Bambu Lab X-1 Carbon First Look

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it began with the forging of the great rings three were given to the elves immortal wisest and fairest of all beings and nine nine rings were gifted to the race of men who above all else desire power the dark lord sauron forged in secret a master ring to control all others one ring to rule them all all right the time has come i'm finally out with the craziest printer i have ever gotten the opportunity to review and that is the bamboo lab x1 carbon you're definitely going to want to watch this one [Music] okay first things first i need to start this video with a major preface this is a kickstarter now normally i wouldn't even accept a printer to review that's running a kickstarter since there's such a terrible record of printers never making it to delivery and i definitely don't want to lead my followers astray by recommending something and you lose your money so regardless of how far along i think this project is you need to judge for yourself if it's worth backing that said i agreed to review this printer because of how far along they are and how professional their team seems bamboo lab started back in 2020 and weren't going to start their kickstarter until all of the hardware is ready to go their team is over a hundred engineers and many of them have a background working with dji drones this isn't a concept but rather a printer ready to go i'm not looking at a beta or prototype unit the printer i have is the exact same one that will be delivered via their kickstarter i've also confirmed that they will be shipping units in july meaning they're ready to go the biggest thing they need is testers like myself to figure out any software bugs and this printer is not without software bugs while the hardware is unparalleled to any printer i've tried there were definitely a couple of software hiccups that i will cover near the end of this video that said every bug i experienced has been reported to bamboo lab so they can fix them when it comes time for you to receive your unit now let's go over the phenomenal specs on this printer remember that these specs are not hypothetical i have the printer in hand and will show them all off first off let's start with the basics it has a millimeter by 256 millimeter by 256 millimeter build volume it comes with a 300 degree all-metal hot end with the ceramic heater and a hardened nozzle and a very unique dual drive geared extruder set up in a direct fashion both the hotend and extruder are proprietary and ones that i have not seen used on any other printer the build plate can reach 120 degrees celsius and while the printer doesn't have active heating it traps heat particularly well and then there is a chamber fan that can be used as extra active cooling blowing directly onto your parts so that your pla prints have the best surface quality possible it comes with a chamber camera that can be viewed remotely in both your computer slicer and mobile app that they have developed the exterior of the printer is beautifully done and with this x1 carbon it has aluminum on the outside looking very much like a macbook and for the top and front it uses tempered glass not acrylic which will allow to muffle the sound a bit and also look great and now it's time for the fun stuff it has three z lead screws and three smooth rods for the build plate to move up and down making it extremely sturdy the rails are ultra lightweight carbon and allow for extra fast movements it utilizes lidar yes lidar for both confirmation that has the best first layer possible as well as flow compensation not only does this printer have the ability to auto bed level by touching the nozzle to different points on the build plate it will also then print a bit and use the lidar camera to judge whether or not it has the best first layer this means there is zero leveling or z height calibration on your part it should print a perfect first layer right out of the box and never need tweaking on your part in fact it even has a triple check and the lidar will do a quick scan after your first layer is printed and will give you a warning if it noticed any issues which did happen one time in all of my testing this alone sets the printer apart from any i've ever tried but that isn't the only thing the lidar does since this printer moves at speeds i've never seen before even on vorons the accelerations will require flow compensation so the extruder will print a few lines before a print with quick starts and stops the lidar will then scan the line so that it knows how much to compensate flow so that the lines come out perfectly no linear advanced settings needed on your part and you will be able to print an insane speeds without the worrying of ghosting or other printing problems next one that's really cool is that it has active vibration compensation remember this printer is moving fast so it needs to know how much vibration is occurring before print you could turn on this active vibration compensation and you'll hear a lot of noise as the printer rattles all over the place it will then compensate for this vibration so that you can get the cleanest prints possible at top speeds but we aren't done yet this top package also comes with their ams system for multi-color and multi-material printing this works similar yet better than a mosaic palette i reviewed the palette 2s a while back and that can print multi-colors and materials on a single extruder by melting the plastics together during the print at the right time this ams actually will do something similar but rather than melting plastics together the plastic will be cut