Banjo-Tooie by kaptainkohl in 47:24 - Summer Games Done Quick 2015 - Part 118

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playing video games staying inside and playing video games for [Music] charity I've got a couple donations I'll read here we got $50 from Anonymous this game is so spooky speaking of spooky did you know there's a spooky scary skeleton inside you right now thanks for the great entertainment agdq we've got $50 from Anonymous we were going to donate for the Blindfolded Pokémon race but that was already met might as well kill all the animals wait no save the animals great job everybody on camera and behind the scenes we love what you do and good luck to all Runners we've got $100 from Summer Haze seriously so much props to joden stone for keeping his composure during that awful RNG even to the point of avoiding safe strats and getting that first try Boulder glitch Mario 64 speedruns are also insane I need a race we've got $200 from booty 900 loving this N64 block I have never seen these routes of Ocarina or Mario Kart before putting this towards Luigi's Mansion 100% shout outs to my fellow slumber party boys so close to the [Music] 7500 [Music] coming up we have banjo Tui run by Captain Cole and coming up after the that is Donkey Kong 64 by [Music] tudos I've got a special donation here from Ronald McDoodle donated $15 he says hi I am McDonald and I said to buy thing after run for very animals do kill do is eating cheeseburg is for your enjoying Pleasures do it or you will meet your doom thank you very much Ronald McDoodle [Music] we've got a $50 donation from Bright crucible that Mario Kart 64 run was astonishing so many amazing runs so far looking forward to the Super Metroid race and saving the animals [Music] got a $5 donation from cosmic heart wanted to wish Captain Cole good luck on his BT run love watching gdqs and I appreciate all the work that is put into them and then we have $50 from jaylink msf FTW save the animals smash the pumpkins [Music] okay okay all right yep all right so we're going to be speedrunning banjo 2i I am captain Cole I'm DJ Johnson I'm univin I'm garage door opener I'm mattaz 64 all right so we're going to start off the run now here we go boys and girls okay as you guys can just see there we did a cut scene way to go my boy that saves a good amount of time so before we get to the first Fungo fight we're going to quickly grab some eggs that we can take them out faster all right so this is one of the first major uh RNG parts of the game um the clo fight it is actual um it the fight depends on what color uh potion you get and the ideal potion is green which is invisibility um the other two potions red and blue red being makes you grow makes them grow really big and blue makes a multiply are slightly slower um red is okay in terms of cat like oh you got the best potion all right Co nice good good RNG so yeah Green's the fastest potion to start off with and we'll be seeing one other potion later that will be faster to it's blue green potion is usually really good to start off with because there's a really specific egg shot you can make right here that can just barely reach him oh good that was a good jump so he's the middle here and he may be able to get a push in this cut scene which will push him a little further ahead he'll get it it'll be a decent push nice that's a really look at that in the door all right so now as we exit the tunnel we can start a little bit about plot basically this game is about uh after banjo kazui uh grunty is freed by her sisters and they plan on taking out the people of gingo village and they start with bottles so we're out there to avenge bottles and to defeat grunty again and we're going to need the help of King jingling who we're about to see cuz he gives us a jiggy and opens up the next area in the world he's got a nice pet thingy does it have an actual name no I don't think so I think it's just AET thingy P guy so what he's doing here is he's opening the back door to B's house we're going to use that to get to wooded Hollow to access Jiggy Wiggy's Temple is ready to open all the worlds in this game is oh coming up here is where this route starts to differ than any other category with the introduction of this new route and any perent we're going to get something we've never gotten before in a run usually we go left here and take the shortcut into wooded Hollow but this time we're going right into bottle's house and the reason we go to bottle's house is so we can get this item which will help us perform a glitch later on in the run which was just recently discovered after the last time this appeared at a gdq and it shortened the Run by over two hours so it's pretty big it was a minor time save yeah just a minor time save all right that's what we just got we got the Amazo Gaz goggles which allows us to zoom in right there he jumped over that guy um there's a little cut scene that plays if you uh get it if you run into him but you can just skip it easily all right so now we're going to enter jig Jiggy Wiggy's Temple for uh to solve the first puzzle and open the first world unan did you want to explain what the prerequisites are to beat this run in regards to Jiggies and notes uh yeah I believe the any% route for this game collects 14 Jiggies to open one of the levels Jolly r lagon and it gets 315 notes yeah for Clockwork for Clockworks cuz you need them for the final boss so the whole route's basically just getting 14 Jiggies and 315 notes you can actually beat the game so here we're going to add do a puzzle