BamBam - Ribbon EP Album Listen | LIVE STREAM

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say what [Music] hey guys welcome back to say what reacts back again with another bam bam got7 video for you guys i almost just said got7 video for you guys with another bam bam video for you guys yes um so freaking excited for this because so many of you guys have said that i'm going to absolutely love this and um yeah i am super excited because of that we are on live chat right now live stream right now so um just waiting for peeps to join us in the chat hopefully the notification went out hopefully we will see um and then we can get started yes super freaking excited um oh yeah i'm hoping the notification went out oh gosh sometimes it doesn't guys i don't know we'll see we'll see how it goes i don't see anyone in the chat that's not a good sign oh god [Music] okay it does say i'm live but no notification went out there's no way let me put a um oh you got it it was late it was so late oh my god i didn't think the notification went out guys i've been here for like over like almost two minutes now i've been here for like two minutes almost i just like oh my god didn't get a notification i knew it i knew it nisha i knew some notifications didn't go out no notification no notification i just got it okay so it's just super delayed notification i guess right okay well at least some people are finally getting it yay i just got it now okay cool cool i just happen to be on youtube well at least there's that at least some of you guys are figuring it out right yay okay good finally looks like it's kind of working oh okay so i found out through the discord oh priscilla thank you so much sweetie priscilla you're the best honestly um oh my god i'm so excited holy crap okay so i have a new setup i'm not used to the setup it's very awkward um because i normally sit here i normally sit here but because of me trying to make my camera centered so that everything's like kind of straight and it's not like super looking because before i had my camera here which is not centered and so everything was kind of tilted that way so chanyeol and big and everything were in the shot right so everything looked like it was like jacked up right what's a link to the discord if you go to my um home page and you'll see it in my banner at the top you'll see the little like little discord logo if you click on that it should take you there um but yeah so crap what was i going to say so bad my add kicks in and it's just everything goes to [ __ ] um anyway so this is the new setup but i'm having like shift over a lot which means like i'm not i'm not sure how i'm supposed to do this if caitlyn's here with me because i'm like smacked out in the center of my desk now instead of like two people this side and this side i don't know i might end up having to put it back and the camera's just gonna look angled i don't i don't know what to do we'll figure it out though guys we'll figure it out and i'm also not used to looking here for the camera i'm used to looking over here for the camera i'm just completely thrown off big time it's really really weird um but we'll figure it out guys um i'm gonna go ahead and still put a tweet out saying that i'm live because i feel like not um not everyone got these notifications guys and i don't see ashley here yet and i feel like ashley would normally be here unless she's doing something else of course but um let's see um live for oh i'll tag him i'll tag bam in it live no not love live live for bam bam ribbon album listen no notifications went out so tweeting here come join me [Music] okay yay youtube sucks with notifications they really do though honestly they really do yay okay so live for ribbon album listen no no notifications went out so tweeting here come join me okay live on on youtube on youtube before okay and then i'll put the link paste and then live on youtube for being my ribbon i'm also notifications and also tweeting here come join me tweet okay i tagged bam in it whatever it's not like he's gonna see it anyway you know how many things to get tagged in i can't even imagine until that crash so i've pulled up everything that other than ribbon i've pulled up the other five songs from his album oh and my speakers went out last night but my beautiful beautiful boyfriend i don't know how he did it but he placed an amazon order last night at like 12 o'clock in the morning and this morning at like 8 a.m the speakers arrived at our doorstep and he hooked him up for me and everything before he even woke up i was like so i was super super happy um they're so cute and they sound amazing so i'm this is my first reaction since i got the speakers so i'm so excited to hear how everything sounds i just think it's gonna sound amazing i'm i'm freaking excited all right let me turn off crash and burn okay excuse me coughing seriously fast shape and i was like holy [ __ ] how does that even like how you literally just ordered it like midnight how is it here at like 8 a.m that's insane and then he hooked everything up before i even woke up and then he woke me up he's like babe get up come up come up come wake up real quick and come here and i was like i don't want to get up yet and he's like babe just real quick come here and i was like okay i was like i don't want to get out of bed so i got up and i got out of bed and he took me to the office and i was like i was wide awake that i was like what are these what are those yeah i was so excited super super cute look at them i don't know if i can can you oh maybe can you oh crap you can't see them hold on maybe i can can you can you look at it can you see them how [ __ ] cute are these things they're so cute there's two of them and they sound so good oh i love them okay they weren't very expensive either so my last ones weren't expensive either and i they were fine for a while so hopefully these will last a while too okay [ __ ] i'm just i'm stalling now honestly i'm just stalling let's be real i'm nervous i'm nervous it's bam like come on you know he freaking attacks me i uh he's definitely a wrecker like it's just obvious like stop it um okay i don't know what this new system where my volume levels need to be so i'm gonna play it and i might need to adjust the volume levels so just please know that and i'm so not used to looking at the camera i'm so sorry if i just start talking and i'm staring into one spot and it's not you because i'm not used to looking here um but yeah [Music] okay you guys ready so we're doing every song except for ribbon because we've already listened to ribbon we've already done a reaction to ribbon um the next reaction i will do after this for bam bam will be like his different dance practices and maybe like his reaction to his like mv um stuff like that so that'll be like the next one that we do because i do know that he has a dance practice for pants pandora i think for um