right at the extruder before switching no need to melt the filaments together means you'll have a lot less failures their slicer will then tell the ams system which material to load at the correct moment for multi-material or multi-color printing out of a single nozzle this ams is also air tight has a humidity sensor and can be run parallel with other ams systems so while i only have one and will only be testing the one ams you can actually run four of these in parallel to each other meaning you could print in 16 different colors or materials bamboo lab is also trying to close the entire loop by making their own materials while you can certainly use any brand of materials you like their proprietary spools have rfid sensors on them so that it could determine how much filament is left on a spool what color and material the spool is and then can automatically apply the best settings for that filament their spools are also set up in a master spool sort of way so that you don't need to get a ton of plastic spools when you refill you will just be getting the plastic ready to go on your previous spool that you can unscrew finally when it's time to purge the material from swapping the printer will open a door in the back of the printer and it will kind of poop it out you could set up a mini trashcan behind the printer and it will catch all of this purged material now this kickstarter should be running when i release this video it starts on the 31st of may and so i'm not really sure what the pricing will be available when you attempt to back it but i do know that the early bird for the entire package i'm reviewing comes in at a crazy low price of 999 dollars that includes everything you're going to see in this review including the ams system if you missed the early bird it will be 1149 and then the retail will be 1449. let me tell you that is an insanely low price for what you're getting and i expect this printer to blow away all 3d printing competition you could get the x1 carbon printer itself without the ams system for an early bird price of 849 and it will retail for 1199 so if you don't have a need for multi-color or multi-material printing you could get away for less than the price of a prusa during this kickstarter finally you can get their lower priced x1 that doesn't have as hardened of a nozzle or extruder nor quite as nice of an exterior or camera but still should accomplish just about all of the same tasks for an early bird price of 699 dollars and it will retail for 999 i'm not gonna lie that these prices shock me and i would definitely say it was too good to be true if i wasn't holding one of their machines in hand and have confirmed that they are a legit company along with their hundred plus experienced engineers working on this for two years they have a factory production ready to go and also have three locations worldwide one in los angeles austin and china i plan on visiting their austin location soon to see exactly how this is all done but enough with the specs let's get into the actual printing you saw some b footage rolling when i went over the specs but you must know that i will not speed up anything that you see during this video i often speed up footage for reviews just to show a part printing a little quicker but that won't be done here everything is normal speed setup is pretty much non-existent you just need to unscrew some parts in the inside so that they release then you just need to run its calibration fun and it's ready to go i mean it does it all for you no leveling no z high calibration nothing i also load up their included orange pla into their ams system and the printer auto generated orange pla on the touch showing the benefit of their rfid system keep in mind that if you want to print at these extreme speeds the printer is going to be noisy we're printing at 300 millimeters per second print speeds and will be traveling at 500 millimeters per second that sounds impossible and it normally would be but this printer is accelerating at 20 000 millimeters per second squared yes you heard that right a standard ender 3 i will print at 50 millimeters per second and have accelerations of 500 millimeters per second square that means that this printer is going to be printing at six times the speed and will be accelerating at 40 times faster than a standard ender this is only possible because of their vibration and flow compensation as well as their nice hardware parts that they have on it the benchy that they have sliced ready to print on their machine takes just 17 minutes yes 17 minutes for something that would normally take an hour and a half and it isn't just a blob in fact it's one of the better first benches i've done on a new machine this was the point i realized i was checking out something i've never seen done in fdm 3d printing i then play around with more of their included gcode files now is about the time i need to mention their amazing touch screen this isn't a normal touchscreen you get on a standard printer this reminds me more of like a mini tablet crystal clear hd images and a unique easy to navigate ui now when you slice apart it doesn't look quite as good as these files but you will get an hd preview each one of these prints comes out great at high speeds this bouncy turtle takes just an hour and a half to print and then this roman soldier with support structure takes under four hours they say they honed in the support settings and while this isn't the easiest supports i've ever had to remove they definitely do all crack off without too much effort or threat of breaking the part this is also a pretty extreme example since there are a lot of