BAD Etsy Seller Advice To AVOID In 2024

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to another episode of The Rock your brand podcast and this is officially the first one in 2024 at least I think it is yeah it is so this is exciting because well what we're talking about today it might sound bad because the title of this is bad Etsy advice that you need to avoid in 2024 sounds bad but it's actually going to be good because now that we're going to be discussing this and really figuring out what is the best advice moving forward and that's what we're going to be talking about here today on this episode I've got five areas that I want to cover some advice that's been given and again there's you know there's no bashing anybody here we're not we're not doing that but what we are doing is we're bringing attention to well some outdated strategies but also things that might have worked two years three years four years ago they're not working anymore and they're not going to work anymore because etsy's platform has changed and a lot more sellers have come into you know the ecosystem of etsy and wanting to sell U so we have to change things up but we also need to start thinking about how are we building this out as a real business and the one thing I've noticed is that there are a lot of so-called Etsy gurus or Etsy coaches out there and again I'm not bashing anyone because at the time when they were sharing some of this stuff which they still are sharing some of this stuff it worked for them and I don't know I can't really say for certain but I'm I got a hunch that basically a lot of these people that started back then they had a great a great year or maybe even a great two years maybe pulling out of the pandemic and then they're like wow this is awesome aome we can do this stuff just like this and it'll work and then we're going to start teaching it and that's what they did problem is doesn't work anymore okay and everyone's doing the same darn thing so that's what we're going to be covering here on this episode also I wanted to bring up that uh there was some comments that came in through our Facebook group if you guys are brand new and you're not part of our Facebook group you can always go to brandrep it's a free group and uh you can join us over there and have some conversations after the podcast has ended so if you want to join us there you're more than happy to we're more than happy to welcome you into that group uh but Chris we are going to dive in here we do got a lot to cover is there anything that I miss that we need to address before we kick this thing off officially although I do see some new members we have some new uh new uh backstage pass club members which we should probably touch on real quick but I I want to say we've got a few of them in here right now watching along so what do you want to say there Chris before we rock and roll well so so first things first Scott Happy New Year yes H I know we we've talked a few times since the beginning of the the new year but mostly on Voxer uh so just kind of back and forth leaving each other's voice notes and I did want to point out uh that the backstage pass is now a thing I know Mary and alisan artiz in works just jumped in as well uh and I know we have a bunch of other people in the house that are backstage pass members like anou and a bunch of other people who are commenting on the live and Scott can you fill people in really quick if they missed what that is what that's all about and why some people have some fancy looking badges in the chat yeah yeah guys there's something very exciting that we announced here not that long ago actually about a week and a half ago maybe even less than that it was a I think it was like just after Christmas and we basically announced that we are going to be doing 52 Etsy shop audits in the New Year in 2024 and that's what we're committing to we might do more but that's what we're committing to and we're going to be releasing uh our first episode on February 1st and uh we announced that that we're going to be doing that but we also decided to well Chris and I we're going to be batch recording these Etsy Shop audits one day a month and what we decided to do is create what we're calling our backstage pass club and this is where we're going to invite our club members to sit in on our batch recording sessions now these will be these will be raw unedited and it's going to be a place for people to also ask questions it's going to be a private session okay so Chris and I are recording these for our YouTube channel that's going to be having these posted once per week so you're going to get access before we actually uh release these but you're also going to be able to be backstage where you can ask questions and we're going to uh we're going to give some time there as well so if you want want to become a member if you aren't yet a member it's very inexpensive as of right now it's $9.99 a month basically a couple of cups of coffee you're going to by me and Chris and uh you can sit in on that and if you're on YouTube right now you're just going to go ahead and click the join not the Subscribe the Subscribe if you're not already subscribe Please Subscribe but if you want to uh to join our club or get more information you just click that join button that's right next to the Subscribe button and you'll get more information or you can just go to brandcreativity about this our first session I believe is January 11th and we are going to be uh we're going to be doing our first batch recording session for uh we're going to be doing three to four different Etsy Shop audits that we're pre-recording for the the YouTube uh Channel which is going to release the first episode February 1 so Chris did I recap that okay was I uh was I clear on everything there yeah I mean basically it is called exactly what it is right it's the ability to get backstage with us as we're recording some of the videos that are going to be out on the channel it also moves you to the front of the line if you want to have your shop audited right and Scott I don't think I told you yet but I already have six shops from people who joined as backstage pass members that we are going to be auditing now obviously it doesn't mean that just because you join you're going to be the first person on the list but it does move you to the front of that line we do have more than enough to record for the year but basically what that will do is just again move you to the next available spot for us and like you said Scott we're GNA start doing that on the 11th um which is about a week from now as of the time of recording this I think it's next Thursday is what the 11th would be as of the time of recording this so if you want to join us back stage for that recording get to see the shop audits get to hang out with us and see them before anyone else will get to see them before they go live weeks or months before they go live on the channel Jump On In just click the join button and you can come backstage with us yeah awesome all right so let's uh let's get rocking and rolling here uh and yeah I did throw that up on the screen there brand forcl Club if you want to check that out all right cool so let's get into today's uh today's topics all right because that's really what it is we're going to be going into these different areas of some what we're calling bad advice that you should avoid in 20124 so I'm going to go ahead and pull up my notes here because I've got some notes because I'm trying to be a little organized this year uh but here we go the very first bit of advice that I feel is bad moving into 2024 is and you might have already guessed it chasing Trends and just going after those standard products that everyone is selling T-shirts sweatshirts mugs and well let's throw in tumblers all right there's still people out there that are suggesting that that's what you do and I'm here to tell you that if we well if we had a hundred people do that which by the way guys there's going to be a lot more than a 100 people doing that model but if we had a 100 people do it there's going to be a very very very small percentage that are going to actually get results what's going to probably happen is there's going to be a hundred new sellers doing the exact same thing and you're going to be competing with