ribbon for pandora and for his um his reaction to his mv so know that there's those three if i'm able to add stage performances i will but you know those get blocked a lot so i don't know if i'll be able to do that um they are on his channel which is always a plus rather than being on like amnet or sbs or kbs um because those always get blocked but um so hopefully maybe being on his actual channel they'll be okay um but yeah i don't know so okay let's do this i'm freaking excited i have been told by every like literally everyone has told me you're gonna love this um album so that's promising that's exciting i'm really excited okay let's go um let me put this on the screen for you guys i have i'm not exactly sure where to put my volume i'll adjust it as i need okay okay this is just the intro okay producer murder murder murder beats like murder murder okay got it murder beats got it let's go [Music] good call i forgot the pause warning pause warning because you know what's gonna happen you know i'm gonna pause hello i'm definitely gonna pause oh what am i doing am i moving i was moving me by accident oh there we go accidentally moved me there we go i wanted to move that okay um let's go start this over okay [Music] these sounds i wish i could understand what was being said um because you could definitely tell that like something is being said here but i'm not because because it's so altered and distorted you can't make out what the words are so i kind of wish i knew what the words are maybe we will maybe it'll repeat and get clear as the song goes on we're only 18 seconds into uh what i believe is a two minute and 22 second intro um i'm not oh nope it's literally just instrumental there are no lyrics on the screen anytime during this okay um let's go let's just continue very interesting sounding i like it [Music] oh [Music] did you hear that okay is it just me or do you want like an hour loop of this because i could literally just like have an hour loop of this in the background while i'm like working and just be super like chill and vibey like the whole time like oh wow i really love the way this sounds i i wanted like an hour loop of this oh yeah i love this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love it i love that the vocals what is this i love this oh i love this so much [Music] what is that it no no that's it oh no that makes me really really sad [Music] that makes me sad i just wanted to hear more of it okay well i really liked that i really like that um yeah okay yeah okay um i don't even know what to say it was just this [ __ ] amazing instrumental i want that on like an hour loop i just need that in the background while i'm working and just just yes yeah i need that i need that that was awesome okay um up next is gonna be pandora which i know he has a dance practice for this so that's actually exciting to know that obviously means there's something that dancy vibe about it which means maybe this is more of like an upbeat sound to it i don't know i don't know um let's make this big let's put this on the screen okay okay i get so nervous let's go [Music] oh my god all of these sounds [ __ ] you did not just you did not just whistle get out of here i cannot with him okay we're playing that over okay i feel like i need to turn it up some i'm still trying to figure out where my volumes need to be guys i'm sorry with this whole new setup and everything with the new speakers i just yeah okay so let's let's go again oh it sounds so good and he's about to whistle at me [ __ ] you did not okay hold on hold on oh i don't know how much asia can help that i'm a kid like i love that but then why did he need to come at us with this next line though because you know it's bam which means i don't even know how to take this line because it's bam samantha two times better than most teens i cannot he has a lot of energy apparently guys he has a lot of energy a lot of stamina okay let's continue [Music] is this too loud i feel like this might be a little too loud now like i said i'm still trying to adjust my volume with my new setup guys okay i i turned it down just lightly [Music] [Music] the center of attention is here isn't that true though i swear he is always capturing the center of attention like it he just is his personality always shines through and that's how he got me that's how he became one of my wreckers his freaking personality like i can't take him you know plus you know i'm not gonna complain about them visuals either but you know what i'm saying and then obviously i'm assuming the pandora's box is a reference to kind of like the not just a reference to but like he was holding that box in the ribbon mv which was like the pandora box because everything was inside you know what i mean um so i think that's really kind of fun how it's semi kind of linked to ribbon as well at least the envy part is i really really like that [Music] wait was carrie capitalized because of like like hard carry do you see carries capitalize i don't know if they did that if i know obviously this is the lyric video and it didn't come from him specifically but i wonder if there are lyrics like lyrics out there in korean by them then carrie is capitalized like that and that's why they ended up translating it this way i don't know but i just found that odd that i found that awesome because that could definitely be a reference to like hard carry that's why it's capitalized i don't know but that's super fun as if i'm playing a familiar game i carry it always i love this [Music] what was that okay so it sounded like like like something was being like like turned maybe like like a locker didn't sound like a lock it sounded more like um sometimes it's almost like like gears or something like the way it like clicked but i love that you could clearly hear like a mechanism turning and then like something opening right so that's obviously the him opening pandora's box [Music] what is this i love this oh my god kind of like a wind up it's kind of like the wind a wind-up sound is what it kind of sounded like uh oh he said he was inspired by hard carry oh that makes me happy okay good well so i got the i got the proper reference yay um okay i was not expecting a dark drop i was not expecting the beat to be like by the way real quick before i wait is he from god7 because i heard his name before i feel like yes he's one of the rappers and got7 yes um so um what was i going to say oh my goodness oh yeah real quick before we continue how does this sound how does it everything sound for you guys is it okay um is uh i feel like it's very basic compared to my last setup but i thought i don't think that's a bad thing necessarily i just hope it sounds okay for you guys is everything sounding good please please let me know um yeah i think the sound definitely sounds better it sounds better for me at least on my end so it sounds good okay yay oh it makes me so happy