angles and small parts that would be normally difficult to remove with supports and well there aren't any complaints on my end about the quality of this print including the undersides remember that this printed with twenty thousand millimeters per second acceleration and three hundred millimeters per second printing speed my final included file that i print is dual colored meaning that i get to utilize the ams i switch the orange to be in the second position and put white in the first both are the sample spools provided by a bamboo lab so the printer auto recognized it and while nothing to add to this other than it worked fine printed in under an hour and a half now before i get into the test that i slice i want to tell people now that i didn't realize that i printed all of my tests on standard printing speeds this is something i didn't realize but you can print much faster than these insane speeds by using their ludicrous mode so all of the print times that i say that you're about to see are before i realize this near the end of the video i will show off this ludicrous mode which i believe is even faster than the previous speeds i just said trust me this printer gets even more insane than the test you're about to see a lot faster now it's time to play around with their proprietary slicer if you follow me you would know that i'm not a fan of proprietary slicers but it actually makes sense for this printer it would likely be really hard to do everything needed on something like cura and this software even has some extra features that i will show in a bit you can actually use something like cura but i'm going to be using their slicer in my test i bring in a benchy to see if i can get similar quality to the one sliced on the machine now they likely optimized their benchy and may have even said it to be more of the ludicrous mode but mine with the stock settings at 0.2 millimeter layer heights takes 28 minutes i'm definitely not going to complain about a 28-minute benchy it's just worth noting that it will likely take further tweaking to get their insanely fast 17-minute benchy or you just turn on that ludicrous mode i didn't know about and well it printed great it actually looks like it's printing just as fast so they might have printed closer to 0.3 millimeter layer heights on their sample benchy instead of the ludicrous speeds i was just talking about once again absolutely zero complaints for this point two millimeter layer height benchy that completed in less than a half hour next up is a torture toaster to see what tolerances this machines can achieve at these speeds i use just the stock settings no tweaks on my part and this toaster came out near perfectly i have never had a torture toaster come out with such clear gaps where the gaps are supposed to be not only does the toaster come out with ease and the doors open and close without any cracking needed this actually achieved tighter tolerances as well i am not only able to move the 0.5 0.4 0.3 and .2 millimeter gap sections the larger gap ones can actually come out of the toaster now the quality does have a little bit of vibration so it isn't absolutely perfect but i've never had a toaster with the 0.2 millimeter move so easily in fact i could even likely get the 0.1 millimeter gap to move as well if i worked on it a little bit i just didn't i wanted to show exactly how it came out of the printer now i end up swapping the included bamboo lab material to polymaker since each spool sample was only 250 grams and this is when i end up having some software issues with the ams they are notified and it should hopefully be fixed with the firmware update when i load up the material the ams makes a bunch of noise pulling the filament in and out and eventually kind of freezes i can't edit the color on the touchscreen or anything that said it still prints fine it's just not able to recognize or let me edit anything on the ams screen now the sample printer that bamboo showed me didn't have this issue so i'm not sure if it's just my printer that's having this issue or not the printer prints just fine with the polymaker materials it just won't let me edit the colors on the touch screen i'm very hopeful this is a firmware fix that you should hopefully not experience with your machine i go ahead and slice two more parts before i get into the multi-color printing the first in silver poly light pla and the second in black polyterra pla their slicer has different materials already loaded up with the settings they think work great though you can do tweaks or add your own materials if you prefer unfortunately you can't quite edit as many settings as you can on something like cura but it does include the most important settings in fact this will likely be preferred for someone new to 3d printing particularly with the settings bamboo lab has already figured out to work on their machines for this one i wanted to get close to maxing out the build volume i bring in this terminator bust and scale it up to 144 so that's 250 millimeters in the largest dimension i then keep the infill at 15 and two shell walls and really just keep the stock settings that bamboo lab provides and you can see the print fly this massive print uses a whopping of 842 grams of material yet it only takes 17 hours and 47 minutes to complete remember this is before i knew about the ludicrous speed settings so i'm telling you now it could probably be about 40 faster than this i then went ahead and slice this exact same size print with the same settings on one of my previous workhorse printers in cura and it says that it will take over three days so this bamboo lab is completing more than