Band of Brothers Carentan - the real story!

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Band of Brothers episode 3 Karen tan depicts the men of Easy Company 2nd battalion of the 506 parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division five days after the initial jump into the contenting peninsula Normandy as part of Operation Overlord the invasion of Europe on the 6th of June 1944 [Music] after introducing Albert Blythe of first platoon Easy Company the scene is set for the attack by the whole of the 101st Airborne Division to take the key strategic city of Carrington in order to link up to two bridgeheads formed by the amphibious forces from Utah and Omaha Beach prior to the attack the men of easy company are seen moving single file across the marshes and into the night with complaints about the loss of contact with the other companies from 2nd battalion and the introduction to their opponent the men of the sixth Foundation regimen in the form of a dead paratrooper foreign [Music] Town completed the men of easy company are seen yet again in the Normandy Countryside patrolling toward their objective of high ground as they come under concentrated enemy fire from the German positions in the hedgerows the actions that followed over the 12th and 13th of June 1944 would become known as the battle of the bloody Gulch for the men of the second Battalion of the 506. however there was a far wider battle that took place on the western side of Carrington that day the banda Brothers failed to capture using archive material written by Captain Ronald Spears of second platoon dog company and accounts from the excellent book tonight we die as men by Ian Gardner and Roger day I'll explore what took place in the hedgerows around karatan as the men of the 101st Airborne Division repulsed a counter-attack from a combined Camp grouper of the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier Division and the sixth falcumeyega regiment all the links that I'll have used in this will be in the video description below for you to check them out yourselves the 101st Airborne were dropped into Normandy as part of mission Albany in the early hours of the morning of the 6th of June 1944 to three Drop Zones on the Eastern side of the contenting peninsula these were Drop Zones a c and d the three regiments of the division the 501st parachute Infantry Regiment the 502nd parachute Infantry Regiment and the 506 parachute Infantry Regiment along with elements of the 326 Airborne Engineer Battalion and the 377th parachute field artillery Battalion were assigned the tasks of securing the causeways leading from Utah Beach eliminating gun batteries that posed a threat to the Seaborn forces and securing and destroying various bridges over the river doof and caratam Canal after four days of brutal fighting against the forces of the 91st Loveland division the men of the 101st had Consolidated their forces north of karatan around saint-com Dumont after completing all of their assigned objectives scouting patrols were dispatched in the area north of karatan on the ninth with the main attack being launched on the 10th of June Major General Maxwell Taylor the 101st Airborne divisional Commander would look to use the 502nd parachute Infantry Regiment and the 327th glider Infantry Regiment in a double development of the city the 50 second would circle to the west and open the bridges over the dove River and take The High Ground to the southwest of Karen town toward the perrier's highway in order to prevent the German forces from withdrawing from the city the 327th glider Infantry Regiment would circle to the East and approach the city from that Direction with a view to pushing the Germans towards the blocking forces of the 502nd through the G2 intelligence reports it was believed that the city was lightly defended with only a small force of fausum Jaeger from vonder Hyde's sixth fausum Jaeger regiment after their early losses suffered fighting against the 101st in The Villages and hedgerows north of karatan since the 6th of June it was during this fighting that the first Battalion of the sixth fausum Jaeger were virtually eliminated by Colonel Johnson's 501st PIR at labarquette locks on the 7th of June and this can be seen in one of my earlier videos during the early hours of June 10th the men of the 502nd and the 327th began moving toward the city moving cautiously through the Normandy Countryside the men of the 3rd Battalion 502nd under the command of their Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Robert Cole headed south along the road from Saint condomont hoping to use the four bridges that span the waterways that crisscross the road as the fields either side were flooded by the Germans preventing any flank maneuvers the second bridge that span the dove River had been blown earlier in the fighting and the engineers tasked with repairing it was still working meaning only a small Patrol could cross the waterway in a boat and head south to carry out reconnaissance against the German positions and the route ahead the patrol made it to the fourth Bridge the one closest to karantan only to find the roadway blocked by Belgian gate moving it aside enough for one Trooper to pass through at a time they soon came under intense artillery and machine gun fire from the German Defenders dug into and around The ingal Farmhouse approximately 250 meters to the southwest of bridge number four at 05 30 the patrol returned back to the main body of the Battalion only to find the bridge was still undergoing repairs with no time to waste materials were scrounged to create a makeshift Footbridge enabling the rest of the Battalion to cross and commence the attacks South toward Karen tan commencing at 