unlike banjo kazui where you just press a button to put piece in the puzzle we actually have to do the puzzle ourselves so this is very RNG heavy or these pieces can be are taken out randomly put randomly across the screen [Music] nice that's really good I all that really good solve the puzzle pretty hard so now after we open the puzzle we have this long cut scene so if you want to do some more donations now is the time all right right we have $20 from gourd Turtle second gdq donating keep up all the good work and awesome runs guys we have $5 from forest ride yo with your boy Funk good luck on the Run call and shout outs to the rest of the banjo Community by the way where was [Music] groggy we have $50 from techie Baron love watching the the game Done Quick last year was my first and I couldn't imagine missing one shout out to all the runners and all the people behind the scenes making sure these things happen keep it going and let's break that million dooll goal okay so now we're going to go into the first level we're going to try and avoid the signs that are by Jiggy Wii's Temple entrance because it'll help us do a glitch later on we'll explain that when it [Music] comes [Music] okay so if you hold R while entering Mayhem Temple you can lower the camera and it helps reduce lag lag manipulation is a really big part of this run because since it's so short we try to reduce as much of the Slowdown as possible in order to optimize the time right here he's coming up with the first move the a game um we need it part it's one it makes a lot of things faster and also is necessary for the trick we're going to be doing late in the r oh un did you want to explain how bottles Bonks work me Jam Jar's Bonks yeah so yeah so there's a random chance on each of these Jam Jar silos when you're learning a move that he can when he jumps back into his Silo he can actually hit his head on The Silo cuz it closes early Wass about 4 and a half to 5 Seconds possibly more depending on how laggy the area is some games some silos are more laggy than others so they can waste more time VBS on them hopefully we'll see none of them hopefully this is the only time right here we're going to talk to Mumbo we just need him to activate the golden Goliath and kick open the door and also kick open a rock that we need for the flight [Music] unlike the previous banjo game you actually get the be Mumbo and walk around as him and you do your magic elsewhere he doesn't transform you in things in this game that's for another character we'll be seeing later okay so when we were dodging the signs in the temple earlier that's for a glitch that's about to come up we're going to jump towards a sign uh as Mumbo and it'll avoid fall damage because it'll trigger a mini cut scene and that's a little bit faster than if we had fallen nice you got it got [Applause] it all right so if you guys noticed at the start we didn't start on a clean file this is because this file uses Ginger manipulation in this game there's 32 different patterns that the gingas can be randomly placed in each level and because of this they and in order to collect many of the Jiggies in the game you got to collect certain amounts of each color of gingo family and of obviously there's gingo families that have less in them so those ones can give us fast Jiggies and we want to collect these ones in this run so in order to have a run that has the best gingo file we manipulate the file by having a file created that already has the best pattern in it this starts the file 3 seconds ahead however we'll add three seconds onto the file afterwards the best pattern in question has uh white white and um white and two oranges in the first stage so it also gives you three Jiggies right off the uh right off the start so it's very crucial to the run you really want the first Ginger to be white and we'll show you why when we load back up right now we're going to do save and quit and that's faster than waiting for the golden Goliath to finish the timer and then watch a cut scene and then you have to walk back as Mumbo this [Music] [Applause] SL [Music] [Music] okay so as he's entering this level he's going to manipulate the camera so that the feathers on for a certain amount of time on the screen and that's how he can get red feathers instead of Gold without having to slow down also here is where we're going to see why white gingo is the better ginger to have first but we're going to learn grip grab [Music] first okay so anyways since white gingo is the first we collect and it's also the only one of its family we skip having to play a cut scene because you get one cut scene when you collect the first gjo and then one cut scene when you finish the first family but by doing this you skip the first one and only play the second one which saves time right here he's going to take uh four hits of damage off of the torch and then he's going to go collect the Jiggy and then for right after unlike the previous game this one when you die you keep your notes instead of lose all your notes so this allows us to do many death orbs in the level which gets us back to the start of the level faster [Music] so you're intended to actually just tiptoe across this but with a well placed uh Talent Trot jump just jump to [Music] it all right so now we're we're going to do some flying and the flying in this game you have better control and you can actually hold the beak bomb since we started this game after banjo Kazi we already have all the mo so keep bom we don't have to pick up flying definitely feels a lot more natural