BARÇA 1-0 LEVANTE | BARÇA LIVE | LaLiga Champions!!! Warm up & Match Center & Camp Nou celebrations

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If Messi doesn't have the cutest kids, then I don't know what they are! Just look at Ciro!

Edit: I mean ... just look at him!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Pek-Man 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lol Suarez pushing/telling some player's kid to get out of his family photo with the trophy. Typical😂

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MSingh3012 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hahahaah who was the little girl in Suarez’s family photo? 😂

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Can we cross-post this to the Real Madrid sub? /s

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/thehariharan 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lol @ Pique

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Butcher0fBlaviken 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did Messi's kid just try to climb into the trophy lol

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sleepybook 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SubjectAndObject 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did anyone see Dembele at all during the celebrations?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/messiavelli 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

They're so happy it's so cute

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sleepybook 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sighs [Music] it's wash dry [Music] [Music] hello everyone in a very very very special day because Barcelona can win the title of La Liga tonight Georgina Lee Jeff thank you I'm take super girl I was super excited for tonight probably the most special warm up so far because as I said the day that we can finally win La Liga title it will be our 26th what I get out oh thanks 26 a lot is a lot in the past 20 years I mean it's a madness world barsa as achieved with La Liga tournaments is the king of Spain right now this moment and became a bureau actually from out of the last 11 seasons yeah if we win tonight this would be the eighth one in the last 11 seasons this means that we have won eight out of the last eleven delegate idols that's why we're here I began no that's why you are barse offense and that's why bar says the best name in the world right now we're at the cam now we're ready you remember the weird life on YouTube we're alive from periscope on Twitter and we're life also I'm Facebook we usually start 55 minutes before the game tonight we're starting one hour before kickoff because the special day is the best day we are off focus on La Liga we just need to win we need three points if we went tonight yes Saturn is ours we depend on ourselves that's the best thing of Barza if you win as Georgina said three points makes Barzeh champions of La Liga because analytical marriages ended the game they were playing against by le and they won one nil if they had lost we would have already had this really point of difference that we needed so that would have been that would have only without playing but I prefer to win it victory here I come now with everyone with all the fans yeah I think it's more special the study was gonna be back tonight it's gonna super crowded I think it's sold out what else are you looking for I mean it's impossible to give something better it's impossible to have a better win that at your stereo yes we could have one in Victoria yeah if they had lost on Saturday but it didn't happen we could have won on Wednesday if a lady had lost their game - but it didn't happen because all the stars were aligned to win tonight yes yes and that's why we want you all focus on the game I'm not the warm-up show you just wish that right now and right after we're gonna be end you got the mud centres of stating very special edition of mud centre with Robert with Sarah we be able with all many people some million de vegas well what about some made is it focusing barsa or a Liverpool on Wednesday he told me that here we talked about this on the show so stay tuned for the might sender because a lot of insights of Liverpool yeah and he will be able to bring you all the news about the the class that's coming on Wednesday to hear I'd come know the table stick but for now let's just focus on that we're live on periscope and this one guy : I mean asking como se llama la rubia what's your name my name is Georgina blown it's a weird name I know some people call me Christine I don't know why Christina Christina in surgery now but no problem well okay I mean the name is weird I so this Alexander one three nine five five it's asking who Barcelona is going to face tonight Barcelona's gonna play against Levante a difficult site why because Clement is trying to get away from the relegation so yes the bottom of yeah I mean rest from there from the south is so tight well varsa has a lot of points of difference with the second electical Madrid the bottom of the Hanukkah table is so so so tight so a lot of teams like really like Levante like Girona are struggling so so hard to try and get out of this relegation zone the front is one of them and this is why tonight is gonna be a tough tough game one guy Cole Leafs Vaughn say that we have to celebrate tonight at home is much better than celebrate a way like for example Akira vain on Wednesday at Battaglia Stadium many third of another one he's saying ok we're watching you all from Chile Chile why because it's gonna be a star he's only one clue only one close nod yet yeah no not yet I get there's a breaking new is it bragging about only one I'm gonna give you a couple of clues with maybe in three or four minutes I'm gonna give you the whole the whole lineup for tonight's game okay one clue is that Arturo Vidal is gonna be starting okay in the 11 is starting what do you think about that you like it I like it of course is going crazy right now and the other breaking news you're probably not going to enjoy it that much but Leo Messi is not starting tonight oh don't worry everything is under control he didn't play as I started either for the last game and anyway don't calm down okay doesn't really matter everyone wants to play but if he's not playing there's a reason for that he's getting some rest he needs to be focused for the next time into the game and he can play in the second half the thing is that Barcelona squad is so nice and so huge any player can can be really nice tonight sir calm down Colombia's barsa has to win their getaway by the way how would you celebrate how would you celebrate you are a fan since your bar so fan how would you celebrate the title of the loblolly I imagine that minute 90 right now here okay for example them ballet scores ago if he plays I mean how would you do that you're a save a last minute celebration could give us La Liga yes crazy of course yeah in Spanish there's an expression for when you go crazy because something happens and we call it forever loss poeple is missing our papers like would actually happen I mean you know that I'm a big fan a big lover of last minute goals and if they can give you a title something better that's great okay I took my camera yes I'm wearing the far sides are saved in I didn't realize it was a no no because the code is it's covering it but I'm wearing this shirt because okay I took my camera I hope to be wearing this shirt too yes I took my camera okay and I went outside the cam no try to ask the people how they would celebrate a goal and the title of La Liga okay people from Spain people from Japan people from Malaysia people from whole and the Netherlands okay although all of them they would celebrate tonight's title of La Liga like this where you come from long t3 won't III go won't III [Applause] 1 C 3 it's incredible how the fans celebrate they do the same here in the sense in 45 minutes when kickoff is coming I like the guy from Macedonia saying like I come on come on like this the last one it was uh he was realizing I asked someone else how would you celebrate last minute goal if we wanna get his way I feel every our Instagram host welcome if you get burned georgina an Aviv they look like this we look like a night I'll give him why does it feel like tonight yeah I'm excited I'm very excited really how much okay you can raise your excitement from one to ten eight i'm ADAC cited because we're going to win yes obviously like a lot of confidence in the team okay and yeah looking forward to celebrate things he isn't playing liverpool thing for that dressing it for Liverpool okay we were asking the fans how would they celebrate a last minute goal that gave us like a title and the same question what will you do what's your what would have you preferred for instagrams tonight for the goal to be honest I don't prepared a lot because I have prepared a few goals we're going to score a few times goalkeepers coming up but a last-minute goal take my shirt off you wouldn't - sure - okay so we talked about today we've have time to talk about Liverpool next week give me your favorite moment of the season in La Liga favorite moment I think it's the 5 1 I think Messi wasn't playing and the team likes it up show that they can do it also without him and my performance I think if you highlight that's like Amanita against Madrid this is the highlight of the season but also like small heroes whose mind MLA helped us through the first few games of the season go of Clement Inglot like there's there's a lot of unsung heroes in this team which I like a lot of players from so so well this season I think it is the best season of terrific is life you're seeing a lot of fans from from Uruguay we're going to go and talk to them in in a few minutes why Noah no why what about Lou Suarez what a year for him to 21 goals and very important also important in like luring defenders away and creating spaces for other players I think very important and you will be happy to play against Liverpool I know you interviewed him at the beginning of the season I also interviewed him and I asked him what Tim would you like to face in the temples again is a Liverpool Liverpool it would be nice if he faces Liverpool and then in the final phases iron players would be facing their old teams or the future teams and also networks and also we can defeat some maize team and then have abstained on the fire yeah my team is MRSA in a johan cruyff by the way we've we're facing levanta Tenaya okay they're trying to get away from the relegation zone or evening is gonna be a tough game or you think it's gonna be you know as far as the players are so focused into trying to to to win tonight it's always tough I think I think what they especially will try to do is they will be happy with a point will keep space is very very close at the back and try to get away try to get away with this number or one one and I think barsa is there to bar size there to take it to them yes we beat them away five no yeah if I've know five knows a lot I think four no clean sheet clean sheet one more second and Messi off the bench score brace it's going to be the 6/10 icing I think 16 split it's amazing 34 35 games today is my day 45 Oh more than yeah almost half of the games have been extension for thirsting and that's really ok Aviv thank you so much thank you very much and enjoy the show ok I think it's time to give the the lineup ok because everyone is asking for example here on periscope I'm sure everyone is how you like okay Missy is not playing Arturo Vidal is playing so we're gonna give you all the line nap are you ready are you ready ok today's thinking is gonna be the goalie goalkeeper terrorists again defense tomato PK long Blair and Jordi Alba for remember Samara pique Longley and Jordi Alba midfield for Arturo Vidal we all very natives Brockovich and Arthur Arthur rugged it m VI happen the attack you're gonna have Catania Soares and in Berlin yes what do you think about that it's a strong squad and it also allows some players to rest good merci I know I mean it's like this balance you're having a lot of key players most of them are like always starting to and they're starting 11 and we also have did the rest of these starting eleven players arresting today on the bench ok why don't we ask the people about what they think about the night yes there's gotta be great ok ok bye see you know what the whole let me guess she's going to try to to get some people understand some fans sense yeah and I hear you also everyone is saying and getting mad on Arturo Vidal here on YouTube saying that ok Arturo Vidal hola a la gente que nos escucha are amis Wednesday Latin America Carroll espanol everyone is ready and georgina thing is already almost ready to try to interview I was gonna say a couple of days but no they're not a couple of months they are a bunch of funds where are they from Georgina okay with this big big bunch of fans and this interview is gonna be in Spanish because they are from Uruguay but like I said oh I see tomato nombre Valley Valley on favela Elena Elena videocast mmm estamos con federico stupid n el camino para una palabra Ian and Tammy any precedent palabra pal cam no he and he knows he's shake and askc one day come no come on i sombras asombroso millions and together Menelik aku us as I was saying the Ephraim euro guy they think that Kavanagh is giant that it's huge so they weren't expecting this Luis Suarez a goat for Azazel goat yes I miss Mase is an alien yes no idea Tierra in Brazil aunt Molly where's my niece's or y es para todos la primera vez que se Barcelona no virtue Yogi's estado cuando viene stay por primera vez de hacer el de la concha y puede entrar acam no para partidos to primera vez see Babar do-si-dos gusta mente partido que podemos ganar La Liga como como como Acurio venir a stay farted over to partido tipo a coma cinco message in an arrow is e es Castell parte de la liga pose significant enero USS aria capo a Sally Campion Soria bossun Club de fútbol todos a ver como es como como de k keepo sois y que como confetti Seto Ramos venimos a prat agarra la escuela Monsieur c'est la mesilla so much Aurora mother now that was a Quadro party dos uno contra el paisaje he doesn't matter a lot to get Aurora sighs emotionalless muy emocionado Sein Andre cuentos de vie en barthelona DoDEA see no vamos else a DiMaggio is my yoke is mana siguiente cosa es que en muchos días volver is avenida del camino a barrel moose a o algo no no vamos a ver pero Emily Nocenti Taiyo cuando se no clue a Miranda a mundo valisari Campion mangas or el partido de un resultado para para muchos vamos por aqui dos acero Sonia Teresa Wu no three one three zero Cristero three no que la prisión para esta noche resultados de rollers soiree lo y para mí también pero no LMS me see know who Avent entrada no estan Ellen said atoll are Paraguay no puedes alan el segundo tiempo no tiene por que por que no who are me si puede cambiar perdido humble Dame la yatra so Alice Levine wow they are really optimistic I love dancing that we we will win tonight andis means that we can get a delegate arrow Buena Chico's muchas gracias por venir Amoroso odo juice hola mi madre carry te quiero mucho let's say a vamos a la balle Forza barsa ballet mega uno dos tres okay they were super excited I mean this is the gift thing of all this is their camera experience I mean this is why for example all the people that come to the cam know all the time we meet any kind of fence they're so excited they're so glad to be here and they're so amazing you know quite the place by the experience by the atmosphere that's why we always say the same if you have one turns once in a lifetime to come here to the camera please don't wait a time don't waste a change and come here because come no it's amazing yeah when they were all saying like addictive about the I'm a giant yeah that's a word blowing you remember the first time you came to become know like it's impossible to I remember because I've been coming to come no since I was a baby how I came here with literally weeks maybe okay that's why for example you kind of get used to divert for example the first time I came here he was back in 2010 and I remember I was on the press Tribune and I remember that I was like whoa it is so big is this a cam no I remember the first time that I was at the print jobs were like working yes I had the same feeling yeah but it was just like like the sensation okay that I couldn't get a reach with my eyes to the top of the stator he was like my car is so tall so high I mean it's it's literally big big yes for example bernabéu which is a huge stadium - yeah she did for more vertical you get the finish taller but that it's not that that that big not only because it has a few less locations but also because I come now is opener yes it is really really really big and it is white it whether you are at the it reminds me you know what place they call assailed the Colosseum in Rome yeah it's just like it calls him like your beans like I've never been yeah I mean yeah I was bad I mean but like the way he spelled okay I'm very open you know it's it's amazing Wade you know that come now is undergoing some some works for the Neukom know a few years we will be able to see the same stadium but better bigger that's giving gonna be even more amazing which is difficult like for example this one guy from Malaysia here on Twitter