1300 it took the men of the Third Battalion three hours to advance the 600 meters to bridge number four all the while under concentrated artillery mortar and machine gun fire from the German Defenders by Nightfall the attack by Third Battalion of the 502nd parachute Infantry Regiment had faltered and as a result of the heavy casualties they were forced to consolidate their positions and wait for Dawn the next day at this point the Germans having defended their position solidly all day were running very low on machine gun ammunition and a resupply mission was organized to resupply their positions for the inevitable assault that would take place the following day meanwhile the attack group planned by the 327th glider Infantry Regiment had also resulted in a series of unfortunate events as the first and second Battalion crossed the dove River on the Eastern side of the city the first Battalion was hit by Friendly Fire during a mortar barrage and sustained some casualties as a result reaching the Eastern Bank of the dove River they headed towards bravons capturing the village while elements of the 327th collider Infantry Regiment linked up with the advanced elements of the 29th infantries 175th Infantry Regiment thus finally establishing contact between 7th and fifth core as the 11th of June dawned the Third Battalion of the 327th collider Infantry Regiment were in a position to attack along the base in a flot the long man-made Canal that runs into the small Harbor in karatan itself the lead elements gained around 450 meters of ground prior to being pinned down by accurate German fire and would dig in and assume a defensive posture for the remainder of the 11th of June meanwhile the men of the Third Battalion of the 502nd parachute Infantry Regiment at Bridge 4 along the road that spans the river Madeleine just north of karatan was still reeling from the enemy fire they'd received the day before suffering around 67 casualties and Company I being rendered completely combat ineffective due to casualties it was down to G and H companies to lead any future assaults against the German positions during the night Lieutenant Colonel Cole had gone back to regimental at HQ and had been told to continue the push toward Karen Tam despite the losses from the day's fighting but at which point noticing his severe losses he was reinforced by a further 120 men from the regiment in the early pre-dawn hours the men of company H would cross Bridge four followed by G company and head toward the farm buildings of the Engel Farmhouse over the Madeleine River without taking any casualties however as the lead Scout moved forward toward the Farmhouse the fauci mieger opened fire wounding the Scout and killing the two men next to him coal radioed regimental headquarters and ask for artillery support but the fire was largely ineffective at that moment Cole was in the unenviable position his men and he were pinned down the Germans were well dug in and the artillery fire had been largely ineffective it was then that he decided The Only Way Forward was a bayonet charge looking back toward the bridge he could see his Battalion executive officer Major John P stopka he shouted to him we're going toward a smoke from the artillery and make a bayonet charge on the house as the smoke shells fell around The Farmhouse stopka had only told the men around him of Cole's intent as Cole blew the whistle to launch the charge only 20 Men followed him realizing the problem immediately stopka got more meant to fix bayonets and follow the Battalion Commander toward the farmhouse coal was way ahead of everyone else when he looked back he saw almost no one following as he kneeled down to look back at the ditches he finally saw several of his men moving toward him despite the early disorder the man charged across the field under heavy enemy fire east of The Farmhouse the men became closely bunched up and were told several times by Cole to Fan out men from company H reached The Farmhouse first and found it abandoned to the West on Higher Ground the Germans occupied rifle pits and machine gun emplacements along a Hedgerow the location was soon overrun by the Americans using grenades and bayonets at this point the enemy's main line of defense was now broken but they still held the ground to the south from which the Americans continued to receive fire Cole wanted to take advantage of the enemy's disorganization and keep moving but Third Battalion was in no condition to keep going at this point word was sent to the rear to request that the first Battalion 502nd parachute infantry Advanced through the third battalion's positions and continue the attack South to The High Ground instead of relieving the Third Battalion however the first Battalion reinforced it to help secure the ground already gained and at around 6 30 PM coal informed regimen that he planned to withdraw and asked to have covering fire and smoke when the time came Coles artillery liaison officer Captain Julian Rosamund after much difficulty was finally able to reach the artillery command post By Radio every gun was trained on the German positions the artillery barrage lasted only five minutes and when it stopped the sound of German gunfire Was Heard receding Southward at 8 pm the second Battalion came up to relieve the first and third battalions the Battalion had gone into action with 700 men but was down to 132. uh I'm kind of large vehicle Lieutenant Colonel RG Cole third battane 500 second pass unit 101st Airborne to me uh we were ordered on June 10th to come up this road take Carrington and proceed some mile a mile and a half Beyond Carrington to a point called Baylor each Battalion objection uh initially the attack was ordered for three o'clock in the morning