in this game compared to the first one that was close so right here we have to take out these flies to get a jiggy and the flies are in different places and their movements based off RNG so you can lose a lot of time [Music] here good you're also limited on eggs there so it can be difficult but you can grab those too those FES like tool You by flying away from you make him harder to shoot yeah they can change directions pretty rapidly on you right there he took damage in uh into the loading zone which skipped the damage in it or gave you an extra hit of damage and also skipped the [Music] animation right here he's going to jump across to the quick sand and then he's going to go straight to one of the hardest tricks in this run the pillars the pillars used to not be in this route but thanks to a mistake by mattaz while routing another category it's back in and has made this category much more difficult funnily enough he hates pillars yeah it's pretty convenient that he's the one who found it used to put it back in the route iron is fins the way the pillars Jiggy was originally supposed to work you were supposed to come back to the level with build drill and kind of Bounce the Jiggy down the pillars so that you can collect them right at the bottom but they're placed just just close enough that with a well-timed jump and Beak bust you can reach the next pillar and make it all the way to the top it's very difficult though so we're going to probably need some Focus time [Music] here [Music] boy drive that's awesome that's a man Cole had a lot of confidence going in that with one Health cuz if you mess that up you have to walk all the way back there but he's been practicing a lot and he really just killed that if you miss first two pillars you won't take fall damage but if you miss that last one you will take fall damage and if you have one Health you'll die and be sent back to the start without the Jiggy alternatively um you can get that with a well time Clockwork shop but in this route by the time we get Clockworks we don't need any more Jiggies so and so now we're going to do some more puzzles and open more levels so read them donations out all right we've got $20 from animous donating for this game and it's amazing music good luck and save the jingos we've got $15 from concept zero had to donate again during another favorite game of mine BT hype all for great cause and Chrono Trigger 100% of course that was a really good puzzle by the way yeah if you notice he had eight Jiggies coming in here you need four Jiggies to open glitter G mine the second level and then eight Jiggies to open witchy World part of the reason that having a good Ginger pattern helps so much that it gives you those Jiggies early on so by the end of Mt you have enough Jiggies to open two Jiggy Wiggy or do two Jiggy Wiggy puzzles in one go instead of having to come back later that saves a lot of time we actually have another cut scene and uh also another puzzle and another cut scene after that so you can keep going with donations we have a good amount of time all right we got $50 from Jerome Montgomery you guys are awesome keep up the amazing runs and $200 from Francesco hi all sixth time watching gdq live for me I figured I would donate my first chunk during this Divine block as it has so many of my favorite games Chan tangental but could you please find triex and tell him friends at the naughty dog kennel say hello best of luck on Banjo and wish you all the best in the continued runs through the week [Music] thanks uh we have $100 from Nick H love this game go go go and $50 from derpal here's to a great cause supported and run by great Gamers third donation to sgdq this year let's break a million dollar that was another really good [Music] puzzle we've got $30 from elwak love the runs keep up the great work and $50 from fat monstar as a game designer it Thrills me to no end watching players exploit the crap out of games love gdq every [Music] year we have 5150 from par boy throwing up just sgdq on my my second screen while I upgrade my SQL on my server box I have no idea whether to save the animals or kill them are they particularly fluffy and cuddly and friendly if so then yeah totally kill [Music] him all right so now we have both the second and the third level open so now we're going to go do collect some more Jiggies and notes in those two levels and also set up this major glitch that we're going to be showing off later luckily the glitch can be set up in the first three levels but we need to have all four of the first all the four first levels opened in order to get a move because you can only do the glitch on once per file right here we're going to get the fire eggs uh we only need them to hit one switch to be able to get to witchy World otherwise we would just skip them they're only required for the switch but we use them elsewhere in the run to save [Music] time nice no punk two for two so far or three for three yeah three for three okay so this is pretty high-tech movement that he's about to do and you'll be on a timer so let's hope he can nail this it's a lot of dodging edges and curves of the mountain he has to collect about I think 20 notes in the gingo and then make it in time to skate so he can get inside the [Music] waterfall nice good job [Music] awesome that was really good yeah five five seconds spare nice right up here is going to be doing the uh a trick called the eggars nice first time you're supposed to have Bill drill the drill through that rock however you can exploit hit boxes in this game by