Bali - A Destination for the Whole World

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hey guys it's um it's sometimes quite humbling to see how quickly this channel's grown and how much success we've got and also how much exposure and it's not just to the people in australia or new zealand that i'm not appealing to in fact in the last 28 days i've had over 100 000 people watching some of my programs and they're all about barley and they're all about trying to encourage people to come here to bali one thing that became very aware to me after having a discussion at a pub funny enough with a gentleman sitting to my left hand side here indrijit was that the content that i'm putting together for australia is also very applicable in some ways to to a massive market of tourism that's not really being touched much at all and that's to bali from india so or also you were saying from malaysia and other other countries where there are a lot of india indian population uh within that country so i thought it'd be a really good idea to sit down and talk to someone that's not just an aussie off the plane or a a westerner but also to talk to someone that's also from south east asia and talk to them about what their experience coming here to bali is um and uh introduced been coming here for something like a little over a decade and over a decade so um it'd be interesting just to see from his perspective how things have changed and the situation over here so welcome welcome along thank you so much um i'm really really keen just to get some some casual thoughts about what you what you think about about bali in general um from someone coming from a country like india well you know i've been coming here like i said you know for the last i think 12 years now and uh you know pre-pandemic to what it is today uh the the silver lining that i'm seeing is that everything seems to be bouncing back yes a bit slowly but you know i think it's getting there very slowly happy to see that and as a place you know bali has always been my absolute favorite uh holidaying destination so from your perspective how has the trip been with relation to the covet situation was it an easy journey to get here or was it difficult for you well yeah it was absolutely easy yes i did have to go through the rtp pcr test back home and you know i had to bring the vaccination certificates but beyond that you know there was absolutely no complication it was absolute cake walk at the immigration in bali i think as a matter of fact i cleared immigration much faster than the pre-pandemic time so you know it was an absolute pleasant experience yeah that's certainly good news i've actually been here before covered so the restrictions lifted and it was just a nightmare i had to come through jakarta and quarantine and everything so look thank god things are getting better um there's certainly not a ways to go as you're saying but but we're through i think hopefully the worst of the of the covered yes blockages with the pcr testing still a bit of an issue the visual arrival and the costs are becoming less prohibitive i guess so we're looking forward to a gentle or gradual increase in tourism um and you were saying that the market in india is a really significant market obviously you've got a billion people thereabouts in india and they're all looking for tourism destinations and this is a perfect opportunity first of all you've got a predominantly hindu population here in in bali which is very similar to to a lot of your country so what do you think it offers the indian tourist specifically in relation to the other eastern countries well uh see where we come from is a predominant hindu population and bali being hindu i find most of the religious family social beliefs to be absolutely the same you know i wouldn't even say similar i would say same and having come here so many times you you just tend to gel in to the local population without any sort of effort from your side you know they feel like you are part of them and you feel like they're part of you which which which makes the holiday much more easier you know you're not looking beyond your shoulder you know this is somebody trying to pick my pocket or uh uh you know i see that as a very big advantage one and two is the way the women are respected the children are respected in bali is pretty much similar to uh what it is back home you know in india which which is a cause of concern for a lot of indians when they want to travel abroad uh you know there are other southeast asian destinations where that could become a big cause of concern whereas in in bali no you know it's literally like a home away from home and it's a holiday so how would you classify in a nutshell what the easiest way you could describe the ideal indian tourist for bali is it young families is it newlyweds honeymooners party animals what what do you think bali what part of the society do you think bali is probably attracted to most a great question okay so okay uh let's let's take a typical indian holidaying population you know you first have the honeymooners or you have the individual travelers couples who are traveling together you have young families without kids you have young families with little kids you have large families traveling along with elders in the family now bali as a destination offers something for everybody in the family okay let me get into the detail you know let's let's start with the kids the young kids they have their uh you know water boom and you know they have the theme parks they have the zoos they have the safaris which is going to take care of them the young couples have the beautiful beaches the resorts you know the honeymoon destinations you know kimtamani and places like that absolutely romantic beautiful you know nature all around that that's for the young couples for the young families you have the malls you have the shopping which which offers something for everybody you know