saying okay last year I went to the cam no and he was just amazing he was the best of stadium I've ever visited in my whole life that's why you have to come here Malaysia Japan Iraq UK USA doesn't really matter where you come from but come here enjoy the experience and stay with us here at the warm-up show that's a good thing about the warm-up show but by the way we remind you all because we have like a special edition not only by the warm-up show because after we're gonna be done we have the mod Center special edition so stay tuned with us follow the game with us and right after the game I don't know if there's any celebration going on after the game you know anything I mean it's it like a tradition when you win at home or the man say after winning the La Liga title if you win away come thou hast celebration and tonight if we win yes there will be a celebration on the page Lolita the competition is gonna is going to offer the trophy to the players Wow so stay tuned don't stay tuned till the very end because if we win you're going to be able to see everything you're going to be able to see how it flares how messy as a captain raises it's going to be his first trophy yes janista was hurt Iniesta was the the captain last year so this is the first year with Messi as being the first captain captain of it I think that makes the the celebration even more special because we've never been we've never seen Messi lifting the trophy any kind of trophy so I mean it's gonna be the first time and you're not gonna see it anywhere only here to stay with us Twitter first goal up the love our App Center you can follow the game it's like play by play life talk you get all that's happening in the in the game if you don't have like a CB to watch it or if you have it to be you can have the Mac Center for their mentoring and after that if there's a celebration you'll be able to follow it there okay so stay tuned with us okay what we have ahead okay we're gonna choose three key moments of La Liga we're gonna have also here at the warm-up show we're gonna have the Oscars okay of the Academy just like the cinema like Hollywood okay by the Oscars of the football club Barcelona champions of La Liga okay we're gonna have plus many more things but we have to remind one thing very important for tomorrow at noon 12 o'clock at the mini study our girls are gonna face boy Munich at the semi-final second leg yeah against Bayern Munich okay against Bayern Munich nil won at their Stadium and now they are playing here tomorrow and know the minister if they win they will qualify in fact in the intro they will also qualify because they won't know once they deserve it I mean it's huge for a women's football yeah nothing to praise that they will be able to play a diminish study and it's sold out the ticket shard out tickets are sold out it's gonna be crowded everyone from Brazil who will come here to to come and see the girls and yeah let's hope for them to for a win they will face either Chelsea or Olympic Gallio in the final which are the teams that played in the they really deserve because they've been really great at a high level I mean so high the level they played this season so far that they really deserve this just in the moment well Levante is coming on to the pitch just other warm up okay we're gonna see and we're gonna watch and explain something that might surprise people on home when the players start their warm-up the like the rival team players it's sometimes not the first time that they are on the pitch this day because sometimes come no and we were talking about this is so big and it's so impressive and all the players from around the world want to see it but before the game starts like two hours before it's good take home they step on the page they walk a bit around the middle cycle and they take pictures they take pictures yeah no no human beings they come now and they want to have like a souvenir it's true I mean it's true because I understand when you are with the empty stadium you are the only one here and you you take at your Instagram stories whatever I mean is something to ticket for life forever it's very very it's very nice to see this pair play like yes and it also happens when I'm sure when when bar saw players go to yeah away stadiums very historical stadiums when they went to a trucker when they are going to miss another thing on Levante that i just saw right before the warm-up show was begun that they were on the bench sitting down is something that you only can see you know like the rival teams you only can see yes my friend and only in this kind of stadiums ok this sounding really nice you want to go try and yes but I have to detect before is coming up in a minute yes ok don't worry my dear just give her a reminder of the lineup yeah yeah I will don't in the meantime you again ok we're gonna give you the lineup just in case the rest again with semi Deepika Longley and Alva back in defence beetle bracket it's Arthur as midfielders dembélé Suarez and kodi neeya you know in attack against very similar to the to the line up about whether used against relative that with the only difference there in that game Messi was a starter he was the only difference in the starting eleven but I think she will come off in the future I mean he deserves it oh yeah he has the ball shall we to the cake and I can tell is the first time you have the ball it's a warm-up show but I can show it to the okay Wow okay it was a first time and no one saw me holding the ball I was building so like anyway it means like the second time you Hannah you're gonna have the ball in your hands they're gonna try to hit yet maybe maybe maybe today's a day do they a lot of things I've seen the whole stands by the way and I see maybe the best atmosphere on the stands so far in this Liga yes I'm feeling so many kids so many people from all over the world so many people trying to celebrate today 858 45-years p.m. it's a good time to come here with a family at coming up this isn't personal now but what's the time were you watching this where you're watching the show okay for example tell us were you watching us from and with something that were you trying to do at the beginning but we're gonna win the title what time is it where what you watching the show from I got here lots of people from Los Angeles in California hello the United States we love you all good morning in there yes they are probably having breakfast I'm watching the warm-up show ready for the game that's the best thing of all you get people from Korea again this dude Annalise's in Korea now watching from hotel with my players who are your players you are a coach or your coach earlier look this is for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and other people are getting crazy about that maybe maybe yes I mean this is history we can think of a star in the making the warm-up show you can make this kind of beers and you have the only of the best videos of these and also again live the historic moments like this agonizing in highway to hell a CBC Mia auntie's asking why isn't messy on the liner she isn't playing tonight I don't know the exact reason of visit but we cannot imagine that it is because she's getting some rest is this rotation to be super super fresh and focus for the Liverpool game coming up on Wednesday oh by the way legs and DRX saying that 11:18 a.m. in Los Angeles California USA I want to hear from Ghana and it's 616 here so one hour for Nicaragua from Panama people from Germany people from Liverpool you never go from Liverpool high scousers we're gonna see you all on Wednesday Uganda people lots of people from Africa whoa amazing people from Brazil saludos from Argentina every way anyway I mean what I'm enjoying these a lot I'm enjoying this Allah because this is very special yeah so quick roundup where are you watching is from we're gonna switch but to the stands because today as we're saying there are a lot a lot a lot of there are a lot of fans the game here is from the cup no is gonna be super bug sorry hatred it because it's a very important game become no it's always two fans come from all over the world and to enjoy parser games but obviously on days like this one is more special than ever because you because you get to see maybe a significant trophy you get to see the this team winning their first trophy or the season maybe and let's hope for not the last one but let's just focus on tonight and I've got very girl who's gone to the stands to meet some girls that are here to see the to see the the silly game and they're from from opinion they're for Pena a Catalan panic here from San Vicente sores and just go ahead Rodrigo ok here we are with the girls of la pena way no come on Ave sorry bien she saying that she's doing it really nice ok ok let's go tell away so you get your wheels go so I know you also heard that Lila she says a horse is gonna win the leaks and is gonna win the game ok pero por dos at risk on Brazil tava sector one prediction Contras pero three nail yeah three one well it's not bad at all they don't know money don't think oh they don't know five Neil really sure is that's a winner so what do you see one cool a are awarded okay five nail you got fatal dose data genera three Neil and you rested a free meal okay you're from Samba same in it boy keepo femenino the submit vent their latest igloo kilo few thomas el año pasado por que muchos años que no elio for nosotros is the only feminine the only girls squared in the Samba same one gear only one year okay and they have one tonight of the PLO guarana when you are felonies de 12 dr. phero 12 Neil they've won tonight I mean it's really really amazing okay can you say what's happen every seven four hours outside of it okay they're gonna say before surprise okay the owner this that is e are you on it one two three well this is everything from here okay we have this is a burns arcing story right there happening yeah but another woman explained as well yeah okay I want you to explain this very very well remember the name the last game here of Boogaloo Barcelona against I also feel that I was getting mad at one guy because he was yelling and screaming that they were stayin and here he's getting almost ass come on AMS Tommy Tommy Tommy savvy gets moving on though so I want to tell you I'm sorry to this couple would sorry everybody rest area no yeah um he said that if you study a mimosa to happen card I know are you Hoshino been okay he's a shame because he's screaming and yelling and terrorist taking because he wants their Jersey it is for to do better for that oh no no he's attacker he's a target woman how old is he cuantos anos DNA go ahead Lily once is the exit say PJs okay Thank You Terry graph yet six years old and for example what about you do you speak English oh yes these picking is where you come from I forget bad is your first time here what's your name Coto who is your favorite player your favorite player [Music] what do you think he's going to make tonight Barse is gonna win barsa Bob you think Barse is gonna win papa lira and Champions League yes and we're which part of Japan are you from is that near Tokyo did you say to the camera for Zabar sir of Italy Georgina give me a file thank you you got another fan who I thought to before and this is nice because all the people change the sign and she's a follower he's been wandering the poor I'm Sophie ok here we are with him come with a Yama's handsome I'm sorry are you from them ladies or okay Anna Madrigal from organs from Morocco Hamza okay is the first time here the camel to primera vez mmm no no Latin Sarah the third time in the cam no I was the first time from a foil aluminum le papillon is known it's in pristine Hunter Taraki suniverse nada do you live here in Barcelona BBS in Barcelona see see see in Sawadee okay what do you think boss is gonna make tonight que quieres que la grotta in advance now it was Kumamoto los partidos Hana seguramente a pharaoh thank you very much Hamza well over to you Georgina three-nil he thinks his prediction is three nil by Barza I don't know if you if you notice but at some point where were you who would look into this guy all the first offense from Uruguay that you had behind you started screaming and cheering and everything that's because Luis were exactly waved to them he he started to say hi because he was he was running to the edge of the of the beach and he saw all this crowd of this bunch of friends from let Aurora and he waved them she said hello yes they were like getting crazy and I was like what's going on I didn't get really what was going on and that's nice the explanation of a message from my mother saying that she's in love with a kid like the Japanese one amazing amazing is the cutest kid with ever where is your mother my mother is there hablar yeah oh so she's connected through this here oh yeah this is the best thing of all ok the wall my show we can interview any kind of people from all over the world and we can say hello see Georgina's moment I would say that okay I'm gonna maybe say something which is maybe crazy I'm madness but it would be great to take her down here at the end of La Liga yes you wouldn't want she's very very very shy and yes I don't think so anyway okay we're gonna tease three key moments of lolly Heights one okay because we've reached to a point to a day even better said we're bars I can win La Liga tonight okay so we're gonna say three important moments of La Liga where you know madest champions for example each is three I just three and Utah which is free together up to you okay three and free free and free okay we were talking with Ovid before about this and she said that the five one the magnetic here against Real Madrid had come note was his favorite moment and I am also going to pick this moment for my first moment that made a seven this year stars because it was a big big picture of confidence in the team that was already there but winning five to one against Madrid with a Leo Messi in the squad I mean amazing yes property doesn't get barren this true five one I get your arrival okay another water start you go with one no you okay another big moment this season I think was the fourth for draw at the Scioto ceramic oh oh yes few weeks ago couple weeks ago actually and because we were losing four to only five minutes away from the end of the of the game yes and Missy and so I decided true you know guys yeah we can play scared really need to get at least one point out of this and it just happened yeah last minutes of game we were able to draw against them and it happened again five days later I've come now against Atletico Madrid we were drawing nil nil and messy and Scarlett said guys you know what we're winning tonight yes I don't want to be I don't - big girl because I think I'm going to take away from you the best moments but I think the magic quick yes Mario the last it was the last season that sorry the last week in February and the first week of March we went to burn about twice in four days to play a couple of a game second a cup the semi-finals and then we went there to play for the second and we want twice in four days burn away we knocked them out of couple day and we knock them out of of La Liga here it's four days plus they got knocked out of Champions League thanks to God Jax so it was not only the best week of the season not probably not only the best week of 2019 tomorrow but I think it's only it's also one of the best weeks in my life ok I can go and say this I'm gonna go with three the first one is kind of casual it's nothing that you would think about chemo mono la liga but it was very meaningful for me because it was just like okay here we are and we're gonna try to destroy la liga in the good way okay it was the 8c against whisker I think it was one of the first games and very beginning of the season and it was just like okay you're trying to face any premier Premier Division any La Liga rifle I used core eight goals in same day and for me was like the proof I gave them okay we're gonna try to do our best and we're gonna try see to win this okay second moment of La Liga to me okay so let's go Matt very here at home trying and proven again to all the people again the bars are the best team best team in this year so far and the third moment for me is gonna be tonight he's gonna be tonight I'm so confident the Barzeh are gonna win there is gonna be so special so it's like the confirmation of this wonderful year not only in La Liga also like a beret all thing Champions League final of a cabaret semifinals against Liverpool this week on Wednesday a game of the champions I mean it's amazing here amazing here for me it's like the three key moments for me of easier so far definitely I'm trying to think of big big moment is here there have been a lot I just wonder the best ones of this season but if the last 10 years - I mean not not all of them but this season has been one season that we will remember them yeah sorry we'll remember forever we win more trophies or not this is a season in the that we will remember by the way one quick one okay one challenge okay the Oscars before booklet Barcelona the Oscars I was been waiting for this since the beginning of the show yes okay first category best youngster are you talking about gate or euro keys or get that first year at the bursa I got it really clear okay I'm gonna go with we said no no no can we take one two three and we say yes okay okay