Barbie Sisters Babysitting Doll Adventure in The Dreamhouse

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oh the house is almost all ready for my babysitting day I just have to fix the bunk beds where they're gonna be sleeping set up the beds whoa are we opening up a daycare we are waiting really no Stacy we're not opening up at daycare I am taking my business Skippers babysitting into the next level and I'll be babysitting a bunch of kiddos today with some of the group members and I want to make sure I have everything the kids need I need to have a good word from the parents so we can be booked and babysit all summer oh I get it but where am I gonna watch TV this afternoon if I can't even get to the couch with all these toys everywhere hey aren't those Chelsea's toys uh yes thank you Chelsea for letting me borrow the toys I never did you never ever I said yes what are you doing with all my toys someone's gonna steal them and start biting them and slobber on them and eat them please Chelsea puppy face please yes but it's something broken on you great okay I'm gonna put some more toys for the kids like this little baby swing a little table for them to play in with some tiny little toddler chairs some puzzles a pillow for the baby so they can kind of sit and take a nap a little play mat Chelsea's old toy kitchen some little pack and plays for the baby to take a nap in and three different high chairs all the kids should start coming in the next like 15 minutes wow Skipper the house I barely recognize it yeah I'm supposed to have like five kids over thankfully Vanessa and Sarah are coming to help they're the best club members of the babysitters club I'm really proud of you for trying to make this happen and start babysitting more this summer I know it's something that you really wanted to do thank you Barbie well I'm gonna head out soon I'm gonna meet Ken for a movie okay yeah all the kids should be arriving shortly let me know if you need anything thanks first customer here hi Skipper hi my name is Sophie Hi Sophie in hi Skipper that's Sophie and this is and this is baby Leah Leah is a really easy baby I loved her schedule here because she's on a strict schedule for naps and feeding so please do not disturb the schedule all her items are in here also Sophie is starting to potty train so she needs to continue going to the potty every 25 seconds okay got it and got it um come on Sophie come on in come on Sophie let's play we have so many fun activities to do Sophie Sophie's a little shy she also likes to pretend that she's a lizard so keep an eye for her give Mommy a big hug I'll be back just in a couple hours bye Mama I'm gonna miss you call you every five seconds Skipper please only call me in case of an emergency okay baby I love you girls I have a really busy day ahead can I show you my dolly oh I would love to see your dolly this is my dog her name is Peppa such a nice name um Sophie do you like the swings I love to swing can I put my backpack on my bed yeah yeah sure you can choose any of the bags that you want I want the rainbow bye bye backpack please this is so fun Gibble can you push me yeah let me just take your sister out of her car seat and um I'll be there in a minute where are my friends they need to be here oh baby Leah aren't you just a cutie he looks innocent but he cries a lot adorable is she crawling yet he tries to walk standing up on things do you like being a big sister Sophie nope oh okay um here let's put Leah on the swing she really likes the swing let's see what the mom packed for Leah it's quite a really really heavy diaper bag and she has a strict schedule okay she packs um she packed apples and Cherry baby food more baby food diapers a baby bottle more baby wipes a rattle another bottle a sippy cup a baby spoon oh a little baby book More Diapers another rattle orange juice another bottle and some rash cream Leah has everything she needs oh and I think it's time for a diaper change let me paint my pretty drawing all right here here a little bit here well I don't like it Skipper Dolly fell in she's trying to go potty it fell in chica be careful with your little sister it's okay Steffy don't cry don't cry Anna I almost I'm gonna change your diaper Leah one second Sadie be careful you fall off from there you like my painting it's really nice oh my goodness where are my friends oh that must be her I'm gonna put you down for one second Leah hello where are you guys um I'm sick Skipper I can't come but I need your help I've got like one two three four five six kids here what am I gonna do about myself Skipper's babysitting ink business is going to be ruined I cannot take care of all these kids by myself I'm sorry Skipper I'm sick what about Melissa Melissa's on vacation oh my goodness what am I gonna do what's all that noise I was trying to take a nap don't tell me someone was eating my toy what's going on Skipper Skipper where are your friends there are a lot of kids here and why are they all crying and look really upset what's going on Skipper okay listen up guys all of the skipper babysitting ink members AKA my friends can't come help babysit because of reasons and now I need to take care of all these kids for five hours by myself what am I gonna do baby Skipper you're gonna definitely need some help girls girls we need to help skip her out but I was going to the arcade with