okay cool cool so let's continue i wasn't expecting the drop to um to like go deep like super bassy like that like i was expecting kind of like a more hype type sound and instead it was like like it like went down it got all kinds of crazy which is so fun so i'm gonna hear that [Music] again [Music] there's so many sounds the freaking the whistling oh this is what i was expecting about the okay this second half of the drop is what i was expecting the drop to be like in the beginning so the fact that it wasn't just totally threw me off and i love when songs do that they're unpredictable and like it just kind of keeps you on your toes because you don't really know what's going to come next and it leaves you guessing i love that so much [Music] that was cool sounded like they were trying to find a radio station that was the sound of like an old school dial like radio station trying to like go through like the different like bands um to try to find the uh not bands as in musicians but like band as in like never mind it i'm old an old school radio where you have to turn the dial and the little line goes back and forth to try to find a station that's what the sound sounds like y'all half of y'all would not know that reference or what that sounds like but i'm letting you know that's what it is i'm just old [Music] is oh i love this i love this [Music] i love this part oh my god this is so fun this is so playlist if you guys can't tell this is 100 going on the playlist i love this wow nice [Music] that freaking computer sound i love that [Music] i love that [Music] i love this so much oh my god this is silly how much i love this [Music] oh that's right there is gonna be a dance practice to this oh my god that's going to be fun yeah okay that's it i forgot that there's a dance practice to this oh my gosh that i feel like that dance practice is going to kill me i feel like he's going to kill me with that but i'm totally here for it i'm totally here for it super exciting okay so that's 100 playlist i love that so much that was it was a lot of fun wait okay hold on let me look at the um ep one second and see the order of songs just because i want to get like a feel one second i had it pulled up a second ago but then i switched my playlist to have um here we go um okay so it's pandora first then it's ribbon and then it looks so fine okay cool i'm just trying to get like the flow of like the the album just kind of see how the flow of the album is so intro which i loved that intro i need like i said an hour loop of that intro over and over again just because it was so chill i could literally just have it on the background while i'm working yeah and then pandora just came in just out of the gate amazing just song to get you like super like hype and just like get you going first track like first full track on the album right love it and then ribbon we all love ribbon um you missed the first two um jenny jennae yeah okay bailey no problems go to bed i know it's late okay oh okay so next up is um look so fine and then we have air and under the sky so let's do this uh i could put it on loop yes i could put it on loop which i probably end up i will probably end up doing that honestly because i love it okay let's turn up the volume put this on the screen and let go okay i was expecting more of it more of a of an intro build up before he came in i was not expecting him to come in so quickly um how do i look what's up uh that's so fun oh my god i can't with him i can't with him like he's just he's so fun i really feel like his personality is shining through this album so far from what i've heard and i think that's what i'm loving the most in this is like i feel his personality through this i love this [Music] i killed him get out of here you know i love when they rap sing like a little bit of rapping a little bit of singing i love rap singing or rap scene is what i call it i love when they wrap scene um it's just it's like perfect it's a perfect blend of both things it's a wonderful middle ground he does it really well and i love it [Music] i can't [Music] so i i feel like he's is he talking to someone else here but then he's also talking like about himself also like i feel like this verse is like they're like you know how do i look you look so fine no matter what they say you know what i mean but then like and then the best of my like you know kind of like the best of me like like you're you're one of the best things about me because like we're together like you know what i mean you people have said that i hope you know what i'm referring to like just in general um but then at the end he's like i look so fine so it's like he's also saying that he looks so fine too like like they're almost like it's like they're a perfect match or something i don't know um that's just kind of what i'm getting from that and i think that's really cute [Music] see he like knows he knows he looks good like shut up okay we know you look you don't have to point it out to us stop like uh yeah oh it's okay if you're late to the party you can go you can rewind when we're done and watch it back [Music] at the end of that verse [Music] oh he went low with his vocal tone i love you know me i love a deep voice i love when they go low with it love it [Music] [Music] this is [ __ ] cute [Music] oh my god this is so cute this melody [Music] funny okay so normally okay first of all you guys you guys probably know i don't like kids you know babies are creepy you know the whole nine yards um if you don't know that i usually say that now you know um anyway so usually when people bring in like kind of like kids like singing on a track it's not my favorite thing but it's almost like he distorted their voices slightly to make them sound more like cartoony type kids rather than like real kids i don't know if that makes sense i don't know if that makes sense but um this isn't as bad as kids being brought in on a track that i've heard before from like other people this isn't as bad it's like really high pitch [Music] you hear what i'm saying yeah that doesn't it almost doesn't sound like real kids it almost just sounds like people's voices that they've pitched to make it sound like as if it was kids but it's not really kids i don't know maybe it is i don't know babies and kids in general scary assaultify hold on [Music] yeah i expect for him at the end of that i keep wanting to say [Music] do it do it i got i keep thinking he's gonna go like do it do it do it but he doesn't i think he did it once and i keep i'm keep expecting here that each time i'm like oh yeah that's not the verse so stupid that was fun i loved that that was so playful that was so fun i just enjoyed pretty much everything about that um i like it was a more chill vibe obviously like we went from um pandora which was like really hype to like ribbon which was like a step down and then i feel like luke savin fine is like a step down