okay best youngster of this year so far okay okay one c3 yeah I mean yeah I mean yeah he's much younger come on yeah yeah did it really well I prefer a linear right one for Arthur and right two for Elena okay best defender 1 c3b picot okay we agree with this okay next one oh and it's agreeing with me without their most midfielder okay one c3 busquets rocket isn't biscuits what are the important goals key score the fingers are so good yeah but we see busquets is the key of this he scored at this midfield a couple of goals that we named rocketed yeah that's right again I know like a Tegra we got two left okay the best striker 1c3 messy yeah that's sort of okay I'm defense choice okay you have to choose one I mean one the best player for you on this gear so far okay we're gonna read some command for example on twitter has been the band you trigger this year who's been the best this one guy saying Totino okay cool tell you get people so you miss what it Jordi Alba messy messy messy messy messy messy this one guy saying Jordi Alba that was nice nice nice another one saying terrace take him yeah I agree with that we haven't talked about this I mean we talked about the clinch in something hot when we were talking to of it but go peepers never get the credit they deserve so here's like a moment to dedicate it to you mark and Briggs our second thank you for keeping our goal always that safe one thing before leaving a prediction predictor and one scorer for tonight if we let's give all the scores of the goals yeah I'm gonna go with for Neil and I'm gonna say messy no I'm gonna say dembélé three continue I'm gonna say three nil and I'm gonna go with Dembele editor so Dembele is very well it's nice good well what about your predictions please come in here and remember stay tuned we're gonna start the game the Mott Center you can leave it with us with Robert with Sarah with Diego with some men who are already ready for this game remember at the end to be here to see the celebration only plays again what's the celebration is gonna be here so stay tuned with the math Center with the special edition with the celebration with Robert Robert over to you okay thank you guys crucial game against Levante we can win La Liga today if we win at Camp now there will be a celebration if we win we will be receiving the trophy if we win but we do have to win Sarah Sarah Paul welcome back to the show yeah I'm excited to be back especially for this game if we do win it's over you're eight let me get title in 11 years so I'm confident that the players will be able to pick up the three points today and get the win special numbers you were saying eight in eleven if we do win it tonight now I mean that talks about consistency consistency weekend week out there showing that they're the team that deserves La Liga and it would actually be their 26 overall in letting history so hopefully we'll get it tonight okay so it's just about ten minutes to go until the game gets started hopefully we can get that win that we need maybe one of the problems today maybe the anxiety to get it done as soon as possible yes and there's also that Levant they are gonna be giving their all because there are three points from the drop zone so they're gonna come in looking to get the three points so it would be a very difficult test for bar set but like I said I'm confident and right now at cap no there's a tribute to Francisco thought off work about the club for many many years by the way joining us today on the show the eagle audience at may how are you doing guys The Observer is retiring no yes press yeah I've met him it's great to be here Robert but like I say just touching on that on that subject I I met him a few times my 10 months that I've been here on player arrivals and around much days so yeah it's it's a shame but you know a long servant yeah long servant he's receiving a well deserved tribute camp now today in a game in which we have lineup with a few surprises surprises I mean Rodrigo and Georgina already talked about it during the warm-up show just in case you've just tuned in the big elephant in the room once again no messy guys no messy guys in the lineup tonight there was no messy in the lineup on Tuesday no messy tonight as well the lineup with Marc Andre Tostig inning goals so middle PK Longley and Albert at the back with who was there gonna say sorry Arturo Vidal another third in midfield Dembele Cote no and Luis Suarez up front so no messy no busquets as well you surprised I'm surprised but I'm happy because I want Messi to rest and I want him to sketch the rest as well because we have that huge game on Wednesday and I mean that 100% fit Messi is critical for our chances in the Champions League so I'm happy I'm also very happy that Vidal is playing because he deserves the way he's been playing very well every minute that he's given he's shown that he deserves to be on the pitch so strong line-up from already Diego we talked about it on Tuesday we thought that if Messi was resting on Tuesday SWAT it might be resting today but that is not the case yeah I guess not but you know I would like to mention as well give a special mention as I usually do to the virus's opponent this game against Levante let's not forget the team that really fast in the on that yet disturbed st. barts us for all the season last last year of course a thumping victory there with the five goals 5 goes to 4 in the end but again I mean I know that a lot of people will think the levanta is an easy opponent they're obviously battling for their lives they're not in a good position I think that's fair to say Barca Lopez despite doing a decent job there is struggling more than maybe what was expected from him but it was quite funny coming over I quickly had a look at their goals and guys Levante scores more goals than the other thing nine up to Sevilla basically so scores more goals than the the people that are ranked above them in La Liga so their team that presses high of the pitch they're not a team that is going to sit back so expect goals this game I would say because they are a team that concede a lot as well they are Tina concede a lot but but they're not scared of you know playing the - what - as they say here in soso expect an entertaining match I would say they're not it's not gonna be like the West car - within our last time when we sat here and we saw barsa face which were more you know teams that sit back and listen to thing exactly well yeah you can say we we can expect goals we got goals at the in the game at the throughout the Valencia five-nil in that game in which Levant I did have their chances though I mean I remember by thing hitting the the crossbar the embosser scored five with Leonel Messi scoring three and providing assistance for the other two without last game with sorry I mean I think we've been told that we have a problem with your microphone that will be solved as soon as possible but exactly touching what the sound was saying or what we were saying previously five nil at if you've got the Valentia earlier on this season and they are a team that concealer they're a team that can see it a lot defensively they're not as something but maybe that also has to do with the fact that the way that Paco has this team playing and as I mentioned before pressing high up the pitch therefore leaving him more exposed than the other more defensive teams so yeah they're a team that can see it a lot they tried to outscore the other opponents which is personally I think for me is a more entertaining style of football to watch at least and and also making reference to last year's match the for thriller in the coppa they made life difficult for bar said they did they did make life very difficult for bars of this season there's been much going on this season between bar sir and Levante their players it's just about to jump onto the field we'll be listening to the anthem as soon as it comes on at the stadium just to remind you the lineup today with Marc Andre Tostig inning goal same either PK Longley and Alba at the back rocky teach Vidal and our third in midfield Dembele Suarez Cote no upfront no Liana Messi in the lineup will be facing Levante who have I touring all cocky Ruben basil Robert Pierre and Luna at the back midfielder three with books which Campania and Ruben Rocinha the play that Sam was talking about former player who was who grew up in LA Marcia Jason board for morale and C Mon up front is just getting ready to jump onto the field Diego where you were calling this one though you from what I remember we're anticipating that Messi was not going to be playing today well it was one of the options obviously because we've got that we shall match against Liverpool coming up on Wednesday mmm I think it was a question of resting one other - yeah señor Suarez and Farr Vitter sees them in training every day so I'm assuming he make the right decisions he he knows who needs to rest who all who meets the rest more than others we saw Eve and racket each not go to the game against that is the other day he played home basically or assuming circular skates not in the lineup today so he's trying to balance it out between all of the players do you think that it's re I'm asking you the questions today taking over your role but or and but this goes for everybody here obviously or would you guys have maybe expected more rotations in the back as well maybe see um TT and Tony ball for for example and I reckon that if they've done the job earlier on this afternoon and beaten Athletico maybe we receive more rotation today he wants to go for the win right now we can listen to the anthem [Music] [Applause] that was the beginning of the basarat them at the camp no and right now we're looking at Leonel messy walk up the tunnel and going to take this place on the bench once again he is not on the lineup we'll save as many times we have just to remind you guys miss I'm not playing today I think a lot of the eyes will be on the bed on the bed hopefully plenty of calls in spite of not having the top scorer in La Liga today another thing that we have the same we say it every show but we have to remind you that we're not showing the game doing commenting will be reacting to it will be trying to entertain you but we're not showing the game we don't have the rights to do that what's frustrating is these continuous comments and we understand your frustration but like Robbie said barsa just doesn't have the rights to show the match therefore stick around because the play-by-play is awesome we will be trying to catch all of your reactions as well we were on Facebook we're on YouTube we're on Twitter as well Sam we'll be following you on Twitter let us know where you're watching from how will you celebrate this La Liga title if we do win it because obviously we're assuming that barsa could work today but we have to office Lee we have to be positive but I mean never know who would you who do you think is gonna score today send in your predictions let us know where you're watching from Sam we'll be trying to follow the game and your reactions as well so he'll be a busy man tonight well this is a funny one I'm there to give the game more edge you know exactly we're gonna do predictions guys what are we thinking you said goals Diego I think so I'm quite surprised as well to see maybe Russia Iran on the bench for Levante a player has been scoring a lot of goals from Morales of course Akuma Dante so but despite that and I do expect goals so my prediction will be [Music] I'm going for the same scorer as the other day and for the same reason so my prediction is faster for Leo Antonia with Luis Suarez scoring the first goal because he wants to be the second top scorer in logic obviously his power Leonel mess he's going to be number one he wants to be number two none of this bends in my business the way by the way guys first possession for football club Barcelona who are playing in the plough Granick it they'll be attacking to the right of our screens as Levante in a kind of green kit fluorescent green yellow whatever you think they'll be attacking to our left lime green lime green lime green I'm going for a 3-1 I think the first will be done by a and I wanted to get pumped up for Wednesday okay yeah I think Barse is going to reply to Liverpool's score lineup today I know they won five no I think it'll be a 5-2 but then boosts to score first four right something okay and Sam bit of a similar ones to Sarah I'm going for three nil Dembele yeah III just concerned you you all have confidence in Ben Bailey yes then BOOM then boobs wonderful wonderful okay we'll see we had by my feels the other day the rocket League player foot possibly got the first goal scorer right and that was the that was a good one that was a good one with Carlos Alan yang pouring the opener oh here's them Billy yeah you had two nails he's dead buddy driving it forward into the middle Adolphe eating it good little build up there from football club Barcelona still have the ball his coffee on the edge of the bombs find the shot it's blocked by Basel first clear opportunity for club Barcelona within the first two minutes of the game though yeah winning the ball back and he's had some sensational performances recently he has been much praised there is a few difficult in yacht-master playing over on the left after Oviedo no that's Giorgio Vasari swatted with the shot into the hands and I don't have him on this seven opportunity for luiz suarez good start for barsa here's that first opportunity again didn't believe we would serve heed our great parts inside the box for luiz suarez and with little angle he tries to go through the legs of I can land if almost made it there yeah it almost made it happen restore the stadium would be I was asking Sara before you guys think that like I'm not going to say the anxiety but the will to make it happen soon is gonna be detrimental for barsa today no I don't think so I think if anything better though playing versus favor this urgency that say to finish off La Liga as soon as possible with of course the Champions League in mind I think that that kind of urgency sometimes this season we've that's been lacking in Barra and I think given the opportunity given the fact that I elliptical one guess what the sport line was for people at home I like to go did win guess what the score line was so sorry Diego bar so clear it away yes there are one Serie C but I mean take nothing away from them I mean it is tough to do it we can wake out as well yeah yeah keeping uh obviously not conceding goals and being second in line to you guys is definitely I think an achievement for a for a lady to go there mothering let me just take your boards guys see that down there why on the ground well they don't still look tidy yeah here is a bar in position with da da de piqi handing it out no sense in me though didn't Billy on the right-hand side you always talk about the messy Alber combination but I'd quite like the similar thing Billy I mention on on the right as well been wearing in the cup I there was a no sorry there was a similar Malcolm them similar Malcolm as well maybe he'll get the opportunity today will I've seen them you'll see in a second are here is a loose Monday thimble a factor Vidal here is after the meadow Oh do we have an offender here's the shop by kokino and it's a corner kick for barter saved and cleared away for a corner kick by a and if we love to see continued try from there yeah I think it's one of the things he's been lacking through a stretch of the season just the ability to find those shots on the edge of the box we've seen we've seen him try more lately there he is the cross just last week was so very close to scoring here yeah was a close one you got three or four bucks our guys could have connected on that cross good processor a little back of your head to it just not enough very close it goes just breezing past the post there no no no very in sync together fresh I also win it back Levante we put it in play here's after the middle in the center circle trying to play through to Luis Suarez intercepted by bears are there now Levante trying to hit bar sir on that counter-attack you were saying when the game started and now that I said the word counter-attack it just comes to my mind how weird it is that play like Morales is not in the lineup for levanta because he's Kieffer they're just giving them that depth and making those that runs really runs what was at the beginning of the season this brilliant goal that he scored if they want to say was against Betty's worried inky had a run pretty much from his own half and finished it off just beautifully obviously the celebration was classic oh man it's just surprising he's now on the pitch or Roger I know I don't understand like talked about in last season yeah being a very good free kick taker maybe not so much this season but three key players for them on the bench today she's good news for that right imagine good news for both of it and Fitz appraising it'll be surprising maybe a little bit a that I fian see if it's a fee on a in English a betrayal betrayal a little bit of maybe a betrayal of Paco Lopez usually more offensive style who knows well we do have to take into account one thing that live ante did play during the week they beat biggies for nil they did they did these are teams that are not used to playing yeah as many games maybe not used to playing midweek games so maybe he's thinking