them and then the other hundred that are coming in the next month and the next month and the next month so why did why was this advice given and why was this advice good maybe in the past I never really thought it was good advice to be quite honest with you uh I thought it was okay to maybe you know test and get yourself kind of going but you eventually need to hone in on an a audience or a niche so this way here you can start to build a real business okay because the way I look at it is people that were just throwing up shirts or throwing up mugs are still that are going to do this and they're chasing the trends well they're going to be basically just trying to go into the store and buy a lottery ticket that's kind of how I look at it where you're you're basically taking a shirt that you found maybe even using a tool like everb and you see that there's a lot of people getting a lot of sales and you don't even care what Niche it is you don't even care the audience you just see I see this thing as getting sales and then you're told okay this is the advice you're told to launch that product and put it on a t-shirt put it on a mug like whatever right like do something like that and then guess what you're doing next you're just going to find the next trending product or the next product that's selling well and do the same thing doesn't matter the niche just throw up as many as you possibly can and that is the business model it to me it is the the advice it like okay maybe back back then if you were trying to make a few a few thousand dollars you could do that maybe that was the goal but I think there's a lot of people right now that want to create something that can turn into a a revenue stream something that is happening every single month let me know I'm curious in the comments right now let me know are you trying to just make an extra I don't know thousand doll and have to go out there and find more products and all that like what what would you rather do that or would you rather create some products that can sell around the clock and I'm not talking like now but like well into the future let me know in the comments and you know what maybe you are looking to maybe just go and try to find those products and make a quick a quick Buck that's okay if that's what you want my thing is here is if you're you're looking to build a passive income stream and I say passive it's nothing is really ever fully passive but something that is more Evergreen something that you can do the work now and then you can reap the benefits over and over and over again for years to come and here's the other thing when we're doing it by building a brand where we're building a suite of products that people can buy either more when they're checking out or in the future there's also now where we can take this asset as I call it where building a business an asset and Assets in the business that we can then take and and market off of etsy so we're not just building it dedicated to only Etsy so that's the one piece of bad advice that I would avoid right now and anyone that will listen to me I will say that if you come up to me and go hey what's the best way to get started on Etsy I'm not going to tell you to chase Trends I'm not going to tell you to go find Hot Products I'm going to say find your Niche that has demand and end of story right and then from there we build out the business like that's what we're doing let me know in the comments if that sounds like something that you would be interested in doing moving forward in 2024 does that make sense Chris I would like your thoughts on this real quick and if we have any questions we can answer if there were any questions we can do that now too before moving on to the second bad piece of advice that I want to share here today yeah and we Scott we have a lot of people saying long-term success right Heather says longterm success Sue said create products for repeat customers uh I'd love to make $1,000 quick but I'd rather have a revenue stream longterm baby Evergreen says dream talking with Vicki and Scott you said something a minute ago that really resonated with me and it made me think about the session that we had last week right and the session that we had last week we had somebody in the chat I forget who it was if you're here with us today live remind me say they saw some advice from an Etsy Guru right air quotes Guru um that said something to the effect of if you want to have two successful products you need to launch 2,000 products it was something ridiculous like that Scott do do you remember the actual numbers I believe it was a thousand could have been even 2,000 but it was like launch a thousand products to basically find two products so let's just say it's a thousand let's give them the benefit of the doubt right well first of all it's got your wife's stores still has less than a thousand productss right and we have well more than two that are successful especially if we look at it from an evergreen standpoint we have well more than two products in that Bunch that sell all year long and then we have some products that are absolute rock stars during different holiday seasons Christmas is huge for us Thanksgiving is huge for us Halloween is huge for us but we have different things that sell well throughout different parts of the year and well more than two products that out sell every everything else all year round right with less than a thousand products and so you don't just have to throw spaghetti at the wall and when when you're entering the random Niche space so I'm going to start a t-shirt store I'm going to start a mug store you do have to launch substantially more products to be successful why because there's more generic competition and you're constantly competing for new customers if you're not constantly competing for new customers but you can build a stable base of repeat sales by selling people over and over again something that they are going to want to buy you're in a much better place and if you use the niche based approach that you and I advocate for Scott you're much more likely to find yourself in that vein when you get a customer you can sell them more than one thing you don't have to constantly compete for new business are you going to be doing that yes but if there's one particular t-shirt that you would like to sell because it goes well with your Niche and you realize that everybody's selling it for $8 you don't have to compete on the search page for that you can compete for the existing customers in your Niche sell it at a reasonable price and actually make money on that product you have to do substantially more work if you're doing an everything store approach than you do in a niche based store if you go with the niche-based approach you can focus on things like building long-term customer value marketing and designing products you know will actually sell versus putting up as many things as you possibly can so you have a chance to rank any organic search results so that you have products that will meet some demand somewhere and you just have to create so many more of them than you do on the niche Bas side on the spaghetti at the walls side you're spending all your time designing and you're not doing the things that actually grow the business because you have to take more chances and the way that I like to think about this Scott you have a dartboard in your house right oh yeah and and if if I gave you three darts and said throw them at the dart board from five feet away you could probably hit the dart board right probably yeah I'm pretty good at Dart now if I blindfolded you and walked you to the other side of the room what are the chances you would still hit the dart board and not Maisy yeah not not not good at all not great right but there is still a chance and that's the same thing that happens when you're using the throw stuff at the wall the spaghetti at the wall the spray and prey approach you will eventually hit the dart board at some point but you're doing it blindfolding from the other side of the room as opposed to standing straight in front of it from a few feet away and throwing darts we have a much higher hit rate in the niche based approach than anybody will ever have in the throwing stuff at the wall approach because every single product we launch even