BARE HAND Bottle Busting- Science Investigation

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-Today, I am here with Kevin more commonly known as the backyard scientist and as fate would have it -We are actually in -the backyard -So I recently made a video where I converted a leaf blower into a snowball machine gun and the first thing -He said was -you should set those on fire -so as soon as I got here today. We -But flaming snowballs aren't actually why I'm here today show them why I'm here today, Kevin So I actually don't drink but I've heard of people doing this with beer bottles, so either Kevin has some super powers Or there's some crazy physics going on there that we're going to try and figure out today So neither of us really knows what causes these bottles to break and there's a lot of conflicting [evidence] out there But we have some of our own ideas so as firm believers in the scientific method We are going [to] science our way to the right answer through a bunch of experiments. I'll drink to that not yet You won't have it I've heard that one of the reasons people think it's breaking is because when they slam their hand down [on] it They're forcing a bunch of air into models and that causes the bottom to shoot out So in this experiment We're testing the pressure wave theory where when a person hits it with their hand they force a bunch of air in that then creates A pressure wave that pushes out the bottom of the bottle so we put a cap on the top So there's no way to force air in we're using a rubber mallet just to be more consistent for all of the hits The bottle broke even though the cap was on and there was no way to force air in so we are rejecting this theory We think carbonation might have something to do with it, okay? So to isolate that we have one beer that's carbonated one with water, and then we fill this one with sparkling water [so] if these two [don't] break and this one breaks. I think we've isolated that it works better without carbonation. Yes So this bottle is filled with sparkling water theory is [that] it shouldn't break And now for the beer The bottle didn't break but that was interesting how much it fizzed up. So as it turns out Here's why [that] happens when you hit the bottle it moves down really fast [but] the liquid hasn't started moving yet that creates an empty gap down here. That's basically a vacuum or really low pressure [if] the drink is carbonated the co2 from the liquid gets sucked into that vacuum and fills it with Co2 gas bubbles Since these bubbles are less dense than the drink they rise up through the liquid and create a chain reaction Of more bubbles as they go But finally we test the water and just [like] with the carbonated liquids you [see] this vacuum form on the bottom Except this time the bottle breaks so theory number two is confirmed Non-carbonated liquids work better, but now we just have to figure out why what are they doing differently to make the bottle actually break? so what I think is breaking the bottle is the momentum of the water going back and filling the vacuum is causing the bottom to break out And I think the break is happening a little bit earlier when the vacuum is formed like the air outside is at 14 PSI, and so it's in on the back, so it's it's before the water rebounds It's actually cracking because the difference in pressure. We'll find out. round three fight! So we're going to add some red Dye and then we're going to slow the camera down to like 7,000 frames per second see precisely the Moment So if I'm right, okay bottles it should break right there no Yeah Yeah, so you're definitely right it it ruptured when the water is coming back. That's right after it hits the bottom So Kevin was right in fact it turns out that water cavity collapses [ten] times faster than it formed which creates a Force higher Than the [initial] hit on the bottle which is why it doesn't break right away So now that you know the science if you want to impress your friends with this trick Here are a couple Important tips number one hits the bottle and not your hand you want to make as much energy from your strike go into moving the bottle and not just being reacted by your hand you can even get the neck of the bottle a little wet and then let it slip a bit when you hit it just to make sure it's moving number two like we Discovered use water or something non-carbonated otherwise the carbonation just fills in that vacuum and Cushions the rebound Force number three a liquid with a high vapor pressure is good if you use a liquid with a high vapor pressure That means the vacuum you need at the bottom of the bottle will form much easier So hot water is a lot better than cold [water] because the vapor pressure is higher nail polish remover also works well for the same reason [number] four be safe This is glass and glass can cut you if you're not careful where it lands number five don't chicken out It hurts way [more] if you don't follow through plus. You look like this. [oh], I heard it So I want to say thanks to audible. I enjoyed recently listening to a book called ready player one it's set in a dystopian future where people's main escape from the bleak world is to log into a virtual reality world called the Oasis was created by the richest man on Earth [but] before he died he hid an easter egg in the Oasis [and] he promised his entire fortune to the person who could find it, but he warned to be successful You would need to know a lot about 80s Pop Culture and video games The story is really creative and intense in fact Steven Spielberg is currently directing the film adaptation So if you want to listen to ready player one or any book for free all you have to do is use the link in The description or go to Thanks for watching
Channel: Mark Rober
Views: 8,830,094
Rating: 4.929698 out of 5
Keywords: beer, breaking bottle, bare hand bottle break, mark rober, nasa, orbeez, watermelon, corona, cavitation, backyard scientist, ready player one, audible, science, scientific method
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2016
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