Bamboo Nursery of Sarasota

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hi everyone i am sarah liz with light realtor here in sarasota and on today's episode i'm going to take you around my bamboo nursery bamboo nursery of sarasota now at the nursery we have 14 different varieties of bamboo it's all clumping bamboo none of the invasive stuff it's actually illegal to sell the invasive um or running bamboo in florida so stick around and i'll show you all the different types we have okay this first variety is called old hammy eye and just to know all the names i'm going to give you today are not the botanical names they're the names the street names the more common names so this is old hammy eye old hammy eye will grow about 40 to 65 feet tall and the poles are canes these guys here they will all grow to about four to six inch diameter on the old hammy eye and one thing i want to point out on the old hammy eye you'll see it on a lot of the varieties this time of year is the canes is the poles or the cones as some people call them and that's these new shoots that are popping up and rule of thumb is your chute will double the height of the current plant up to its full-grown maturity height so say you had a plan that we topped it's six feet now when it shoots the new cones the new cones should then go to about 12 feet and i'll show you some examples of that later on with some other varieties now as you can see here with old hammy eye the clumps or the shoots are spaced out so it's not a tight clumping bamboo but it is great for wind breaks and privacy it does grow pretty tall and straight and once it's rooted it's really easy to maintain and also you may have seen this particular variety before if you're a fan of disney or the parks in orlando they use this in a lot of their landscaping so this next variety i'm going to show you this is a smaller one we've harvested it is called buddha's belly or buddha belly boo and it is the dwarf version it gets about 12 feet full grown and the pole or the stalks uh diameter reaches about three inches it is a slower grower as far as bamboo but what's cool and where it gets its name is these stalks are short and kind of have these little bumps there's a fresh one like buddha's belly so that's where that gets that nickname for a buddha belly boo and what they say is there's one mother plant of this in asia and it's off by one chromosome to another bamboo plant and that's what actually makes the bumps in the stocks or the canes so just a cool little fact about buda belly boo so this next bamboo is called sea breeze and sea breeze will get about 40 feet tall diameter of each stock is about two and a half inches and if you notice it has very wide branches or very long branches so it makes a really great fast privacy wall and usually way cheaper than putting up a fence if you have any neighbors you want to block out now this particular bamboo is actually more salt tolerant than most bamboo and if you'll also notice that the branches start at the base or towards the bottom of the clump even though it's not a tight clumping bamboo the branches start lower so that's what helps make it a great privacy or blocking bamboo also a fun fact this is one of the bamboos they used to make chopsticks here's our next bamboo and it is referred to as angel mist or blue ghost and this particular bamboo will get about 30 to 40 feet tall with a diameter of three inches on those shoots now once it's mature it loses these bottom branches so you're going to see more of the stalks themselves versus branches and as far as the giant varieties of bamboo this is one of the smaller varieties within the giant family now as you notice there's like a powder look on the chutes and as the shoot grows it turns yellow with a little bit of green variation in it we have a new cone starting right here and it's a very tight clumping bamboo compared to some others now it is an extremely fast growing bamboo and a lot of people refer to it as a living wall because of how tight the shoots are so this variety is called graceful it'll get about 30 feet tall and the stalks are about an inch to an inch and a quarter and a lot of people actually choose this bamboo when landscaping versus a eureka palm it does make a great hedge and it's one of the most sought after tight clumping bamboos that there are it does have a pretty golden shoot to them i don't have a mother plant of this at the moment to show you we did just harvest this one so it is freshly potted up this next variety is to more black it'll get about 70 feet the shoots are about four inches in diameter now one keynote with this guy it does not do well south of sarasota north of sarasota you're fine south of sarasota you're kind of setting yourself up for the plant to die it is a loose clump it does give a nice accent and this one was recently topped so it's shooting leaves at the bottom but generally most of the leaves will be at the top of the plant and you'll see the beautiful black shoots with the green stripes so a new shoot is going to be green and as it matures it turns black now one other thing i want to point out on this plant is we recently topped this plant for harvesting but the new shoot goes to show you that it's going to double its height each year like i said this one's very leafy at the bottom because we recently topped it but normally once you're once your plant is mature you're going to see those black stalks and then your green leaves at the top now this one is called tropical blue and it's probably one of my favorite bamboos it gets about 30 feet tall with shoots about two inches and it starts with this white powder and then it turns blue or it has a blue shade to it now it is a fairly tight clumping bamboo it is a very fast grower and as it matures the leaves grow at the top as well all right now this kind