if it's something that doesn't show demand in Etsy search has a chance to sell to someone and if we can sell it to one person we can sell it to 10 people if we can sell it to 10 people we can sell it to a thousand so if you want to go with a lower friction less work appr approach and not have to be constantly designing and guessing you probably want to avoid the selling random t-shirts and mugs the random Niche the everything store approach and go with the niche based approach yeah no I love that uh okay so here we go we're gonna move into the second piece of bad advice that I really feel needs to be avoided and hopefully right now you're watching this uh you're going to at least know about it so it's totally up to you and this one here is list as many products as you can and heck even if you can launch 10 or 20 or heck maybe even a hundred products in a day do it that is to me really bad advice because well we just had someone in the comments that basically said yes they heard to basically launch 2,000 products to get two winning products that to me sounds like a lot of work and here's the deal what what is going to be accomplished there other than your store is going to look a mess number one number two the people coming in is are going to be confused right and they're G to come into your shop and go oh my gosh like I'm in one of those shops along the boardwalk where I can go in and get like all these different types of t-shirts or mugs or all of these souvenirs okay and it's just a lot of wasted time why why would someone want to do that versus basically taking the time to figure out the niche that you can focus on and build products create products list products that that one customer would want to buy okay so perfect example is the wedding Niche massive niche but there's a lot of sub nites we've talked about this before well if we just focus on that n like that's all that you're focusing on is that one customer maybe the bride okay and you're focusing on that part of the wedding right now that's all that you're going to be doing is creating products that are going to be served to that one customer and now think about this you put the time and energy into that because you know that there's demand for that product pretty much all throughout the year now there's going to be wedding months and all of that we know that right but there's going to be certain times of the year that you're going to be now targeting these people right women mothers grandmothers like everyone that is involved in this and now you're going to be serving products to help that person with that day or before the day or after the day and that's all that you got to focus on you're not sitting there thinking to yourself I just got to go ahead and slap up a whole bunch of different products so this way here I can hopefully hit one or two okay that's not what we want to do all right so if you are thinking that you have to launch a whole bunch of products I hope that you're considering not doing that and I hope that I just saved you hours if not months of your time of creating and launching I mean think about that if you launch that many products how much time that's going to take you if you have any quality at all and how much is going to go into creating your listings creating your mockups creating your uh you know your printify connections and and all of that right like everything that's got to happen behind the scenes it's a lot for what to to hopefully hit that one or two lottery ticket wins okay so if you're watching this I'm glad and hopefully this is making sense and hopefully this has allowed you to see that there's a much better way and if we are doing this for the long term we do not have to launch this many products in order to be successful okay yes I'm a fan of launching multiple products and I am a fan of launching even one product a day when you're starting get that inventory built up but the product should be related to each other or they could be something that that customer might be interested in even if they didn't come in looking for it all right so that's a huge uh a huge mistake I think people are making and I think if you're going to do this in 2024 you need to avoid that and if someone is leading you down that path you need to think to yourself is this really the best business model to basically throw a thousand products up to get one product you got to ask yourself that question and I would like to know does does that sound fun in leave that in the comment does that sound fun or does it sound more fun to create products for one type of customer that could buy more right out of the gate or repeat buy over time let me know in the comments let me know Chris anything you want to add to that before we move on to the third two things really fast and and Scott correct me if I'm wrong on this or if you feel differently but I think number two here where we're talking about listing products every day that really would apply if we're following bad advice piece number one right if we have to launch a thousand products to have one product that sells consistently because we're using the random stuff approach the T-shirt shop mug shop random Niche just throw anything up approach then yes to get to a thousand products in a reasonable amount of time we would have to launch several products a day right there's only 365 days in the year and if we need to create a thousand listings that means we have to laun and somebody correct my math on this right like two and a half a day or almost three a day to be able to get to that within the first year to get one product I don't know about youus Scot but that sounds a little crazy to me and that's why we said piece of advice number one is not so hot and I think piece of advice or bad piece of advice I guess we should say number two does kind of Follow that so if you're avoiding number one and you hear number two don't think that you have to do that because if you're selling to a specific Niche you create products that you know they're interested in and that means you can focus on other things like I said a couple minutes ago the marketing the customer service all of these different kind of things we don't constantly have to throw products up for the sake of throwing products up and W Klein over in the YouTube chat said if I had to create 2,000 products that means $500 in listing fees right so we haven't spent that much creating new listings in the entire existence of the store and we have well more than two products that sell over and over again and so it's one of those things where if you're avoiding number one you can still fall victim to number two because everybody that's talking about Etsy just says man you got to launch as many products as possible and Scott before we move on uh that shirt store over on YouTube said but shouldn't shouldn't your store Follow the 8020 rule the Paro principle where 20% of your products make up 80% of your revenue and the more products you launch therefore the bigger that 20% can become and well that the Paro principle is typically what will happen that shouldn't be the goal right we shouldn't be creating as many products as possible with the hope that 20% of them make up 80% of our revenue and in fact if that is where our store is we should be be focused on creating products that are going to diversify that because if 80% of our revenue is coming from 20% of our products let's say we have 10 products that means two of them are selling right if one of those products Falls in search rank or goes out of season that means 10% or 40% of our Revenue goes away overnight so we don't want to be reliant on that it's not to say you should never create new products but you don't have to launch one two five 20 products a day to be successful on Etsy as long as you're focused on the niche side of this yeah uh I also want to throw something out there real quick I had a a few comments that came in that I saw that were asking like well how do you find a niche right um here's what I would do uh we don't have time to go into like all of that because I want to keep going here we got a lot more to cover um we do have a road map that kind of goes through all of the different aspects of building out the brand and one of them is finding the niche validating the niche if you would like