four times as fast on their standard print speed settings and honestly i was dumb to not paint this model like i do in future models but this will just be in silver poly light pla i do color it though later in this video i mean look at it fly i feel like i did when i first got into this hobby it's actually fun to watch the printer go like it was watching my first 3d printer remember that i'm not speeding this up at all this is exactly how it looks and remember this is standard mode before i knew about ludicrous mode and another perfect print what is really cool to look at is the underside of the bottom of the print to show just how smooth that first layer is also keep in mind i did zero calibration whatsoever i just plugged it in and printed this may be the very first machine i would feel confident clicking print and walking away from the machine remember also do a lidar scan after the first layer as a triple check so that you don't come back to a spaghetti monster and well it also stands for spaghetti monsters so that you can pause or cancel your print if it happens though that never happened in any of my tests my final single colored pla print are just some hooks to hang some pew pew devices on my wall and while the outer section looks great i mean this printer just continues to impress me well that's all fun but let's see this multi-color potential what's extra cool about the slicer and printer combo is that you don't need a part that's designed for mmu printing in multiple stl files you can legitimately color just a single stl file and i don't exactly know how they do it but can actually use a paint bucket tool to color an entire section of a print similar to the paint bucket tool on photoshop now there needs to be something defining a section such as with this american flag where each section is raised from one another this print is meant to have you pause at different layer heights and swap colors but using this paint bucket tool and the ams that isn't needed you can color parts that aren't specific to layer changes but there needs to be something in the model that separates it from the rest to use this paint bucket tool i load up three different polyterra colors and get to printing now remember i still have that ams issue where the touchscreen won't let me set the colors or materials but that doesn't stop the part from printing just fine and this entire three colored print takes only 53 minutes that is insanely fast for color swaps and this isn't exactly a super small part how this swap happens is that the extruder will come to the front right of the machine or left if you're looking at it and engage a cutter that cuts the material it will then go to the back of the machine and open up the poop chute the previous color will retract into the ams and the next color will feed into the extruder until it's primed the nozzle will then run over the nozzle wiper which will cut off that purged material and send it out that poop shoot of the printer i have a box set up to catch all of this material though i do believe bamboo lab will eventually release an stl that is meant to catch all this and attaches to the back of the machine as of now a standard filament box works great to catch all of this trash primed material i end up printing two flags in order to get more b footage and here they both are now it's worth mentioning one other slicer software issue that they are working on fixing and that's the gaps between the top layers that you see this is a slicer tweak that is required but you can see that there are some minor gaps between the walls and the infill of these top layers this is another issue bamboo lab confirmed to me that they're working on tweaking and fixing luckily all of these issues are software related and not hardware next up in my multi-color fun is to show off how you can not only paint bucket an entire section but you can actually draw and hand paint a single stl i bring in a scaled-up oscar award i then use the paint bucket tool to color the entire base blast while i keep the main part gold i then go into the paintbrush section and then write my name in white it's obviously a bit hard to do this with a mouse but i assume if you have a tablet style you should be a lot more precise they also tell me they plan on having some text editing tool in their slicer in the future this paint brush tool will allow you to paint a model any way you want and you're not limited to just the paint bucket tool what is really cool is that it doesn't seem to be specific to triangles on your model like the palette was for my review now this is a fairly large model with multi-colors and i end up using support structures that likely aren't needed and it takes just over seven hours once again i mesmerized just watching it print it actually looks like it uses the support material to purge as well since the supports are gray around my name so this should likely hopefully save on purge material coming out of that poop chute and now i finally have my very own oscar award my final multi-color print was to use all four slots and it was to reprint this terminator bust but at 75 scale the paint bucket tool worked great here i keep the main part silver i colored the base black the lettering white and the eyes red unfortunately it doesn't separate the teeth from the rest of the model so i have to keep that silver instead of white this print with four colors and 160 grams of material takes 7 hours and 24 minutes i do print it later in ludicrous mode so keep that in mind and it came out great much smaller than the previous terminator bust but it performed the color changes at exactly the right area