Banggood: SCO2 Dual Channel Digital Oscilloscope 50M Sampling Rate 10MHz Analog Bandwidth EN,HU sub

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Hi! In this video I would like to show you something. But not this TicStation breadboard power supply, which is very useful. It can produce +/- 12V, +5V, +3.3V and one adjustable, but an oscilloscope. As you know, I have several desktop oscilloscopes, but I'm also interested in small handheld oscilloscopes That was my first oscilloscope. It is basically a toy, because the A/D conversion is taken on this device by the microcontroller A/D converter. But because this converter is more than 8-bit, it is a higher resolution oscilloscope, but the frequency range is very limited. And the handling is not so easy, because so many buttons and switches are there. The same capability is built into this shell, it is called a shell oscilloscope, and you can set what you want to set, time per division, or voltage per division, or trigger level, and with this adjusting button you can easily set what you want. But both of them are only single channels oscilloscopes, so you cannot compare two signals. And I also bought this big one, it is a 2 channel +1 generator, Hantek oscilloscope up to 80 MHz. This is another one, it's made by, I don't know, Tooltop, or something like this. Why it is not mentioned on this? So it is also a 2 channel +1 generator. But that is the two end of the scale, and now we shall deal with this. It's arrived in a bag of course, and in the bag there was this black box, and the label is absolutely, doesn't contain any type or any addition information, only "Made in China", that is the only usable part of this. Now if you open it, inside you will find a bilingual manual, of course the half part is Chinese, and then in English you can see the buttons, how can you use short press, long press and so on, how can you use it as an oscilloscope in time domain. Lissajous interface, a little funnily spelled, it's a French name, maybe that's the cause of it, and how can you measure current, and how can you update the firmware, because this oscilloscope has a unique feature, here is the oscilloscope, and it is a 2 inputs oscilloscope, it's nice because you can compare 2 signals, or also you can produce Lissajous feature, and it has this 2 metal points, where you can measure current with this oscilloscope. And you can buy it in 3 sets, I bought the cheapest set, because I'm only curious how this oscilloscope is working, I have a lot of scope probes, so I got 2 alligator clip BNC cables, and 1 USB-C charging cable, and if you pay more, you can get 1 real scope probe instead of 1 alligator cable, and if you pay more money, then you got 2 real scope probes. Now, let's see it! Here it is a very easy form factor, it's like a box, little rounded on the corners, and it's very easily you can put on the table, and you can see it as a sheet of paper for example Now let's turn it on, and with this you can see how fast it is booting, so first it says something about the type, then warning you high voltage is dangerous, or something similar I cannot read it because it's so shortly showed on the screen, from the video I will read it later. And now here is the oscilloscope itself. It has several buttons, if you press the menu button long time, then you can choose between the real oscilloscope mode, with the left and right key, with the XY mode, the current measurement, and one extended function. Here you can later, as the factory promised, upgrade the firmware in this device. So we go back to the oscilloscope, and if you press OK, here is the oscilloscope. If you press it shortly, then another menu, a pop-up menu can be visible, here you can see what do you want, do you want to roll or not, how many channels, do you want to use one, channel 1, channel 2, or both of them, and so on, do you want a cursor, do you want a compress, and what do you want to measure, voltage, maximum, minimum, peak, peak, RMS and average, so on, or frequency, period, duty cycle plus, duty cycle minus, and pulse width, and so on. And here you can see what background do you want, an empty one, or line, or scale, which language, of course English is our favorite language from the possible two, the brightness, auto standby, I turned it off, a computer off, and save wave on, so you can store waveforms, and let's see the last one, and it explains the features, the sampling rate is 50 MSa/s, and that means it is able to produce a 10 MHz analog bandwidth, storage depth is 10Kbit or 10K sample, I think, measuring range is plus minus 400 V, couple mode AC/DC, resolution 300x200, input resistance 1 MΩ, and software version is not so old, it is from last year, july Now, anything else? No. It's rounded back. So, press the menu button, and here is the oscilloscope, and without any signal it is very difficult to study an oscilloscope, so, where is my BNC cable? Here is a BNC cable, I put it onto the channel 1, and now I will use this small generator because it is easy to put it into the area of the camera, that is channel 1, it's a UNI-T, one of my favorite small generator, because it is able to work from any 5V DC, so you can use it on the field with a power bank. Let's turn it on. And, now Channel 1 is off, let’s turn it on, and now you can see it's a 1 MHz square wave at the beginning, and it looks nice on this small oscilloscope. Let's see how can we set