to get a copy we're calling it The 64 or we called it the 64k road map because that was what we had did the year before we're going to be soon changing this and updating this road map to the $100,000 road map because that has now been uh uh you know something that we've now achieved um so we're going to go ahead and and we're going to drop the link there but if you want us to send it to you can just drop it in the comments and just put 64k and we can go ahead and uh we can do that for you so just in the comments put 64k or you can go to that link that just popped up um but we can send it to you regardless all right um Chris let's move on let's move on to the third uh thing that I want to highlight here and and bring to people's attention and that is this one here is kind of crazy and I just was it was brought to my attention the other day when someone that wants us to do an Etsy Shop audit uh actually I take that back we did an Etsy Shop audit this was a paid Etsy Shop audit uh we don't really do a lot of them anymore uh and I know I get a lot of people that that want them uh we do occasionally but this one here I had already committed to just saying that because I know that I'll get flooded with people saying like can I get my my Etsy Shop uh an audit done a private audit we're doing these public ones that you can now submit yours to potentially show up in one of our shows our upcoming episodes you can do that by heading over to Brand audit and you can U you can do that there but uh the reason why I brought that up is because I was doing this this Etsy Shop audit and the one thing that this person said was I was following another Etsy coach Guru and that person said that I should take my same product okay my listing and I should duplicate that listing and just change the title and I should do this multiple times and I was like really like that's that's advice to basically take your listing of the same product okay we're not talking a different color we're not talking like a different style we're talking the same identical product now I'm not going to mention any names they did share it with me and I'm just I'm blown away that this advice is given because number one this person said it didn't work for them number two it made their shop littered with duplicate listings of the same product so when a customer comes in there they're looking at 10 listings of the same darn product and they're going why am I seeing 10 of the same and why am I seeing it labeled differently right that's confusing and it's also trying to game the Etsy uh Al algorithm the the platform because Etsy doesn't want you to to post the same or list the same product just using a different title they don't want you to do that they want you to list it once and then they want you to use other variations of your keyword that would attract that person to that listing do you think that they want their catalog littered with a whole bunch of duplicate uh listings absolutely not so people that are listening to that advice if you are listening to this if you've been thinking about doing that because you heard it's a strategy please please please do not do that do not do that again if you want to do it that's on you but I'm telling you right here bad bad advice like this this here is like borderline where it could get you in trouble advice like it it if they found out that you were doing this for that reason you're probably going to get a suspended account okay so if you are considering doing that please don't hopefully I've made myself very clear and I'm curious has anyone heard that has anyone heard of that if you're watching this right now in the comments let me know have you heard of that strategy before I'm just curious if if I'm the only one that was in the dark because maybe it's because I keep my head down a lot of times and I just focus on the stuff that I know works the oldfashioned marketing and using the tools that Etsy is giving us internally to make more sales and and to build a brand like I'm just curious in the comments let me know if I'm the only one that has just heard about this like that's incredible that that's even happening um bad advice hopefully you'll avoid that you don't need to do that what you need to do is create a really good listing spend time on that listing making it optimized okay good title good images good description good tags okay make sure that's done make sure everything on the back that you're you're you're putting in as far as the input you're making sure that everything is is there and it's right and it's descriptive and then let Etsy find those people okay now we're going to talk a little bit here about another piece of advice that's given on SEO here we'll talk about that a little bit but for right now you do want your your listing optimized and I'll share why here in a second but just spend the time to make that a really really good solid listing don't try to duplicate and try to gain the system trying to find out what keywords are really there's easier ways to do that and there's legit ways of doing it all right so Chris anything you want to speak to on that so this one sets me off and Scott uh I think it was last week's live session actually somebody asked us in the chat and I wrote like six or seven messages explaining why this is a terrible terrible idea is it a direct violation of terms of service on Etsy I don't think so but it definitely is in that like not just gray but dark dark dark gray area where it's like you probably shouldn't be doing this even if it's not explicitly banned right and the biggest reason for this and the reason that I see most people cting in the chat as to why they've heard this as a rumor is that it's a good way to split test your title right you get the ability to put two different titles up on an otherwise identical listing and one of those potentially outperforms the other one and then you just delete the other one and let the the winner work why is that a bad idea well the number one reason is you're splitting all of the signals what do I mean when I say that how does the Etsy algorithm work the very first step is that swipe left swipe right yes or no test that we've talked about in the in the past right the Tinder keyword test do you match the keyword yes or no and if you do then it moves on to all of the other factors so assuming you pass that first step of the test then they start looking at things like shop history traffic sales conversion rate customer satisfaction all of these kinds of things and those matter substantially more than the keyword itself if what we're doing is creating two duplicates of that listing let's even say Scott we're running ads to both of them we're splitting all of that traffic sales history all of that data is being split between two or among three or more listings because you wanted to test a title the better way of doing this is keeping all of that data in one listing and then recreating the title based off of the keywords you see that are leading directly to sales how do you get that information you get that information by running ads looking at the ads data and then looking at the beta search report which I believe is still in beta you know a year and a half later inside of etsy where it tells you when you show up for this keyword here's your click-through rate here's your conversion rate those are the keywords you should be using in your title otherwise you're actually reducing your ility to be shown in Etsy search by splitting all of that data across two or more listings meaning Etsy doesn't know which one to show for the keywords because outside of the title they're the same listing you're confusing Etsy reducing the the conversion rate and Impressions on the single listing splitting that among two listings and actually over time reducing the amount of sales that you can get on an optimized listing because you've split all of that data for the first three months six months nine months however long you run that test for the better way to do this is to create one listing for one product and optimize that listing based off of the data you get back rather than throwing a bunch of things at the wall and this seems to be a theme today throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and waiting to see what works slightly better you have