doing egg barges which allows you to extend your reach through the Rock and pick it up pick the gingo up nice good job on that too all right he's taking damage here to set up for a death warp coming [Music] up [Music] okay so this underwat cave is has a maze to get to the Jiggy but it's the same every file so we're just going to go through it with it memorized and this death war just saves us backtracking to get back to the beginning of the level earlier I was talking about how Mumbo doesn't transform you into things in this game well the person who transforms you stuff in this game is humba WBA and she's in this tent right [Music] here and in this level each level she transforms you into something different in this level specifically we transform into a Detonator The Detonator is going to be required to set up the glitch but we also have a new glitch that was found for this category that univan is going to explain when the time comes and and it helps us just get another Jiggy that we're not intended to get at the [Music] moment yeah as AJ said this is one of the more recent glitches found for use in this category there are several spots in ggm that have a sort of overhang where if you hold up and jump into them they'll sort of push you back down and what you can do is if you interrupt your jump with a detonation technique by pressing B you can actually float it up during the length of the animation we think it's frame perfect also might not be so I may take another try nice there we go that's it good job look like about that yeah we coined the term detonation levitation kind of self-explanatory something seemed quite right about that one though it's weird investigate a [Music] bit all right so coming up we're going to get some more notes but we're also going to start the first part of the setup on the glitch which is going to be to use the Detonator to blow up the rocks blocking the saucer perel [Music] blocks then we're going to save and quit out of this level it's very important you blow up these Boulders here otherwise hours added to the run you can't really finish the Run [Music] so you saw the Box stop there there's another door on the other side which is in witchy world that is currently closed so the saucer P can't get to the other side so what we're going to do is when we go to witchy World we're going to actually open it from the that side and then that's how the glitch is going to start and then you'll see where it goes from there it gets pretty insane magic occurs and it will be a really good time especially for people haven't seen it your mind will be blown right up here he's going to Flap up to the top of this red ginger house in order to get the uh treble C just for some extra notes that I'll need later like we said a big part of this run is getting the requirements to beat the final boss and the last one that we get will be Clockwork Kazooie eggs which are 315 notes to [Music] obtain so here we're going to be hitting that fire switch we were talking about [Music] earlier this game really likes to have first person shooting comp so a lot of places in this game you have to aim with the N64 joystick which can be pretty difficult at times and it's really hard to aim really fast and unluckily the final boss is one of these sections where you have to shoot in first person so it's pretty hard boss fight yeah aiming something that takes a lot of time to get good at in this game takes a lot of practice the first person sections in this game have been described as something that you need three hands to do well it's a twohand person doing a three-handed person's job yeah a lot of newer Runners lose a lot of time to the FPS section just cuz they're really awkward to aim um takes a lot time to get used to one thing to know is we didn't actually learn the move to get the de or um first person shooting yeah the move but we don't actually need it cuz all the move does is unlock the uh remove the flags it doesn't actually give you the move so the move is always act it just we need to be in the area where it triggers it and since we we don't need to pass an area to be triggered into this first person shooting on the final boss so here we're going to extend our hit box for forward to get notes or no we're not actually we're going to go to do Di death sorry it's all good AJ wrong routes too many routes this game wrong category nice didn't fall off that's good no un special today you're meant to me out man you're meant to tip toe across but you can just jump or run across if you're know what you're doing those guys have really good AI the slot machines have an incredible aim they they know what direction you're going before you've even moved your control this is the laggiest jam jars get the B this is the laggiest Bonk in the game so this would lose like what you doing all right so this is another tight you can go for it mat nice uh yeah that type Ro is really hard to do so that was really good so now we've gotten three families complete those are all the ging we're going to be getting in this run right and those are all the we got too so when we go to Jolly Rogers Lagoon all we're going to be doing is collecting the notes in the move all right so right here we're going to be using the Amazo gaze goggles from earlier to open the door that we were talking about that was on the other side of saucer apparel and we're going to we after we hit the button we're going to you see him zooming out his camera after he shoots the grenade that reduces lag but you need to keep it zoomed in or else it won't