BANFF NATIONAL PARK Travel Guide - TOP THINGS TO SEE AND DO (Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, and MORE)

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[Music] welcome to alberta canada in this video we are going to be showing you the top things to do in banff national park banff national park is known for its stunning rocky mountain peaks diverse wildlife we throw them out [Applause] scenic drives and of course all of those turquoise blue glacial lakes wow it's so cold [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good morning you guys it's our first day here in banff national park as you can see behind me we got up super early to come to moraine lake we got to get up back to 3 30 to drive here it took us an hour to get here to get a spot sun has risen now it lifted pipe it was unbelievable [Music] we gotta get here so early this morning because there's a limited amount of parking spots the parking lot fills up on average about 6 a.m every day and the high season's 5 30 5 15 which is wild but you can see why so worth it unbelievable wow sammy how epic is this wow it is so beautiful i wasn't sure i wanted to wake up to see this but it is 1 000 worth it's so not a sunrise person but this is the sunrise i would wake up for again and again definitely do it [Music] so moraine lake is a glacially fed lake it's actually situated in the valley of 10 peaks that color actually comes to its strongest color i believe in june we're in september here now but still doesn't look real we're on the most common trail now it's called the rockpile trail this is where you see all those iconic photos which i just took i'll put a few here right now we were lucky enough to hear when the stars were out so you can see the reflection and wow it's very short to get up here and the reason to come up here is for this iconic view so this view is called the 20 view you can see the lake in the valley of 10 peaks behind us it's amazing how we doing guys how are you you're good enjoy good morning good morning it has to be one of my favorite sunrises ever we've had a lot of them but oh that one's pretty amazing heading back down the rock pile trail we're gonna go warm up in the car eat some breakfast then head out on one of the most famous hikes here if you don't get up early enough to make it to the parking lot to get a spot the other way to get here is to take the shuttle from lake louise after about 6 a.m they closed the road coming into here so only way to get the shuttle like louise take it here the problem with that is you have to wait for the shuttle times it's just after nine it's already getting pretty busy there is a lodge here right on the lake it's called moraine lake lodge looks very nice what's his name a killian a killian i like that name hey killian goodbye buddy now we're going to start the moraine lake trail thanks the easiest little trail around here at circles the lake let's go check it out sun's about to come out over that cliff but you can see the water up close [Applause] so that's where was that this morning that is the rockpile trail with the famous view the 20 view so [Music] so as you're walking the lakeshore trail there's actually two paths there's one next to the water that has kind of like rocks and logs and things like that and there's a more accessible path set back in the woods a little bit where you can still see the lake and it's more accessible for everybody i didn't want you to slip on my slippery logs i know those are dangerous be careful if you come here that's true there's already something people fall over now we're starting the large valley hike it's 4.6 kilometers one way that's at the end of the valley i think it's three kilometers up these switchbacks that we're doing now to get to the start of the valley oh time to do some work this hike is 540 meters of elevation i'm already out of breath and it takes about three to four hours to do the whole thing so definitely a moderate hike [Music] when you are hiking in banff you do need bear spray though you should not be going to any heights without it there are grizzlies in the area and moose [Music] so we're doing the large valley hike because it is the middle of september now and the trees the largest actually turned golden brown all right we're done with the incline we made it into the valley now you can start seeing the golden trees it is so stunning you guys see this view so nice flat terrain now it's a very easy hike just surrounded by all these trees [Music] full flower growing right in the middle of the stream [Music] so we just came up out of the large valley and now we're up here at the top of the pass overlooking all of the larches and it is absolutely stunning when they turn into that crispy golden color it is tiring but keep going because the views get better and better you can see the whole valley below us [Applause] [Music] all right i think we found our own spot surrounded by snow-capped mountains and the large trees in the background lunchtime i think this is one of our favorite views we've ever seen starting the day with sunrise at maureen lake and then finishing here at the top of the large valley overlooking the 10 peaks absolutely beautiful a perfect way to end the day [Music] the animal crossing above the highway it had like trees and grass growing on top of it so like the animals are not disturbed at all but they can still cross the highway yeah that's so awesome yeah we drove one hour into the town of bamf to take a look around and get some hike recommendations so bamf is a resort town located in the province of alberta it has over 8 000 residents i believe it gets over 30 000 visits every single year and it's surrounded by two major peaks the cascade and run [Music] so we are currently walking on banff avenue which is the main street here in the town of bamf it is beautiful as you can see behind me the huge mountain this street has a bunch of restaurants shops boutiques hotels great start to our trip the guide at the visitor center was extremely helpful and recommended to start with a short walk right here in town so we're walking down the boat river trail now it's a very short i