without any bleed now it's time to show off the name of this printer it being the x1 carbon this package includes a 250 gram spool of their carbon fiber nylon unfortunately this shows one drawback of the ams this material cannot utilize the ams since it's both abrasive and breaks easily on the spool the turns that are required for it to go through the ams are just too much for the filament in order to not break this means that you will need to use the spool holder on the back of the machine actually since it's a nylon mixture i go ahead and use my own dry box this does stink a little bit because the ams is its own dry box and it would be nice to use that rather than using a different box regardless though it's still cool to know that this printer can print carbon fiber nylons and print them fast this bamboo lab pacf actually requires a hot 100 degree heat bed something that many other carbon fiber nylons do not need but i go ahead and slice a standard benchy with their settings they must slow it down slightly because now this benchy takes 37 minutes still unheard of but a little slower than the 28 minute pla benchy that i sliced earlier this is also the first time i'm mentioning the build plate i will go over this more at the end of the video but one side of the build plate is meant for a sticky sheet for pla petg and abs and the other side is built into the build plate and meant for nylon pc and tpu and unfortunately this is the first print that i have that isn't superb i mean it's hard to complain about but there are certainly some minor issues i'm sure that these can be improved upon by possibly taking the print slightly slower but this is with the stock slicer settings i then do another carbon fiber nylon test and i figured it'd be fun to print a dji drone considering the team behind this printer are also responsible for dji drones i increase the infill to be 40 for a little more strength and while this print isn't absolutely perfect it is extremely clean this bamboo lab cf nylon is rough like the pa6 cf nylon i tried from polymaker but i'm not quite sure of its composition it is very light though and feels pretty dang strong even with the 40 infill before finishing my nylon test i want to print the same drone arm model but using polymaker's pa12cf since this material is not in their slicer i just go ahead and edit their cf nylon settings to lower the build plate temperature and save it as a new material it's pretty easy to add whatever material you want and with the same exact settings the only thing changed being the build plate temperature i think this drone arm came out much cleaner like i said their cf nylon printed rough like the pa6 cf but this pa12cf came out very smooth i mean there are zero defects to speak of it came out beautifully and only took one hour and 46 minutes to complete pretty crazy to see this quality 40 infill in carbon fiber nylon and it took less than two hours okay now for some really crazy tests multi-material i've always said in the past that you want an idex machine if you're going to be running multi-material since having a single hotend can lead to clogging i want to test that thought process now though since bamboo lab has already crushed all of my previous expectations so i load a polyterra pla into the first section of the ams and the included bamboo lab support w material into the second included in this package was a 500 gram spool of their support w material which i believe is breakaway support material i then slice a spring and assign the main support to be polyterra pla but the support interface to be breakaway support it is nice that their slicer allows for this their tree supports cause this strange looking structure and unfortunately due to the amount of layer changes this print actually takes longer than an idex and is 8 hours and 28 minutes i could have probably chosen a model without as many changes to save on time but this at least shows how long a difficult model with breakaway support will take even with the insane printing speeds i also didn't realize the support interface spacing in the slicer refers to the support interface density so it seems the support interface density on this print isn't very dense and unfortunately though this test didn't come out so great i broke the spring while trying to remove this support structure i think a model such as this likely would have benefited from normal not tree supports when using this breakaway support material so i try once more with breakaway supports and this time it's a sauron bust the entire print with all of the material swaps takes slightly over 11 hours and unfortunately this one didn't come out so great either there's some layers that look weird and some undersides that don't look so great because the breakaway support just didn't stick to the regular support overall i'm not really happy with this next though i do a test with dissolvable supports this time using the polydissolve s1 in the second ams slot i slice my favorite dissolvable test this being the impossible gearbox since it can't be printed without dissolvable supports it's also a pretty small model and even with the changes it only takes 56 minutes this is faster than the idex so it really seems to depend on how many changes are required if this will be faster than an idex i also changed the support interface spacing to be zero so that it has dense support interface and i've reduced the z and xy gap to be zero since we will be dissolving it all away and honestly it came out great i was fearful that using different materials would lead to a clog but that wasn't the issue in these tests that said i would honestly