Balan Wonderworld: The worst Collectors Edition I have ever "unboxed".....

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[Music] hmm so today i have an unboxing for you i guess um god bland wonder world i tried to give you the benefit of the doubt you know so if you haven't seen it i actually had a whole video of a review on the um on the demo uh god you know what i gave this game the the best the best kind of shake i could have given it you know i understand it it was a game that was full priced but honestly should have been a budget title i understand it looked a little rough but you know it played on my heartstrings a little bit with nostalgia it had that kind of feel i wanted it to be good um you know i didn't crucify it i mean so many people i know who did videos on that game they they just utterly trash the game they're like this game is is garbage and you know i i it it had some feeling to me of like this is some cool stuff there's some cool ideas here one complaint i heard a whole lot that i always thought was kind of dumb uh to be honest and this is i still i do hold this view now is like oh there's no jump button like all the different suits can't jump and i mean i get it that's kind of the point of the game especially because like you know each power each suit you know has an ability to do a puzzle and a lot of the times if you can jump and use that ability it breaks it so i kind of get what they were doing i understand people are definitely like upset about that but i get what they were trying to do i tried my best to give this game the benefit i'm like come on you know it it looks neat and then you know they had a new trailer when they had that uh square enix direct thing and it showed co-op so i'm like okay okay so they're working on the game you know they're gonna do right by it and then the game came out it came out like two fridays ago now yeah two fridays ago now and i was i'm gonna say this now i was the idiot who who ordered the showtime edition i was the dummy who ordered the collector's edition um because i had hopes for this game it was something i was like you know what a lot of people looking down on this game so i bet you like the collector's edition may be worth something in the future like regardless if the game's terrible maybe i can sell in the future because it's gonna one of those weird things that didn't sell i don't know the soundtrack was good it comes with the soundtrack so i'm like uh you know this is just me trying to adjust a fight to myself so i justified it to myself i'm like i'm going to buy this on the switch i love switch collectors edition square inks hasn't steered me wrong before they're a major company this is a full-priced retail game and the collector's edition is no different it's a hundred and thirty dollars for a hundred and thirty dollars you have to get some cool stuff here they showed it comes the soundtrack comes with a book and a some kind of exclusive tote bag whatever i made the mistake of not reading the fine print over in the in the tiny corner here uh comes as a soft launch soft set what does that mean yep that's what that means uh no cool collector's edition box no like something awesome to display i get the game that'll go on the shelf the soundtrack i'm honestly excited about this i'm not gonna lie a pen a book and a bag i mean this is all the stuff they said but like it's all loose what do i do with this what am i gonna put what am i gonna put this like hey bland wonder world here's the here's the book i mean this is sucks like this sucks ass this is sucky but whatever you guys are obviously here to see me unbox this so there is some good here let's look at everything though okay the let's do the the dumbest thing this was the hey you pre-ordered i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna open this because you can see what it is this is a uh grocery bag that costs two dollars that you can get at the freaking you know what's a grocery store everyone has walmart whatever and like yeah it's a it's a cloth sack and what does it have on it it has you know uh the secret hat um cool super neat i'm glad this exists hey it says square enix on it quality all right so i'm interested to see what's in this book i'm not gonna lie but i'm gonna say this is dumb right like you can't put this on your shelf it's super thin it doesn't stand up you can't display it because it takes up too much real estate i couldn't set this out this all needs to be in a box like i spent it was 130 like jesus you couldn't spring for the cardboard like oh my god that cardboard can't even open it because it's made out of stupid i mean i'm so mad and like have you seen capcom stuff go back and watch my video on the capcom beat-em-ups collection that box was massive and it was just cardboard cheap cardboard not even chipboard i'm not even asking for the good stuff i'm just saying something to hold this crap in the thing sticks to the book because it's a piece of junk get off of there you sack a crap slice of okay here's the premium book super nice smells like smells like what's that store office max at least the quality is nice all right i'll not complain about that this is this is really nice paper it's good like photo paper this is it feels it feels good i'll say it it feels good they have cool characters you got a guy named leo craig craig's not a last name emma cole also not a last name balon lance i used to work for a guy named lance he's way cooler than this guy but this guy's he's pretty cool i'll give you that and here's all the here's all the you know earlier when i was talking about stuff i didn't complain about i didn't complain about jose this guy is terrifying i didn't complain about him i was on your side man i was on your side how chang so i guess this is all the characters from the different levels um you know this is what you get we're gonna go through this whole book it's only god dang six six ass pages so what you got you know you got you got clown man for