Barbie Sport Tryouts Story: Barbie Sisters and Friends Figure Skating and Climbing to Win Gold Medal

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[Music] barbie's olympic tryouts it's saturday morning and barbie is packing for her competition and she's going to be rock climbing hmm what do i need what do i need well obviously i'm going to need this and the harness who put this doll on my bed again uh kids come on oh and i need these two oh and i need a bottle of water chelsea hey chelsea i need help oh samantha i'm so sorry barbie needs me and whenever she needs me it means it's an emergency she has that competition today and i bet she's really nervous she's gonna be on the olympics maybe she'll be on tv well maybe barbie barbie what do you need i heard there's some an emergency yes chelsea could you please go downstairs and get a bottle of water from the fridge i need one seriously i thought there was a big emergency actually chelsea it is very important okay one water coming up here a cup of water for barbie oh it's nice and cold barbie will really like this she needs cold water here barbie your water it's nice and cold chelsea where here barbie can't you see the cup chelsea what don't you understand about a bottle of water um is there a difference yes chelsea i can't take that in my bag okay barbie second effort next bottle of water coming up actually a bottle this time thank you chelsea you're the best all right let's get the water from the fridge this time okay let's see what's in here oh yes i wait what am i looking for oh yes i'm looking for the water ouch so cold it hurts okay now let's get her a little snack so i won't have to come down here again this should fit in her bag easily all right let's take this to barbie okay barbie anything else no chelsea that would be it here you go barbie thank you so much chelsea barbie is it okay if i play with samantha now oh samantha i totally forgot uh ken has to go take you guys to skippers oh yay skippers i love to go to skipper she always takes us to the movie theaters to see lots of movies he ken ken come upstairs wherever you are i need you oh barbie needs me i'm trying to get her car shiny and ready for the competition but i guess she needs me for something else what's up barbie oh ken um we i totally forgot you have to take samantha and chelsea the skippers oh oh my gosh okay ken look behind you i already prepared the bag and the stroller for you oh thank you so much barbie oh yeah i see the bag in the stroller i'm on my way i'll see you at the competition oh i'm so nervous and anxious i hope everything's gonna be okay let's get my bag and go i'm here i'm here i hope i'm not late hey megan uh hi um am i late no not really i mean nothing's started yet really we're just practicing oh you okay so i have enough time to change and get everything ready more than that because first is figure skating then it's karate and then finally rock climbing oh so my discipline is the last yep i'm gonna put my bag over here because it's kind of heavy with all the rock climbing equipment there now i can sit next to you okay i'm going to get into a little bit more of a comfortable position this stretching is killing me so megan who are you competing with tatiana you know this nudie russian girl oh yeah i see her she's so beautiful yeah look at her she already stretched well she has her skates on she's ready i think we're gonna start soon yeah i'll cheer you on thank you barbie i'll need it hey girls hi tatiana how are you oh i'm great and i'm sure i'm gonna win because do you know who the judges are no but isn't it supposed to be a big surprise yeah but i have the insider information it's going to be the encounter family and my family's very good friends with them and isabella's going to be the judge for figure skating and i'm perfect she's perfect so she's definitely gonna pick me as the winner bye girls see who i have to deal with no i'm sorry megan hi everyone i'm isabella madrigal and i will be your judge for figure skating [Applause] thank you so we can start with tatiana [Music] ah what happened oh no i just fell on the ice on my performance [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] beautiful turn tatiana and there is the end of her performance as i said before besides the fall i think she could get gold thank you thank you everyone oh my gosh i can't believe i fell isa bella please don't take points off for that fall i'm so sorry but i have to you did great though thank you i need gold and i should get gold just because i fell has nothing to do with them and now for our next contestant megan [Music] all right so this would be all from megan round of applause that was some very beautiful skating i think we have a winner do we all agree here you go megan you really deserve this thank you so much you did great skating thank you megan thank you thank you everyone barbie can you believe it i got gold told you megan plus you skated the best and you didn't fall so that's why i'm so excited what discipline is coming now i don't know didn't you tell me it was karate oh yeah hi everyone i'm louisa and i will be your judge for the karate discipline if anybody has questions don't ask me all i know is we have two contestants kim and cecile okay let's start fighting positions [Music] yeah oh yeah i'm gonna punch you in the face huh you want to go huh [Music] seems like cecile will win unless kim kicks in [Music] [Music] [Applause] kim wins uh i'm sorry cecile but this didn't work out for you now we need the medal so can somebody give me the medal and here's our winner kim and here you go kim next discipline i'm hungry oh that's me that's me i have to go change i got so caught up with this oh no hi stephanie it looks like i'm gonna go first hi barbie good luck thank you hi everybody my name is mirabelle and i'm going to judge and time our contest dance on the climbing wall our first contestant is barbie hi and our other contestant is stephanie hi barbie are you ready to climb the wall yes ready as always oh my gosh i'm so nervous how am i supposed to do this i practice all my life for this and if i do good i get to go to the olympic games but what if i don't do good then i won't go my future okay let's just get this over with okay whenever you're ready okay i'm ready uh where am i gonna put my foot okay okay this is a good beginning all right now i have to move a little farther i could go faster come on oh no my foot's slipping oh my okay i just gotta go fast um okay i got okay oh no wait go maybe maybe do i got it almost almost okay almost there almost there just gotta ring that bell up there [Music] good job barbie you got it in 5.3 seconds and you finished it without a single fall so you are not going to get any deductions and you're going to get a few extra points for a style wow this is awesome i'm so proud of myself i have to get down ooh i could go down with the trapeze bars that was fun and our next contestant is stephanie whenever you're ready okay here we go this is hard what is the hardest wall i've climbed yet um uh almost got it i knew i'm gonna fall on this one well i'm probably not gonna get gold but it'll be fine then i can't compete in the olympics that's not fine okay here we go [Music] okay the time was good but stephanie fell once so she's going to get a deduction of five points which makes barbie the winner oh my goodness i can't believe it i'm going to the olympic games oh this is so disappointing if only i didn't fall well i guess i could try next year here you go barbie you won this medal and you're going to do rock climbing in the olympic games oh my gosh thank you so much i i this is like a dream come true you really deserved it barbie thank you so much applause for barbies and first place for climbing hey barbie i brought you some water what did i miss anything i can you didn't miss anything except for the whole entire thing no hey but i see you've got a gold medal so good job and i get to go to the olympics what oh my goodness congratulations barbie oh ken i couldn't do it without you oh and i see megan gets to go too yep hey megan congratulations thanks ken i'm sorry i missed everything but i'm so happy for you barbie barbie had so much fun at her first olympic tryouts she was so excited to get gold medal so this is all for today thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe bye everybody bye i hope you like this video watch more on princess fun place [Music]
Channel: Princess Fun Place
Views: 10,266,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbie, Barbie Sports, Barbie Rock Climbing, Barbie Sport Center, Barbie and Ken, Barbie Sport Tryouts, Barbie House, Barbie Dream House, Barbie Sisters, Barbie Friends, Sister, Friends, Competition, Sport Competition, Barbie Story, Barbie and Chelsea, Barbie’s Baby, Princess Fun Place, Video for Kids, Kids Video, Barbie Video
Id: K6WEmAfp1Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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