no idea because you've now confused Etsy as to what they should show and so they're not quite sure which one to show for which keyword anyway it's better to keep all of that in one place maximize the traffic you're getting to that listing maximize your opportunity to understand the data and maximize the sales that you're getting from that one listing so you can cement the position of that listing as fast as possible in the organic search results and ramp up your sales over time sorry I got a little I got a little heated on that you got you got a little he D me nuts you struck a nerve struck a nerve all right um and a lot of people in the comments are saying they've heard of the strategy some people said it was years ago some people said yeah I haven't tried it but I've heard of it like Okay cool so we got that out of of the way now here's what I will say Chris brought up a bunch of stuff right SEO uh Etsy ads stuff is really important I'm going to talk more about that but if you want to know more of our strategy on using SEO and using Etsy ads if you want a we created two separate guides one's for SEO one's for ads if you want us to send you one or both let us know just put SEO for the SEO guide just drop that in the comments if you want the Etsy ads one drop that in the comments by saying ads and then what we'll do is we'll be able to send these to you whether it's here now or we'll send it in a little in a little while once we uh once we get off of here um so if you did want that just drop those in the comments SEO or ads uh or you can just say Etsy ads and SEO um but anyway just wanted to throw that out there okay because that is a Hot Topic let's move on the next big well how how should I say this this one here that I'm going to share with you this bit of advice that was given that blew me away I can't even believe it was a thing but it was and uh I was this was brought to my attention by one of our students that went through our one two3 pod FastTrack training and they said this is such a breath of fresh air to see someone wanting to build a brand versus doing what this person was telling them all right you probably want to know what was that basically saying they want them their students to go and basically find popular memes okay that are on social media that are doing well that are getting liked and favored and shared and all that stuff and they tell them to take those those sayings and create shirts and mugs and anything else that they can sell using those meme sayings now it goes a little bit even further than this they said basically to go out there and build or use a tool that I think someone else built which is probably teaching this because that's how they'll benefit from this is basically go and scrape social media to take memes that are popular and then give access to all of those memes to these people so then they can just go ahead and launch products and they're talking about launching hundreds if not thousands of these per month so man I I'll tell you what like talk about it's kind of shady right to to go out there and number one scrape stuff number one right and then number two you're launching this stuff and it's just again spaghetti at the wall what sticks the other downside of this is when you're doing this you are also going to be potentially at risk because some of these memes are probably trademarked or they have trademarking in them and then what's going to happen is you're going to do this and you're going to get flagged and then you're going to get suspended and then you're going to get banned yeah we we we don't want to go down that road so once again if something seems too good to be true or if something seems like someone's trying to teach you how to game the system you need to put your little your little Common Sense hat on there and go wait a minute would Etsy be okay with this that's the question you got to ask yourself would Etsy be okay with me scraping memes that are popular taking those and putting them on a shirt and selling it on their platform would they be okay with that probably not because number one Etsy started if you remember why Etsy even became a plat platform for handmade stuff they don't want this to be littered with a bunch of crap and that's what's being said as far as what to do basically go out there and slap up a whole bunch of products thousands of products and seeing if you can start to get some sales we do not want to do that all right we do not want to do that so that's some advice that I do not want you to take and this is the advice I would say I beg you not to take because this here is so bad so bad and uh to me it's it's really just it's it's a shame that some people are going to want to do that and there are going to be people that are going to do this by the way even if they watch this video they will probably still want to do it you want to know why because a lot of people are just trying to make money and I get it we all want to make money but don't you want to make money with something that can be repeated something that is building value something that is giving people happiness or solving a problem don't you want to be that I mean it just feels better you're building a brand that serves a niche and you're helping them whether it's to make them smile to have a great day to give someone a gift or maybe to solve a problem like wouldn't it be better than just to try to go out there and make a quick Buck slapping up stuff it's just it's kind of shady and I don't like it and to me it's super bad advice and I would avoid it Chris really quick what's your thoughts on that we don't need to go too deep into that but what what's your thoughts two two things really fast Scott first uh not only are a lot of these things trademarked but they're automatically copyrght and there's actually several lawsuits over people using someone else's memes for business purposes happening right now people are getting sued over this already because you're violating intellectual property and Scott I wna I want to pose a thought exercise to both you and the chat right now I'm listening to some of these bad bad advices what what is the plural of advice uh to this this session about bad advice and I'm realizing that I think we can create a little bit of a blanket rule and I want to test this with you and the chat and see if we can poke some holes in this any advice that is about you creating as many designs as fast as possible is probably bad advice that would be my blanket rule right if we look at number one selling random stuff that's all about creating as many designs as fast as possible bad advice number two list products every day always right that's about creating as many listings and as many designs as fast as possible finding trending sayings for memes and t-shirts right scraping the internet to have more data to create more listings faster bad advice so Scott I'm curious if you have any exceptions to that rule and I'm curious if the chat has any exceptions to that rule but I think I want to leave it there for now if somebody is telling you that the thing you need to do is create more designs faster and they have a way to help you with that it's probably bad advice yeah I like living by that that's that that's a good one um all right and Chris I wanted to remind you too you and I talk this is a little a little off the cuff here but uh if anyone does want the SEO guide which a bunch of You' have already put in there Chris if you recall we can't see these after the fact so people that are here live I mean for the people that are here live if you're live here with us put it in the comments and we'll send it to you so Chris if you could do that in the background if you're not already um because if not I won't be able we won't be able to see them if you're here watching this as a replay there's going to be a separate comment thread for you and uh you'll be able to drop them in the comments and we'll be able to see them so I just wanted to kind of throw that out there just to make sure that we get everybody taken care of that's dropping in SEO ads and 64k uh road map um all right so uh let's go ahead and let's go ahead head and pull up the last one here okay another piece of bad advice that wasn't always bad advice by the way uh it actually was good advice and it still kind