register the hit that button's out of sight there so you have to hit just above one two three and so we're resetting the con cons here for the glitch it delays the cut scene for later because we're not watching it now so next time we walk into the area where that cut scene is it will play it and this is necessary for the glitch for later and so every time you go through a loading zone in this game the game Autos saves so right there between cutcenes it auto saved and so now we're going to go open the fourth letter level do more puzzles watch more cutcenes so you can reach some more donations wonderful we have $30 from Anonymous played through this game so many times but never seen a speedrun of it mine is already blown we also have $300 from anonymous had to donate during my favorite game ever behold the power of the mighty Jiggy Wiggy here's to a link to the past 100% which is also in my top 10 games we have $30 from Steven and Tokyo Tina spent lots of time playing this game can't wait to see all the awesome tricks and glitches uh we have $30 from Max 106 banjo tuille is better than banjo kazui keep up the good work guys fighting words there we have $20 from a your flame had to donate during one of my favorite games of all time banjo has always been one of the games I go back to play and that goes for both of the N64 games good luck on the Run we have $50 from Amy who just says banjo to we have $55 from marola always looking to donate to a good cause and $25 from Andre B keep up the awesome run shout out to the rare Witch Project who keeps the hunt for stop and swap going in 2015 we have $25 from Abby J Who Says [Music] e all right so right there we reset so we the game Autos saved so we don't have to watch that cut scene since it's a lot longer than all the other ones we previously watched so it's faster the reset go back into the file and walk to the level that way instead of watching all the cutcenes and walking from there yeah usually if you're if what you're doing immediately after a puzzle is heading towards a silo to warp somewhere it's usually faster to reset on the puzzle cut [Music] scene so what he's going to do here is he going to collect a a couple of notes on the side and then he's going to use basically the only reason we learned split up skip for in order to activate a switch in or activate a switch to open the door to get to Jolly Rogers Lagoon [Music] [Music] we get these notes of solo Kazi she moves faster and she doesn't have a sliding recoil when she's uh jumping and that's the only time we'll be split up as solo banjo and solo [Music] kazui so coming up right here is another move for eggs it's called the ice eggs to use in every other category but this one since it's not needed for anything and so getting them wastes about 15 seconds and if you do apparently you go to twoe prison get a visit D Bera two prison is not some place you want to be it's a bad [Music] place all right so right here he's going to collect these notes in front of that door and then he's going to go inside another building to collect a set of notes and he's going walk back out and then just start swimming um one thing to note he most other C longer categories he'll try to go for double air um he doesn't actually need the double air which also the double air also by the way gives you double swimming powder but power but um because we're not we're only swimming for a short while we don't actually it's not actually faster to go out of your way to get it um but it also makes this section real pretty hard cuz you have five health and you're cuz you can see how slow he swimming we like barely make it to where we need to be and that relies on us avoiding enemies as well like this octopus coming up which is somewhat difficult to dodge if you don't know what you're doing but it can you can mess it up sometimes it's got weird movement patterns generally if you get hit by the octopus more than once there's a building close to the entrance to Atlantis where you can fuel up on air before making the rest of the swim nice but you have to see two loading zones so it's generally pretty slow all right um you still got to get the rest of the swim there's some eels that with RNG and bad movement can get in our way let's hope not pretty much if you hit the eels you're kind of done for and if so you just have to do the swim again it's not super long but let's hope it doesn't happen you also have to grab these notes really quick which is it's scary to do if you have impeccable timing there's also a glitch where if you surface if you surface and run out of Health at the same time you activate the zombie banjo glitch where you can live and move around with the zero Health oh wait oh my God that's just really bad luck you can't really do much about that that was just luck luckily it's not a super long time to get back there but can't really do anything about it those eels are right above me when I went in so I had to swim out but then they just chased me the problem with the eels is usually if you get hit once in the stun you always get hit like a second time otherwise you would have made it cuz it was like a decent it was a really good that's like the only real first major time loss of this run yeah this has been a really good run so far been really good so now we have to go do it all again [Music] we've got a $15 donation from Arizona Cat hello got to donate to rep the banjo Community with this donation I can only afford to eat beans this week much love Arizona cat and we have $10 from Anonymous decided that I should finally