however on reaching this bridge here the Engineers have not been able to put his Footbridge across for the Battalion due to heavy cell phone debris again uh in the morning of the 10th the regimental Commander Jeremiah Kayla told me that the division Commander desired need to go ahead with my attack that day uh on reconnaissance about noon for the chance we came down to the bridge Captain Clements was coming to Gene myself and several men look around the area in the daylight uh we found that the bridge was not under very heavy shelter and that by being cautious and keeping well at first we could perhaps stretch a rope across the bridge of where it was blown out and by using some of this 10 fencing there but if it's passable football uh this we did and we finished it up about three o'clock about 3 30 the initial elements of battalion a leading platoon of G company commanded by Lieutenant Irwin started to cross one man at a time about one minute interval we had no trouble with enemy fire initially however as soon as the man got along the banks here in any number and if they did not stay down the enemy uh fired quite heavily on the roadway and on the bridge also at times when a man tried to get across the bridge and with their machine guns and their ammunition uh and two or three of them would get bunched up there the enemy would open fire and shooting 88 that would come right across and land in the water uh wedding tell us about the time when you went across now I wouldn't America no waiting suppose you tell about uh Europe's part in this break is here when you left camp or Lefty biblack area down through the bridges here yes sir my company received orders to move at two o'clock Saturday afternoon a week arrived at the first Bridge without any trouble and started causing a single file with one man to go across it he get on the other side another was following about 10 yards apart across the first bridge and got to the second one which was under the rifle fire Staffing fire and 88 fire a company Commander had the third tune across the bridge and they took off the position on the other side and I was sent across to find out what the situation was and to cross that bridge you had to cross on a rope that just beat the fence had been made thrown across two ropes and made a wobbly Bridge but we managed to cross that bridge take up position in a bed on the other side of this bridge all the time the snipers were firing at us as a battalion stayed in position along the course were there the remainder of the afternoon of June June the 10th and we're unable to do anything what admired to was the column of Falls along each side of the road they were on the heavy fire from these Replacements over in this area all right we stayed there during the night and about 12 o'clock before one o'clock the Nazis bonus were two planes which fortunately were soon done by our own Air Force during the morning early morning hours about four o'clock we were able to infiltrate men across the bridge there one at a time at about one minute intervals and we got them the majority of the Battalion pretty well scattered up along the road here and on the field on the other side of the road uh I did five five o'clock we started out on original objective the 515 however just as we've gotten well this first and started moving in good fashion we were fired was opened up on some of these positions back in here and we immediately had to seat cover wherever we were stayed in this position until 6 15. fortunately I had the artillery lays on officer from the 377th right by my side and I was able to or he was able to set his radio off and contact the artillery and we had artillery fire continually continuously all over this area here and back long air and up the road towards Carrington uh this went on for about 45 minutes and then I call for smoke to be laid all over the area especially down in this area here and when it was thick enough uh I issued the order for our bayonet charge these orders have passed a controlled had to be issued verbally because most of the radios were not working and I had to pass them up and down the ditches inside the road and also back to the columns just by individuals the orders were uh pretty well understood however and on the whistle signal see three quarters of the Battalion rose up out of date is charged across this direction here and across them through there with the initial objective being the Orchid the other side of the house here our reduces intense fighting and the many machine gun positions and dug in positions many men got scattered out and went where it what involved was the fight of individuals against individual machine gun Nets this fighting went on so pretty heavily until about 10 o'clock finished slacking down uh around 11 however The Notches came back at it and uh we pushed him off again then during the afternoon the uh we got ordered some regiments that there would be a an attempted truce and we were to hold our fire we held our fire and uh until about three o'clock however then we got a word that the truth is over and immediately the Nazis began attacking again at this time the situation became so serious due to the fact that we had never been able to reorganize and due to the fact that we'd always been under heavy fire during the day that uh did not nearly pushes back of this house here um finally about 6 30 I called for artillery concentration just about 50 yards the other side of the house which was given to me and I believe that scared him out because the men on we were able to push on through while Lieutenant Colonel Cole's Third Battalion of the 502nd was engaging the sixth falsham Yeager regiment the reserve Regiment of the 101st the 501st parachute Infantry