from ribbon as far as hype level right so it makes me wonder are we gonna go back up are we gonna keep descending down in hype level um yeah are we gonna end up ending with like a ballad or something from him which would be crazy but like i would totally be here for it because you know i love when rap blind sings so yeah uh i'm excited let's do this okay i'm so excited all right so next is air and someone said that this is the same guy who produced the um intro oh my god my shoulder it's just so bad where's my shoulder itch um so this apparently is the same guy who produced the intro um and i really loved the way the intro sounded so that's promising right um all right let me turn the volume up on this and let's put this on the screen for you guys oh yeah everyone's telling me to watch the highlight medley after as long as it's going to as long as it's like on his channel i'll i'll probably feel comfortable doing that so yeah i don't think that that shouldn't be a problem okay let's go so we are are we taking it down another notch in hype level sounds like it oh i really like this guy's vibe [Music] and it's an all english song okay okay oh okay um i love the way it sounds so far i wasn't expecting an almost latin-ish vibe with the type of like beat in the background um i love that switch up i wasn't expecting that and once again i like to be surprised um so i definitely love that um oh i'm really excited about this okay so let me rewind it a little bit i wasn't expecting let me just go to the beginning let's just go to the beginning why not um wasn't expecting to hear that so that was great um i definitely feel like we are although this has a bit more of like an upbeat it still has that like super chill vibe um that the same kind of super super chill vibe that the intro had because that's the guy who produced it's the same um but it has that little kind of like almost latin-esque beat layered over the like kind of chill vibe of the song which i love so it's i do feel like we are getting still kind of a descending um order of hypeness if that makes sense we were really hyped with pandora a step down from that as far as hype level for ribbon to step down for that as far as hype level for um i'm so fine and then a little step down not much a little step down with error so it really makes me curious to see what the last song is going to be like so oh my goodness okay let's go you just got the notification oh geez you gotta love youtube right you know okay [Music] yeah i really like the way it sounds and he's what do you say murder on the beat that's what he says i love this already [Music] oh i love this okay i really like this i really like that last line that i just stopped and i had to go back i love that last line so obviously like okay so air i get where he's going with this obviously it's like 20 21 like we're still on freeze even in 2021 basically like all of almost all of 2020 was kind of like a wash for everyone right i mean like all of our lives kind of just became frozen like we were every the time was still moving on but like we're kind of like how do we live and do things normally because this is not normal anymore you couldn't even like see the people like if people like uh if people were on lockdown and they were just dating each other they couldn't even see each other like they literally could not physically see one another they had to resort to just facetiming or you know zoom calls or whatever you know what i mean because that's that's all there was and even through into 2021 like it's not necessarily getting better in places as in some places it's getting worse i think korea was like about to start like their second lockdown wave right because it's like started getting bad they're all over again um so it's just it's you know it's still happening but like there was that kind of like little like section i feel where like everything seemed like it was actually starting getting better and everything was kind of like you could see the bright side it's kind of gone back a little bit from there but there was that time like for a few months where it's like everything's really looking up and looking good like a lot of lockdowns have been like the the lockdowns have been lifted for people hell here we don't we haven't had a mask mandate for months here like since i don't even know it's been it's been like several like at least a few months now that we've even had a mask mandate where we don't have to wear masks anymore so it's definitely getting better even though in some places it's not it is getting better in general um and i feel like that's kind of like what this is talking about like finally i get to see you we finally get to breathe the same air i get to see you smile in person like and i love that i love that and i l i don't want to test my luck but you got me on go and i feel like i don't know i just i really i really like this i think this is great um literally quarantine caused a lot of breakups yeah but honestly is that a blessing in disguise because if you can't handle a relationship and not seeing each other simply because of quarantine or if that's when your real personality comes out because you know it's it's life and you got to deal with stressful situations and that's when they see your true colors maybe that was a blessing in disguise for that relationship i don't know um but yeah anyway i really like this okay let's continue i've been feeling dead with all the back and forth [Music] this is so fun like it's literally him i love this it's literally like him getting ready to go see her like and he's so excited [Music] oh my god it's so cute and you know like when you see stuff like this where he's like it's been forever since i've seen you i'm sending a text from the plane i just want you here with me like it really makes you think like is this just a song or like is he really thinking about someone in particular you know what i mean and honestly you low-key hope he is because you just want them to be happy like i hope he's out there doing his thing with whoever he wants i just we just want our boys happy and healthy and yeah i think this is a really really sweet song [Music] vocalist bam is like the best i love it [Music] i'm running out of air but i don't even care oh i love that oh my god the song is really [ __ ] cute this song's cute i love it so much yeah vocalist bam you guys know you guys know vocalist bam was awakened to me in the let me part switch fan meeting let me part switch you guys know i freaked the [ __ ] out it's my favorite thing from got7 let me part switch live on stage during that fan meeting is my favorite like got seven thing it really is that what that performance has my heart i love it so incredibly much it's silly in particular mark's part but also bam's part because i just love when you hear the rappers sing and i already knew jackson could sing because of his solo work that