toss some money your way this year and what better time for it than during one of my favorites the banjo games were Staples of my childhood and I'm loving the run so far Here's To Success all through the run and to raising a million all right so it should be much easier this time since I don't have to go out of my way for that note right there yeah so he has extra so I have a little bit more air time also shout out to the banjo Community we've spent a lot of time routing this category especially when the glitch was found and a lot of people put a lot of effort into it to make this run as good as it is none of them were there this time see the eels are just of course it's after they decid to be a bunch of jerks yeah so we're going to learn uh Talent torpedo here which allows us to get to the area where Clockwork Kazooie eggs are and that's really the only thing we needed in this level so we're going to death war on the Fire [Music] so now that we exited Jolly Rogers we're going straight to um Pine Grove in order to use the talent torpedo like AJ said [Music] earlier coming up is the second kungo fight and we have two potions left one of them is slow and one of them is fast so let's hope for the fast one for the fast one always got to hope to go fast than [Music] speedrun there is the only use of talent torpedo good move nice and here's kungo too this guy again guess you could say here we clung go again PR good oh I'm dying get your memes out of [Music] here awesome nice so this is the fastest Fungo potion pattern for this run it's a little bit tricky to do the third phase of this fight though cuz you have to shoot from right near the door in order to get a good push also because thiso splits up sometimes his clone will run directly in front of the one you're trying to shoot so it's hard to shoot around yeah that's the trade-off of shooting him from the door sometimes the Clones can just have really bad walking patterns they can walk right in front of the real kungo you can lose a bunch of time to it they're pretty nice that time though and he even got a C up some Pro strats right there yeah all right so you can also get a push in this uh kungo cut scene and you can actually get pushed all the way to the loading zone which is hard but the most optimal nice wow that's a really good push that was a good setup that was really really good okay here we're going to pick up the last set of notes and then grab Clockwork Kazooie eggs and then set up the final part of the glitch one of the most broken items in the game and we're not even really going to show any uses of them yeah this this item really helps destroy other [Music] categories instead we're just going to be using it on the final boss yep all right so now it is time to set up the final parts of the glitch so this glitch is called delayed cut cut scene warp or DCW for shorts and in order to do it we need to watch a cut scene so we're just going to enter the replay menu and just watch the cut scene for H one just because why not it's such a good cut scene we might as well watch it multiple times of course in fact we will so now we have to sit here and watch this cut scene that's like 2 minutes long so I'll explain the glitch so this glitch as you saw earlier we activated the rock pile in ggm and we hit that button witchy world and that it's the only instance of this in the game that we know of that is a cut scene that can be triggered from two different locations and because of this the game does not know where to put banjo after one of them is done because they use cut scenes go in linear order order and go okay you hit this go to this cut scene now go back to here however since two triggers activate the same one it doesn't know where to put you so it GS from memory last cut scene played and so it warps you banjo back to where last cut scene was played and so we are going to be watching this cut scene as the last cut scene played so when we walk back into Fuel Depot in our game file it'll be like okay where do we put banjo after watching this cut scene they'll be like oh we just watched the hag one cut scene so obviously we need to put him on top of the tower so it puts us on top of the tower in our game file and that will trigger the final boss in our game file and it's really important it's the real final boss of the game if you do this glitch it's not like going into the replay again this is the real final boss of the game you beat hag one on the file she'll be beting on that file for good yeah you can come back there like the legit way through Tower of tragedy and all that she'll be gone it's uh one thing to know is you can actually warp to anywhere any cut scene most any cut scene most cut there's some restrictions right there's some it basically if it's has black bars on it chances are you'll be able to warp to it a lot of them can soft lock if you do if you try try to do some trickery with the glitch so this could have a lot of uses but this is obviously the best use for it is to warp to the final boss in the game cuz what's a good any percent that doesn't have a warp actually in the 100% category this glitch is used as well and it saves how much like almost 20es 16 17 minutes yeah it also affects the cheetah percent category cutting it in half yeah it really saved a lot in a lot of different categories and allowed Bingo to be done for this game too yeah delayed cut scene warps really good for Bingo it's pretty much the reason Bingo was even conceivable in the first place makes Bingo really fun and interesting okay so here's the