Bandit Wood Chipper 150xp Start Up For ToolRent

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hey Brandon with tough street service here I've got a bandit model chipper it's a twelve inch I'm gonna just give you a quick rundown couple of steps we're looking at about six steps approximately so I'm gonna guide you through that I try to do my best and go slow explain why one of the steps is gonna be imperative pretty important the rest are just kind of basic key turn button push so forth okay so simple flap to the door open it up if you're not using it make sure it's got a pin in it and it's locked take it out okay so what we're gonna note here before we start any of these steps is that there's a tachometer on the machine we always wanted at 1200 when we're engaging or disengaging it's always 1200 rpm it'll read it digitally for you so yeah engaging disengaging that's the clutch works pretty similar just like a clutch on a vehicle slow inflow out for the most part so we've got key all the digital the tachometer up here we've got some gauges all the gauges have already been set for security and it'll shut down the machine if there's anything going wrong here's your throttle lowest point up is basically your rabbit it's gonna be the highest throttle okay we'll always start out in low throttle so another note here just a couple of more things there is a crush cylinder on the back of this you do have to manually engage it so I'm engaging it right now it just brings down the dual feed wheels and it will basically crush a log before you pull it in better so make sure you use these otherwise sometimes with the brush won't feed through Prabhu so all you have to do is just push it once crushes it pulls it in we try to avoid hanging on to it leaving it engaged for a long time okay so again just real quick 1200 rpm that's where we want to start in every time so when we're starting the machine let's get it up to 1200 rpm via the throttle here when we're gonna shut down the machine we always want to bring it back down bring it back down to the throttle right here for 1200 rpm we can easily see it readable right here so I'm gonna go ahead and start the Machine real quick so it's a diesel engine so we're gonna do one key turn and then to complete the circuit we're gonna do a second key turn so I've got the machine on it's just like engaging the ignition I can see that there's zero rpm here this button right here is pretty important it's a Murphy switch we call the Murphy switch zero rpm once we push it in you'll hear the fuel engage inside I can let go of it and fuel stops engaging this is a safety measure for oil pressure that's for us roads so when you do start it you have to engage the button if I know if I'm not engaging it it'll never start it'll turn over so now I'm engaging the button hold it in hold it in for about five seconds like no other no reading hard to him that's good I usually let the Machine up for five minutes 1200 rpm just about there that's a good rpm the important part that you want to remember the core there's a big belt in here Oh here in Florida [Music] [Music] I'm going to disengage this when you shut off the machine he that's it so essentially essentially remember your starting machine you're just doing what you did back when you're killing in the team okay this is all for it is always engaged backwards is always disengaged a little trick on this particular machine is that right here you can actually look in here and you can watch the wheel as it begins the speed up so you see that will fully spin sped up and it's is turning the bearings in there the shaft then that's again dude you know that it's spinning you can engage the machine so again engaged disengaged
Views: 2,040
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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