you you want to go in for the branded boutique stuff it's available you want to go in for the handmade local stuff it's available with absolutely no compromise on the quality you know uh you always get more bang for your buck in bali than anywhere else in southeast asia i think in the world just a bit yeah absolutely yeah yeah and when it comes to older people uh the one is the kind of respect that is shown to older people here by the locals they're always willing to help earth it's i think a very big part of their culture that the elder people are always looked after by the youngers that obviously goes through to the tourism side of things they they always they look up to their elders very very much it's very important you know i i i was walking past a couple of older people who'd come in from india and i i saw the uh the shop for carrying the bags for them you know and he didn't do it because it was his job you know he did it because he didn't want the older people to be carrying their own shopping bags you know it was out of the respect he had for them which is something people in india really appreciate so coming back to your question as a destination this is a 360 degree destination for an entire family in india the configuration can be different you want to have the wild side the nightclubs the pubs yes it's there you want to have a sober holiday on a romantic holiday you want a peaceful family large gathering of villa kind of holiday it's all available here it's it's just that bali has not been discovered by too many indians yet versus your thailand or malaysia or singapore and i think it's just a matter of time i think i think people are beginning to come here should happen so i'm sure um i i guess one of the things that i've been saying to the australian market specifically but but not directly no matter what type of food you like you'll find it here in bali at the top at the highest level if you like teppanyaki you can get an amazing teppanyaki if you like amazing waiguu steaks and stuff like that you can find it right here in bali if you're vegetarian if you're any any cuisine that you like you'll find it here in bali so you come from a country with a very specific cuisine standard i guess how do you find the the basic food structure in bali compared to what you find in india well a typical plate of meal in bali is the exact plate which i have back home so there's literally absolutely no difference you know to what i have back home and in bali we have a bit of rice we have a bit of greens we have a bit of meat we have a bit of crispies and there's a bit of gravy now this is the typical indonesian balinese kind of a meal like you said yes you know you want sushi you want steaks you want sandwiches we get everything here pizzas burgers whatever but the basic balinese food is exactly what we eat back home the rice the lentils extra and it there would be no form of adaptation which is actually required for an indian to adapt to balinese food because it is and the flavors are different or they're very similar they're pretty much similar because you know we do use a lot of uh you know the the we call it the masala powders you know which which which kind of give them a unique flavor whereas here most of the ingredients are natural organic ingredients which actually makes it a little more flavorsome compared to what it is back home yeah more complex more more depth to that yeah yeah to the carries and stuff it's not just a curry powder it's actually a really big yeah yeah and and the heat of the food do you find it very similar to very much similar we eat a lot of spice and so that goes well if you look at any of my back catalogue me and spice don't agree with each other oh my god i've had some horrible episodes with chili's i've seen it at one stage i thought i was eating a bowl of green beans and i just took a mouthful of and it turned out to be chilly's and i just about died honestly sorry to have you off there you know a typical indian would enjoy the bike i didn't mind it but i wasn't ready for it so to me from a western palette which is very bland compared to what you guys enjoy and i love a good indian curry but i don't like a cheap indian curry because like you say sometimes it's too much powder if you ask for hot they just put more more chili powder and to me that's not a proper curry that's actually just a mix um so so what what advantages do you see barney having over other southeast asian holiday destinations okay let's let's uh take a couple of examples now if you take thailand it's an over-exploited destination and it has its own certain color to the entertainment which may not gel well with an entire typical indian family you know it's quite an adult yeah the boys may like it the men may like it but you know it doesn't go beyond that you take singapore yes the family would like it but any form of entertainment in singapore is man-made there's absolutely nothing natural out there you know yeah now if you take bali it has absolutely everything and everything is just there naturally you know you have walking out here you have the beach out here you know you have hot springs out here nothing is man-made you know and this place feels safe wherever you are whatever time of the day or night you are whether you are with a big gang or whether you're walking alone the feeling of safety is something which is always there at the back of your mind so being on a holiday there is no threat perspective you know you're not trying to get back to your hotel before a certain time and stuff like that which is not the case with certain other countries in southeast asia even in even in jakarta or even sumatra i went up to sumatra last month and walking through the malls or walking through the markets people are saying hide your wallets pickpockets and they're absolutely paranoid about people stealing the gopro well i'm talking it's crazy so you'd never feel there is a little