my friend and I was gonna watch My Little Pony movie marathon guys look at Skipper she needs us Sophie are you okay can you not eat the Crayons you come down from there you're gonna get hurt I'm hungry I'm hungry it's at least the babies are doing good [Music] okay I guess we can help of course we'll help Skipper really thank you guys I'll help with Sophie and Sadie do you girls want to make a puzzle yeah okay girls let's make a puzzle my turn my turn this one it goes right here girls you want to maybe um try that again nope well you you guys are really good at this got it yay we won I'm gonna have to have fun I Wanna Have Fun do you want to um play basketball or something yeah I wanna I'm gonna have fun I wanna have fun wait what do you want to do I don't I don't remember here Thomas you can play with this hoop that's too small it's too small it's too small this is for babies some dog got it look at you you finished all your bottle what a good baby wow you're almost walking Leah okay baby let's get you some of your baby food a little more here comes the airplane good girl Leah how did you end up over there oh you need another diaper change come on Chelsea Chelsea we want snack yeah yeah we want snacks sure you guys like Teddy Grahams I love it I love it I like them too I'll do the honors yay cookies what a mess yummy [Music] Chelsea no snacks before lunch time I'm about to make you guys lunch so let's stop eating no more eating from the floor come on oh oh I think the girls have a sugar rush thank you [Music] okay what do you guys want to have for lunch mac and cheese mac and cheese I love peanut butter and jelly sandwich mac and cheese peanut butter sandwich I also have some fresh fruit and juice I'll start making lunch you guys play with Stacy and Chelsea girls please make sure that nothing happens to them who wants to do some painting in this caboodle I have some art surprise girls yay yay I don't want to paint I want to play I want a fun fun fun Chelsea can you handle painting with the girls I'll take this little guy out to play outside well outside I want to play outside I want to play outside let me open up my caboodle and see what we have to do so we have some pinks then we have a little jar a little jar to clean our brushes I have two canvases to paint Once A Cat Boba uh what's a boba and I have this little Panda cupcake I want the Boba I want the cupcake and this is here's the paintbrush a little bit of here a little yellow in the stall a little more down here beautiful I'm gonna paint the cat now [Music] yeah that looks great okay I know I look beautiful that's strawberry boba no I want the blue I finished I love it so pretty here and then some more here a little there and then some over here and some here and then it's gonna make a beautiful thing doesn't it look beautiful oops look Chelsea look I finished whoa girls let's get you cleaned up before lunch okay I just changed your diaper and it's time for the baby to take a nap Barbie don't forget baby Leah only sleeps on the carrier um baby Leah already fell asleep in her carrier now let's get the other babies ready for bed we're gonna put on their sleep sack in a nice lullaby and put them in their crib I have these three sleep sacks here yellow blue and pink let's get you girls cleaned up for lunch [Music] foreign [Music] let me get one of the plates and the other plate okay girls your mac and cheese is ready here's some Capri Sun and some watermelon slices I'm not Mr fancy fancy I'm sitting on the floor those are all yummy why don't we put something on for the kids to watch what they eat do you guys like Coco melon what am I asking all the kids with Coco melon we have something to wear let's go Bella okay CeCe I'm a farmer and I am a singer you're a good singer thanks all right come on buddy your friends are all here hello good morning oh hello good morning Cody we're so happy you're here everyone this is our new student Cody hello hey Cody come here next to um I like this show um you guys all did so good I'm gonna give you a little dessert a little zebra cake for you a little zebra cake for you a little zebra cake for you and a little zebra gig for me I can't watch this anymore can we put on something else please like The Little Mermaid movie or something they're not they're not even watching thank you I'll change the channel okay guys it's almost time to it's a nap time don't say the nap word say it's time to rest it's almost time to rest we're gonna wash our hands we're gonna use the bathroom and take a rest you almost at the n a p word stop okay let's wash your hands [Music] good job your turn [Music] great job let me know when you're ready okay I did it good job Sophie you did it I'm I'm a little tired I'm so tired me too okay kids I got the good night story oh they're already asleep thank you so much girls for helping me out today I couldn't have done it without you and with your help Skippers babysitting ink can live on
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 1,315,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, sisters, dolls, baby doll, toddler, babysitting, babysitter, babysitting story, fun, funny, pretend play, adventure, paint, colors, baby bottle, miniature, family, kids, play, titi, tt
Id: iDjatpgtC2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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