not try printing something like abs or carbon fiber nylon with this dissolvable support this breakaway support and dissolvable support material prints right at the same temperature as pla meaning there isn't any big temperature changes that might lead to a clog i can only assume that printing your normal material at 280 degrees and your support at 220 out of the same nozzle and hot end it will result in clogs there's no real way around this unless you have multiple hot ends no matter what you do you will not purge out all of the 280 degree material when you swap to your supports this leads me to conclude if your goal is multi-material and multi-material only you should go with an idex i do test this theory though in my next section alright so now we tested single color pla multi-color pla carbon fiber nylon and dissolvable supports with pla now it's time for my final test and that's an asa and abs or rather just asa i originally thought this machine was actively heated but it's not meaning that my only heat source comes from the heated build plate luckily this printer is very well enclosed and sealed meaning heat shouldn't escape but i still want to test what the ambient temperatures get to you really need ambient air temperatures to be above 50 degrees celsius in order to print large dense abs parts and honestly i prefer closer to 60 degrees and unfortunately i couldn't see the reader outside of my machine to show you because it's so sealed but with the build plate at the bottom and my reader in the middle of the build volume it gets to 54 degrees celsius on my reader that said the printer itself says the ambient air temperature is only 41 degrees so the temperature reader for the printer is definitely different than my reader i'm not sure where it's located but i'm gonna go with my reader just because that's the same device i used on all of my other machines and this is certainly hotter than any of my other non-actively heated printers i've tried and then with the build plate in the middle of the build area with my reader moved up a bit the ambient air actually gets to 60 degrees view of my reader but only 45 on the printer readout this is actually the first printer i use that isn't actively heated that can get to 60 degrees and it's with the build plate only at the middle this is great and more than enough to print an abs or asa and you can likely print small to medium sized polycarbonate prints as well with that said it's time to print a large asa print i put magico on the build plate to help with warping but let's see if the temperature is high enough to prevent delamination or warping higher up on the print for a large dense part i of course print sauron's tower which is meant to be a dice tower while this print definitely could have done with some supports the quality came out superb at least where it didn't need support and this was actually after i discovered the different print speeds so i printed this on sport mode sport mode reduced the print time from 4 and a half hours to 3 hours 36 minutes i normally like to print abs and asa slow but i mean the results are here and this thing printed great even with the print head flying i then do decide to see if dissolvable supports would work with asa and run into the issues i was concerned about and that was cloggy it's difficult to print two different materials at such a different printing temperature without a concern of a clog i tried twice but both times i ran into the failure at the same height before i gave up though i wanted to try some breakaway supports with asa i assumed that this would have the same problem but it was printing vine the issue that i had was for some reason the build plate dropped from the set temperature i had for asa down to the temperature i had for the breakaway supports during the print this means that the ambient air dropped and i had issues with both delamination and warping it looks like i should have changed the build plate temperature for the breakaway supports as well but i didn't think to do that i went ahead and cancelled the print early i'm not sure why it did it it should have just stuck with the build plate temperature of the material that was touching the build plate but overall after these tests i'm going to stick with what i said earlier if you want to print multi materials you should get a idex when using a single hot end you should only use two different materials that have a similar printing temperature to be honest i still think idex might be your best bet if you want multi-material based on this and the spring test that broke this thing is a beast for multi-color printing with the ams but i'm not 100 sold on multi-material it worked with my dissolvable gearbox so i'm not ruling it out i just need to do some more testing and then here are just a few notes that aren't improvements but things i didn't mention earlier or didn't notice until later in my testing first is that these parts seem to slice into a 3mf file i didn't know that 3mf files could include gcode but if you were to save to your sd card it will save as a 3mf this is actually kind of cool since if you ever want to bring in the file that you previously sliced it will have all of the data from the original stl and the settings you saved first printer i've seen that utilizes 3mf files next it's worth mentioning its weight and size this thing is actually much lighter than i thought it would be and it really makes use of its size in a meaningful way you could see this next to the ifast i recently reviewed yes the ifast does have a bigger build volume but not as much as you would assume by looking at them and this bamboo