think just over a kilometer you can already see the turquoise glacier water beautiful [Music] [Applause] so we just finished up bow river trail it's like a very tranquil walk outside of banff town it takes you all the way down to bow river falls which is very relaxing and beautiful now we are quite thirsty so we're heading back into town to maybe try some beers see what ips they have in town like always we are back in town now we're heading to the three bears brewery i'm all thirsty now balloon our first beer is in canada we are leaving the brewery now my favorite was actually the pale ale it's called happy trails delicious everything in our flight was actually really good which is surprising most new breweries are not the best but yeah i'll definitely make it this was amazing so we came to the town of bamf just to show you guys where most people stay at we actually can't afford it we're staying about 30 minutes from here which we're about to head to now but such a picturesque beautiful town [Music] [Music] worker language [Music] we just arrived to our rustic cabin in the woods this is our johnston canyon cabin let me show you around okay so we have a cozy living room with a fireplace we have a small but functional kitchen that we'll be cooking our meals in for the next three days the cabin is also two bedrooms and one bathroom it's small and cozy but we're right in the heart of banff and we're super excited to be exploring this area for the next week [Applause] real quick it's time to thank the sponsors of today's video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes where millions of people come to further their skills in photography illustration graphic design and so much more this week i'm tuning into productivity masterclass principles and tools to boost your productivity with ollie abdul i've just been a massive productivity nerd for years and years in this series of classes we'll be diving into the principles the strategies and the tools for productivity i found this class to be incredibly insightful and i really enjoyed putting my own productivity under the microscope from photography and illustration to graphic design and so much more skillshare has classes that will meet your needs and interests right now skillshare is offering the first 1000 of you guys who click the link in the description box below or use our code sami and tommy a one month free trial of skillshare so that you can start exploring your creativity today and let's get back to the video it's our second day here in banff national park since we're staying at johnson canyon we figured we'd do the famous johnson canyon hike so this hike has two parks there's a lower and an upper falls it's about 3.7 kilometers and it's only 120 meters of elevation gain so it's fairly easy and accessible to all so it's quite busy a lot of people well we're here with actually two friends you might know him from keep going places we'll introduce you guys in a bit let's start the hike yeah the fact that this hike is beautifully set inside the canyon and is accessible to all makes this a very popular stop it is quite possibly one of the busiest in all of bam so make sure you arrive early if you want to beat the crowds [Music] so the first part of this is very easy it's all a paved road there's a little guard rail too so we're on our first catwalk it's so beautiful right over this edge you can see that turquoise river so you guys might be wondering who we've been traveling with these are our friends ashley and jordan from keep going places meet ashley and jordan from keep going places these are our internet friends turned into real-life friends they have an excellent youtube travel channel and are currently traveling eastern europe so make sure you guys check them out we had a ton of fun getting to know them on this trip and are so excited to travel with them again in the future just made it to the lower falls that was short and sweet beautiful check this out [Music] lower falls is pretty crowded you have to wait in line actually to go in this tunnel or a little cave hopefully when we come back we'll be less of a line and we'll see you guys [Music] you can see why we chose this hike this river running through this canyon it's beautiful we just got off the catwalk and the canyons now we're in this forested area so peaceful saw the little sign that said 500 meters sapper falls and i was like oh hey like you know we're almost there excited and the guy walking past the trail was like hey she was more like oh hey all right just 900 meters to the upper falls it looks like we're finally going on the incline a little bit [Music] [Music] with you [Music] it's one of the best smells in the world yes yes is it evergreens though yeah i love that and it's very relaxing look at that drop all right we just made it up top check out that view those blues and greens are just so beautiful on a hike i met some former coops alumni goku oh beautiful dog thank you what's the name yeah you're so pretty huh i love your hat man hello well done well done team high baby okay that's it for our hike super family friendly very easy relaxing and beautiful tonight we're not gonna do much gonna hang out with our friends eat some dinner play some games today we are leaving our johnson canyon cabin we're heading to lake louise and we are going to do the lake agnes tea house trail so we're taking the bow valley parkway on the way to lake louise it's really well known for seeing animals on this trail sammy spotted a deer that was my second deer i spotted did we get on camera no okay they're too fast i'll go slow for the next one that i spot i'm pretty good at spotting oh my god look at the elk we found an out hello [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] wow that was amazing that's a great way to start the day it's going to be another good one the elk was so beautiful i've never seen one that close and it was within like 10 feet of us wow that was so fun it's hot or perfect you know wow just walking up to lake louise with the stunning snow-capped peaks overlooking the turquoise water is going to be an absolutely beautiful day the weather's perfect can't