well the important guys against Betty's where we can actually get the point cap now just rest them at the beginning see if we can hang on and play them at the end don't know I mean but these are tough times well even today they're hanging on there they are on their wins they've Betsy's four is here and then they also beat Real Madrid add something about Noel - I mean a real true very good they've not been consistent we talked about that last week negating cities but before that they hadn't won their previous four games yeah so it was faster in possession they through ball by acceptable scripts trying to connect with SWAT if we couldn't hang on to the ball there Vidal fighting for it as always why did saving skirts if he's not even playing hell I'm quite surprised with the cross cleared away now sorry yeah I was just about to say I'm surprised excuse me I'm I'm surprised Vidal is in the starting eleven today because we touched on his past couple of performances and I'm actually quite surprised to let a lady who's mine especially on the on the back of last game you know yay was yeah I thought he would have been in in today alongside I thought but balboni's obviously got a different idea and did you actually see the reaction with Leonel Messi yeah yeah after the first goal so it's like my reaction with Malcolm exactly exactly but obviously Alan yeah with the approval of the top barsa players in that dressing which is important here here is Vidal feeding it out feely pickled Tina who can drive forward or feed Jordi Alba to the left that's where he goes Albert Suarez inside the box SPECT our who's on the left oh look at that what it tries to go in between two players taken away from him sound do we have any comments from the fans what do they want to know where the watching us from we do there a lot of people watching in Poland today okay yeah we've got P at all in Poland we also have people watching it in Indonesia and it's 3 a.m. would you believe 3 a.m. in Indonesia people are watching that obviously fans tuning in to see if bartók and win the title today and see if they can there will be some kind of celebration parcel will be offers that the trophy the title if we do win today and we'll be showing you that but first the team netiquette need to get the three points in a game by the way Sarah which we haven't touched on the on the game facts yes okay so everyone can feel pretty confident because learnt they have only won one of their last 12 level oh look at this though no mess is not playing but he hasn't incredible he scored 20 goals in his last 18 appearances against the done thing but he's on the bench but still crazy stats and also barsa only failed to score it in one of their last 36 League games of the camps now under Val Verde so we can expect a lot of goals we can expect those hopefully hopefully right now generally came with some back trouble there we'll see if he's able to continue he looks like he's in a little bit of pain taking off he's got the ball right now this is four points separating the rank difference you don't know cheat on then belay inside the box goes back it's intercepted by the 11:30 fence and Philippe Coutinho almost managed to win it back here is what calm Meyer a live ante playing in their own half trying to launch the counter-attack it's a hypothetical oh hey they'll get to touch in and basa win the ball back what you're tell--you're not surprised on the bottle I'm very surprised because it's been a occurring trade when do you know when you don't know his last home victory was October beginning of the season October that's incredible last week last week last season wanted levy was was a fortress exactly the season has been heavy is just not he got whistled by his own fans last week as well as the first time this season the same when that happens mm-hmm we'll see we'll see from story up popcorn in my mouth now see if the one of the other cattle and sides managed to save themselves and avoid relegation I think in the end yes we'll have to see what have to see obviously you don't know relying on barter getting the wind today because live ante is one of their direct opponents in that fight for salvation here is a funding bill a similar throw in for barter on the right hand side also in possession here is - dahveed out rocky ditch flying in that holding position today yeah instead of circular skates all great little ball out to jar of the other who tries to cut back there's two defenders on him it's gonna be a throw-in for bass up but with a little bit of trouble they're getting up you took a knock to the head well you see it's already I mean we're 13 minutes in it's a different match from the other matches that we've been seeing yeah I love aces so they're Sophie that was gone well we had a chances the other day against alavés but then they didn't sit back with that line of five a liner falling was so complicated to even like create the space all didn't believe goes down to the ground a little slip there for the Frenchman's like goes in tough to try and win the ball back and he's called for a foul on bottom i you're a yellow card for Evander lucky Fitch's it's an early one did commit to that challenge and got there just a little bit late I miss the next game I was going to mention earlier do you believe that you know the fact that we could potentially win La Liga today will have a psychological advantage in the Champions League well I mean it means that barsa can concentrate just on the Champions League if we do win the Liga title today whereas Liverpool are still in that fight with Manchester City so regardless of what happens tomorrow between Manchester City em Burnley I believe it is yeah and Burleigh regardless of what happens Liverpool have to play their top men next weekend yep in between us first in the second leg so whereas barsa can actually rest players if we do win La Liga I also think it's gonna motivate them even more knowing that they already have seals no no Martha Oh motivate worse even more annoying that movie goes done and Dustin I they can focus just on the Champions League yeah and of course Liverpool it's Roberto Firmino picked up an injury there as well that they're talking about that he might be a dot for the game I can't remember who it was heimo most and I think also yeah definitely not playing sorry trying to create something here here's speedy pickled senior it's wonders Alberta Marino's not fifteen minutes played Arsenal Avanti Neil but we have had some dangerous chances already the first coming from the boots of Luis Suarez denied by not Fernandez remember called Pina try from range as well well I be presented to get back to your question I don't think it's much of an advantage as in or let me rephrase I don't think it's a disadvantage for Liverpool not having one that they get because they're gonna focus on match demand is across by Giorgio Vasari then ballet inside the box tries to find out to Dobie doll he's gonna fight for Italy rocket ditch with the shot a player has gone down after clashing heads without good of it out and after that the volleyball and racket it hit him as well so a bit of a double blow there you know what I mean though I don't see how that that I'm sure for the bar sir players will be good the way okay one trophy trophy checks off don't Boston's in the bag move on yeah but I don't I mean I don't know if that it momentum will carry over into the champion see it's a different competition because different opponent I wonder I mean we'll see I got potentially the only thing is the only factor is maybe fatigue or a possible injury that you know a key player might pick up if they are playing but in this game no no I in Liverpool's game next week whereas Liverpool's K in Liverpool's case yeah yeah exactly right but of course it's kids you don't think it would make them more confident heading into the game I'd say I don't know I don't think so it's still like you're more out I don't know I think I for me I think it would because I think they would be an advantage yeah I think they would look at it and think well you know uh we're gonna you know then you know we've we've won La Liga so we're gonna move on now and I think you know confidence wise and not to be oh well I mean I'm just gonna say it I think they know they've won La Liga yeah against that let it go so confidence wise it's kind of come sooner or later here is lewis hodda if trying to find here Jordi Alba there Jordi Alba but the ball gosh I thought of Ferran and this little bump there between kodi neeya and two defenders as well I think Suarez has grown this beard I don't know whose is that's the kind of look I'm going for I need to grow it out here is Levante in possession and of course don't forget if we win today then I've got the Clippers ready for da Gama's hair say that if we won La Liga he'd be getting the Arturo Vidal haircut I didn't say on which part of my body you should be here is play my long way playing the very Vondrak it did show a bit overconfident they're normally banty of won the ball back we're playing a bit sloppy at the back they have managed to regain their position Levante playing through a robear pierre feeding out to the right-hand side here is kaki some good passing form a severe player yes here comes the cross long way gets his head - it goes up in the air and Forster Nelson Samia who can try and find that who's mindin believe further forward ball bounces off of a Levante player in it's a goal kick to me I think they're disputing Baris a little bit here for possession as well what would you reckon it would be position I reckon it's got to be mid fifties mid 50s you think I'd say six sixty forty sixty forty maybe I was actually taking a look at the stats in the in the game against Levante that Dave Allen Taylor earlier in the season the five Neal win yeah possession 58 to 42 shots on goal nine for barter 6 for live aunty so I mean they did create their time quite surprising yeah they're not a team that likes to just sit back in design yeah they go out and play yeah there is say middle Sammy will be bringing us the update on that possession step as soon as he manages to get on to FC Barcelona calm and check this that's thirty four point seven thirty four point seven boiling that day so that means sixty five point three in favor of a basa who have actually won it back Jordi Alba playing it through so Felipe kodi neeya back your pastor Luis what if he thought once again he's denied by Eric Fernandez but another opportunity what is footballs not when I'd seen what a great run from Suarez and what a great save by I thought for have none Dez took it to his ladder hit his chest yeah great so much power on the delay I put up you got tries to keep it alive but it's gonna go out I took it over to his left then with the exterior part of his uh the outside part of his right boot got the shot off Oh safe by a doctor and if there's the opportunity again second chance for Suarez third one will be in game third one's going in yes Sam any news from the fans a few comments people writing in saying can they meet messy it's their dream if they get to be messy I guess that's not a big yeah we're trying to range that we're trying to range that follow us follow Matt Center and we're trying to arrange it for you what there's no chance he's gonna happen I'm sorry here is Monday no talks that we can arrange it I'm saying that there's no okay here is a pseudo Vidal thought it inside the Nelson middle same in all with his left foot it's scored earlier on in the season medals all over the place right now no they trying to go out on the break when it's the throwing for bar sir defending their by Clement long late breath we having the word with Jason they're all the ball did bounce off of him just before it went out in the long blade challenge their 22nd minute so we're halfway through the first half still mill nil a few opportunities for barsa zoom it up but yeah not a P gate there is long blade forward Filipa called Dean you're under pressure and just to connect with Jordan now it's called Dino again bass were in midfield racquet ditch yabba also keeping the ball but not managing to create any danger at the moment now continued tried to switch it over to try and find in ballet on the right hand side there's the live on tape lay it down on the ground ball taken away from him he was trying to protect the ball Suarez runs away with it and finally the foul is called it gets faster the game has gone a bit quiet yep they're family I would have expected at this point maybe a goal to go to a still plenty of time though still plenty of time no I just won my 5 - prediction it may be a bit ambitious there Diego Tom Waddell I want the four nails so fingers when we when bar sir score one you know we're looking at floodgates or floodgates open exactly so it's just it's just a matter of time with when of when you know we do get that that crucial goal and more will will probably follow as soon as yeah it is here it is here it is bar star winning the ball back called in yacht over to the left hand side where Jordi Alba was making a run forward now it comes to a halt there is a called Dino again dancing around in fact daughter over to get out the gate all goes over to the right dimple a who speed things up he's got the middle but the forward the crossfire all kind of cortical demon out there by a live and big player is it gonna be a throne for barter yes I managed to win it back a bar to make it bounce so for JSON again here is you don't like a ditch playing the role of defensive midfielder today there is Nelson to me though don't be late a little shimmy there by timbl II can't wait to see that on Wednesday yeah what a great pass in there's another opportunity for Bowser a great stop but I mean what a performance at the moment by a door Fernandez what a great pass by our to defeat continue inside the box try to tuck it in and it went straight into the hands of I daughter wonderful saves my cue shots on goal here is uh we swatted here it is I think there we saw that Philippe Coutinho is another player who's used to actually heading the ball what a charge oh just on the edge of the small box and the cross by album it by called vino the header into the hands I adore Fernandez the defense is all over the place I can go right now either side of Fernandez and it was in no no yeah situation they might be looking a little bit sloppy here so the header fundamentals is just just get it on target right try to make the goalkeeper work so yes he did that he did that there is say me though with the run but poster I don't know obviously if I had made the dive there if he'd had gone but he didn't stayed in his place in the ball went into his hands are better they're looking a bit frustrated there after yet another chance that barsa have not been able to put inside the net there is a lung bleh who were almost putting their gfpk in a difficult situation there while he did put it yeah be gay in their difficult situation but it was well solved by bosses number 3 PK playing as captain today by the way in the absence of who skits and Leonel Messi and I bar to shake off the pressure and they can run here is Jordi Alba driving forward he's got cocky into his left back at the wall or Filipino drives inside Vignon yes [Applause] Fernandez once again the keeper of Levante making a safe that was great great build up starting it all from the back despite the high pressure was we've been saying from Levante butter stuck keeping calm building up from the back nice passes and then finding the open open guy I think it was Jordi on the Left I wish I had gone for ela first he keeps building on his confidence there as we approach the Champions League semi-finals against his former club then Billy that Coke in your shot was the seventh shot on target sixth I think seven no because the second with the header all right there is a start I found that and they receive about in 18 shots at home and then 21 away away Levante it's insane it must be one of the teams to see the most opportunities yeah in La Liga so this is on the way of reaching that number any more stats am like checking them out yeah just looking at passes 225 in favor of barsa to 160 Levante okay so it's not as scandalous as it was the other day the other day of a against that I've a certain bar so we're in the 200s and I love this we're near to the 50s that's correct yeah I always like it when a team comes to condom and and you know plays yeah you know they sit back exactly three bucks for a painting like that too and obviously obviously it means it's more entertained to see a team come back right back at you when you attack rather than just sit back and what alavés did the other day with a line of five line at all I was the rebel I was I mean tough to watch itself on you had to wake me up I snoozed off a couple times Levante now in possession Robert Pierre trying to play the ball long finding the otter trying to find the run of what come on you're out too much power in an important straight to mark Andre to Stig in we approach the half hour of the game still nil nil this is not a result that would give us the league title yet we need a win because I'd let me go one earlier on today so I also need three points to win La Liga we remind you that we're not showing the game because we don't have the rights to do it just in case you're sending in your comments asking us to show the game no we cannot do