tiny bit of crime in bali like there is anywhere i guess but it's not something that features very much and it's by a a little bit of common sense around bali will keep you safe whereas in other places like you say you have to be paranoid about where you are and who you're with and who's walking behind you on what time of day and your bags are zipped up and you know a whole lot of precautions the another thing which i'm noticing during this trip that is a after the pandemic is that everybody is so welcoming you know they're happy that you're back here they're happy to see that you're shopping you're eating out and you know you're buying stuff at the supermarket they're just happy that you're doing your little bit to make the economy a little bit better you know to go back to the pre-pandemic levels which actually feels good you know wherever you're walking you know people are smiling at you and saying you know welcome back and stuff like that it it feels like you walk into a large family you know yeah it doesn't feel like you walked into a and whether you're white or dark or oh that's great it makes no difference whatsoever and they are just so grateful that finally the tourists have come back they didn't get any government subsidies they didn't get any help from the local authorities and the only reason they're still alive literally is because the community all chipped in together and helped each other out someone had a little bit extra rice they'd share it around with each other and that that in itself is just testimony to their sharing and caring attitude that barley is a spiritual place if you haven't been here before it's not about being a hindu or muslim or being christian whatever it's a spiritual place there is something special about the people about the place about the culture in this in this city that we're in this country that it just transcends anywhere else i've been in the world and i've traveled just about to hundreds of destinations around the world you see little offerings at the side of the road you see the taxis he's got a little offering in he's on his dashboard all over the place people are giving thanks to to their journey to to just being grateful and one of the biggest things that i've just been so surprised coming from australia and new zealand where people are all caught up about the politics behind covert who caused it did it escape from there and is there a conspiracy and is the vaccine really important and so many political mental issues that they're concerning their brain about for the last two years it's been that's been the topic not how can we get over this and can we keep our family safe it's been more about about the the conspiracy side of things not one person in bali has complained about about where covert came from or or even complain about the fact that they haven't had a dollar from the government they've just been grateful for anything they can get and to me that just shows the sort of people they are and the reason that i've been supporting him as much as i can since i've been here and i'm really trying to encourage anyone from anywhere around the world if you want to come to the best destination that i've ever found to meet the most amazing people and to to be in a place where if you're not from bali you're here to enjoy bali and you hit a party and have a good time or relax and enjoy nature or go bush walking and hiking no matter what you want to do there's beaches with no waves so you can take the kids the young toddlers can paddle in the water there's beaches some of the best surfing beaches in the world are here and pretty much everything in between so like you were saying 65 years old and and can hardly move around you can sit at a resort you can get pampered five dollars for a one-hour massage and there inside just beautiful what can i do with those magic hands you know a very uh interesting note for me a holiday in bali the amount of money i spend on a day on an average is actually much lesser than what i spend living in my own home back home you know so it's cheaper for you to to stay here for a month than it is to stay at home and live in my own house that's incredible right i'll put it into perspective and let's talk in sort of somewhere between australian and us dollars just to give you a bit of an indication of the prices i'm paying about a dollar to a dollar fifty for a plate of food for a nasi goreng foreign so a standard meal if you just want to go and eat balinese food is a dollar fifty or a dollar um it's uh and beautiful food the flavor's exquisite the flavor profiles are just so so complex and beautiful it's not just a bit of sauce and a bit of rice they really do care about how they put their foods together and as far as barley belly goes everyone's heard about the dreaded barley belly my recommendation is there are so many food courts in bali nearly every restaurant has uh and hotel has indigenous food so they have balinese food as well as western food well sometimes it's nice to have a bit of comfort from home but sometimes it's nice to try and experiment so i recommend not only in the hotels and the restaurants but you go to some of their balinese food courts where they're a little bit safer than just the vendor on the streets not that i've had a bad experience with the food carts but i think it's a bit safer for someone who's got a sensitive uh digestive system to go somewhere where they can wash their hands and have a better better sanitation but the foods here are just amazing and they're so so inexpensive one very uh interesting thing which i found in bali is that the kind of restaurants that you're talking about you know they're not the very up market kind of a restaurant they do not have cold storage you know which is actually a very comforting thing because if they're going to get the meat today they sell it out today and they get it at the market yeah six o'clock in the morning yes and they sell it to