mega man eight that's solid um here's the other stuff look at that every suit in the game i sure can't wait to play as a a vacuum cleaner or the blue vacuum cleaner choose your own adventure i was so so mad about this all right i'm not gonna lie this is kind of cool you got lyrics to those songs because i guess like i remember from the demo like every song had a every boss had a song or at least the first one did whatever it's the only one you can do here's some messages from the designers i'm not gonna read these to you because they're forever if you want to see them yourself i'm gonna set it out real nice let me check the camera to make sure the angle is good it is you can pause and zoom in if you want to read this it's too much to read and you probably don't care you're probably not going to pause and that's good good for you good for you man good for you now we put this book back in the sheath to never be opened again ever god dang sticky slice of crap all right cool i'll figure out where to put this probably alongside the dumbass tote bag okay now the stuff i'm not gonna lie these three items are the reason i would have bought this collector's edition they could have not included they could have made that book smaller and put the whole thing in a freaking box that actually mattered but whatever okay this is the entire 100 reason why i bought this collector's edition i loved the music it was really good and this is a three cd set this is awesome i'm going to enjoy this this is going on you know i would say on the ipod but you kids don't know what that is nowadays so it's going to go on my actual ipod that i still listen to because i'm a caveman but also on my phone because i'm also not an idiot um i will say and i'll say it again if i forgot when i said it or if i will say it i've and whatever you can buy this apparently you can buy this separately so hey hindsight being 2020 uh you could just buy this soundtrack so if you like this music that you like if you like the music for this game which i will say is phenomenal you can buy this separate from square enix or if you can't now they already said you can in the future so don't spend all the stupid money to buy this stupid crap buy the game if you're interested or the soundtrack or just the soundtrack you know you do you i like your boogaloo um i will say that this to me was a bonus because i am a huge enamel pin guy i do still inherently uh think the game is gonna be fun especially because you do get to do two players i'm just really freaking pissed right now at this whole dumbass thing so i will enjoy the game let's open it you know let's cheer up right it's only for me monday for you tuesday we still have a lot of week to go i'm playing monster hunter riots right now anyway and you know what monster hunter rise kicks ass that game is real good but let's see what you get in here right uh you know let's take a bet is there anything uh kinda huh let me see what it is in here oh come on he kidding me okay okay there was some paperwork first off you have the game reversible art no red spine so uh it's not something i'm gonna do and let's see what this paperwork is first thing is you get this little signed ticket um i don't know i guess this is like hey you got it the first day uh it's like a ticket to the show of the game i don't know if this is exclusive to the collector's edition if any of you guys made the mistake like me of buying this game then um let me know in the comments if this is like special or if it just came with the game no matter what um i'm not going to put this in the video it's it's it's points for the square enix store and i buy stuff from there so i don't want anyone stealing the code i'm too lazy to do it now and uh last but not least an advertisement for their freaking phone gotcha game the one that is going to cost you a bunch of money hey scan the app and pay us more money for a game that you definitely don't need to get because gotcha games ruin your life trust me i play final fantasy record keeper don't do it and uh yeah so cool super super neat um i will say this is kind of cool i really do hope that this is exclusive to this version i can't say that i don't know for sure i'm mad right now right so i'm mad so i'm taking it out on the game itself even though everyone in the world on this game i liked the demo begrudgingly uh you know i think it's gonna be all right but i'm gonna wait i'm gonna play a bunch of monster hunter and that game's gonna get at least at least like 60 plus hours of my time and then i'll think about balan and what to do with all of this crap that's the that's the this is it this is what you get um cool thanks for watching so that is uh the collector's edition of blonde wonder world um i'm glad i spent that much money on it to be honest um i do dig the soundtrack uh i am gonna enjoy the game you know it's it's not a 60 game i would say i feel like i wasted my money but this was the only way to get that uh that being said i also learned recently that they're gonna break apart this uh collector's edition where you can buy the stuff separately which means that i could have got away with buying the game when it went on sale for ten dollars in the future and also bought the soundtrack separately from directly from square enix avoiding scalpers so uh thanks square enix for uh sucking and um you know uh in the comments below tell me how much of an idiot i was for buying this um you live and learn and you choose loves that's gonna do it for us today guys uh i love the i told you so's drop them in the comments it'd be really funny to watch how dumb i am and have you insult me about it i deserve it uh leave a thumbs up probably a thumbs down because this sucked and as always take it easy you
Channel: Blips 'n Pips
Views: 47,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, Collectors Edition, Balan Wonderworld
Id: vtFGjknBvsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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