BAD Sonic RPG Fan Games - Pikasprey

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when I was a lot younger I used to really enjoy the Sonic the Hedgehog series well I may not have owned any Saget consoles I played the heck out of everyone that was released for the Gamecube until this day I can easily say that Sonic Adventure 2 was my most played game on the system even though I started losing interest in the series as it went on there's always been an idea that stuck out my younger mind how awesome would it be if Sega released a Sonic RPG I mean it wasn't out of the realm of possibility just look at Mario for as weird as everything is in that series it still managed to make for a great RPG game and even went on to do it multiple times if an Italian plumber and his brother could pull it off then surely a franchise with such a wide cast of characters with different abilities could do it too right well in 2008 a young the caspari's wish was granted and a Sonic the Hedgehog RPG was released for the Nintendo DS as Sonic chronicles the Dark Brotherhood and holy crap was it bad this was the one spin-off series I was waiting forever to finally happen and man did it crash and burn I could really go on for hours but what I don't like about this game but that would be for another video entirely so for now let's just say that there was plenty of good reasons why they stopped after one game ever since then Sega has yet to ever attempt a Sonic RPG again in almost a decade later it doesn't look like that fact will be changing anytime soon but that's where the internet comes in when fans don't get the kind of game they want from developers sometimes they'll take it upon themselves to make it naturally I'm talking about fan games of course lots of people have made Sonic fan games before in the form of 2d side scrollers which is only natural as it is the series roots but what about RPGs after thinking about it I decided to find a bunch of fan made Sonic games made an RPG maker and see what they got to offer without wasting any more time let's jump right in and see what the sonic fanbase has in store for us if I don't survive tell my family I love them the first game we have is called Sonic in the chaos dragons right off the bat the game starts you in the middle of some random town as soon as you take a step a text box pops up and says um words I think what is this font most of the letters just blob together seriously just stop and look at this for a second this thing here is supposed to be a W this is supposed to be a T and for some reason lowercase s is are written as nines did someone really make the conscious choice to use this for their game and what's with the image icon of Sonic it looks like what you'd get when you'd scale an image down an MS paint and then enlarge it again I've only taken one step and I already hate this is this what it feels like to be an Internet critic another thing I already hate is how the developer used a sprite for a side scroller in a game with a top-down perspective whenever you move up or down Sonic keeps moving like he's going left or right oh and by the way can I just ask what am I supposed to do the game starts you off in this town but doesn't tell you what your goal is none of the NPC's give you any indication and even if you squint and take a few minutes to decipher all that text in the beginning it still doesn't tell you where you have to go I'm not joking let I literally checked everywhere in this town there's nothing as it turns out what you're actually supposed to do is head to tails his workshop on the outside of town how did I figure that out you asked after wandering around for a while eventually I came across this bridge here when you try to cross it it informed me of this why would you wait until now that tell me this couldn't there have been something at the start of the game or even one of the NPC's in town mentioning something so after more wandering around I eventually find tails's workshop where what I think is an attempt at a cutscene happens what is this did they actually just take a screenshot from Sonic X you give it the same image scaling treatment as the portraits you know what I think I've had enough of this game for time 6 I'm just gonna give the short version of what happens next blah blah blah Chaos Emeralds blah blah blah knuckles gets tricked by Eggman blah blah blah Eggman has evil plan blah blah blah secret underground cave blah blah blah the game crashed on the first overworld encounter of the game I don't have to play anymore next we have a game appropriately titled Sonic the RPG and if the game's web page is any indication of its quality I think we're in for a real treat well surprisingly enough the game is already much better than Sonic in the chaos dragons the portrait art is confident the overworld sprites fit better and above all else I can actually read what's appearing on screen unfortunately though that's where my phrase where the game stops there isn't any story and the gameplay is about as bare-bones and basic as you can get for an RPG you literally spend all of your time grinding so you can beat the character on the next map there's no variety and everything gets insanely stronger in every area so you just have to keep repeating the process also can we just take a second to appreciate the characters battle art it almost seems like the developer wanted them to look intentionally bad not only is the top of their heads usually cut off but they're always surrounded by white pixels which was obviously the result of a bad erasing job in Photoshop but I don't understand how that happens the literal first thing that shows up when you search any Sonic characters name and image search doesn't even have a background to erase why didn't they just use that how did they mess this up so badly for the most part I guess the game does exactly what it wants to do even if it is simplistic but it gets boring pretty fast man there's nothing else to really do here you know what cream go away well I'll be damned she actually went away the same developer actually made another Sonic RPG game Sonic and the Seven endings RPG and it basically does the same things I just described about the last one even using the characters battle pictures exactly as they were in the previous one and if I hadn't just told you that this was a different game you probably thought I was still playing the other one I don't know what these seven endings are all about but I don't even have the patience to reach the only ending in the first game just goes on and on and I don't feel like grinding anymore hey silver you okay there you don't seem to be moving in the right direction in all fairness though these games were probably just the result of someone young messing around with the engine but before we move on to other things though I've seen that this person has actually made a third Sonic RPG game which I'm curious about it's simply titled Sonic Adventure 2 battle all I can really guess is that this is an attempt to recreate the game it's named after in the form of an RPG doesn't sound like a bad idea for a fan game I'd actually like to check it out well first off something I immediately notice is that there is already save files that are in use I didn't play this beforehand they were included with the download kind of weird so hitting new game starts you off with a bunch of characters front of this castle hit wait what why is silver here he didn't even exist when Sonic Adventure 