you by the time they're prepared it might and 10 o'clock absolutely there's nothing that goes into the freezer for tomorrow you know so the food you eat is something that came into them today absolutely and by end of the day it's done you know yeah which is what you know going back to the bali belly the last 12 years i have not experienced it i've i've experienced everything else in bali but luckily not death you know i'll be honest i've had it twice since i've been here in six months both times it came from a fast food restaurant with a big m sign i'm not saying any brands but it was from her breakfast a muffin that i had twice i've had that and never since i've said my stomach is a bit sensitive to some of the spices but i have absolutely bad experience with uh with a muffin so go figure um it is it's just a case of there are there are bacteria and there are um diseases that live in other countries that people have more sensitive something i don't think people from india would have anywhere near the sensitivities of people from the west well we need the same etcetera but it's just much better here because it's all fresh yeah yeah so it's cheaper to stay you used to stay at home you were saying i think as you were saying yesterday that to run the air conditioner at home in your house it costs more to stay sorry more to run your air conditioning at home to keep the house cold that actually cost for accommodation here and to be honest that i've seen accommodation from as low as 10 a day 25 a day will get you quite a nice resort right close to the to the party district of cuda look what we're talking about about the cost of food and the cost of staying over here in bali you you can hardly do that without mentioning the quality of the food is sensational the coffee is some of the best coffee in the world um it is and the fruit and the the drinks are so fresh it's incredibly fresh so when you're paying 50 cents for one of the best coffees you can ever taste and every single day and you really you really do get spoiled here at very very small cost um and it's going to make it hard for me to go home because i've got used to it in the last six months i'm going to go home and i have to have the poor quality coffee and i don't want to knock home but i tell you what when you're living in paradise it certainly it certainly is hard to get used to not being here and and the cost of things you i think you start to take it for granted um mobility and getting around in bali there's several ways to get around i've spoken about in some of my previous vlogs i do not recommend westerners jump on on a scooter and drive around barley because it's it's insane um the driving here is one of a kind i don't know what it's like where you come from it's probably fairly similar it's worse is it yeah oh my god i i i've said before i don't know if the balinese are the best drivers in the world or the worst drivers that are in some ways in some ways they're one of the best they're very courteous drivers but it's mayhem it's absolute mayhem but the one thing i will very strongly suggest is if you are coming over to bali and trying to get around the best ways to get a driver they'll take you to places that you don't know about i've driven past some of the best beaches in the world because i didn't know they were there and the signage isn't so good over here that's one thing i will say in a lot of established countries they they have multiple language signage they they it's easier to know where to go there are so many activities and so many things to see in bali so many restaurants so many hotels every single laneway every every alleyway every major thoroughfare is just packed with little tiny worlds little cafes with restaurants hotels rental places tourist guides phone look everything you see you see multiple times it's everywhere but it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to go and what to do and every activity you can ask them you can imagine whether it's whitewater rafting or parachuting or pretty much anything is available here in bali if you don't know where to go yeah that's a really difficult decision okay so what do i do when i get here what are my options now one of the reasons i set my channel up was to try to give people an idea of some of the options available to them but by far the first thing i would say is get a tour operator get do some homework before you come the internet's a fantastic place now because especially youtube you can scroll through i've got 75 videos on my channel and they're growing every day about the sort of activities you can be doing in bali and that's just a brief description there are hundreds of websites available there are groups on facebook all about tours and tour operators and guides i've got some two operators and you've got some guides as well so at the end of this video we'll put a link to some places you could you can go to ask specific questions and you can actually ask me directly and i'll respond to you immediately and say listen this is what my recommendations are if if i need a hand from you i'll certainly we can certainly help yeah anybody from india feel free to ask us because i don't know the answer to every question but i certainly know who to ask to get the right answer and that's part of what i'm trying to do i'm not running this as a business or a company i'm doing this as a as just someone who's concerned about barley and who's trying to set barley up a little bit better because they've been through a lot of a lot of trauma it's like a natural disaster has just killed half of the businesses off and they're trying to rebuild their lives and the more tourism dollars they can get in and the more generous one thing i will say if you are coming over here be generous because the balinese survive on such incredibly tiny amounts of money that tipping them a dollar a day or tipping them just a little bit extra than they would normally get makes