of could be good advice depending on how you look at it and what I'm talking about is people telling new Etsy sellers that all you need to do is launch product and master SEO and if you don't know what SEO is it's search engine optimization and Etsy is basically a search engine for people that are searching to buy stuff okay and I would say to three years ago and and further than that that was a thing right number one there was less competition number two there was you know maybe Etsy had less strict guidelines and rules on how they ranked but as you get more people more sellers Etsy starts to see that people are starting to gain the system kind of like with the you know those listings that are getting uh you know duplicated and then you know a whole bunch of different keywords are being used to try to test keywords and split test and all that stuff once they start to see this stuff they start to well they start to adjust the algorithm okay and SEO the way it used to be doesn't work the way it used to be okay now there is SEO that works okay and I do feel like every listing should be optimized for SEO because we want to tell Etsy what we're selling because if you don't tell them what you're selling they can never index you and if they can't index you they can't send you traffic okay but what I'm talking more about is the organic traffic what everyone wants so you might have been told just just L list a whole bunch of products okay and you are going to be able to rank for these products and you're going to sell the other thing I want to say is people have been taught also that if you are going after a keyword let's say that you're going after personalized bass fishing shirt personalized bass fishing shirt okay and you are going after that keyword and let's say that you go ahead and you search that keyword and you see where you're ranking and you're like oh my gosh I'm ranking number one yes I did it okay well are you getting any sales yet are you getting any clicks yet does your dashboard say that you're getting any views a lot of times people are like no I'm not but I'm ranking you know why you're not getting sales probably because that isn't the main keyword that people are actually searching for right but you were told that if you optimize and if you and if you go after that keyword that you found in in a tool right that you are going to now all of a sudden start getting sales and that's not the case a lot of times the other downside here is as far as like just looking at SEO organically is there's other factors that come into play as to how you are going to rank and one of those ways is showing Etsy that your listing is actually getting sales now I've used this example before because it makes a lot of sense let's say that there's a hundred listings going after the same keywords the same type of product same keywords Etsy is going to look at those 100 listings and just because you have a title in there that is similar to someone else's that's doing really well it doesn't mean that you're going to rank what is going to be a deciding factor if they're going to look at all 100 list what's going to be a deciding factor for them to want to make you number one or at least page one in the search results what are they going to do they're going to look at sales and they're going to say oh here out of these hundred listings these five are selling so they're going to rank them on the first page but let's take it a step further let's say for example you're one of those five what's going to get you to be the number one well it's going to come down to either more sales or it's going to be a combination of that and a conversion rate and a conversion rate what that basically means is let's say every hundred visitors that you get to your listing you sell one that's a 1% conversion let's say you sell two that's a 2% conversion let's say you sell five that's a 5% conversion well now etsy's algorithm is going to look at what's the conversion rate difference and then they're going to take the one that has the highest conversion and then that'll move you to the top so there's so much more that goes into mastering SEO right than just optimizing your listing for SEO okay sales come into the equation and that's where Etsy ads come into the situation because now we can instead of sitting around waiting for Etsy to send us traffic because they like us because they're like oh we like you we're just going to give you some traffic today no instead of waiting we need to spike the algorithm and the way that we can do that is we can get sales and we can get reviews another side of it here to get more sales is to get more reviews that's another thing that will take your conversion rate above your competition so let's say that you were neck and neck with someone and you want to outrank them so you get better position well maybe they have more reviews than you so that's something you got to work on it doesn't mean it's going to happen overnight but that's something you'd have to work on so there's things now that we can analyze with our conversion rate and try to get that up but I just want you to know that the advice out there that is given to basically don't use Etsy ads and just put up listings and get them to rank I want to know what that Etsy Guru is telling you how you were supposed to get ranked if you're not getting sales oh I know I know what the the response might be go after low competition products so this way here you get there first okay I can kind of go with that a little bit but are there really are there really that many products that are low competition or low competition keyword find those keywords that no one else is going after the reason why no one else is probably going after them is because there's probably not anybody searching for you have to remember we're looking for people that are searching for something if we can't show up in search no one's going to find us well how do you force that you use Etsy ads so in 2024 moving forward you are going to have to yes optimize your listing for SEO I'm not saying that but you have to take it a step further and you now have to start working on how can I get sales if you're not going to use Etsy ads well you're going to have to find another source maybe email marketing maybe maybe you have an email list that you're going to be able to promote it to or maybe you can maybe you can pay someone that has an email list in your Niche that can promote it for you or maybe you can have someone that's a social media influencer promote you right you have to find a way to get traffic to that listing that will convert bottom line okay you you have to now I know SEO is a mystery for a lot of people Etsy ads is a mystery for a lot of people again if you would like to get our free guides on on either one of these put SEO if you want the SEO guide in the comments or put ads in the comments and we will send you that guide okay we have two guides one for SEO one for Etsy ads I think the the SEO one is probably over 20 pages and so is the Etsy ads one um and it goes through our strategy and kind of how we look at it and how we how we uh use them okay or use it all right so if you want that drop it in the comments but please okay don't think that you're just going to put a listing up and SEO gods are going to come in and go yes let's give them traffic because they have a a listing that's new there etsy's in in business to make money Etsy is in business to give the search what the people are searching for okay if you're searching for something they want to show you a product that that person is looking for but also a a product that people are buying okay and that's what they're going to do because they're going to make more money they make more money on that than they do on the listing fee okay so they want you to sell and they want to put the products that are selling in the top search results all right so that's the truth about SEO and moving forward uh that's what I would do for uh for really trying to get my products seen and being able to get that momentum uh on the Etsy platform Chris anything you wanted to add to that yeah the one thing really fast and I know if one person is thinking about it Scott a bunch of people are thinking about it and Sam James said Scott said you know there's 100 listings