Regiment was crossing the dove River and heading south and west around the city to Hill 30 on the southern side of Carrington with Karen town still in German Hands by the evening of the 11th of June the plan was revised by Maxwell Taylor and the 506 parachute Infantry Regiment would be sent south along the Route cleared by the 502nd over the previous two days and circled back towards the city from the Western Edge to attack the city at dawn on the morning of the 12th along with elements of the 327th glider Infantry Regiment heading into the city from the positions gained on the previous day the attack was launched at 0 600 hours and as a result of the Germans being low on ammunition and having largely withdrawn to the southwest of the town the fighting lasted for just over an hour before the city was firmly in the hands of the 101st Airborne Division later on the afternoon of the 12th of June the 101st Airborne divisional HQ issued orders to the 501st parachute Infantry Regiment and the 506 parachute Infantry Regiment to push South and West from Carrington to exploit the situation of the Germans withdrawal from the area and to secure the ground in anticipation of a German counter-attack given the vital nature of the city for both sides the objective of the 501st was the village of saintini and the 506 the village of balt the 506 moved out with the first Battalion on the left of the bulb Road and the second on the right of it with company D on the right from the flooded area to include the lahay dupuete railroad running west along the axis of Advance with f company on the left an easy company in the reserve for D company Spears the platoon leader of second platoon was tasked with clearing the small Hamlet of pomonac while the third platoon would keep in contact with the second platoon astride the railroad embankment with the first platoon in support of third The Village was clear of Germans but upon meeting a local Frenchman he explained there were a thousand Germans further down the railroad line but despite this news dog company pressed ahead with the intended plan a second platoon moved out from pomonac it came in a long-range machine gun fire from the West fortunately the mana's second platoon were able to reach the safety of the railroad embankment without taking any casualties but the lead Scout from third platoon was hit by Machine Gun fire from another dug in machine gun emplacement on the left hand side of the railroad the land was flooded and extremely flat with only small hedgerows and ditches as cover second platoon Advanced behind third platoon and extended the flank along the hedgerows during this time no forward progress was made due to the weight of German fire in an effort to break the German attack the artillery of the 65th and 397th artillery regiments were called upon to fire on the Railroad and woods to the front of 2nd battalion by this time F company had reached the small Hamlet of duvil now known as donville and was heavily engaged with the Enemy meanwhile Easy Company dug in to strengthen the line in the rear during this time the rifle and machine gun fire from the German Camp grouper was so intense that no forward movement could be made by the paratroopers this was the same for the 501st parachute Infantry Regiment on the southern flank it was during this time that the 81 millimeter mortar platoon of second Battalion moved into position at this time and began firing the platoon was equipped with four mortars and was at about 75 strength the platoon Leader's orders from headquarters company Commander was set up anywhere and start firing Lieutenant heiliger set up on the forward slope of the hill behind the Battalion Command Post his guns were protected by the high Hedgerow to the front and were dug in he commenced firing within 10 minutes and improved his positions later as the fight developed just as it was growing dark dog company had a call on the scr300 radio from battalion the order was to pull back along the railroad and rejoin the Battalion which had decided to consolidate for the night this move brought dog company through easy company's lines and up on the right flank of fox company the boundary between companies was a deeply dug dirt road running back to the Battalion Command Post this area had very thick hedgerows with ditches on both sides and visibility was limited to the small Fields between hedgerows it was this part of the battlefield that would become known as the bloody Gulch as night began to fall Lieutenant McMillan the CEO of dog company accompanied by Lieutenant Spears from second platoon went to check their positions along the right flank at this point a squad of soldiers were seen running along the railroad on the other side of the orchard toward the battalion at first Spears thought it was a friendly Patrol and waved at them the last two soldiers stopped and looked towards Spears and he realized they were Germans passing the flank and heading for the Battalion Reserve line at this point Lieutenant McMillan ran toward the Battalion but before he could reach them the patrol struck near the Battalion command post which was in a stone house about 500 meters to the rear the patrol was driven off by a men of easy company and headquarters company later that evening six M5 light tanks of the 70th tank Battalion had been moved forward to assist with the fight but the tank platoon leader didn't want to move further forward due to the failing light and this was much to the annoy to the Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Strayer in the end the tanks did move forward with Lieutenant McMillan in the bow Gunner seat of the lead tank moving toward the direction in which the German Patrol had been seen spraying the hedgerows