massive difference something i like to add to that when you go shopping if you think you can afford to buy it at the price they're asking for just give it to them you know there is no need to bargain for the sake of bargaining you know because it is expected that you bargain if you can afford it please give it to them because it makes a huge difference to their life i've got i've got a secret to doing that and it's a little bit of a game i play but i love to haggle i love that bargaining so if you walk in and you want one t-shirt the first question they're going to say is how many want to buy you how much for this how many do you want i just want one no no three by three i'll give you a special price so they'll start around ten dollars for a t-shirt they'll finish at around three dollars for a t-shirt so somewhere between three and ten dollars you're gonna stop and think okay what's this t-shirt really worth if i buy that t-shirt it seems like a good quality you can get cheap quality and get reasonable quality and then get good quality here so what's this worth to me in my home it's worth probably twenty dollars in australia for me to buy that t-shirt at ten dollars i'm getting a discount a pretty good discount uh at three dollars i'm getting an insane price but this person's probably not even making 50 cents out of it at five dollars i reckon i'm sharing a bit of the love with him and working out with a really good bargain so what i'll do is i'll still hang all i'll start at ten dollars i'll bring him down to five dollars or whatever i think it's worth and then at the end of the transaction i felt like i've won something i've won won it down to a good price and you know what i'm going to do then i'm going to give them 10 i'm going to give them a 5 tip or something just because it's worth it and it's worth it to see the look on their face and they go oh my god thank you so much because they sit there going come on give me at least at least 50 cents in the job for me so if you want to have that job and everyone in bali haggles that's that's sort of the way yeah the way the system is you come here to bargain but then when i think about it i'm arguing over 10 or 20 cents that could be the difference between making a dollar and not making it all at all so yeah to add to that uh just like what murray was saying even if you're going to give them only the three dollars trust me the body language and the bomb could still be exactly the same as what you would give ten dollars for them three dollars ten dollars it's money and you're giving them a livelihood that's what matters it's gratitude yeah yeah it's um and they don't seem to walk around no no that doesn't happen yet i guess my advice would be to someone who's not sure about where they should go um what the right place to do is um and you and i've got a very skill yeah exactly send us send us an email i'll give you a starting a place to start and i'm not saying there's a lot of people are going to rip you off but there are certainly some smaller less reputable businesses there are some people that aren't even based in bali that are trying to sell tours that don't exist and certainly a lot of things that the online aspect of of touring now is opening up to a lot of less uh reputable practices so my advice would be stick to a reg a recognized tour operator and i've certainly got a whole list in my in my repertoire of people drivers and and uh tour operators that can book any tour whether it's bathing with a with an elephant zoos trips uh trips over to some of the other islands i know people who can pretty much book you there now i'm not making any money out of that i'm just helping to plug you into a place that i know and i've personally used through people i recommend and as my as my knowledge of these different operators grows and i get good reports back from from people like yourself that i'm talking to then i'll start recommending them as well so if you want to know where to go i'm a family of i'm a young family with two small kids and we want to be able to go to the beach we want to be able to sit back and relax and spend some a lot of time in the resort maybe have some uh some babysitting or something so we can get her out and have a bit of time away from the kids whatever you you are looking design i'm a young couple on honeymoon we want to go to some romantic places we want to swim with the dolphins or just hire a photographer what can i do what do you recommend and like i said i'll try and get back to you i can't guarantee it's going to be the next minute but while certainly i've got hundreds of emails coming through just about every day at the moment or people saying can you please help me and they're just people from australia that i've been able to help already but now we're opening up to different markets i'm more than happy to start the floodgates opening up and if you want to know where to go by all means keep in touch because that's what we're all trying to achieve the same sort of thing i'm over here trying to help the people of bali i've been donating meals and care packages to people all over the country and if anyone wants to help me to look after the people in bali they'll also put a link at the end of this to the donate fund that i've been putting together to help us to feed the people of bali and there's other charities i've been involved in since i've been here that i've personally overseen the the operation of just to help out valley so i said i think the two of them go hand in hand i'll help you and all i ask in return is just a little bit of help because five dollars or ten dollars to me goes to feed a whole family for a week it's incredible how far the money goes but if we can use that money for good and ask just for a little bit of gratitude back for all the work that we're doing i think it's a fair fair exchange so don't send money through the internet i would always recommend booking accommodation