he had previously but i didn't know bam and mark could sing like that like i hadn't heard them sing like that before especially mark oh my god mark sounded like he how is he the oldest like he sounded like such a baby i can't even like it just thinking about it [ __ ] kills me i'm so in love with that with that performance it's it's silly it's silly how much i'm in love with that performance and then hearing bam and bam was so cute constantly looking over like youngjae like am i doing okay and youngjae and jb and like jin young they all just look so proud watching them oh i [ __ ] love that performance okay sorry i need to shut up i will literally never stop talking about that performance i always end up somehow talking about it during my reactions i love it so much i love it so much [Music] i love that i love that wine [Music] this is a really cute song i like this [Music] i love this oh i love the echoey sound love that i love this like echoey sound and repeating the vocals of repeating the lyrics but in this in this like it sounds super like spacious and like he's like far away that's that's what i think i like about that is it he sounds far away and that's kind of the the whole point of this is he's far away from the person he wants to be with so it's almost like you hear his voice being like distanced and it's like it seems like he's on his way to meet them but like is he or is he still having to stay away from them and that's why at the end his voice kind of pulls back because like he's still not able to see them yet you know what i mean i don't know that's kind of how i interpreted it i don't know if it's right but that's how i've interpreted it [Music] yeah yeah i like that one a lot that was nice that was really nice this is a really good album guys this is a really good album like everything's just everything's great to listen to wow i'm really enjoying it like a lot okay under the sky is next all right let me put this on the screen for you guys okay okay you ready the next song is about god7 so prepare yourself well [ __ ] why would you tell me that am i gonna need a [ __ ] tissue am i gonna need a tissue my tissues are all the way over there i'm gonna have like my napkin that i had it for dinner i can use that i guess i don't want to cry though come on man why are you guys saying get tissues no i i don't wanna cry [ __ ] my life you guys know i'm a baby it's not a greasy ass now shut up man my squad that greasy ass napkin shut up i can't with you oh my god i haven't usually cried with the song made me tear up will [ __ ] my life great okay all right let's just play it [ __ ] [ __ ] let's just play it it is like a ballad oh [ __ ] oh my god that's so i was right this song's kind of like descended in hypeness in hype level the songs descended in hype level as it progressed after the intro interesting really really cool how he did that because sometimes i feel like sometimes i feel like albums don't make sense you know what i mean like it's like why did they put that here why was this like this why was that presented this way but like when you put together the songs in an album and they like each song almost tells a story or each song like the way like the the the way it flows from like first song to last song like i like that the way this is literally like flowing like each song kind of like really you started way up here and then it's kind of slowly like brought you down into like this like chilcon place like as you went along and i love that i love when it seems like you know the songs just kind of make sense like that i love it [Music] no the piano key hold on i'm not even looking yet that freaking high piano key right before he comes in [Music] we were so young [Music] [Music] mommy [Music] the clock hands that spin a thousand times already say that they want to rest a while oh [ __ ] all the happy memories [Music] is [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] why just why you gotta do me like that why are you gonna do me like that oh man god damn it bam bam why you do this under the sky nowhere is it even if we're in different places we look at the same sky i love that so much i love that so much because i mean obviously like he's from thailand if he wants to go back home for a while he's gonna be there we know jackson's in china um mark's in la right now so it's like they're all in different places but like even if they're all in different places like you know that doesn't mean anything like they still look at the same sky there's still one in the end they're still going to come back together like and that's why he's like this is not the end this is just the beginning you know and it's just we just have to wait patiently um but in the meantime they're making us like this incredible music to enjoy while they're you know just taking a moment to enjoy themselves this is the first time in what seven years they've been free to just do whatever they want to do right now and it's just that's got to be a lovely feeling you know and it's it comes at a slight cost you know like they're they're not with their group right now but that's okay because they will be with their group again and in the meantime they get to experience themselves they get to explore what they want to do for once not be told what to do for once and that's got to be such a lovely freeing feeling after seven years of being told what what you can and can't do um they're probably learning a lot about themselves about stuff that they like and don't like being given the opportunity to kind of dictate the sound that they want to make and um and and the style that they want to show the world and you know with these albums and with these solo songs and stuff that they're producing they're basically saying this is me you know what i mean this is me this is what i like this is my style um and i finally get to show that to you guys and share that with you guys for the first time and i feel like you know in a way that kind of is a bit vulnerable you know for them to it's it's just a bit more exposing because they're really showing you like this this is me um and they've never other than you know jackson and and jb with his solo work and stuff don't get me wrong but um with like you know deaf soul but like other than that like they've never really been able to you know other than jackson doing his solo work they've never really been able to present you know kind of a piece of them in a full solo even if it's a mini album and like a full solo album like this and it's just ashley i was like where's ashley it's like she's not here i said at the beginning i was like i don't think the notifications went out because ashley's not here um ashley he made me cry with this one he made me cry god damn it anyway so um yeah it's it's i really appreciate although everything's crazy and you know things happen that are kind of sucky like at the end of the day this is a