with 30 caliber fire from the machine gun and rounds from its main 37 millimeter gun the rest of the tanks remained in the Battalion headquarters area and did much the same to the concern of Lieutenant Winters who told him to stop firing as it was endangering the easy company positions later that night the company commanders received their orders for the following day the attack towards balp was to resume a dawn on the 13th of June dog company was to be on the right flank with Fox company on the left an easy company in the reserve Lieutenant McMillan decided that the first thing to be accomplished by the company at dawn was to capture the house on their right flank where the German Patrol had been seen this mission was given to Second Platoon when it was accomplished the second platoon was to face West to place its right flank on the railroad the first platoon would then move out on the left of the second platoon keeping contact followed by Third platoon food and water was being issued at this time and Lieutenant MacMillan issued his order the men filled the pockets of their paratroop uniforms with ammunition and grenades and those who were not on outpost Duty or contact patrols tried to get some sleep during the night with Third Battalion of the 506 parachute Infantry Regiment being brought up from the regimental Reserve by Colonel sink earlier in the day they Advance toward their start line it was 1280 meters to the east of the sunken track that would later become known as the bloody Gully by the men of the Third Battalion now this is not to be confused by the area known as the bloody Gulch a similar Sun contract to the north east of the Third Battalion positions occupied by men of the second Battalion the Americans knew that in order to secure the ground already gained to the west of karatan that they would need to attack the German lines at dawn on the morning of the 13th the Germans having the same idea in an effort to retake Karen tan also put their attack in at dawn on the morning of the 13th SS group inferior Werner Ostendorf obishton banffier Conrad set up their command post at San Sebastian de raids Southwest of Karen tan to direct the attack against the entrenched paratroopers of the 101st Just Before Dawn the 81 millimeter Malta platoon under the command of Lieutenant heiliger commenced firing at The Farmhouse that Spears and second platoon of dog company was going to attack they fired a heavy concentration causing the roof of the house to be set Ablaze spares lined his men along the Hedgerow facing down a gentle slope at the bottom of the slope seen through the orchard was the house the platoon under his command was the size of a large Squad with increased Firepower in the form of an automatic rifle and a 30 caliber light machine gun his platoon looked extremely anxiously toward the house as Dawn began to break but no enemy could be seen the platoon crossed the Hedgerow in a skirmish line and moved down through the regularly spaced trees at that moment a heavy mortar and artillery concentration landed in the area one of the platoon Riflemen was struck by this fire and lay moaning on the ground back at the road where the company Commander was calling Battalion and notifying them that the platoon had moved out the same barrage killed the radio operator and wounded another man the platoon reached the Stonewall surrounding the house at the bottom of the hill vaulted the wall and found the courtyard empty as Spears crossed the waste high wall he looked back up the hill and saw German soldiers running along the Hedgerow he had just left the 30 caliber machine gun was quickly mounted firing through a gate in the stone wall the other automatic rifle was placed on the wall and heavy fire was raining on this threat screams of pain were heard and many casualties inflicted on the unit of the enemy the enemy returned fire but the Stonewall protected Spears's Platoon at this point Spears sent four Riflemen to the other portion of the wall which faced directly toward the enemy held West they faced an open field except at the left where the orchard joined a Hedgerow at this moment a shower of hand grenades was received from the west where the hedro blocked their ability to observe the enemy movements the automatic Rifleman was killed and Spears were struck by small shrapnel fragments a German machine gun began firing from the hill at the machine gun as he lay exposed behind the gate the platoon machine gunner was killed and the Machine Gun rendered useless at this point easy company had deployed along the road which crossed the Battalion area Fox company line joined easy company at the Battalion Command Post House which was now on the front lines it was converted to an aid station by the Battalion surgeon Captain Neville who did an incredible job dealing with the casualties that were pouring in the Battalion command post moved back down the road about 30 meters into a ditch and stayed there throughout the remainder of the action to the front of 2nd battalion the second platoon of D company was running low on ammunition and because the farmyard was beyond the American front lines it meant Spears and second platoon were effectively cut off there was good cover behind the stone walls from the flat trajectory rifle fire but a few hand grenades did begin to strike inside the courtyard coming from the Germans to the front of the building the burst of a grenade caught another Rifleman leaving him kicking and screaming on the stones of the courtyard Spears wasn't able to do anything for him because at the moment a squad of enemy soldiers burst out of the trees to the direction front of the second platoon's positions these men were falsham Jaeger recognized by their distinctive