and the same amount of sales determines where you rank how does a new store compete if we need sales to get sales how do we get sales to start with well the easy thing is with Etsy ads right but if you have zero budget to run Etsy ads can you put up a listing and still get sales yes Etsy actually accounts for this in their algorithm right so even a brand new product they will say we know that Scott's t-shirt Chris's t-shirt they both get a good conversion this new product we're not quite sure where it goes so we're going to give it a couple chances over the next 3 to six months to figure out where it really kind of fits when we show it will it sell better worse the same as Scott or Chris's t-shirt they do give you some chances just on the organic side and you can do this by just putting up a listing and waiting the problem with that the big problem with that is while etsy's doing their testing and tweaking your competitors who are selling are increasing their sales if they're smart if they're following the advice that we're giving here they're optimizing their conversion rate they're looking at what keywords are driving those sales and they're getting a higher volume than you are so even if you do start to get a few initial sales by relying on the organic only approach it takes you a long long long time and a much longer time to start to be able to rank for that and so there is a little bit of a chicken and an egg problem where you have to either exchange time or money in order to start to get those initial sales and and you will start to see a few initial sales drip in over 3 to six months on a listing that has a chance to sell in whatever space that it is you'll see those come in faster on less competitive but also lower sales volume type listings so the best thing that you can do Scott to your point is Drive some traffic whether it's internal traffic using SE ads external traffic coming from social media be it influencers be it a Facebook page a Pinterest or ideally your email list now if you're just getting started you might not have those things and that's why Etsy ads is such a useful tool even if Etsy ads don't have a direct impact all new organic algorithm the data that you get back will help you optimize all new organic side because it will tell you when Etsy shows your ad for keyword X Y number of people click and Z number of people buy and we can start to compare those and say when we show for mug we sell a lot when we show for insulated uh cup no one Buys so let me out optimize for mug and go from there and an earlier had said you know I run Etsy ads as much as I can just for the sake of the data that's a great way to look at it right ideally we're making money on it but at the very least we're getting the data back to help us optimize our listing faster to give Etsy what they want which is number one sales number two traffic and number three a high conversion rate which is the Confluence of those two things right qualify traffic coming from keywords that people relate to the product turning into sales that's what Etsy is looking for they don't really care about your 20-cent listing fee they want that transaction fee and the relisting fee every time that you sell and the faster we can get them that data the faster we're going to rank and the faster we're going to see an increase and then a a steady level of sales cool love it all right awesome so I want to jump into uh another topic here and it is about Etsy ads uh and someone had just commented Shelly did actually Shelly one of our one of our uh backstage pass club members what's up Shelly um so yeah so uh it says here uh I'm getting clicks but not converting to sales and I'm glad that you brought that up because I received that question just the other day and it actually inspired me to want to do this little uh this little section here that I'm going to share with you right now because I think it's important to understand this all right so the question is usually why am I getting clicks right but I'm not getting sales or maybe it's why are Etsy ads not working for me actually that that's a better one that's a better one why are Etsy ads not working for me you might be saying well I'm getting views right but I'm not getting I'm not getting clicks I'm not getting sales or you might be saying I'm getting clicks but I'm not getting sales there's really a couple of different things that we have to look at here all right and the first one is and this is the first one that we're going to tackle here is let's say that you're running Etsy ads and I don't care if it's two bucks a day low budget and you're looking at your views and you're like I'm not getting a lot of views I think Etsy just doesn't like me okay my question would be and this is where I would go is I would look at the pro that you are advertising I would look at the demand and there's where I would start to investigate now you might have looked at this product and demand for this product at a certain time of the year and maybe you noticed that it was doing pretty well but maybe you didn't look at the at the year Trend where maybe it's dropped a little bit and right now you're not getting a lot of views or maybe there's just not any demand at all maybe it's very very little and so this is a great way also when you're running Etsy ads to see this data so even if all you did was took 10 bucks two bucks a day for five days and you just put it against one of your listings you're going to see real fast what kind of views that you're getting and this is going to tell you in real data now this isn't like a tool pulling it in this is like real data on your listing as far as how many people are actually searching for this so couple things one it could just be that there's not any Demand right now for this product or maybe there hasn't been ever okay the other thing is maybe you're going after the wrong keyword so this is where then you would start to look at and go well these people over here are selling you know 10 a day and I'm not selling any I'm not even getting any views what's what's going on here well then I would look very closely at their listing and see what am I missing that they have and I'd be looking more specifically at the title and maybe at their tags that's what I'd be looking at because a lot of times it's just going after the wrong keyword will make it where you're not being discovered for that because you went after a completely different a different keyword search okay so that's one thing to look at if you're if you're running Etsy ads look at the data look at your views we either have a demand problem or we have a problem with the targeting okay who you are targeting and the only way that you're going to be able to get targeted by the way or Target people certain people is from the keyword you can't go into your Etsy dashboard at least right now and say I want to advertise that for these keywords can't do that but you can put it in your title put it in your tags and that will help you now or it'll help Etsy know who they're supposed to be targeting okay that's the first side of it now the other question that I get a lot is Scott I'm getting views I'm getting clicks but I'm not getting any sales why well now we have a conversion problem okay so it's good that you're getting views now we can see yes we're getting demand that's awesome okay great check we're getting clicks that's the other thing like if you're getting clicks that's great because sometimes I've seen it where people are getting views but they're not getting clicks and they're like why am I not getting any clicks that's generally by the way going to be an image problem that's usually going to be an image problem because if you think about it if you're getting views that that means that you're being displayed people are scrolling and they're they're looking at all the listings and they're seeing yours but they're not clicking in well that's telling me that well your images aren't what they're looking for or maybe the image just isn't of good quality maybe it's not representing the product good enough maybe you're not standing out and your competitors are so that's something to look at if you're not getting the click let's assume that you are getting the click now we need to look at okay people are are seeing the listing