good thing and we get to see such wonderful sides of them that we were never able to see before and that's such a great great thing um i love seeing them happy and free and damn they look so good don't they don't they just look when you see their pictures and their photos and just their little their little v lives that they pop in and out they just look so good they look so good and healthy and happy and at that that alone has got to make you smile and just make you feel good about everything you know what i mean um i love this yeah i love this a lot uh he still made me cry though i'm not forgiving him for that but let's continue oh yeah let me go to where we were [Music] [Music] every time he goes low and deep like that oh my god [Music] okay bring it in sounding like a church song all of a sudden it kind of like the beats there and it gets stripped out and then the piano comes back in on it that sounded great that sounded really good [Music] yes i love it sorry i wasn't looking at the lyrics he's oh he's about to hit a high note he sounds so good hold on i need to hear that again and then he's about to hit a hideout when i hear that is that an organ or is it a piano i don't even know [Music] is electric guitar coming in come on he's just putting everything in here [Music] that's got to be an organ that's got i think that's i don't think that's a piano i feel like that's an organ for sure because it sounds very like there's certain elements of the song that sounded very church-like with the instrumental that sounded like that organ coming in gives it that almost like church choir type feel to it um which i'm loving um don't cry again i'm like i'm trying really hard not to cry i already cried at the beginning i'm trying to hold it together through the end i don't want to have to cry again um i love that we hear a different met and walked on the same path under the sky we always looked at the same place i love these lyrics [Music] [Music] i feel like it's an organ and a piano sorry i know it sounds like it's building but i feel like that's an organ and a piano together along with an electric guitar it sounds so good oh my goodness [Music] i love that hold on can i do that again i love that are you kidding me [ __ ] [Music] is [Music] you went on [Music] i'm fine that's fine that's fine he just got me there a little bit at the end i'm okay though i'm okay i'm fine he didn't get me fully he didn't give me fully but he almost got me fully hearing him say it's not over we're not over or we're not over never over is what it was [Music] it says we're we're one like now and remember um at the in their encore mv where they were like where the music paused and they talked and they were talking about how they were won and i uh and they referenced that in this as well uh he said when he wrote it he said he wrote it when the contract was over makes sense oh my god imagine the tears we're going to have when they come back as a group i can't even i can't even think about that i can't stop it i gotta pull up the highlight medley that you guys want me to see hold on let me go to this page excuse me so this should be it and there's an ad plane so let me pause that or mute that i should say okay okay let's put this on the screen okay um i'm not ready at all when they come back i will lose my [ __ ] seriously what do you expect of jb's album um baby making music just a lot of baby making music is what i expect from jb's album i mean let's be real [Music] oh my god josh and each literally said the same thing i just said that's so funny um okay let's do this i love it i loved this i loved this intro song i loved it so [Music] much [Applause] oh wow what a fun medley oh oh my god were you guys just like losing your [ __ ] when you saw this because you guys know me i don't one one thing though if i knew they would come back every year i wouldn't have cried that much during january oh that's so funny um what was i gonna say oh yeah obviously i don't do spoilers or teasers or anything like that because when i listen to the song for the first time i want to i want it just to smack me in the face i want to know nothing um so my question is when you guys are i wonder like what your feeling was when you heard this for the first time not knowing like anything of how it sounded and just hearing this you guys are probably like oh my god this is gonna be so good you guys probably were just like freaking out over how great all these little like these little snippets are sounding because i know i i sure [ __ ] would have been oh i cannot oh my god by the way in another video i said um oh you son of a [ __ ] like because you know like whatever like i i love something like a whole bunch or like something someone's got me i'm like i can't handle it i'm like oh you son of a [ __ ] someone literally was like oh my god why are why is she calling their mom a [ __ ] that's so uncalled for and i'm like seriously like you know that that's not literal right like i'll say that to my brother and yes we have the same mother i'm clearly not actually calling my mother a [ __ ] like jesus people learn how what what figure of speeches are and how to take a [ __ ] joke oh my goodness i can't even anyway yeah so that happened to me like several people were saying that i'm like wow grow up and and learn learn phrases please please oh my god oh it is like a key winding i love it they clearly didn't understand the joke no or they don't know how to take a joke look at him he's [ __ ] gorgeous like he's [ __ ] gorgeous uh well okay oh look at the snake look at the snakey snake oh my god ah jesus [ __ ] crest that pause though what the [ __ ] oh my god people are so far up their own asses they can't never take a joke i know seriously holy [ __ ] this paws on the screen he's possessed and i love it oh my god oh he needs that when idols grab their necks i have a problem with that like i can't deal with that it's a thing it's it's a thing it's thing he's like stop [Music] no no no i cannot what is this is are those like 50 million ties tied together creating a gigantic glob of a tie what is happening this is a lot no wonder why you guys wanted me to [ __ ] watch this you guys knew you guys knew you sons y'all are sons of [ __ ] [Music] oh my god i can't what the hell ah jesus go away stop it i need this to stop i need this to stop oh how fun how fun look at the snakey snake you know what when i said look at the snake snake it reminded me of that one meme of that guy he's like i'm a snake i'm a i'm a snake snake that's totally what it reminded me of when i said it and i was like i hope no one catches that but then i just outed myself anyway um how fun it says happy birthday to bam bam bam bam first mini album it says the date ribbon happy birthday to bam bam is it because like it's like his like debut and like every every year on that date will be kind of like his like birthday like a solo birthday