Bannerlord Online beginner guide

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this is a beginner progression guide for the banner Lord online mod note that this is basically an MMORPG so right from the start you can do whatever you want and choose your own path however if you feel stuck and don't know how to progress further this guide may help after you create your character the first thing you need to do is the starting Quest that introduces you to the mod it's fairly easy and we won't go in too much detail here just check your quest log to know what to do next you can earn the gold required for this Quest by winning a fight in the arena after you're done you should earn some money to get you started Village work is the best way to do that you can see which Goods each Village produces right click on its name to see the current prices set by players for this work would Villages tend to give the most so that would be alos 15K dins should be enough for the most basic things but it may depend on your service economy after you got some coin head back to zeon's Market first you want to buy an old work horse from the stable Master this horse is slower than a crippled SLO but it's better than nothing the prices for most items are set by other players so you might be lucky and buy it cheaper than usual buy one mu from the trader to increase your carry capacity you can't have more at this stage don't buy old mules they're a waste of money you will also need some bread for the troops you're about to recruit next buy a manavan and some cheap Shield to cover you from missiles manavan is just a great weapon it has good reach speed and damage when you use it with both hands you can sell the loot you find to an artisan in any City now it's time to recruit some troops from the streets of the city once your party is full head out and look for the groups of looters roaming nearby aim for the ones with similar numbers to your party or less as you can see they're just basic infantry with little to no armor so archers will be by far the best choice for you at the early to mid game to avoid unne necessary losses in order to train your recruits better you want them to outnumber the enemies and kill them one by one that's why it helps to ride forward at the start of the battle distracting some of the enemies to chase you and letting your troops deal with the other half easier a unit stack has a shared experience pool so it's recommended to wait until they're all ready before upgrading them this way they all contribute and you don't end up wasting the XP once most of your units are ready upgrade them into archers and store them in the city they will consume no food and only half the wages you can use them later as reinforcements meanwhile train a second batch of archers the same way as your leadership skill grows your party size will increase and you'll be able to take more troops with you or store more of them in a city when you're done with the second batch you should have around nine archers and are ready to take on more enemies that lurk farther from the starting City head north and try to find a group of looters of similar size use the same tactic of spreading out the enemy so that your archers have more time to shoot you can also help them by killing some looters yourself also use loose formation for your archers to make sure they all have clear line of sight for shooting you should keep killing looters for some time to get better leadership skill upgrade your archers when they all have enough XP this will make the fights much easier and safer and as you get more money you can afford to recruit archers from city streets if you happen to find them if you get wounded you can heal yourself very quickly by sitting down in a Tavern you and your troops will also heal automatically over time and it happens quicker if you are in a settlement in your Journeys you might rescue a hero from the bandits at this level they are unlikely to have any useful abilities but you can use them as Canon fodder since they can never die for good speaking of abilities let's take a look at your own skills and perks some skills don't have any perks yet but they can still be useful on their own the most useful perks in the beginning are the riding perks that that increase your map speed and the leadership perks that increase your party size also the trade skill has very useful perks that allow you to have more mules medicine is another one that will prove useful when you get enough experience note that with the current perks it's much better to pick the ones reducing the death rate of your troops rather than the speed of healing unlike the base game attribute points don't improve your learning speed but only increase your skill cap so you should only use them when you're close to reaching the cap in a skill that you want to develop here's a few useful things you can do for your skills when you're tired of grinding the bandits go to the trader in zonica and see if he has any cargo that needs to be moved to poros buy as much as you can carry with reasonable map speed and deliver it to poros in the east then get some cargo back to zonica and move back and forth until you have enough trade skill to pick up the perk having an extra mule helps with collecting the loot that you can sell to The Artisan you can also ask the barman for some work and he'll give you a hideout Quest he can only give three of these per hour but it's a decent way to increase your scouting skill which improves your vision distance you can't see The Hideout on the map until you get very close but you can look up a hideout map on the Forum or Discord to save some time the bman can also give you a black claw mission which is a group Quest better done with four other players but generally it's not advised if you're new another option unlocks map events where you can rescue high level companions with good abilities but again it's not recommended until much later when you have 80 plus high level troops there's also a thief in the tavern that may have some work for you but I wouldn't trust that guy now let's go back to your army as your archers get upgraded killing looters will become more and more trivial however avoid Forest Bandits and sea Raiders just yet once you have 25 to 30 trained archers you are ready to take on the largest looter stacks of up to 45 units this will help you get even more leadership experience as well as loot your main goal at this stage is to get the first two perks in the leadership skill which will make your party size big enough to take on more difficult enemies as well as allow you to travel more safely as only a larger Bandit party will dare to attack you as always make sure to spread them out and kill as much as possible this way you will avoid losses and increase your riding skill faster for that juicy map speed perk when you feel ready feel free to travel far to the West into the lands of vandia where you can train their famed crossbowmen when they reach tier five they are one of the best PVE units in the game and they are easy to train along with the rest of your army because even low tier crossbows can shoot far enough to get some kills and earn XP and finally once you have about 50 well-trained ranged units you can attack the largest packs of 60 Forest Bandits this is where it's useful to have some infantry to place them in front as a shield wall to attract the fire and protect your marksmen Forest Bandits can be quite tough to kill without losses but at this point you can always train more units or even buy them from other players when your party size reaches 61 this is where you can travel across the whole Mainland safely as no Bandit group will attack such a large Squad and this is also where this guide ends there's many more useful guides on the Forum where you can learn exactly how companions work how to get Noble units what influence is used for and so on the link to these guides will be in the description good luck and stay safe in calradia
Channel: Oakenlix
Views: 2,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Y4meECBbwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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