through places like booking or agoda or one of those traveloka or something because you've got guaranteed your money's safe until you're actually here i've never heard of i've heard of people that have booked on some of these websites and the hotel doesn't exist or it's been shut down but at least you've got come back you've got recourse you can get a refund through places like that sending your money directly to a hotel to me is a disaster waiting to happen especially when you don't know if that hotel even exists there could be photographs or the hotel could have shut down over the over the last few months so be a little bit careful it's not as as safe as it used to be because there's been a complete tour heavy disconnect but in some ways it's safer this place has got rid of a lot of those but definitely safer than a lot of other countries oh look you can't compare this it's not doom and gloom uh not at all yeah it's just a little bit of bobby where are you yeah just stick like you stick to the smart places yeah let's use common sense before you take a decision about money a quick thing about money because it is it does affect a lot of people would you recommend bringing your money over here and changing it or what i suggest for from my experience is leave the money in a bank through after atm card walk up the atm take the money out because that card is insured nearly always especially if it's a credit card if you take the money out through atm you get very minimal bank charges usually and and you're safe you're not walking around with a with a belt full of money so so typically let me tell you for an indian uh we exchanged it to us dollars back home yep and a hundred us dollars gets us 1.4 million rupiah yeah so 1.4 million rupees like it's a lot of money yeah that's a lot of money let's say we're carrying a thousand dollars for a holiday we're looking at you know almost 15 million uh upwards of that now we have certain things unique to india if i put in a debit card into the atm the charges are going to be much more than what i pay to transfer to a us dollar and come back here and make it into indian indonesian rupiah so these little things is something which you may not find online you know these are questions which could be there and people said you know could i use an atm how much extra do i get charged etc so these are questions which can you know you can push it to him you can push it to me more than happy to help you answer them and these little details is which you know people like me who have been here for more than 12 years would be more than happy to answer perfect so your recommendation at this point would be change your money over to us dollars yeah leave it safely in the safe at the hotel yes don't walk around within your pocket people ask me how much is it going to cost a day to stay to go tripping around or whatever just to give you and we'll try to we'll speak in us dollars it's going to cost you about 40 or 50 for a day for a driver that's car petrol and unlimited use of where he's going to take you wherever you want to go take you to the shopping center take you to the to the waterfalls take you to the water park or or sightseeing to the temples to anywhere you want to go for a day is going to pick you up from the hotel at usually about seven o'clock in the morning you're best off to start early because the traffic gets pretty hectic so you want to get out of the city as quick as you can to get to the way to where you're going and sometimes you might not be back till six o'clock that night but there's so many beautiful places to go and to visit to check out so that's going to cost you about 40 or 50 us dollars if you're going into most of these places many of them are pennies in the in the dollar we're not talking you know 100 entry to something some of the bigger tours some of the the boat rides and the snorkeling trips might be a little bit more because you've got you know third-party vessels and ferries and stuff but generally i i say to people if you spend a hundred dollars a day per person that's a lot of money you in fact the average couple by the time you work out one or two dollars for food per person per meal and and 50 cents for a drink of coffee or a dollar for a large bottle of coca-cola or something whatever the the cost of goods over here is so small that a hundred dollars a day is probably enough for two people to have a great holiday generally until you start spending and buying souvenirs and stuff like that i think hundred dollars you can live like royalty here absolutely absolutely crazy how much you can get for your money so if you want some idea just a rough guide and it depends on what's what you want to spend and whatever but still it's still a pretty good guide on what you can do and how far your money will go if you wanted to rent a scooter for the day it's less than ten dollars a day i would not i definitely would not recommend it for the first couple of trips because you really need someone to show you around you're going to miss all the good things all the great spots and there's not a lot of good sign posting and it's it's a bit of how do i get there where do i go and unless you've got google maps sitting on the front of that scooter you're not going to know what to do so get it to a go upgrade to get a guide it's so cheap that they can take you anywhere you want for for half the cost and you're really going to get good value for money so that would be my recommendation don't have a lot of money on you because it's just inviting inviting dramas if if you leave your bag and a taxi or something happens you open the wallet there's a whole big pile of that you know millions of repair there someone's going to turn around and see that and you just you don't want to attract that sort of attention um the beaches are clean certainly in the in the main tourist areas you don't even have to there's someone standing there looking after your