2 came out well at least he walks in the right direction now so having nowhere else to go we head inside of this castle there we come across dr. Eggman in order to defeat him Sonic shadow and silver all go super to fight him ok I don't remember this part of Sonic Adventure 2 well it's a good thing the super versions of the characters were labeled accordingly otherwise I'd be confused so we start the battle and then what in the hell am I looking at oh wow now this was my favorite part of Sonic Adventure 2 who could forget that memorable opening fight against two metal Sonic's two metal knuckles three randomly colored Eggman robots and a yellow shadow no but seriously what in the heck is going on here this is insane even if you've never played a Sonic game before you'd still be able to see that this is as far away from the source material as possible call me crazy but I think that if you're going to title your game after something it should probably have something to do with said thing on top of that I can't even get past this fight all of my characters just die in the first few turns is this why those saves are there was the creator so aware of how unfair their own boss fight was that instead of balancing it they just made it so I could skip past it I think I've had enough of this person's games next the next game we have is Sonic dot exe nightmare tournament of course it wouldn't be a video about bad Sonic fan games without this little abomination being involved there was a gem of ultimate power known as The Master Emerald ever since Sonic dot exe attacked it's location became unknown um attack what exactly but then a group of hard-working people found the gem they didn't know what it was but knew it had great power so they dubbed it the power gem so what was the point of saying it was lost after some unspecified attack if it was immediately found right after I especially loved how it needs to point out that the people who found the gem were hardworking just so we know that they deserved it now whoever wins the tournament that the group started will be granted access to the power within I'm sorry what tournament you got to explain things here so these hard-working people just stumble across a gem of old and power and decide to hold some random tournament to give the power to whoever wins maybe I just don't see the hidden brilliance behind this story but I'm getting the impression that it wasn't too well thought out the game itself isn't too special it has a similar formula to the last ones grind fight a sonic character repeat they even have a part of knuckles head cut off at the top - and the art looks about as good as you would expect for something sonic dot exe related nothing says small amount of effort better than five minutes in mspaint well whatever let's just go ahead and fight Eggman dot exe well that's unsettling it's also not a bad picture either I kind of want to know the name of the artists the developers stole this from after defeating Egmond on exe sonic dot exe finds himself in some kind of room where he gets to claim his prize but then the tails doll attacks I think we don't actually get to see him but apparently we have to fight him and that's it the game just ends after that I'd like to complain about how nothing within this made any sense in the slightest but since Sonic gone exe was in the title that should be expected okay we're at the last game now are you sure you're ready to handle this no one would blame you if you ran away right now but if you want to stay I won't stop you ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves I present to you meteor the Hedgehog X oh oh oh here this is this is do I even need to say anything just look at it that's the most stereotypical thing you'd expect from any Sonic fan or any preteen on deviantART is that is that Death Note music playing in the background and did they increase the pitch of the song and is that really how they wrote the title screen font and get me out of here welcome this is the beginning of an epic adventure in history now let the story begin so the game begins with some scientists sending meteor app to go fight some Hedgehog I have to say though despite the incredibly cringy title screen this game already does a few things better than every other game so far although that isn't really saying much at the very least I'm given an explanation for what I'm doing and even though meteor here is obviously a redesign of a sonic sprite taken from a 2d side-scroller there's actually a different animation for moving up and down but like before this is where I completely run out of good things to say now let us all enjoy this game's masterful dialogue that makes it worthy of this who are you what you want to stop me from destroying this place make me so then we enter a battle where in that moment I thought of all the other things I could have spent doing today who in their right mind thought that there was anything okay about this the music plane in this fight is from persona 4 I have to admit it was nice of the game to remind me that I could be playing something much more fun right now so after we defeat this here abomination he tells us that he actually didn't really want to destroy everything and that he was just trying to get our attention because he needs us to go and help get back his stolen Thunder emerald we immediately believed him and agreed and then we get dimensionally transported to this weird place here well geez this sounds so cheesy it's almost like this is based off of a fanfic or something I am not surprised in the slightest so our new friend takes us to meet the princess of this place here we are given an option for how to introduce ourself well given everything I've seen so far I'm gonna go ahead and pick the cool and edgy answer here wait wait what now I died the princess had me killed for being slightly rude to her what does she have done the actual criminals around here now there's really not much else to say about this game after that after a few more battles against some horrific sonic o'seas you end up in a dead end as the game actually isn't finished which is good because I never want to play it again hey everybody thanks so much for watching this video I just want to take this alone card here to give you guys a quick little update um first of all I just really want to say thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me I've been gaining like a crap ton of subscribers since I put out those last two videos uh I thought nobody would really care but yet you all proved me wrong but anyways I hope you liked this video and um I'm currently working on the next unused content video right now it's just uh I just want to let you all know I'm kind of the middle of a movin right now so yeah that might that might slow me down a little bit so you know but don't rest assured it's being worked on I've got I got plenty more video ideas in mind so you know stay tuned for that if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and subscribe do do all that jazz and show me show me a care show me a care otherwise I don't know I'll just be sad I guess but anyways thanks again see y'all next time thanks for watching
Channel: Pikasprey Yellow
Views: 575,456
Rating: 4.8794894 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Fan Games, Sonic rom Hacks, video game, Gaming, Sonic exe, Sonic.EXE
Id: 6RlzH1-HALQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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