lab is honestly like 10 times lighter than that ifest i'm very impressed by the footprint and weight of this printer for the quality you get another note is the nozzle this nozzle is one unit with the hot end meaning if you want to swap the nozzle you'll have to swap both the hotend and nozzle now it's pretty simple you just need to remove the magnetic case on the extruder unscrew two screws and unplug the heater you then put in the new hot end and connect it i usually don't like this because nozzles degrade and will need to be replaced and it's cheaper than to just buy a nozzle but they confirmed to me that it will not be expensive for this replacement they're attempting to get the hotend and nozzle replacement to be under 30 potentially more if they include a new ceramic heater with it it does stink that we're stuck with bamboo lab on any replacement parts and this isn't really diy but it is nice to know that they're going to be trying to keep the cost down and then something i didn't mention but it saves both still images and the full video from the camera onto your sd card it would be nice if there was an in between maybe something like one frame per second for a good time lapse because the full videos are really big files so big that an eight gigabyte sd card fills up with just one medium sized print my last note is that they have those speed options for this printer when printing fast this printer is loud and you will not be able to sleep in the same room as it that said their speed options seem to be inspired by tesla and they have a silent standard sport and ludicrous mode and what is crazy like i mentioned earlier i didn't even realize that for the most of my test i've been printing on standard yes all of my tests you saw was using their second slowest setting i'm shocked i bump it up to ludicrous mode for a couple more prints that are insane and very loud and now even my sturdy rack shakes and rattles with these fast movements so this whole time i could have been printing even faster ludicrous indeed i ended up actually re-slicing a benchy in pla this time at .24 millimeter layer heights and then turn on this ludicrous mode and well this benchy only took 14 minutes even faster than the 17 minute one on the sd card and well it could have come out a bit cleaner though maybe i should stick with the 17 minutes i flew a bit too close to the sun on this one i'm sure it could have been a bit better quality if i had turned it 180 degrees so that the chamber cooling fan was blowing onto the angle but there are a few other issues on this as well and then here is one other print i did earlier in this video the terminator bust in four colors same exact 3mf file as earlier in this video this 7 hour 24 minute print drops all the way down to 4 hours 21 minutes when in ludicrous mode even with all of those color changes i can't believe this printer got even faster than i thought it did and boy does it fly and it is extremely loud so keep that in mind this means that all of my previous tests could have been about 40 faster if in ludicrous mode depending on the amount of color swaps i might not want to print in abs or copa at these ludicrous speeds and i definitely wouldn't want to try and sleep within a hundred foot distance of this printer one in ludicrous mode but i can't believe i was amazed by the speeds earlier in my test not realizing it got even faster that said i may stick to the standard or sport mode for the majority of my pla tests but it's pretty cool knowing that this ludicrous mode does exist the printer does have a silent mode which prints a lot slower and quieter but is definitely not silent even the silent mode is a lot louder than other machines but it's also still printing a lot faster okay since this is a kickstarter and not a normal review of a finalized product i'm going to go over some issues and improvements that this printer needs remember that the hardware is finalized on this printer so i do have a final unit in that regard but i don't have finalized software most of my issues are software related but i want to comment on a couple hardware issues that should be improved upon in the future first is extremely minor but it can definitely be a bit frustrating the plug for the ams that goes into the back of the printer should be flipped 180 degrees it's very difficult to unplug it and you may need tweezers to get the prong that needs to be depressed that is facing the printer this should be an easy fix but since they're going into production i'm pretty sure your unit will have this annoyance as well it's a very minor complaint but it's worth noting so that it can be improved upon in the future the only other hardware complaint for me is the build plate one side of the build plate is the build plate itself which is the side for pc nylon and tpu no complaints about this side it worked fine on my test and it could take secondary products like magikoo no problem my complaint would be the side that's meant for pla abs and petg this is just a sticky sheet now they do include two extra sticky sheets but any build plate that will slowly degrade isn't a great option since you will continually need to purchase more if you're using this printer indefinitely the other strange factor about this build plate is that you need to print pla without a heated build plate that is a complaint in itself but it does require you to add a glue stick on just about every print this is so that the part doesn't stick too well and rip or bubble up your sticky sheet i completely understand that they are limited with their bill plate surfaces because of that lidar i'm sure textured pei could mess