helmets and uniforms they had made it to about 20 meters away from the farm Courtyard and firing as they came in second platoon from behind the wall cut them down with well-aimed rifle fire and kill them all before any reached the wall despite the successful defense Spears now decided the positions were untenable and ordered his mental withdraw there was no protection against grenades in the courtyard and the burning house was throwing out a suffocating amount of heat and smoke by moving down a ditch single file Spears regain the Battalion line 350 meters to the rear the wounded man was left for dead in the courtyard due to the need to withdraw quickly but by some miracle he did manage to crawl back to Friendly lines later that day in the Battalion area the situation had not improved on the left of the Battalion F company was conducting a fighting withdrawal as a result of a combined tank and infantry attack against their positions which drove them back to the Battalion Reserve line this wasn't however the all-out route as shown in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers however as a result of Winter's bitter complaint to Lieutenant Colonel Strayer about Fox company and their company Commander Captain Thomas mulvay that would see him relieve his command conflicting reports exist about this element of the battle Captain mulvate was a competent officer and had served with a regiment since his formation at camp takora in 1942. I can only speculate that facing the armored thrust of four stunga should self-propelled guns and being low on ammunition to deal with the threat mulvay felt the only option was to withdraw the question exists if he tried to radio Battalion for permission to do so or not prior to executing the maneuver the paratroopers of the 506 under constant fire from the Germans were hunkered down in their foxholes not wanting to expose themselves to the volume of enemy fire however it was a responsibility of the officers and Senior ncos to bring them up and return fire to a sufficient volume to blunt the German Onslaught and this is one thing the band of brothers does depict very well with Winters encouraging blies to get up and fire his rifle while the fighting was going on the men needed to be resupplied and this fell to Lieutenant peacock the Battalion Supply officer as he was kept very busy during the firefight bringing up Jeep loads of ammunition from the rear to keep the paratroopers sufficiently supplied now despite several German armored vehicles being knocked out by bazooka fire and 57 millimeter anti-tank guns the regimental Commander Colonel Robert fsink could see how precarious the situation was and asked divisional HQ for help as a result the second Battalion of the 502nd were called forward to the right of the second Battalion of the 506 by 10 hundred hours on the morning of the 13th of June fortunately and unbeknownst to the second Battalion of the 506 combat command a of the second Armored Division had been moved to the Carrington area at around 100 hours by The Lieutenant General Omar Bradley and these were based on Ultra decrypts from Bletchley Park warning on a substantial German counter-attack about to take place in the Carrington sector at 1400 hours combat command a attacked with support of the 14th armored field artillery battalion part of the task force swarmed down the Belt Road and shattered the German resistance in that area with a second thrust along the perriers highway firing their main 75 millimeter guns and some paratroopers mounting the tanks to man the 50 cal heavy machine guns mounted on the turrets this was the decisive Advantage needed by the hard-pressed man of the 101st that day the men of the second armored had come to their rescue just in the nick of time and were able to decimate the remaining German forces in the area despite the advantage of the Shermans and the armored infantry the fight lasted into the early afternoon of the 13th with the Germans determined not to give any ground the second Battalion along with the rest of the regiment was relieved and moved into the division Reserve in karatan during the day's actions the 81 mil mortar platoon had fired 1 000 rounds of ammunition Lieutenant heiliger reported that all the paint was burned off the barrels of his mortar his platoon was down to 50 strength about 10 of his mortar men being rushed into the line as Rifleman to fill the gaps thanks to the men of the 101st Airborne and the second Armored Division the vital city of karatan fell to the Americans on the 12th of June and was held against the determined counter-attacks by the combined Camp grouper of the 17th SS Panzer Grenadier Division and the remnants of six fashion Mega regiment their actions from the 10th to the 13th of June 1944 was without doubt the pivotal battle the division fought during the Normandy campaign it enabled both beachheads to link up and provide a combined front to enable the Americans to push deeper into Normandy eventually leading to the breakout and liberation of Paris in August 1944.
Channel: WW2 Wayfinder
Views: 175,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle for Carentan The Myth and Reality of Band of Brothers, ww2 wayfinder, 6th Fallschirmjager, Carentan, Normandy, Normandie, WW2, Band of Brothers, band of brothers carentan, 2nd Armored, Sherman Tanks, Combat Command A, General Omar Bradley, STuG, Battle for Carentan: The Myth and Reality of Band of Brothers | WW2 Wayfinder, band of brothers episode 1, Battle for Carentan: What Band of Brothers DIDNT Tell You, How did Band of Brothers take Carentan? | WW2 Wayfinder, normandy, wwii
Id: 1JptN7iX20A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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