beach umbrella and the towels and and your your watches and your handbags and stuff while you're off having a swim it's it's that safer place very safe and the second thing is you can be assured that everything is going to be there in your bag when you get back absolutely you don't need to come back and take an inventory of water that safety is something which bali always offers to anybody who's coming there yep i would be careful if you're changing money um go to a to a proper money changing a place you'll see some small booths or small money changing agents down some of the laners and again and the gangways um don't go to a small little operator check to see if there's a commission and they always post the exchange rate on the outside of their booth so know what you should be getting when you get there and double count your money when they hand it back they have one two three four five six seven count it back again before you walk out the door because once you're out the door um and that used to be a big scam i haven't seen it since and luckily a lot of those those cheaper scam operators that were here for years in bali have all gone because we're broken because of because of covert so in some ways cover's actually fixed by some of the problems involved but just be careful um you're going to have an absolutely amazing trip if whether you want to go and sit on a beach whether you want to learn to surf you can learn to surf for ten dollars a day you can you can do anything you can imagine you can eat any type of food in the world right here in bali and you're gonna do it for less than it costs you to stay at home and that's that's the unbelievable what's up what's a flight to bali from here from your place uh us dollars uh sarah 350 350. yeah okay so for 350 and and your cost of accommodation here you spend okay let's take this place this is a beautiful resort just on the main street of one of the main streets of bali the beach is about two minutes over that way five six minutes to walk over there what are you paying to spend like five or six days here so i'm staying here for the last eight days and for for eight days together i'm paying around one hundred and twenty dollars let's see what exciting 120 dollars like i said you know it's just cheaper to stay here than stay back at home and you've got an air-conditioned room you've got a rooftop pool you've got a beautiful restaurant downstairs a restaurant a bar downstairs we have a spa at the basement we have the works you've got security parking here you've got a beautiful i see there's families here there's young couples there's singles here you're right you want to go outside go shopping it's right out front door there's so much shopping in this area so you've got everything you want you've got two operators downstairs as well that'll organize to get drivers yeah and this is not the only uh hotel here we probably have a hundred hotels like this all around literally within probably 10 minutes yeah there'd be 100 hotels it's just that it is you who has to decide what is that you expect from the holiday and then go about deciding what kind of hotel which kind of area what is that you want to do and then it makes your holiday really memorable yes okay so the easiest way to take it further is we're going to leave a couple of websites or email addresses at the end of this video are in the description field right here is my website and my email address send me an email and then there's your email address as well yes yes put it up and if you've got a question just a nice simple question give us as much detail as you can i'm a i'm a young family i'm a young couple i'm a single male i want to go nightclubbing i want to party on i've got a family including elder people you could ask us anything your family you tell us what you what you want we'll try and give you some ideas on where to go i'm not going to specifically go in and micromanage your holiday but we can certainly put you on to a good start you this place is what you make of it if you book something on or something where they've got a cancellation policy if you don't like it where you go it's easy to move to the next place in fact i've left motels i haven't been happy with and for the ten dollars i lost to go somewhere else to get a better better place i've been more and more more than happy so um look thank you so much it's it's interesting just to hear it from a different perspective and it's nice to be able to just to i guess understand that it's not just a place for aussies or for to brits or something that want to come over this this is a universal destination it's one of the best destinations in the entire world and as long as people are coming here respect the culture and the the lifestyle here in bali then i say bring on come on down this is uh it's a holiday you'll never forget and i guarantee that you'll be back it's not something you'll come once and say yeah that you'll be back here and like most people at least every year because it's just that's a beautiful place to come all right thank you so much thank you so much i very much appreciate your help and your assistance and i hope that we see many more of your friends and if you're coming over look me up i'll see you when you get here bye-bye cheers guys
Channel: murray wilkinson -Muzza in Bali
Views: 4,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indian holiday bali, bali scooters, bali quarantine, aussies in bali, bali flight updates, bali covid update, visa on arrival, bali holidays, cheap bali hotels, approved bali hotels, jetstar flys to bali, where to stay in bali, bali hotels, best places to eat in bali, destination Bali, Bali resorts, bali tour guides, relaxing holiday, driver bali, idea holiday for families, holidays with kids, bali tours, Is bali reopened, scooter rental in bali, pub crawl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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