cuz you know you're not loading much canola but barley is a nightmare takes forever uh our fuels go from I think we're like 20 minutes to nearly an hour now and it's just purely because the barley takes forever so what we're doing is we got the AER and we've done it before we pulling him up on his same angle we just um try get the uh the or as best we can between the two splits of the The Barley bin and then Henry pulls in on a funny angle and uh it all works it does work we've done it before we know it works and it speeds us up by a hell of a lot cuz the the whole idea of that nourish is to have all three oras going at once and that's what we used to do with the seed hwk but cuz we've got uh when we got the Borgo it's too high and the wheels are too wide so you can't get the AUG over so this is uh this is what we're down [Music] to so it's a crazy setup but it works just got to uh keep an eye on two things at once but we gain half an hour it just makes it so much easier so much quicker so much better so yeah no it's um it's good well that works a uh a lot better the uh we he's only just moved onto the last tank of Aer now so we've been waiting that whole second tank of youra pretty much so yeah it works well you might wonder why haven't we done this in the past well we used to but it's more the fact that it's very labor intensive you always need a third man to bring that augur out to the padic wherever you are and uh you know most of the time we don't have that so when we do like this it's uh it's good Henry's obviously not here he went with uh Luke the agronomist is here so they're going and have a look around the all the canola and go and check for any uh little mites or bugs or anything they might be uh eating it so and also looking at the weak country make sure that we don't need to do another knock on that before before we start seating right so we've uh we've just filled the ground F we'll do the uh the F in a little while cuz you know it's smoker time but uh Henry's obviously been around so how busy are you about to be I'm going to be very busy um so first off we got lots of canola up which is awesome um I should go and show you guys maybe tomorrow um but what we also found was uh bobia and bosium mites so I'll be going out with an insecticide sometime this week to spray them so this is when it gets difficult for managing it because Henry's currently doing uh basically he just doing broad leaf spray at the moment you know to stop anything from coming through in the cereals which are a grass so it means you're going to have to do a decontamination then get insecticide and then how many hectares are that is it just or is it the whole L he reckons so we only Lo and driveway and Mom's front but he said if we've got it yeah then it's likely we going to have to spray the whole lot oh well Henry's about to be busy yeah y all right Henry just went and dropped me off to my Ute and he's gone spraying just working it out with George and the hectars by the time I filled him tonight at about 6:00 uh he'd only have about 40 to 50 hectares to go in that padic to catch up to Henry spray so we've uh decided Henry's going to head out and get a tank out in front and that'll help for tonight and tomorrow morning as well Henry won't be so rushed uh but with these little bugs these annoying little bugs uh it does make it a bit challenging on how we're going to work it this is where two boom sprays would be ideal but we don't have two boom sprays we only got one uh so I think what we'll end up doing is uh we were going to plan to go into our shifts so George will go to 12:00 tomorrow night but I don't think we'll do that I think we'll just leave it Henry might do 300 hectares out in front and rush in tomorrow and um yeah cuz we're going to rashine it's small paddocks so it's it's harder for George to turn around and it's just a lot slower so the issue we've got is the chemical Henry sprays we must incorporate within 24 hours otherwise it becomes you know it doesn't work so we got to try and not spray too far out in front otherwise there's no point you'll just ruin your chemical uh so yeah we might just do that and then uh when George gets to the end of it that's it we got a and Henry we don't needed to all the canola we only needed to do what's growing and I think we've only got about maybe 500 hectares growing so that's yeah Henry will be able to smash that out pretty quickly so anyway that's the plan at the moment so uh I'm going to fill this and get this ready for tonight and yeah that's the plan so with that uh guys I reckon I'll leave the video there um I'm only going to be filling George tonight so nothing more exciting should happen so uh yeah thank you very much for watching and as always see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tom's Brook Farm
Views: 11,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom's, toms, tom, brook, Brooke, brooks, farm, farming, farmer, John, Carmody, cascade, esperance, wa, western, australia, west, aussie, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, agriculture, sustainable, machinery, equipment, ag, australian, outback, rural, country, life, agribusiness
Id: kx29EDOTmmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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