that sometimes I even seen fans suggesting that it would be better if we take it into account but it's not something that we can do I like that hey guys you know be a great idea Wow is a good idea we'll take that into it maybe for next season just stick to what we're doing until the end of this season here is that's an interesting thought by Sonia you mentioned the rocket League that barsa when I didn't actually keep up to date they I didn't either sorry sorry put it I know that I like something with l1 and earlier on this afternoon 6:1 I'm not sure what the result was I think it was six month well it's not well informed or well enough x1 but I know that he won earlier on in the afternoon I saw his tweet so barters professional privilege of representing bar sir actually won earlier on this afternoon and so yeah great news yes good bit good pivot not as much great news for bosses youth team yes they got knocked out unfortunately of the semi-final don't shoot oh yeah five four no five three was in there no but I was like watching it um because you do the reports yeah no I do barsa B oh yeah this is the under-19 team that yeah me Rhonda was playing the male Oh unfortunately missed me a vital penalty there me random untrue mean get her as well some of the Barbie players were playing yesterday again it's Chelsea it was to all in the 90 minutes and then they went to penalty shootout unfortunately the English team made it through here is uh no sense in me though get out inside swatting love the edge of the box what if it's fallen to the ground he's still down I'd like to see a replay of her heart because to me it's I don't know whether as far as legs go Sam hello yes Sachs and watch the scenery but it's what it is still down but I don't think he's complaining so it involves SWAT if if he's not complaining I mean that's a sign anyway we'll see if it's reviewed because there was a fall inside the box and normally we got a replay here it is what is the bump there but none bigger so I think I think it would be a bit harsh looking at that second time there's a little touch on his left leg no I don't think play goes on not enough to call a penalty with that fall by Luis Suarez here is long late I've taught you K bar playing in lemon taste half trying to go forward is saving me the cross inside the box trying to connect with the run of kodi neeya but cokie heads it back to - i was talking about that defeat in the semi-finals of the UEFA Youth League it's a great sign though that bar sir managed to get into the final four this year they won it last year so it's good news for bar as youth teams for la mesilla that we are managing to get our teams into those final stages of the European competitions that Remini is well the bars effeminate tomorrow big day for the women's team huge game for bosses women's team tomorrow at the Amenia study here in Barcelona there facing Bayern Munich they've got a one-nil lead from the first leg so right now they've got to just finish off the job at home and they would make it for the first time in the club's history - the Women's Champions League final so mini steady tomorrow the final budapest I know this anyway yes they would make it to the final and just hours later bar City play and they have to win if they want to say it want to keep their options open for the playoffs it shouldn't be very intense weekend for versa boss obviously obviously we wish the women's team the rest of Latin the goal by Kiera ham growi in the first leg in Munich giving basa the advantage in that time here we go here is go SWAT it feed out try some swatted then he doubtless court wrong footed there also win it back did a PK who runs forward now he's got feed out need out with the left foot slide now he tried from Ramsey down I like that I would really have to cut your hair it's all Boston regarding regarding goal scoring situations or girls going opportunities but with ten minutes to go in the first up it's still nil neon Sam more from the fans yeah a lot of funds are saying you know we need Messi we need they're already saying already busy they say didn't keep it gonna come on or no obviously yeah Vidal he plays it out who can't get there I love Messi alright so integrity where is he Philippe Coutinho was the best bus up trying to push up the pressure as live at they ever throw in but I'm sorry Sarah you that follow the varsity team a lot do you think the fact that the situation that they're in has limited more players likely to play more time more regularly with with the 18 yeah I think so because they need their players right now yeah they need everyone on board so yeah I mean this this gives the likes of the younger plays you know if we win La Liga today it gives the younger players the opportunity to you know step up to first-team duties neither players at this point of the season oh that was a bit of a bump there by their best players yeah foul given against barsa yes I'm hoping to see more of the young players get their opportunities if we do win La Liga today and the remaining three matches of the season hopefully we saw tricky points against whisk and I don't have to see him again cap now so much so yeah absolutely as well toddy bar you thought he played well yeah several players made the most of them that catalyst Allen yeah he was a first team player but he made the most of his opportunity the other day against alive is apart from scoring the open I mean his performance was well so it was solid performance what you'd expect from a first team player yeah yeah here's to second we barely said his name during the first half we've been talking about him at halftime by the way Marc Andreessen Seguin all right I was hoping maybe Stillson would start instead of translating maybe once the league is one I don't know yeah he hasn't played yet and well he'll probably need his to get into playing mode for the Copa del Rey final because right more as he is the Copa del Rey goalkeeper he didn't play the semi-finals because of an injury but I imagine he will be starting again bilinear yes for sinasohn I mean a player I reckon he's a goalkeeper who to start 497 95% of the teams in Europe yeah very few teams would start another keeper ahead of Jasper cillessen faster he's one of them yeah sure I think I've put it on wax on on the bar so much that life center bar so much but it's alive my centers sorry that my opinion is the best so she shoot goalkeeper in the in the world actually oh definitely well but I'd say the bars have the best duo of keepers yeah well yeah because if and let's cross our fingers and touch work and whatever so that it doesn't happen but if Mark Andres ii did get injured one day i mean no trouble with playing with Jasper cillessen anywhere no yeah over that time okay if he goes anywhere he's a first-choice keeper it's good like you know as we said it's it's good to have keeper of such caliber who can come in and you know somebody I keep who you can rely on and affection say you know he's gonna he's gonna help us progress to the next round or bring so hate saying this sorry Robert we're in we're in safe hands exactly here is a team you're making a run forward the help of xx he goes down and here's a free-kick in favor of barsa now and it's a good one per right footed player that was a good one save hands yes and who's gonna take its wanna go continue continue whispers something as far as his ear I don't know what he said eclectic things a drive forward by Shinya followed by to live on T players what if tried to cut inside and he was fouled bike okay it's on the edge of the box a bit towards the left so it's a good one for a right footed player with no Leonel Messi on the field it's either for swatted awfully big or Dean you're thinking gotta be continuing the player who's closest to the ball right now see them qualities there as many times many times when he was in in the course of Liverpool yeah from this range I've seen a few of them fly in so you know take nothing away from Guinea oh yeah well he's prepared so what it walks away from it so it is gonna be for Philly pickle Tito 26 meters away if you leave the kodi neeya with his right foot he's already the referee is blowing the whistle here's the run by Philippe Coutinho the show got his hand to it did he know he didn't know so close so close it was so close really be cold in your it looks like he did a little bit of Carl Lee not sure I'm not sure if he did I think that little bit of coal power he didn't I didn't move him and it hit the crossbar get away believe that lobos's should have had a okay you believe we should have had a here is Evander like a ditch also now in their own half but plays it forward tough really big Athena there's been plenty of chances in the first half let's see if we can score right before halftime we did so last weekend with that climate long leg out it's all going it is all going on down the left-hand side you haven't seen as much involvement my see me though and who's mindin belly want to see maybe earlier on in the game we well Dino definitely has a lot more space to run as opposed to them believe in delays 9 which would be great if we didn't if we did have that space but then getting closed down very well by the defense a lot of fans there as well saying give the ball to Dembele we want to see Dan Belling on the ball haven't seen him all that much during this first half here is uh mark undoing Tostig in our something from behind long clay three minutes remaining in the first half and it's a nil nil still that does not mean that we have not had the opportunities to score I mean we have plenty of them here is Nelson similar driving forward or a good little bit by a same Miller playing it forward Dembele he's on the right he puts the cross inside but there's no one there to meet the cross the previous foul on Sumi though it's called here it is so Bart will have a chance at the set piece of feeling it's a bit of a weird one there because the advantage was given then Billy made the cross and then the foul is called because they lost possession yeah no but I mean then Billy had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted he did have the advantage if you're gonna call the foul call it previously I mean it's in favor of Buster I don't know why I'm complaints about excessive legally but anyway yes sir bar to have a chance at the set piece here then Billy's gonna provide the cross it's over on the right hand side all the tall players are inside the box he comes across by dimple a clear away by a Levante player it's gonna be a corner kick on the right hand side believe the player put it inside the box he's gonna play it short or is he gonna cross it in glazed inside the box racket pitch - I've got every doubt peaky as well cross is cleared away and bar so we're gonna have to start from behind again seam it up on the halfway line Alba I also need to reorganize themselves there's racket ditch playing it back to Nelson middle and he's gonna play it back to a safe place called the home of Mark Andre just digging here is are slowly building things up again l'anglais played it forward with a long ball it's interesting to see levanti's back line so high up no no buzzer had plenty of space to run as opposed to the previous two or three games yeah cross inside into the hands of knock Andre first dig in last minute of the first half let's see if faster can get that so called psychological goal if not I think it's in your stats era live antique concede most of their goals in the second half so there's nothing new here happening could be 5 2 then Diego in the first 15 minutes of a second actually so so we'll have to see when the second half starts here is a pseudo vivo taken down come on you're a lab it frustrated they're clearing the ball away once pal had been given the foul by Campania on Vidal also can cross it inside the box and this could be the final situation of the first half [Music] at the 45th minute mark then Billy's gonna cross it inside they're fairly black vertical for the position you're looking at gold here it goes the cross by OS mundum below yeah head out by rocket ditch which goes over the crossbar and this could be where the first half ends it is where the first half ends Leonel Messi is gonna be the first to walk off to the dressing room following him will be the rest of the players arsenal Levante de nil at halftime little giveaway right there the fact that miss he was the first run to the dressing room maybe we'll see him on at the beginning of the second half already so yes Boston eleventy nil at halftime Sara I think it's a decent half we've had plenty of chances I mean kokino had three just himself but I think we need it we're finding spaces but I think we need to be a bit more clinical and the final third like I said Cote know could have headed a bit more to the right or to the left he's I think we've had chances that we just need to be a bit more clinical but I think the goals will eventually come in the second half and according to the stats we're pretty solid yes yeah you were saying they can see the most in their first 15 minutes they've conceded 14 goals 14 goals I believe they conceded a lot in the last 15 minutes as well so that all the whole of the goals they've considered throughout the season in the second half it's a lot more than in the first half Diego what needs to change in the second half about I would say attitude I think I mean we're looking at the stats here you know shots on goal 8 to 11 8 shots on goal 11 shots in general but for me the-the-the-the we talked about or I talked about urgency earlier on that's what's missing is a little bit more Guerra as they say here a little bit more aggression and assertiveness you know kill this game off the chances have been there but even those I mean they haven't really tested the levanta goalkeeper as much as maybe the stats are showing so yeah I would say maybe urgency and Sam this is not a result that was gonna give us the Liga title it's not no and it's quite surprising considering we have the amount of chance that we've created you know Diego touched on it that you know we've not we've had chances but they've not been chick-lit look clear-cut where you'd look and think you know that could have gone in or we've seen early on with Suarez and quite we've had quite a few efforts but I just think as was what Sara said you know it's just being clinical and finding I mean we've got a second half to come so you know I make I'm expecting my score prediction three now you know i'm expecting goals in the second half but overall I've I've been satisfied the way Bastrop laid but again it's just been as I've just said it's G it's being clinical in in the final third okay so it's Boston 11th inning at half time hopefully we see the goals in the second half the girls were expecting we have plainly do it during this half time so let's just get to it Sarah can you pass me that book that is on that table there I was saying that I want to talk about this because it's a book let's leave that he's not a sport if it comes out every year and this year it has marc-andre Tostig in on the cover of it so this is a book in which several of the best sports writers in catalunya write little short stories tales of sport and all of the funds raised by this book or all of every all of the money raised by this book goes to a solidary cause this year and as we can see on our screen it's Marc Andre to stick him posted yesterday on his Instagram it has to stay in as its buddy not so and what Marc Andre was thinking posted on his Instagram says I had a good time with the boys that they are two solid areas shooting the cover of the book I got to meet Batman Nell who's simply incredible and has a big heart as well as learning about his foundation from - your bottom I know I'm super happy about the result the event we did and I'm proud to be a part of this wonderful project all the money from the book goes towards the pheromonal foundation this is a foundation that helps children families in a vulnerable situation your support has been amazing and it will change the life of many kids in Barcelona so once again Marc Andre Tostig in showing that he's involved in social causes and he's involved in in the life in Barcelona he's a Barcelona man he is he is a man from even taking the metro of checking the other transporting bar in martyr ona he's so integrated in this culture please speaking a fluent Spanish better than me man so it is so so integrated in in the local culture it's great to see that so this is the book I like solidary still it's for it's a great book and for a great cause and the help of mark Andres is thinking obviously this year anyway what do I appreciate exactly no after saying this let's get to our halftime activity which includes a quiz guys quiz do you want do you want your boards back we do a sound of course you go yes quizzes are good smash good yeah that's not gonna happen I'm gonna win this week well Oh Sarah sorry this is the board that okay it's unreasonable oh is it okay okay so uh guys are you ready for the quiz do you think I think I can I can can you improve your results oh yeah I'm sure I can't Diego will be surprised today but we did Sam has been terrible at them all the way I said question guys first question when did barsa win the league at Labonte Stadium this has happened in the past we've won the league Diego knows this already option 1 option 1 is in 2006 option 2 is in 