like type of thing anniversary i should say this didn't come out around his actual birthday did it am i just being dense did it am i crazy i don't know ashley will tell me oh i saw this i wanted a cassette of the album yeah this is really freaking cute i just want the album in general i don't have it yet like i have those are my only got7 albums at least i have all seven of um last piece so that's good um his birthday is mate that's what i thought i was like i don't think this came around his birthday but it says happy birthday to bam bam so it must be about his um they recorded it during this time yeah but for it to be on the actual disc or actual um cassette hmm interesting either way i don't care i love it um ah okay maybe we won't rewind um i like how the first time it opened and it was like the colorful like snake in the inside and then the second time it opened it was the cassette which says ribbon which is leading into ribbon next which i think is a fun transition i'm assuming this is the like the transition his birthday is may 2nd so it wasn't his birthday because he has ribbon reborn um i i got you there that would make total sense if that's like a happy birthday to him because he's reborn that totally makes sense yeah love it love it oh look at the cute little cassette player oh my god get out of here [Music] oh my god look at his face look at his face oh my god they're so cute i can't [Laughter] jesus i can't we literally were just talking about creepy kids and babies earlier i can't yeah i'd be making that face too he's like what the [ __ ] [Music] are those all of his presents he's received for his birthday i freaking love this oh my god this is really [ __ ] cute i really does the package actually or does his album actually come in that box is his album actually in that box because like i i need to order it like i i i if it actually comes in that box i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] and be upset that i don't even have it yet [Music] [Music] look at the kitty face oh we just noticed the snake on the table from pandora look at the snake on the table from pandora do you guys see it right here surprised there's not like a little mini astronaut on the table from the intro that maybe there is i just haven't noticed it um no it doesn't oh man but could you imagine if it did that would be awesome but the packaging is cute though the albums are so pretty yeah uh it comes in like a bluish purple box okay cool [Music] oh oh um guys give me two seconds my mom and dad are calling me and it's really late so let me answer this just two seconds hello hey oh my lordy okay all right yeah okay let me um i'm in the middle of my live right now can i call you right back okay no worries okay cool bye okay yeah okay yeah yeah no no i'm glad everything's okay okay i'll call you back bye sorry about that my uncle's having um some issues and he's in the hospital right now so she's just giving me an update and i was like oh lord um but it's okay it's it's okay for now so um i'll give her a call i'll get more of the details when i call her back so yeah but it worried me i was like why are they calling me so late at night it was just for an update luckily it was just for an update so okay sorry let's continue um and then i'll call her back after we're almost done i'll call her back after we're done with this okay i'm not gonna lie the uh the uh the creepy twins here not gonna lie thank you guys so much you guys are so sweet um uh the creepy twins here are uh okay i love this i love that oh look at how freaking beautiful he is seriously look at his beautiful face i love him he's so cute [Music] oh it's like animated [Music] i love how it's like fish in the sky fish in the sky i know that there's like references to stuff like that like things that seem like unattainable isn't that isn't a fish in the sky a reference to seem to things that seem unattainable [Music] but he's right there in the sky with the fish i love that look at him i love this the rain in the blue her fingers were like black oh the twin in the blue her fingers were like black interesting i love this how they started without sounded like very far away and echoey i love how they brought brought that in first with this fish upon the sky is a metaphor for someone who tries to stay in the some same place or situation that is not natural for him or her that would make complete sense then if that's the case because obviously they feel way more free now than they did before so maybe he felt previously he felt like a fish in the sky previously oh i love that i love that so much oh okay the people in the blanket were six oh that too the birds made a challenge where they dressed up in a blanket and danced with them for air interesting oh look at them okay okay i love that suit oh my god the way it looks like the ribbon [Music] so creative i love it [Music] oh i love it oh i don't remember the girl's voice on this do you guys remember the girl's voice on this song am i crazy or is this just for the highlight medley oh i don't remember this in the actual song this has got to be just for the medley am i crazy that wasn't in the actual song [Music] right maybe it was just for the transition that's what i'm thinking yeah jeffy was shaking when he saw how his highlight medley came out hayden for real though [Music] oh he looks so beautiful he looks so beautiful i love this [Music] like no matter how far apart they are he could even be on the moon and it wouldn't matter oh i love this oh i love this so much i love that that's such a beautiful image oh my god what gorgeous imagery oh wow [Music] oh my goodness wow wow oh i really liked that that was amazing i love when these they do these like highlight had like hype i can't talk right now highlight medley films i think that they're so nice and they just give such a just such a beautiful like i don't know it's just it's such a great way to give your fans a little taste of what to expect in the album and also i think it's a great way because that you don't have a visual to put to be sides you know what i'm saying the b sides are the b sides you don't get visuals with those you know so it's kind of a way to put a visual story or a little snippet of something with a b side that i really like i really really like that because excuse me now when i see a couple of those b-sides i'm gonna think of that image and that visual and um the representation of that that visual happening um and i love that i love that you're kind of giving giving something visual to think about for all of your songs yeah i don't know i really like that a lot [Music] love it love it love it yeah guys i really really enjoyed this um this is amazing i i don't even i mean what do i say this was freaking awesome i liked honestly every track on this album every track on this album was great this is honestly such a wonderful first like debut album man so far like