of all over the place variety is called multiplex and it'll grow about 20 feet the stalks grow about a half inch in diameter it's an extremely tight clumping bamboo and its nickname is the hedge and if we weren't growing these to harvest them we could take trimmers and trim it into a box or rectangle to really give you that hedge look now this particular bamboo also does really good in pots on the patio so whereas some of these guys are huge this one will work in tight small spaces all right so this one it's kind of hard to see but it is referred to as the golden goddess it is a lot like multiplex a little bit heartier the stalks will get about an inch in diameter about 20 foot tall overall if you'll notice it has a golden color on its shoots and it is also great for a privacy hedge and again you can use the clippers for this one like the multiplex whereas other ones you're going to need a saw or sawzall to cut through those shoots variety is referred to as gigantis or dragon bamboo this isn't the largest one but there's a reason i want to show you this particular one this particular plant variety will get about 90 feet tall the diameter of these shoots about 10 inches so this is the new shoot this year i can't even wrap my hand close to around this guy and i'm not even at the base this is the base it is a somewhat loose clumping baby oh there's a new cone shooting in there now this particular bamboo i haven't talked about this with the other ones but this one is a cool fun fact with gigantis or dragon is that it only has a flowering cycle every 40 years so if you're collecting seeds off of this guy it's every 40 years before you can get more seeds now one of the cool things they use with the shoots on this bamboo is it's used often in construction you know building scaffolding actually used for making paper and flooring boat mast plumbing pipes maybe not in the united states but in other countries and they use it for furniture so like i said it's a really cool bamboo it's huge but we have it available now the last two varieties i'm going to show you are the asper and the black aspar and they're not quite as big as the gigantis but they'll get about 60 feet and the shoots will get anywhere between four and six inches now the shoots on these guys are often used for veggies if you eat food that has bamboo that's what you're eating they're also of course used for construction and the interesting fact with the asper is it only produces flowers every 60 to 100 years here's kind of an up close of the shoots on the regular asper and i'll take you to the black asper all right now this is the black asper this guy's been here we've had him here for about two years that's his height at the moment and the black aspher's really pretty the same characteristics as the regular asper but it's black with green stripes it isn't a real tight clumping bamboo but based on the size of these stocks you don't want it real tight and this guy just shot up a new cone so we're gonna gain our height once again the last bamboo i'm gonna show you guys today sorry it's kind of hard to get it in a shot here based on its placement but it is my absolute favorite bamboo the reason being is while most of the varieties are yellow with green stripes this one is green with yellow stripes so if anybody knows the name of this one i can't seem to place it i would love that information just comment below but it is a very tight clumping bamboo as well as you can see all these shoots are stacked together and it really gives a good blocking privacy the branches are about two feet nothing too crazy but i just love these colors now when it comes to planting your bamboo something to keep in mind and remember is these are referred to as feet they like their feet wet but not covered so take a note of that when you are planting your bamboo whether in a pot or in the ground now like i mentioned before all of our plants are mother plants so what that means and what makes us a little different than other bamboo nurseries is you're not getting new shoots we are literally splitting these plants and you're getting anywhere from two to three of these guys versus new plants that are about the size of a pencil alright guys i hope you enjoyed that tour around the bamboo nursery any questions on any of the bamboo as far as taking care of them varieties or if you're interested in purchasing any let me know i love to price that out for you most shoots come most pots come with two to three shoots of each variety in them and we don't tr we don't really like to sell anything over six feet because it does get wind burned in transport but it will shoot rather quickly gaining you that height if height is what you're actually looking for now one thing to remember with all bamboo bamboo is a grass it's going to need water it's going to need fertilizer of some sort whether natural organic or not that's up to you to decide but you will need to in the first year especially you'll need to fertilize after the first year based on the variety to get in touch with me you can call me or text at comment that 941-402-3837 well let me know why i'll see you guys next time
Channel: SarasotaDiscovered
Views: 15,791
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Keywords: bamboo for sale, bamboo nursery, gardening, non invasive bamboo, bamboo, clumping bamboo, how to grow bamboo, growing bamboo, bamboo landscape, bamboo garden, bamboo fence, how to use bamboo, garden ideas, landscaping with bamboo fence, south florida landscape, backyard patio ideas, sarasota realtor, sarasota real estate, real estate, moving to florida, sarah leicht, fence alternative, privacy fence, diy fence, cheap fence ideas, fence design ideas, privacy fence ideas
Id: xPf4rMTTAfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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