2011 and option C is both answers are correct so option 1 2006 option 2 2011 don't cheat Diego they're telling you the answer they're giving the wrong answer okay I think it was 2011 option - okay they remember celebrating the league when I was in conferring I think it wasn't but I'm not sure okay yeah well she's wrong because it's option a option a which would be one yes six Sam I think it's option two option two oh it's no it's not both it's yeah you are actually right yeah correct option was actually a little trick there because it was 2005 and 2009 that's why I next question who scored in the 2011 one all draught that's the other volunteer so the day that we won La Liga there who scored was it one Pedro two via three kata o 1 beta 2 V 3 kata I think if you die Valencia so Sam and Sarah you have a point Sarah what do you think ped the deep though Pedrito and wasn't was kata-kata Pedro and Diego manages actually I love that second shot I was at one point for each pair of you ok ok that is the correct answer thank you thank you what's the score in that 2011 one remember everybody celebration even oh nothing ok next question how many times have Levant a one at camp no 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 ok so agree to your score no so confusing I'm joking I mean option 1 is 0 times option 2 is one time option 3 is 2 times how many times have live until one at the camp now what were the second option 2 times or 1 0 1 14 so Sarah what do you think one time one time Diego I'm gonna go no time no time I'm going for twice same for twice what is it what is this Diego got the correct answer zero times Sarah I mean it's in your stats guys you don't read no don't next question was that at the camp now that was a camp now overall I was at the camp now next question what was the result in last season's League win at the camp no was it one three nil was it option two three one option three two zero three zero three one two zero last season what was the league winner sorry say it again last season yes we want to camp no good against Levante all right was it a three nil result uh-huh a three one result or a to nil result option one option two or option three Sara three one Diego you're leading this by the way I mean one three one three one so all three of you have gone for the wrong answer wrong answer what you know I was thinking it was three nil yeah final question it's Diego two points Sam and Sarah one point each come on I got this in his 18 games against Levante how many goals has Leonel Messi scored so is it option one eighteen option 220 option three twenty-two oh wow that's a lot of goals 18 20 or 22 Jesus Christ there already has our answer if you guys are satisfied listening earlier and Sarah did actually Sarah did actually say it changing minds I said I'm gonna tell you can we can we won the Diego 18 20 or 22 2012 22 you're going for 22 Diego in the right way yeah it's right answer so big we have three points there you have two and Sam you're doing terribly one again one okay the next challenge on to the next time do we have it ready guys it's a one of those how did the situation finish screen here so here it is okay this is the 2007 2008 season Leonel Messi with the shot where does it go one two or three Sarah 3 3 Diego three three three three three all three of you go for three so can we see how that turned out I know you all get the points there Leonel Messi with that goal there in that win only what a pass what a great combination there let's go to their next one to see if we can get it up on the screen unfortunately our big screen isn't working today so that's why okay this is a couple of seasons back with the bicycle kick to go for one two or three Sarah three three Diego two to one three two one who got it right I think it's to actually it's one oh it's one it's one so Sam gets it right so now Diego you have four points sarah has three Sam has two K know Sam has three sorry three Sam has three three so they will find a one here's the final one come on I was inside great combination there so is it one two or does the pass go to st. if it was on the ball okay guys name on okay I think he's gonna give it to Sanchez do you think it's three do you go just go for the finish let's go for the pass to see you go for two it's got to be three it's gonna be three can we see it guys did I beat the a go no you're all tied up tied at four points tiebreaker we need a tiebreaker it's gonna be the pixel my favorite here we go come I would like a little whoever whoever wins this is gonna wear the captain's armband during the second half so what's that picture start to see room red okay a little hidden this is something that happened last weekend in the last game at camp now remember who scored that day okay Jody Jody I'll go Diego you get it right do order the elbow the celebration there so Diego gets a point there so next picture well no I win that's I don't know there's three there's three potentially could all get in there see okay what's this one look at the colors is it there salmon color this is what I know this the players face isn't it it's not a players face no yes it is so you like tied at five points Sam has four so this could be either tie breaker or you can all be tied at five points and then I don't know how we're gonna how we're gonna solve this diggin know we've talked about this we talked about this a few minutes ago late late on the first half I feel like you should start to know what this is don't ballet no it's not them Bailey we-we-we no no okay so you're on I don't have any more time substitution at halftime one full event day one for barsa Lionel Messi and Morales coming in no no no thanks cannot stand it throw out something somebody has to hide I don't know I don't I don't go for we all win come on give me something go deep we need to do something we'll do something quick I mean now it ends in Oh it ends in who's gonna score first foot baths are in the second half alright that's it I was gonna say messy two that I think are y'all gonna say messy guys thinking that believe you have a swatted okay sorry sorry okay okay whoever whoever gets it right a lot of submissions that ya substitutions for both teams Leonel messy steps in for feeding pickles Dino and more Alice in for C Mon devanne plays a half the second half has started and they've ante have the first possession they'll be attacking towards our right and barsa will be attacking towards our left now the lineup with mark Andre Tostig in Ingold say middle PK Longley and Albert at the back cracking teach at Buddha and I've gotta be talented field then ballet mercy and swatting up front B&R Messi getting second half of action as he played he did not play during the first half I think this is the front line we're gonna see again splitter for MSD MSD you pick so and think so yes Emily a herd of cooking yo I think so here is Jordi Alba Alba plays it long and finding the runner temple a who's now on the left-hand side as opposed to the first half when he was on the right that's good that's good that's really good what yeah he's it seems like he's a much more comment to come to wrong outside huh good on the right me switching it over to Nelson submitter who has to run back to keep it in peeking Anglais also keeping possession Jordi Alba who can make a run forward plays it into the middle for Lea Hill Messi who connects with swatted after a little bounce off of her Levante player so middle on the right he finds Vidal in the middle further forward is Luis Suarez who plays it back to me doubt you doubt to his left to find out dude I've told Jordi Alba here is al bard in ballet master lose the ball but I'll press up high now there's probably going to be a foul by our to the relevant a player knows it's gonna go out for a throw-in and the referee does not call that foul here is our daughter Marcin looking determined to keep possession and try to create a situation in which they can score here is Leonel mercy so middle Messi on the right mind indeed out he tries to move forward swatted back to Messi as he keeps it alive over the control of the Arbour parts are slowly building there is mess of trying to go through the legs of the defender heat manages to keep the volume it's got swatted our nice to chip it over the defense to find the run of Leonel messy but the ball falls - I felt landed first sniff of the ball that Levante happened in this second half yeah and I think I was just got about to say with with Metheny or just coming onto the pitch you can see straight away like I doubt how dynamic all of us at bathroom it seems if it seems to me as though everyone's been given a lift my messy just entering the field no no obviously here's a an emotional or mental impact on the team as well both on his time do you want to check out some of the comments by the fans during the halftime just let us know where you're watching from who do you think is gonna score first you think Bart's are gonna win La Liga today let us know what you're thinking here is Leonel Messi Messi making a run before Easter picks it over toward 11 Billy inside the box across by timbl a takes a bounce up over a defender why he was waiting for it at the far post with frost coming in from the left yeah a lot of a lot of fans on social media are saying that they're glad that Messi's now into the field yeah you see there's like five players around him yet he manages like to mix pace and then make an incredible pass there's nobody like you have been asked the question and see if we can get the reaction quickly as possible which country are you watching us from Sam is going to make a list of them let us know what country - and it just to get an idea of how many people are watching us because you were mentioning Indonesia before and it was 3 a.m. that when the game started I mean lots of eager fans waiting to celebrate the league title here [Music] [Applause] it's been given now foul against bison I'll buy not happy about that call a bit of a weird one still in the first five minutes of the second half the last time the parser won a league title at camp now it's back in 2010 we'll see if they can make it possible tonight SWAT is trying to find a messy but the pass is intercepted Wow okay almost a decade ago yen and every time that we've won the league since then it's been in a game here's lay out on the edge of the Bob the shop is saved again by I don't rent land there who we mentioned it in the first stop had a brilliant performance in the in the first 45 minutes I mean he did obviously no knock on him but I feel that there was the the aggression missing behind the shots is well they were never there were a couple of what it once from close right it didn't from close range the hockey like stop absolutely and the first one that tried to go through his legs at those two particular were there was a there was another shot by Felipa called Dino as well where he had to stretch out the first shot that Cortina tried from long range hmm but yeah most of them have gone into his hands way little bit like this one where he has to dive to the floor but they're not taken with a lot of convictions yeah yeah so it will be the first time in nine years that every way yeah last season last season we won in La Coruna yes second Luis Enrique title we won in Grenada the first recently kick title we won at the tentacle they don't against Atletico de Madrid his Leah now Messi on the edge of the box can he find a shot here is 1 St trying to drive it inside he couldn't find the opening swatted picks up the rebound here swatted inside the box SWAT if it's gonna have to cross it inside and it's a corner kick full bath sir he was looking for either out ball didn't Billy at the far post cookie got there first to clear it away for a corner kick I'm also looking threatening now yeah they looks so much more dangerous than the first half Mexican yes it's like he gives them that urgency is my thimble label headed away now Morales is gonna try and build a counter-attack for Levante and we know he's dangerous there here's a forward pass by more Alice but Sameera is gonna get there for a good defensive run there by a Nelson soo middle yeah we need to keep an eye on where Alice you've scored 11 gold suffering the seasons know and everything goes through him all the players go through them so we execute Sam is writing down all of the countries that you guys are sending comments from and he's gonna make a list of them and mention them very briefly so let us know where you are watching us from and hopefully a few minutes we can celebrate a goal hopefully our sir once again in attacking mode here is a band racket each then Billy go to our bar on the left here comes the cross bike shop the old worse what if Dyson can't connect and the ball falls into the hands of I got a feelin and if and Messi has kind of created a revolution in the attack hasn't he yeah sure that's what he does it is what he does on fresh legs as well as opposed to the other players who've been on the field for 45 minutes hmm there is even bracketed stim bill eight tries to feed it back to racket eh pass to keep the ball then ballet in the middle our do la vida who's under pressure but he manages to keep the ball in our Messi forward in ballet all great little bit of football by barsa through the legs of a tsunami doll I went to swat it and then the cross by Luis Suarez ended in a cold case Oh Monday what a shame there because Martin will be completely gone to that know taking it yeah yeah I don't know oh no I did was offside okay so know why he was trying to give it to mess yeah yeah I know he was trying to get them I see it laughter like it wouldn't have found it because swathi Suarez I know look at that high pressure to players and they boss a playing high pressure now Levante managed to move forward here's the long ball like okay and the middle gets his body in the right place to block to the run of Morales also our possession again here is even black a ditch playing from behind sim it'll have to love you doll middle to Vidal again Basara finding those passing lanes more in this second half now the ball is switched over to our button on the left forward actually touched by swatted here is nice walks the crossfire swatted back trying to look for Messi and the board is cleared away by the Levante defense Sam list of countries whether fans yeah many many people watching we've got Wellington from Brazil we've got zero from Georgia in Europe Europe piece from Jakarta Marcus Borg from Malta Louise Hernandez from Puerto Rico all over the place Don lembaga from Senegal Ronaldo Rocha from Brazil Peter from Zambia Jose Gutierrez from Colombia okay Suarez sorry Sam the ball takes a bounce off of him and it's gonna be a goal kick keep going he will guard here from Portugal all doing from the Phillipines garage on Jolliffe from Argentina we also have Deborah from the USA okay so Adam manga from New Zealand and finally wolf from all over them all over the globe people waiting to celebrate this league title that we've talked about so much I mean we'll have to all have to suffer for it I mean I mean good wouldn't have it any other way it's been victories face better no but I mean yeah it's been talked about so much and people have kind of assumed that we'd win today Levante are hanging on here let's not forget that this is a side that needs the points yeah think I say anything oh that's why it says it was saying calm ah yeah the wind Rocinha book now for a foul on Van Dyke a ditch so you were watching us over in the u.s. I'm not gonna lie I wasn't watching the whole thing it was more focused on the game but it stop by and leave some comment you didn't so why aren't you showing the game yeah that was not me I asked by you why you weren't eating popcorn I gave me I was like hey guys my prediction is oh here's them Billy a good pass inside to Jordi Alba alibi trust to find swatted on the edge of the small box but once again the labonte defense managed to clear and we appreciate this era we appreciate the comments maybe any insult you losers out of what is he okay rocky did win the ball back Victor Wow lucky teach with the Carla from the edge of the box and it goes just wider the post got a pressure from the bracing kiss-kiss is that like he was running to celebrate already hit me slap yeah I was I was ready for it I already was only there is J dot a PK wonder pressure they're almost giving the ball away all goes back to thinking who played it long four foot of you gets his head to it and manages to get the mortar Leonel Messi who makes a forward run it's gonna be a hey come on I think it was a little in Basel who was exactly it was brewing basil who was tugging on his shirt there pulling up behind how many go to already like the past five minutes yeah Rocinha and based on the players who have seen those little over five in total I don't think it's five I think it is all right is it it's too full Avante 133 I can Engine 3 look at them did you see that yeah it is Dan Bailey skipping past three players as Sarah Sarah Paul says here is uh Nielsen similar on the right factored out MRSA playing well practically the entire second half or what we've played at the second half in levanti's half here is Nielsen soo men are looking for space for a cross gone morphix about a barter of lost possession that's why the sounds of frustration coming from Diego Loreen now Levante it's a good book go for a counter-attack