both yugioh and bam have really come through with their solo debut albums i loved i loved both of their albums like in different ways obviously because they were so different um but man i really liked it i'm so i just i feel so proud like they've got to feel so proud too right i mean man they they put out and created like solid solid stuff here they yeah they've got they've got to be happy with that i don't know how they couldn't be i hope that they're very happy with that i hope that they don't have any grats with anything because everything is just amazing wow wow yeah that's good stuff guys oh he said it took him 16 hours to record under this guy is that quick or long i don't even know like what normal recording time is like i think it wouldn't take normally that long but he probably wanted to make sure it was like perfect and exactly how he wanted it to be so it would be longer and like it would take him you know a very long time to record something i don't know i don't know how long the recording process normally takes um when are you going to post more on your patreon well um the next patreon i'm doing is going 17 and then after that is um bon voyage because i skipped bon voyage to react to their concert um so bon voyage would be next um and then after that is youngjae's drama um which is uh so not worth it so that'll be after that and then at's fever road after that and so on and so forth so yeah i'm actually going to be posting um going 17 tonight so look forward to that tonight slash early tomorrow because it's almost midnight here um and then tomorrow um will be um hopefully bon voyage will be posted tomorrow and then the day after that where i'll be posting the drama so i'm planning on dropping them daily because i'm backed up on reactions like these needed to come out like on sunday coming a couple of these need to be coming out on sunday so i'm a little bit backed up so um yeah i am uh uh what was i gonna say um yeah so i'll be posting them tonight tomorrow night and then hopefully saturday and i'll be recording more on sunday and then getting some yeah so i'm trying to play catch up here so tonight i will be posting um and it will be the going 17 the first going 17 reaction i will be doing on patreon so i'm really actually excited for that because i cannot wait to get to know them more so um yeah yup yup yup yup um no he doesn't want to do that again he said it was too hard that's funny it makes me so excited to see what jb has in store for us oh my god i know seriously ashley seriously um do you plan on doing more got7 group album reactions yes um i will definitely be doing more got7 group album reactions um i do want to do some of jp's soundcloud stuff because um like his soundcloud stuff like just his whole deaf soul stuff is why jb is brian's ult um so i actually really want um brian to pick out um some of his favorite stuff um some of his favorite soundcloud stuff and um have me react to it um that being said isn't jb's album releasing like really soon is it this it's this month right when is jb's album it's this month right like is it is it like in a week or am i thinking of something else isn't it like in like a week or so i don't know oh damaris i know right oh it's august okay so it's a month from now okay got it got it got it not not the end of this month and the next month got it okay cool so yeah so um i'll have him pick some of the soundcloud stuff that he wants me to react to and we can do we can do one of those um yeah i'm excited i'm excited about that and i also need to do a another jackson reaction because there are um like titanic and um oh what were they there's there's like i think four mv's i haven't done yet of jackson's and i definitely want to do them so um i need to do another jackson reaction too so we'll do a jb reaction sprinkled in a jackson reaction sprinkled in and then that should take us to jb's um album release um like next month so yeah yes whatever that is and titanic and like i said i think there's like four in total so i just have to look them up and i just gotta do it so yeah okay all right there's so much stuff coming out august i'm not ready there's there's been so much stuff coming out this year honestly holy crap so much has been going on this year i cannot keep up at all um so yeah all right okay guys i'm gonna go and um uh work on getting got7 up for you guys not got7 going 17 up for you guys on the patreon so i'm going to go so i can get all that done and i don't have to go to bed too late tonight um so yeah that is it for now guys i love you guys so much you guys are the best things ever thank you for joining me i'm sorry that um the uh what am i trying to say i'm sorry that the notifications didn't go out like they were supposed to youtube sucks i don't know what to tell you um but yeah follow me on twitter because anytime that that happens i'll usually post on twitter like hey heads up blah blah blah um that way you guys can get like an alert um so yeah okay that's it love you guys so much and um yeah oh comment down below tell me what your favorite off this album was wait i didn't say what my favorite office album was hold on we can't play the outro yet i didn't set my favorite off the album was no hold on hold on hold on i forgot i forgot i think it i don't know is it hold on hold on is it pandora oh it's so fun okay um is it that or is it okay where is it okay well i can't put under the sky as my favorite because it makes me too emotional and i can't listen to it on a regular basis so i can't do that to myself but i [ __ ] that that song is just it's it's in the heart you know what i'm saying it's like that's in a special place but it can't be my top three because my top three means like i love it so much it's on my playlist i'm gonna listen to it all the time you know what i mean um i feel like they're uh i think pandora is my favorite guys i think pandora is my favorite i really like pandora a lot it's so fun and funky and like the beat switches are crazy yeah i think pandora's my favorite yeah yep yep yep all right so do me a favor um help me out with the algorithms here because although we're talking in the chat it doesn't really matter because there's no comments on the actual video so please do me a favor and actually comment on the video what your favorite song is or even your top three that would be great um and then that that'll help out the whole algorithm thing because it shows that people are interacting with the video um so yeah um that's it guys i love you guys so much and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Say What Reacts
Views: 2,504
Rating: 4.984252 out of 5
Keywords: say what reacts, bambam, bambam reaction, bambam ribbon, bambam ribbonreaction
Id: fgjzn5oI0GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 15sec (5295 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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