magic first we're in Fuel Depot and now we're at the final boss of the game so what did he do I don't know it's magic Abra [Music] Kadabra and like I said this is the real final boss so that's why we had to get the move so once we defeat her the game will be completed yeah this glitch skips having to collect 70 Jiggies and go through Tower of tragedy which would add on about 2 hours to this run yeah saves a little bit of time a little bit just a little bit just like two hours during the fight uh most categories you'll shoot her with ice eggs but since we didn't get him what we're going to he's going to be doing is uh this trick where you when you start the fight or when you start shoot in the first person mode you'll switch immediately from fire to grenade which will make the grenade eggs shoot out much faster than they would normally this fight's pretty difficult so we're not going to be talking too much we're going to let Cole Focus because it's high execution base also he's going to be picking up a lot of eggs during this because it's faster to get them during the [Music] fight so you can see you can Rapid Fire Grenade eggs I think it's Ice Egg [Music] speed as also mentioned before it's pretty high execution [Music] [Music] base okay good right here he's going to try to Flap up to the drill as it comes towards him and then look straight up this will reduce lag while the uh Mort gun cannons will be shooting at him and reducing lag is a huge part of this fight that's where most of the time save comes from being an experienced Runner compared to a new [Music] Runner nice good job so we're going to do it again for the second set of mortars this one goes on longer so we're still going to just the first mortar face she shoots four the second she shoots six in case you haven't noticed right before she starts shooting at me she brings up a bunch of set of questions you're intend intended to answer these questions so she shoots slower but it really doesn't matter so we just skip we have the time for [Music] it [Music] nice good job this has been a really good fight so [Music] far this is where we're going to use the Clockwork Kazooie eggs to go into the exox port and take out the batteries right here he's also going to try to collect some grit NS cuz he's really low on [Music] them [Music] don't I want to get that want to get grenade egg there but it's okay we can grab them later it's going to be close but I can probably grab him here Noe good job on get him the health [Music] okay pick one blue okay so that was because we didn't have enough great eggs but it's [Applause] fine okay so we're going to do some lag reduction in the battery chamber if we Face the camera away from the big baz battery's explosion we can save a little bit of time that's was [Music] good as you can see she gives you health after each stage but it's really risky to go for the health sometimes and it can be worse than just trying to save yourself it's not a big [Music] deal okay and that's all we used Clockworks for so that's why we have to do all of the setup beforehand so now the hag one can't move anymore so it's pretty much just all first person shooting from here on out to the end do one he's [Music] fine okay in these last phases of the fight grun tille it will um Chuck out these enemies called ugers which run around the arena trying to hit you um he's also going to be switching to solo blue here um because it's a fat basically doing the trick or after certain amount it's faster to shoot blue eggs yeah on the phas is where it goes from 30 to 15 and 15 to 1 it's faster to use blue eggs cuz grenade eggs when rapid fired can puzzle all lag and you can also especially on this pH on the gas the grenades will cause a lot of [Music] lag also now you have an air meter and since we didn't get double air this is OB also difficult all right time's coming up I'll let you know and time 4 a boy nice really good that's really good especially for what happened in Jolly Rogers Lagoon this was a really great run Tui is saved um one thing I okay I would also like to give thanks to chrones and excord they did chrones was the one who originally found the DCW warp then excord found that it could be used the warp to any cut scene in the game bringing allowing us to warp to the final boss so without their help this run could not be possible also we wanted to give a shout out to PGE who the record holder for this game in most of the categories who's put a ton of time into it it's his birthday today happy birthday APG woo they even made a party for right just for you right there okay so we also wanted to show off uh we had a glitch do okay all right so well we could watch this cut scene but or we can just skip it cuz get on to the rest of the marathon and so that is Banjo Tui everyone okay we got DK 64 up next no levels early by tudos so that should be a really good run [Music] see thanks so much to Kevin Colt for that amazing banjo Tui run again this is Summer Games Done
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 165,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Competition, GDQ, Game, Games Done Quick, Gaming, Mario, Metroid, Médecins Sans Frontières (Nonprofit Organization), Ocarina of Time, SDA, SGDQ, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun, Summer Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick 2015, Symphony of The Night, Twitch, Video Games, Zelda, eSport, eSports, speedrun, world records
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2015
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