it, so, if you press the left and right arrow, for example right, now it is in the vertical position the blue, now you can set the voltage per division, for example 2V, 1V, half volts, and the next is the probe, 1X or 10X. and the following is the time per division, unfortunately that is the smallest value, 100 ns. And here you can see the next, is it a DC or AC coupled, the next is which edge is used for triggering, falling edge or rising edge, now you can see it is moving, and of course you can stop it with the hold button. And now if I remove the signal, it is still on the screen as normal on a digital oscilloscope. But I put it back, so, and the frequency is 1 MHz. What else can we measure? For example let's measure, Vpp is already set Where are the measurements? Yes, I remember I have seen a YouTube video, where someone explained that if it is in the fastest time division, then sometimes the measurements are missing. Let's check it. Yeah, here is the Vpp measurement, and if it is in 250 ns, or 100 ns it disappears, OK, maybe it is normal. But now let's see the frequency response of this device, so that is the fastest mode, 100 ns, and try to increase the frequency of this signal, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 3 MHz, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, so of course it is not normal to use a 10 MHz square wave on a 10 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, but try it with sine wave for example, so that is the sine wave, and if we increase the frequency, 1 MHz 2 3 4 5, so the amplitude is nearly the same, and at 6-7 MHz, about the 3 dB point of this device. So for low frequency measurements this device is very capable to use. What else can we see? Let's use another signal, channel 2, and put it onto the oscilloscope, I check the picture, yes, 2 channels, channel 1, change channel 2, shortly press this yes, frequency 2 MHz for example, yes, and if I set it 1 MHz the 2 signals are the same the amplitudes are different, and the phase is just now 180 degrees So it means that the opposite. Let's set it to 90, 90, and long press, and right, ok, and here you can see the Lissajous picture, which is a circle, but because the 2 signal amplitudes are very different, that's why it is not a real circle, it's an ellipsoid, and of course you can set different phases, but it's interesting, the 180 degrees is as a zero on a normal standard oscilloscope, and 0 is like an opposite on any other oscilloscope, maybe if you see it in this direction, then it will be the real mode. This is not the first oscilloscope what I have seen, between small size oscilloscopes, which use wrong phase on the Lissajous screen. So this is a 1 kHz, 1 Volt peak to peak signal, it said nearly 1 Volt, and 1 kHz, and let's set it to wider, so that is the sine wave, you can see that that is the total amount of samples, and in the middle only one sine is visible, but if you press the button, for example this, this, this, this, and this, now you can move it, the trigger point, left and right, and on the top you can see where is the sample, in the full amount of samples. Its best place in the middle, you can also set the trigger level, here you can see, if it is above the signal, the signal will be running, and now it is, if it is below, it is also a problem. But in the middle it is a good choice. So and you can change the trigger edge, now it is a rising edge, that is the falling edge in the middle of the oscilloscope, it is in 1X mode, because it is a direct BNC cable to connect it to the generator, and it says 1V, but if you set it to 10X, then it shows 10 times higher voltage, in our case about 10V. And you can set the signal smaller or bigger, and here you can move the signal up and down. So as an oscilloscope you can use it very easily. Now in the following part of this video, let's see the current measurement, now it is set it to half amp, and if I turn on, one division is half amp, turn on the power supply, one division is higher. Let's set it to 1A, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3A. Now turn it off, so now set it to 1A per division, and that is 3, 4, 5 and 6. This is a programmable power supply, I set it to produce 2A for 1 second, and 5 A for 1 second. And let's see it on this small device, one division is a half second, so the signal is 2 division, which is equal 1 second 2A, and the same time is 5A. If I turn it off, then it is the zero, and I turn back again, so you can measure current easily with this small oscilloscope, but mostly DC current as it is mentioned in the manual. So this is the QR code on the back of the manual, maybe you can use it from the screen And I think that was enough about this small dual channel 10 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope. I hope that it was useful for more of you, and if it is so, please thumbs up, press the like button. And if you are interested in similar technical videos, then you can subscribe to my channel, please do it if you haven't done it yet, and in that case you will be notified if I produce a new video on YouTube. And thank you for watching this small video, have a nice day and goodbye.
Channel: bzoli5706
Views: 6,301
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Id: MUzz0Dgoojk
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Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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