Band TikToks To Watch While The Trombones Try To Get An Object Out Of Their Insturments

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in the drive-through of a taco bell i got you hold up oh my god really [Music] you know that song it's like here comes the sun didn't do [Music] it's all right little darling it's been a long and lonely winter i can't give you something for you today and can i also have a small blue blue raspberry slushie a sausage mcmuffin and the sausage and hot cheetos trust me on this it is so good so what do you think i don't know maybe percussion percussion you think you should put in percussion yeah why not like you're not getting low brass vibes no not really like really you're not getting low brass energy like a trombone player who would find a randomly opened reese's packet in the middle of the street and pick it up and eat it you know maybe you're right those combinations like a severe case of the munchies see okay so let's make a compromise then if you're not saying trombone you're not saying percussion anymore what about tuba ooh that's a good one yeah tuba energy definitely tuba okay yeah that's what i thought tuba you're a tuba player everybody want to know what i would do if i didn't win i guess we'll never know [Music] oh no we've become so smart they're stupid to us [Music] [Music] [Music] no get doing the stairs off yeah spooky [ __ ] so here are a few things that i don't understand um about drum corps after 12 years um so the first thing why is it so hot we could have chosen any season and yet we chose hell so if someone could explain that to me um that would be great um the next thing is that it literally cost a kidney and like probably half of a lung um at this point to do drum corps so like is banned really that fun i mean yes but like why um and the amount of weight that we lose when we're at drum corps if i could just get that like in a pill form that'd be great because it seems to come off so easily um and then when we come home it just packs right back on um and then the last thing is how do we find this so fun because it's literally awful and we hate it and yet we all come back so while i go pack for my ninth year of teaching drum corps if someone could explain that to me that would be great thank you i said uh oh nope that's disgusting damn so how'd you get back home you had the uber what you mean my boy oh no got blue raspberry slushy that's awesome mcmuffin i'm here for my audition all right where are you going to play i'm going to play themes and variations from the backyard again whenever you're ready [Music] all right how about you go into the second movement [Music] into the thick of it but there's a modulation pretty much every measure [Music] [Applause] you will die it's not worth killing yourself over here we go this is great it's a great day off oh no we've become so smart they're stupid to us wanna know what not being a senior means and playing this 80 times over and over again while you watch your friends graduate [Music] [Music] um [Music] when the sky comes falling [Music] oh how do i put in the mouthpiece oh i have to use this all right okay so where did my three fingers go wait i have to use all of them oh i didn't know clarinets came in the key of f well that's dumb [Music] hey that's not bad for my first time but uh how do you play higher though [Music] so you're saying all i have to do is press key on the back and then i get to play high without getting tired you guys have it so easy oh god hold on let me just practice this for a few minutes one of you will betray me tonight if you want to talk to me talk to me direct don't go through the cornerstone [Applause] way no i don't want to do that i'm going to have a great time no no no you might meet some new people no no no no even make some new friends no no no no [Music] no i'm peppa pig no i'm peppa pig no i'm peppa pig oh i'm peppa pig oh i'm peppa pig all right fam we got a lot of work to do today there's a parade this saturday and i'll be gosh darn if we'll let those avon kids show us up again if i see one more flute dip below 90 degrees i'm cracking skulls i know i've got an extra read in here somewhere my job is to create winners if i don't push those kids who will you know what go get my sticks bass drums don't ever think it it's and two uh and four uh trumpets it's d you know what bass drums we don't have time for this just play quarter notes i push those kids towards excellence in hopes that i can help develop the world's next percy granger minus the mom stuff when you look at this plaque what do you see an apple really because i see greatness i'm super proud of all of you for what you've achieved this week your work ethic is truly inspiring but just know if you miss this performance for literally any reason you will fail this class are you tired of breaking reads can't find a good read that makes you sound good sick of using quark grease well the flute sounds like the instrument for you toss the core grease and reeds out fake playing well no one will notice it it's super easy to carry and portable sometimes you even get to sit in the front if you want more information please make sure you're in band and contact the band director and see what they recommend [Music] is who thinks they can do the fastest paradiddle me no all right kenneth it's cap okay [Music] yeah never mind all right [Music] here we go [Music] bye i like it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah i never found you funny i never found you entertaining i never found you smart i just found you annoying things like part two hey can you just count this toss for me is [Music] [Music] i hate hate hate your hair and makeup today the wig and the makeup could have enhanced your face even more okay so here are the things that i don't understand about winterguard um the first thing spelling if we could get the reading rainbow together for a meeting to come to an agreement on if we're doing one word or two um i've been confused for decades at this point and it's getting really embarrassing um the second thing whoever was on a location committee um for wgi and chose dayton why um it's literally cold and it snowed five years ago so i think the best option is to go for more california florida weather those of us in the midwest could use a little bit more pigment in our skin and not being depressed 360 days out of the year um props we actually have people out here building four bedroom three bathroom homes complete with a finished basement during their show and like it's a little offensive because wow talent and um a class when did you guys become open class and does that mean that we should start calling world class universe class because i'm down with the milky way thank you [Music] story time it's related to the stitch but has nothing to do with the person that did the stitch so back in high school my high school marching band was asked to play the grand opening of a grocery store now during this performance we didn't really do non-stop performing but we were at attention for a lot of the time and we did have breaks too but a lot of time we were staying at just attention so prepping for this performance and just for all of our marching stuff in general we were always told to never lock your knees and nobody really knew why but yet we just did what we were told we never locked our knees except someone did this time but this time we're probably staying at attention for about maybe 10 or 15 minutes and one of the students who played very sex apparently locked his knees watching this like what's wrong with locking your knees it restricts your blood flow and that's a bad thing now this kid is about as tall as i am and i'm six foot tall i'm a clarinet player and i couldn't really see anything because i'm in the front row we hear the commotion that's going on and well boy went down okay maybe a parent caught him i can't really remember that much and it was that day that he earned the nickname eileen because he leaned over and fell over so take this as a reminder those of you who are starting band camp right now don't lock your knees after hearing me sing for the first time my music teacher told me i should be a tenor tenor i think you're an alto no i mean like 10 or more feet from the course room [Music] i saw [Music] i just realized the dci logo has a [Music] here's what the classical music elites don't want you to know about there's a secret class system that every musician is sorted into from the moment they attend music school members of each class communicate their identities through a series of discrete symbols being able to recognize these symbols is important for your survival the soft keys of this symbol do a great job of disarming you but if you ever see the symbol you must know the password which is the machine you have to be quick if a member suspects you don't know the password you'll be forced to sit through hours of loud and confusing youtube footage that was almost certainly shot by a motorola razer this symbol is mostly harmless the bears of this insignia haven't had an original thought in their entire lives they're mostly concerned with maintaining the status quo if you leave them alone they'll leave you alone members of this class will be your best friend of your mortal enemy there really is no in-between with them however a few rules keep in mind if you do hang out with them you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week and on wednesdays we wear pink i truly have no words for the symbol the bearers of this symbol represent true unbridled chaos do not try to confront these sociopaths just run away as fast as you [Applause] [Music] it's the can room
Channel: Marchers United
Views: 46,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Band, Band TikToks, Marching, Marching band, Band tik tok, Band tik toks, Band tiktok, Colorguard, Colorguard tiktoks, DCI, DCI TikToks, Band kids, Kids in band, Marching band season, Trombone, Marchers United
Id: nIsWpezmzE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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