wait to start this hike let's go okay hello thumbs up that's so cute thank you i like it [Music] seen an elk and now this doesn't get any better so the glacier up there is called a victoria glacier it's seven kilometers away and it's actually 80 meters thick which is twice the height of the lake louise chateau that's right here when you're standing here you can like reference it it's pretty insane today we're starting with the lake agnes trail up to the tea house it's 4.6 miles round trip i'm gonna have to stop at the tea shop there and then hike up to the big bee hive for the view over the whole lake so our first stop is going to be mirror lake it's 2.6 kilometers then a kilometer further than that we're going to be at the lake agnes tea house we'll probably assess and see how my legs are feeling and decide if we're going to go to the big beehive or not let's hope you can do it because the views look awesome let's do it you got this two minutes in let's cut it let's go back hold the chopper how you guys feeling we need to be good we gotta stretch stay nimble ashley was big talk last night so she said i got it it's no problem so we'll see how she does today people yeah i have to convince myself y'all are i'll just be a cocktail at the hotel [Music] it smells so good it tastes so good [Music] [Music] you are so cute oh look at those eyes all right looks like the easy gradual incline's over it's time for the switchbacks so excited so you can definitely see why it has the name mirror lake the reflection is beautiful let's check out the water i want to see how cold it it's is too bad for a glacially fed lake it's not bad see it's not bad that's cool 50 bucks to jump in right now 50 cash cash money cash money come on no so that is the big bee hive that's where we end our hike we hope so i don't know if it's all the way up there it's only another mile oh that looks like 400 miles to me a nice little break at mirror lake now i think we have our steepest ascent we're only pointing kilometers to the tea house i found another shortcut i'm gonna try to scare them this time wow i may have bitten off more and i can shoot this rather steep shortcut jesus oh the tommy bear spray literally jordan was like do you think tommy's about buffets are below us i said oh no [Music] oh made up top looks like we got the tea house in front of us [Music] [Music] all right made inside the tea house actually really warm and toasty in here they have cute little tables say hello everybody hello ready for tea time thank you what'd you get i got canadian maple sugar just wanted to go very little water um it's gonna be too hot for me to drink so much average biscuits that is delicious definitely tastes like maple syrup and it is so warming and cozy with all that steam coming off so the tea house is really cute definitely worth it to warm up so now we're heading to the big beehive it is 1.6 kilometers it looks like we're going up pretty steep but it's only a mile so two miles round trip back to lake agnes tea house i'm excited wow this is really beautiful so i believe we circle around the whole lake first and then we start heading up what was that oh tommy stopped the lady on the trail and was like oh how is it she's like yeah it's a doozy but super worth it so we're going the view looks amazing [Music] how nice is this so awesome [Music] it's a little rocky train it's kind of cool though not so much of a paved path as the previous ones 100. oh you're on camera now too you met another couple of new friends it's your time to shine are you all doing it good we're good the scenery helps you know wow i'm so excited for this view the view is already amazing you're right baby i just feel like my chest is like so tight i'm so scared of heights when i look over i'm just like no matter how beautiful the view is no incline can make my heart go as fast as the scariness of looking down can you got this baby they said the hard part's almost over hug that wall [Music] so when you know you're in love yeah oh now that makes your heart start pounding off [Music] thanks wow that's so amazing all right we made it on top wow thank you [Music] congratulations this is so great man so there's mere lake there the famous lake louise it's pretty cool how we started all the way over there walked away on the lake up to mirror lake now we're all the way up top go work everybody ashley badass no problem bringing out the newly engaged couple the lake such a creamy turquoise color we have the white cap mountains in the background surrounding it wow i don't know if you can see this but right on the top of that rock up there there's two little people i don't know how they made it up there but that is nuts my stomach dropped just when she told us about that i was like i just can't imagine wow what a great way then today this is so amazing would you like better this a moraine i personally loved this hike and the views of lake louise mirror lake lake agnes i mean it's like a trifecta it is the trifecta and it's so beautiful i know we keep saying that but it's just because it is and if you come here you have to do it which one did you like better i know it's hard to say if you're talking about the whole hike to large valley that was the peaks there so beautiful this is great they'll go you can just see like the whole ridge line yeah it also has the large trees here too so you can see them in here as well both amazing hikes don't miss out we'll see you guys tomorrow really good one you guys do the same [Music]
Channel: Sammy and Tommy
Views: 193,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banff National Park, banff canada, top things to see and do in banff, best things to do in banff, moraine lake banff, Lake Louise, Larch Valley banff, Johnston canyon banff, what to do in banff, banff travel guide, best hikes in banff, banff itinerary, unique things to do in banff, best of banff, things to do in banff fall, banff 2022, free things to do in banff, Sammy and Tommy canada, banff 4k, banff canada 4k, wildlife in banff, top things to do in banff, banff 2022 4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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