and Morales he's driving it forward he's got PK on him here is Morales tries to cut back gets himself into a muddle and bars to win the ball back through Gerard piqué who the hell out of 2w our handball by Morales and Barton will have possession I reckon it's written in the stars for Malcolm to grab the winner don't you dare getting the exciting dare getting me over the excited me here is to stick it lovely space to run forward and find our daughter inside here is the ball going to Leonel Messi all he's away from home now I'm missing driving for Leo Messi over to another chance for barsa this one wider than their record it sees but it was like the previous yeah it'd be great it was going for the st. yo it's going for the same action definitely messy feeding them believe in Belize first touch Sam spats is currently eight just looking at eight shots 2-0 favorite boss passes 483 to 199 also they've kind of come to a halt there regarding possession and passes because they're in the 100's when pass aware of the 200 no yeah exactly and they are still in the 100 I think that's slowly down to messaging on the pitch of course passing accuracy 89.9 it's a seventy five point seven it's a big difference 91 nearly 90 mm in attendance at camp now South in a game against Levante II you know that there's a big reason for that they all believe that tonight I'm gonna see it'll comment that day yeah come on half an hour to go still no guys well well well this is uh st. so generous I did ask during the first half did you think that this was gonna like kind of drag on because of bosses need to get it done quickly and and I mean it's happening yeah and I recognize the minutes go by parcel will start to get more and more needy needy yeah here is that I think as well I mean so far we've seen but at least been more I don't think create more chances because they were there in the first step but the urgency look at it simple a back messy on the edge here is heat up you can't take the shot but he can position here is swatted swatted away the left-foot shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] merci merci Wow become no chance Leonel Messi's 34th goal in the league we've had to wait for over an hour but you felt it was coming something when there was behind no offside by the way as vena connects with Messi he could have gone for it on my first time but he cuts back to his left foot scandalous a little cut back as well so many Levante players inside the box 1 2 3 4 500 monthly plays inside the box but Messi manages to find space to get his left foot again 34 goals in La Liga for Lionel Messi in 21 against Levante in 32 appearances this season and look at the celebrated mr. battle I don't see that a lot so I really just she was like yeah hammering it in there and now the cam know is Rory you can feel it live in feel can we raise the volume of the of what we could what we're hearing it come now [Applause] [Music] well the fans are definitely waiting for it family owners can't be honest chant from the game be over enough yes can we not play this rewinding half hour there's my celery there it is [Music] oh here who's my urologist thing comes up with a big say it's nice to see that he's he's alert he's alert that he's had to make a save and it's a big one in front of poor coming apart by Morales it was run by my own Allah who runs out of space in front of trusting him because when he comes out quick yeah he spreads himself well and you know they always say yeah you're most vulnerable when you've just scored and you just seen there was a great opportunity full of ante to level but I rang horn a kick there which the spigen has to punch away the cross once again hit it away by pique and now obviously can't relax no no I think you know looking at it now if you know it's easy to sit back and go and hold that one mil that one they'll leave but realistically you need to get that as soon as you get that second goal it kind of kills off kills off the game the remainder you know the remainder of the match in and I think it's crucial that we go on and we get that second goal and we can just say look you know it's done so how did the fans react to that goal yeah a lot of a lot of emotion a lot of emojis if you want to check out those reactions and now we'll keep on commenting and if you see any of the any good reactions after that Leonel Messi goal just let us know another substitution for the run-through as well so we'll look before so no no but they get the points they need the points so this is not done in dustin and of course Bartertown never team that will settle for a one yellow unlike some teams and let me go [Applause] interestedly ingly a case out yes I'm with Kyle up on this I like your comment Kyle it says I can't wait to see I can't wait to see the Eco with the vidal haircut what a shame because they was making a dangerous run there he slipped [Laughter] Kyle who said that Kyle Kyle yeah his full name is Kyle Ezequiel look dude okay Kyle Kyle let's think around stay tuned and we shall see we do it next show just have the hairdresser come in and do does he got a haircut like I said I've not uh I'm a compromiser I'm not going how do you say that here I'm not going to wear commit to that here here is earlier no messy making a forward run messy has to be downstairs right can you take the shot by he live antic keep I daughter once again ice what a rocket rocket five you doubt there is a screamer gonna be that working they've never stopped for mount a defense under pressure they managed so gonna take it off though wonder boys go G so to get it past Jordi Alba who goes in with a sliding tackle Avanti trying to go on the counter what Alice on the Left can you provide the cross there that goes look Ross Longley heads it over bottom AOL just as the levant a striker was trying to connect at the far post near is cocky barson need to be alert in defense as well because he's Quique wins it back for bar sir okay say middle forward I get there yes he can and I'll ask around I record in the middle it's a three on three here is what is this Oh win opportunity how did you miss that because he hit it with his right foot and he's a lefty what lost buddy so now it's there the levant a captain nailing better cheaper faster mistake the ball went over Wow more Dallas takes the first touch with his head gets it down and tries to tuck it in with the right foot it goes over the crossbar he knows he's not gonna get a bit of channel by semi though from behind it's so close we're looking a bit sloppy at the moment good kick free kick given on the edge of the box rule more out let's take a down pastures about there razzle-dazzle though that was very sloppy passing by Claremont long late oh and a foul by submit on the edge of the box just as Morales was gonna take his shot there there dazzled one-nil 68 minutes played this is a good result for us if it ends this way we win La Liga it's got the drums up that's not getting the drums out because this is a pre kicking favorably by the babe who's gonna take it three lamenting players into the ball dangerous free-kick on the edge of the box just look at me do it to myself it's going to go next to the post it goes straight to the walls what it tries to play it over too messy the ball goes moving body vital Tina goal kick the bass on are you okay we can breathe you guys we can breathe again it's all good Oh bosses still can still make two substitutions so who do we think might be coming in I think you know what about us I want to do right now is just control the ball as much as possible so look for players to come in that can do exactly that although me right now I don't think you're gonna take off a player like Arturo Vidal it once it a here that's good at breaking down the opposition on offense maybe Busquets Busquets is probably players they can come in for our tour I bother definitely need some controller that would come through he's been convincing once again we were giving away an opportunity here P Kagan went in strong for the challenge with Meyer al went in arm first yeah they are in a foul is called on him he was actually booked well I'll do it again it's been a little bit missing in action action for me so well is the goal but basser of I'm not gonna say disappeared but they've become sloppy at the back and this is giving Levante lee opportunities now once again a free kick this one is further away than the previous one yeah but my bet would be that brother was going to see the coming yeah let's get some friggin ellinjaa cuz I think he can bring that control as well you know was such a toaster I mean with us with a tight school line mmm like from previous get we've seen in previous games all throughout all of his tenure at pasture but really does stick to his main men yeah here comes the free kick once again it bounces off of the wall and the danger is clear at the moment you say wall I seen that somebody's face down bracket beat it went straight straight his face or forehead Teva of even like additions that he kicked by Jason did have a lot of power it's the forehead don't do that black adidas does put his head forward but he's clearly shaken up knock he's like I'm okay I'm okay no I'm not okay I tried to keep going but eventually went down to the ground he's still down when you said that was over the wall personal it's like the wall but is his face because you started them like rika shape the other way Wow busquets second substitution for barsa I reckon it's probably gonna be Eve and racket di because yeah yeah he does haven't booking but could be up to it as well I think he's out doing we'll see like a DJ right behind people is mr. mr. untouchable for another better thing like okay making a run down the right hand side doesn't get his foot in the right position for a cross there and it's a goal kick for football club Barcelona less than 20 minutes of regulation time remaining it is gonna be a border right now we've got a replay fastest goal scored by Leonel Messi 34th in La Liga and left footed finished there by the art attention that captain dude walks off round of applause the fans and income sip table sketch whom we assume will be playing in the holding position and bracket each moves forward a little bit absolutely that's exactly what he just said even look at if I deal with the high pressure with that's what they do that's what they do horses half that's what they've got that bit of momentum now going there just digging she gonna do forward ball to you and raggedy just got the foot of a midfielder marc-andre to stay in bracket each forward to swatted he restoreth on the turn Suarez a bit along technology nice to find event record each who goes down no forgiving you're really going to the TV getting it okay seems to have taken a hit they've ante didn't want to lay it out the spot it was down and bars we're not gonna do that here is V doubt Messi Messi with the cross can you find out well know was going for Alba there just over 15 minutes remaining guys the title is getting closer so far we have one hand on it that's not good don't don't know yeah the site England that's bad luck potluck I'm gonna do that Parsa putting the pressure on now we're getting in structures I need the jiggle around you need to dig around and sit back listen listen to the fans listen to a fans [Applause] he came under a bit back go faster clip mine long way playing it risky there you don't think a way to get away with it here is Vidal who is fouled embosses half oh he down takes it quick why honesty is what if not in a position of advantage here this is second time he's been a wide open they don't pass it to him more than that even I'll skip the guy on opportunity here and he's the confidence all right bastard still have a chance out wide give me power white feed it inside the box you have didn't bill eight to his left may your out win it back he came he run forward here is PK on the edge of the box he W no it's a corner kick for Vasa Doug can not believe you down can not believe it fifteen minutes remaining Arthur going for a second goal as the shot baby doubt takes advantage Soph probably 2 p.m. corner kick for barter Leonel mess is gonna go and take it ok looking a bit tired their readiness signature here is lien LS he's got been billing next to him is it gonna go I'm gonna play it short gonna go straight into the box referees receiving some kind of instruction no now Messi can cross it inside here goes the ball Leonel Messi with the cross Vidal almost gets his head to it back Phil E&L Messi on the right hand side of things here is messy with their cross into the hands they thought no event they want to run no they can do that make a tactical foul there no he's not Carla yeah he's gonna act took one for the team did take one for the team there and he's gonna get a yellow card for it all right man that's frustrating them yeah I think you've messy what a path of the done ballet would have been - yeah all right now people are saying on social media but we're about to win just cut it back it's interesting what that person yeah what was that Sam Ricky Sean says that bars are about to win their first trophy of three first hopefully hopefully the travel oh honey don't want to jinx it but well putting stuff coming up I get nervous just thinking about it I know but with the first we need to close this up bar better these not happy with what he's seeing since the bar so golf no you shouldn't be I mean no there's a cross inside it goes into the I'm just digging took a bit of a weird back there and just thinking how to chunk a bit of trouble there to keep control of the ball out playing with fire there but I can teach clears it away it's gonna fall toluse widened or is it not note or better yet put it out for a throw in this point an event I would have three more points that then do you don't know if they win tomorrow against Sevilla they jump out at the relegation zone because fire the lead lost as well yeah there is rocky beach EK long delay forward pass to no one it's gonna be a goal kick for live and date we're gonna make a third and final substitution now I'm getting ready for it at the moment who's at the bench though as well Malcolm Malcolm come in yeah belly off now Malcolm in saved a ballet for Wednesday vamp field no captain I'm sorry cam no sorry I don't know how it worried that not that I was thinking I forgot what my tickets I hope I'm not really upset the first leg isn't the camp though I want the first like to be any element well here is so he was get sorry Leonel messy on the edge of the box a shot by Messi say by a daughter Fernandez another save by a god of heaven and earth Basset want to get the job done finish it off score a second goal kill off the game but at the moment live and dear hanging on the oil if you have to say thanks to the low end the goalkeeper for sure no no it definitely doesn't linked and they have had their opportunities as well also for a good outlet just thinking had no trouble at all yeah but then they since he had to make a save Li aunty had the chance by Morales which went over the crossbar in the one-on-one with Chris Teigen so they have been creating danger in this last 20 minutes I'd say pique heads it away you doubt oops it away bus are struggling to build from behind now because Levante are playing very very high pressure I mean look at this you can see how important the points are for them how often have you seen a bus aside how often be seen in the bar since I bought the ball of the building I think up to a point it's kind of normal like there is a bit of that anxiety would they want to win the title they want to get it done and they want it to be over basically yeah no you're right you're right mentally that gives Levant in advantage yeah yeah it's since they've scored the goal it seems like they just want the game to be over yeah handle by Vidal plenty of time left ten minutes to go Valverde looking very active on the sidelines look at all of his reactions here isn't it here is our back rocky ditch turned thereby rocky teach the bull taken away from him he thought he was fouled referee thinks otherwise mice are not putting live ante under pressure now and I think this kind of been as changing system because it's two up front and den ballets moved more like into a midfielder for yeah yeah exactly it's a you seeing Adam ballet that is being showing a solitary helping out in defense but young once again called thing I thought was it didn't look like it was that it was it not sure but he was called for it here is Levant day in possession can this be over there is a oops of each over to the left Luna it's mindless it is all eventing pique in front of Morales come no bring a bit of a house quiet him down long late and it is clear only momentarily oh no bar so keep hold of it here is Kaname no messy running here is messy running towards the middle taking it himself he could have taken it himself [Music] he needs that man give him the good he's got a you know regain that confidence been out for so long to take that himself because he was the clear option yes now body mega the cross by Jason cleared away by you guys making a run forward the fans like this then bill a foul and PK hanadarko comes to a halt yellow card for go gate the game is gonna quite him down she's good for bar so like right now we're seeing it like I don't believe from last season almost it's it's like last season when he returned from his see long-term