with the scanner they're also limited due to the sensors in the build plate to help level the bed so obviously i don't have a solution for them but it's definitely worth noting that one side of this build plate uses a sticky sheet that will need to be replaced after a lot of printing and now it's time for the software bugs that the reviewers like i were specifically sent to find i need to note that all of these should be fixed by the time you receive your unit hopefully in fact some of the early bugs were already fixed with a software update while i was reviewing it but i want to mention them just in case all of these have been told to bamboo lab as well first is with my ams as i told you earlier whenever i load a spool that's not made by bamboo lab i'm unable to edit the color or material on the touch screen i'm stuck with whatever the touchscreen says and the edit button doesn't seem to do anything it reads their filament perfectly but third-party can't be edited next even though i have wi-fi connected and it works my printer says no connection this is just a display issue but it confused me for a little while thinking i wasn't connected i then also got some false positives warnings on the printer before prints everything worked fine so i'm not sure why these errors popped up on my screen my next few issues are slicer related and i assume their slicer will continually be updated first my prints had some gaps on the top layers this is something cura and other slicers have fixed or allow you to fix but it seems that bamboo slicer hasn't done it yet they are well aware of this and are trying to make it so that the slicer won't leave gaps on the top layers like you see on the screen next my slicer has been unable to show the video feed i know it does work with my fellow reviewers but mine the slicer would crash every time i tried to connect to the video it works fine on my phone app just not with the slicer another nuisance with the slicer is mine takes a very long time to slice whenever i use support material i mean 5 to 10 minutes to generate supports even on a fairly basic model my computer isn't the best but other slicers definitely don't take this long it can also take about 5 minutes to send the file from your slicer to your printer to start printing you could obviously save it to an sd card and then print that way but hopefully sending files to the printer can be optimized a bit and my final slicer note has to do with the available features this is a proprietary slicer meaning it doesn't have all of the features a slicer like cura has i honestly used their default settings for the vast majority of these prints and they all came out great but i can't edit some specific things i mean it has almost all of the essentials but you can see all of the settings that are available on the screen now i think they're trying to not overwhelm a new user but i always like to play around with some more experimental settings i assume that the slicer will be updated frequently over the coming months especially since we're only on the third version as of editing this video and boom there is my extremely long video on this printer i have never seen such features on a machine before and i legit think they might take over the 3d printer market especially with the prices they're coming out with but as with all kickstarters i give a heavy warning before backing this machine is just different than most others since they're ready for production and it seems like far more of a legit company than most others who have done a kickstarter i personally think they should have gone straight to pre-production or pre-sale to avoid the stigma behind kickstarter but since they're doing a kickstarter i need to tell you to proceed with caution i don't want any of my followers losing their money i plan on doing a live stream with the people behind this printer so you can ask them any questions you have directly i'll give updates to when that will be make sure you follow me on twitter i also want to make sure and visit their austin location since it's only an hour away let people know what you think in the comments down below do you think like i do and this will revolutionize the printer market thank you all for watching i will see you soon with more reviews tutorials and fun prints before you leave i wanted to show off the brand new version of my book 3d printing failures 2022 edition it has been two years since i updated this book and this time not only have i made sure all of the chapters are relevant to today's market i also made sure the paperback version has full color photos this should really help since the photo quality was the number one complaint from my past editions i made it so that the first 120 pages or so are meant to be read in order so that you can get a full grasp of 3d printing especially if you're new to the hobby and then i have a diagnosing failure section the goal is for you to compare my photos to the issues you're having and then direct you to the chapter that will help you fix your issue best of all amazon for some strange reason has decided to mark off the price of my book by 11 i cannot promise this will last forever since amazon couldn't tell me why they're doing it but this longer full-color book forced me to charge 35 dollars so amazon listing it at only 24 dollars is a great deal grab it now while you can all links will be in the description down below you
Channel: The 3D Print General
Views: 409,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printing, 3D print
Id: NZBpbkLJXb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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