injury sedan relay with not the confidence that you want to see neither this me at the beginning he would have starting for LaVon take that substitution for bar sir as well they're coming in sore one day Tina taken our project their top scorer said together he is their top scorer with 12 gondolas coming up and then boost comes off in come service hero vertical so I imagine it's still a midfielder for for a pastor with Sergio vertical playing on the right and they are you love it out I've put a bit out coming over to the left yeah but I mean bar side will be playing a full foot - also an offense no no no exactly 442 all the way yeah here is pastor in defense some whistle hey long ball looking for the runoff sorry though he's gonna find him swatted back to Messi Messi can sub shot seriously oh no mercy the shot by Marriott justified and Messi pinksixty bounced off of a Levante player he wants a corner kick the referees not gonna give one chance there early and I'm messing he's not happy with the referee chance to run little inside touch and going for that classic Messi finish it so what do the fans think what guys saying can't be honest can't be honest or lay Olleh Olleh hopefully people are now sending emojis and a lot of people are now saying champion and son but it's not over yet I mean [Applause] check out the atmosphere at camp no it's coming it's coming it's one of our favorite songs yeah we're gonna have to teach the fans of the lyric for this there it is there is the volume up [Applause] although into fact yeah let's Eric up now it's elective they don't they have the ball five minutes remaining now we're not whatever I wanted to be over yeah five minutes plus extra time don't forget about that here is passive trying to cut the pressure a little bit more [Applause] they'll ante in possession gorky also closing down Loretta Pierre gonna play a long ball which goes straight to submitter who lets the go past him the middle clears it a basa are not many profession Levante are pushing for or would pass looking for the run of Morales Morales passes it back here comes the cross from the left hand side long way heads it away if this is just gonna be another opportunity for live answer here is kaki okay inside the right no no Messi's running here is messy okay messy and midfield passes it forward here is messy oh here's SWAT it sorry that's what it takes it to his right the shot might what is it takes a bounce off of a live active defender we're all better Pierre it corner kick for bar sir my name you won't attend to it I just want to say season no no still three three games remaining plus three minutes and added time nerves and tension at camp now I'd say now Leonel Messi has a corner kick set if you know where to flows to him a like crazy short Gloria Gloria has sent for a gift Messi wait a minute part of the Alma forward 270 no injuries inside the box too much power on that pass sorry yeah Gloria Makemake Kerr has sent through a gift of a messy blowing a kiss slowly good kiss so oh I love that gift I've seen that one before which one the one Levante deep linking their own half final minutes of the game also the people that put their people are so excited as we are in here I'm getting well I'm not excited at the moment yeah it's out of his goal what is happening is away following a fancy having in their favor on the left my Alice they Monday looking for opportunity here Morales with the cross headed away by piqué piqué and long late doing that all season long here's my arrow Jay tries to get in between two parts of players like at each runs away with the ball but now runs Davonte holding on to possession here what Alice and the pressure vise Samir he gets cocky cocky driving it forward peter Busquets is going to try and win it back oh gee Wow the ball is on the edge of the box here so many of our players defender serious on the title just slipping and now boss are on the run they're stinging laughs there is Swati it's messy SWAT it again finish it throws the ball taken away from Suarez a few touches too many there by swathi who could just finished it what an opportunity Levante had previously made the shot which hit the post and then just bounced into the hands of to stay get him left on the line of all he was laughing at the end of it literally laughter oh my gosh I think I made like skip the heartbeat there yeah I can see that diffident that the trophy walking off with I'll oh god yeah I see some some production through with the special t-shirts on it might be a little bit with us a turn the coffee got the touch there look at the opportunity again the ball falls back to body inside the box hi the ball hits the post and we got as it was gonna cry the line of gold to stick it manages to keep it in what god that never had to keep going the line never happen he was tiptoeing on the line oh no that's a cut off out of the bondage yeah so many players living past them another chance for a one thing the cross way judy has too much power in it my you know I can't make the most of it now a faster player is going to be booked I think it's Busquets one aki-nee's remaining gonna miss the next game can bar sir hold on to the ball for a minute that's a tough that's a big ass right now the last 10 minutes of only below anything yeah come on one minute here is take your time for the other don't be able when you throw in straight back Alba they're gonna regain possession they're throw-in to live Andy come on half a minute remaining they're going to look for their opportunity that you need the point [Applause] cookie on the right hand side the crossing by Campania is it gonna be a corner kick Furley Monte yes it is my guys the last chance ten seconds remaining lavon's they're gonna have a chance on the corner kick it's going to be the final situation of the game this as time is running out are we gonna win La Liga or Al Avantika what I mean the go Joker talk about tension the goalkeeper is up it just comes to show how much they need they need it live and they have their goalkeeper inside the box the foot is going to come in from the right hand side company with lacrosse comparsa clearing away yes they can there we go we were something we suffered until the very end but the cub now is selling the title there it is we have it we have a new one [Music] Bossa all illegal champions again agir we go again again again turn it around sorry ok 1 2 3 bar sir a la liga champion but you're right we finally yes I'm gonna leave it over here these on the shirts that have been made for the occasion let's check them out 8 out of 11 out of 11 because what it says here the extraordinary oh yeah they can't normal what is extraordinary becomes normal there it is wonderful wonderful 8 out of 11 we are La Liga champions so we just sit down and quickly recap guys because stay tuned we are going to show you all of the celebration that is gonna be going on at the cap now now bar so we're going to receive the La Liga trophy and we'll be showing you footage of what's going to happen at Camp know over the next half an hour three quarters of an hour we'll be letting you see all of the celebration all of the reactions that come know the players are delighted that's all I think it was Swadesh go down to his knees finally it's that's quick recap it it was so nerve-racking at the end wasn't it the last ten minutes it was literally all of anything we were all just over here don't score don't score because if they would have scored we wouldn't be celebrating right now but I think I mean I'm not gonna remember this is in the game I want to remember because of how we played but I mean we got the league and it's over but a lot of pinyon quick recap Diego Sam yeah I think there was a again a tale of two halves I think initially we expected the kind of game plan that we were talking about before the match as embarrass Adama nating they lack they're not giving up having their chances as well I think the second half was all the emotion though it was all emotion let's just hit the atmosphere at camp now [Applause] be honest guys I'm going to quickly say goodbye Sam thank you very much for being here Diego thank you very much for being here Sara thank you very much we are a Liga champions spin it's been great hasn't it I mean it's been a good ride all right I don't know if we're on camera anymore or not but you want to do the La Liga lift the trophy again and then you can I'm gonna let you go and see the celebration yeah okay here we go so I'm not I'm not sure if we're on camera or not but we are lifting the La Liga trophy here we go one two three very happy there we go okay so guys thank you very much thank you I'll see you next show I'll see you next show I'm gonna stay here just to let the fans know what is going on with this celebration you going enjoy it you guys go and enjoy it and right now that cap now this is what we can hear [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] images at camp now the fans and the players celebrating together you saw the excitement on the faces of the little children also on the faces of the pasture players there the hug between cameras and about the barter delegate and Leonel Messi it's been a tough one today bass with the 1 nil win and the goal by that man Leonel Messi and now I think that's what they're asking for Leonel Messi at least why did they all want their children to be on the ground look at that look at that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] speak for themselves their family time and celebration time at cap now [Applause] [Applause] is getting ready here Profi they're not going to be leaving the field [Applause] celebration here at cap now they will be receiving the trophy and there's plenty ready for their celebration of the 8th La Liga title in 11 seasons sensational numbers [Music] speaker at Camp now announcing that Sylvia Ellis the president of the Spanish football federation will be offering the La Liga trophy t passes captain Leo Messi there it is [Applause] [Music] and now he goes towards his teammates team photo with that 26 La Liga title football club Barcelona 26 8 of the last 11 look at the image and partners captain the joy on his face he's La Liga top score of 34 goals he scored the vital goal today for the win for the three points that Barton needed team photo cap now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm wearing that 18:11 shirt that's been made especially for the occasion a special photo two consecutive leagues for mr. Abed of this football club Barcelona [Applause] [Music] oh and the champagnes coming out with champagnes coming out there it is [Music] the court comes off and gelareh pk [Applause] making his teammates run away they're trying to spray them all [Music] like to come off that camp now and the celebration will start [Music] [Applause] the host of the celebration by the way is catalan comedian oscar al-mal who's now taking the microphone oh the drama never ever they may another a wall wash away with dollars rule demands always and Higgins eight out of the last eleven leagues [Music] total of 26 leagues the fireworks show starts a cup now nobody's extraordinay seem normal it's not easy at all but more than 23,000 passes throughout this league that's the number 86,000 illega of more than 400 shots on goal fewest fouls in La Liga now scam is not a would sing synthase gracias sergio busquets but sara metas syndrome that wonderful totally financial versus like he misled the La Liga he's like Eva Mendes growing team with the fewest yellow cards in La Liga right now catalan comedian Oscar now is offering to the fans that is extraordinary eighty La Liga titles in eleven players taking the opportunity to take some photographs right now we have some music coming from Elena Goodell and I'm on me revert to Catalan singers music that clamp now for this special occasion [Music] thud something so Guardians CSKA but [Music] we start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye to the fans there and think that hopefully we'll see each other soon if many more titles are to come or at least to parcel will be fighting for from now until the end of the season the cover of a and obviously the Champions League with that semi-final coming up against Liverpool there's a firework display at cap now [Music] [Music] [Music] particular firework display at the camp now to finish off this celebration [Applause] Shanta campiones Campea said cap now Messi joining in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you like to come back on a camp now it's the and chant in favor of barsa the players are going to head to the dressing room shortly and start thinking about that important game on Wednesday here at cap now as well against Liverpool in the first leg of the semi-finals of the Champions League right before that though they are going to go around the stadium offering the trophy to the fans toric recognition there with a barter players look I didn't begin with the trophy and whose little kids [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Messi his three little boys waving to the fans celebrating with a fans his goal gave us la liga today Davis the win with the win we needed [Music] special thanks to all of the fans now being even by the players and also the speaker at camera as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] moment of applause a moment for photographs as well we saw the Frenchman of the team just taking a photograph l'anglais DT then ballet nothing ball as well the bar anthem being sung at camp now right now and see all of the fans so happy Lea now I'm messing with these three little kids as well a great moment for everyone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] walk around the stadium is coming to an end of the bar sir players they're gonna make their way to the dressing room we're receiving all of your comments on Facebook on YouTube as well all the fans around the world celebrating this facet win you piggledy neon in ballet for the board yes facility amalgam everyone so happy first time for Malcolm first time for our Thor and here is John PK look at him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Mexican wave start yeah there it is there it is there it is there it is [Applause] [Music] he wants it to go round the stadium here we go [Applause] Cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you made it happen tadhana pick a wave going around the stadium making Leonel messin smile as well the concentration on the face of clipart like late when it's time for him [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a wonderful atmosphere at camp now last few photographs with the trophy van Dijk it each getting his taken there it is mayors are slowly going to make their way to the dressing room after this celebration with a fan deep blood Liga trophy in the last 11 years 26 in total we do it with the fans and also with family little messy these three little boys without a PK as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] luis suarez and his family also getting their picture taken him and his three little boys one which has only been on this year [Music] the fans slowly leaving the cap now as the swatter family get their picture taken there now it's time for the messy family I see his wife Antonella and the three little boys [Music] doesn't get tired of winning trophies doesn't Leonel messy [Music] get another picture with a trophy for Leonel Messi that's his tenth La Liga title to underwrite card three under Pep Guardiola one with DW on over to William Lincoln now two without mr. Valverde [Music] players are getting their last pictures taken at camp now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] final pictures at the camp now before the players make their way to the dressing room there's our third with his family as well we see Malia now messy with the kids water with the kids there's Jordi Alba with his little baby as well look at them they're having a wonderful time in this celebration of a nut a la liga title 26 for football club barcelona in total once again we say it 8 out of 11 8 of the last 11 we make the extra with the north what's normal extraordinary for what's extraordinary seem normal sorry kids are having a great time on the field and the players are getting their pictures taken and now it's going to be time to focus on the Champions League game on Wednesday here at cap now as well against Liverpool it's an important one the league is won but we still have plenty to compete for the Champions League the final of the Copa del Rey at the end of the month and the players just absorbing these last few moments of this beautiful Saturday night at cap now in which the 1 nil victory against Levante has given barsa the league title the stadium is gradually emptying the fans going home I imagine the atmosphere in Barcelona the lamb bless the celebration pointing Kanna let us must be drawing with people right now Kosygin arrestor Valverde dosti to La Liga consecutive Oh same you
Channel: FC Barcelona
Views: 1,316,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Messi, Camp NOu, 11, 826, LaLiga, league, Spanish, champions, campeones, celebration, party, Valverde, Luis Suárez, Dembélé, Coutinho, UD Levante, 1-0, fiesta, trofeo
Id: l0Vispglh5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 38sec (12578 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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