they're clicking on the listing and now they're coming into my listing now it's my job my listing's job to convert them to a sale but they're not they're not why aren't they first thing is how many reviews do you have okay if you're brand new you're not going to have a lot of reviews maybe not even any and that's where we need to get a little aggressive with our pricing and we to get a little bit more maybe aggressive with Etsy ads and just show up a lot more and our conversion rate will be less but we're able to now build those reviews right so we're sacrificing profit for reviews okay in the very beginning because those reviews are a huge part of conversions and we've all seen it on Amazon we see it now on Google right if you're if you're looking for a local painter they've got Google reviews right Whoever has the best ones restaurants we see it all over the place reviews are a big conversion piece okay but the other thing it could be is people go in and they do look at the rest of your images and maybe you just don't have enough showing the product in detail maybe it's just three images and that's all you have so maybe we need to build that out maybe we need to add more images maybe we need to add more close-ups of the product maybe the the quality of the pictures aren't representing the product well enough so those are some things to look at but the reviews is a big driver I feel also I feel like pricing is is a deciding factor now I don't mean that you have to have the lowest price but I do think that if you are running a sale it's going to help you number one it's going to help you if you're running a sale little side note if you're running a sale Etsy is also going to show your listing in other areas where sales are happening so that's another way to get more exposure but the other thing is is you got to think about this when we're driving traffic over we want all of the boxes checked for making it an irresistible offer in a sense so where they come in they're number one looking at reviews and they're like man this is a really good seller I like this seller I I would like to buy from this seller they have a lot of happy customers and then the second thing is they're like oh that's a pretty good deal right so whether in the beginning you're doing free shipping and a sale or maybe you're just doing a sale and maybe you're just charging a little bit for shipping but you're absorbing some of that in in your price but you want to look at pricing as that is something that someone looks at and when you're running a sale that is a conversion uh element okay we all know it if if you're running a sale you're GNA get more people to want to buy because it's a sale and it's going to expire all right and one little one little uh Pro tip here is if you're running sales I always run them shorter so seven days or less and the reason why is because we have a start and an end and when it starts to come to the end you're going to find that when people arrive there they're going to see 12 hours left or six hours left and that's going to help conversions as well so those are just some things to be looking at if you're saying why are Etsy ads not working for me and those are some things that I would run through depending on what one of them speaks to you and run through your listings run through your Etsy ads and see where you can find the holes and then just plug the holes all right Chris you got anything else you want to add to that I wanted to address one thing really quick Scott because you were talking all about conversion rate and we got a question about the impact of videos in Etsy on conversion rate you guys may or may not know that we ran a big old buyer survey of etsy buyers and we asked all kinds of questions about the things that influence purchase decisions and all of those kinds of things right and the way that the data came back was basically videos will massively increase your click-through rate from the search result because it helps your product stand out just like Scott running a promotion or a sale helps your product stand out but it wasn't necessarily the thing that they relied on for the conversion so it will have an increase in clicker rate which will increase your traffic and in theory right on basically every other platform it does also increase conversion rate because you're showing off more of the product but Etsy buyer specifically said hey you know we're not really relying on that at this point for a conversion rate but even if the video itself doesn't impact your conversion rate it does impact clickthrough rate which impacts traffic which means even if your conversion rate doesn't change you end up with more sales because you get more clicks so if you aren't using video definitely include that as a part of your conversion rate process because it is going to increase the traffic that you get yeah I I wanna I want to bring something up here um it looks uh I had something here oh I I know first off before I get into this but I I saw that uh I think it was Steph Gore had said something about reviews and I want to bring that up so I'm going to get there in a second but listen we talked a lot about ETS ads and I just want you to know if you want our guide just go ahead and drop in the comments ads and we will send you that guide uh it's free um but it'll walk you through our strategy starting out with a low budget looking at the data how long to test it for and some best practices so if you want that just drop that in the comments ads and we will send that off to you all right so Steph Gore and Ste it looks like Stephen is one of our backstage past club members now too so Stephen welcome and thank you um yeah I need reviews I have none so far on my 15 sales here's the deal Stephen I got a little bit of advice for you here's what I would do those 15 sales if you have not yet done this I would be reaching out to every single person manually and I would just check in with them hey I know it's been a week a couple weeks a few weeks I'm just checking in wanted to make sure that everything that you received you're enjoying or the gift that you gave and I just want to let you know we're a small business and my customers mean the world to me and if you could do me a quick favor and leave me a review that would be awesome thank you so much once again I appreciate you if you need anything let me know there you go like if you want to rewind this and go back and just that what I would write like that's it okay um now you can do this also if you're not yet using everb email this is automated like if you guys are not using this right now okay ever be email for just this one feature by the way okay and what I'm about to tell you is a huge feature because this will happen automatically so imagine those 15 sales that came in those 15 customers immediately you would send out an email now you can do it manually but you can do this automated okay inside of everb email you basically then write this email that's going to go out to all of your customers once they purchase and it's going to basically welcome them and say your order is confirmed we're got it we're packaging it up um and oh by the way if you would like to join our VIP Club you can go ahead and click the button there and you'll become part of our VIP Club where we give discounts and special promotions and when we launch new stuff okay it's a way to build your email list too but forget about that for a second you're also now just building that connection okay and then you're going to follow up when it's been shipped and it's going to do the same thing hey I just want to let you know we just shipped your item can't wait for you to get it if you have any questions when you get it let me know and oh by the way if you want to join our VIP list you can do so but in the meantime can't wait for you to get it and uh you know as soon as you get it let me know right and then after it's delivered on that day you can send another email that says hey I just noticed that your package was was delivered I just want to make sure you got it and uh if you have any questions let me know and uh if you want to join our VIP list you can just remind them again there and then yeah just just checking in that's all you're doing right and what this does is it builds Goodwill along the way it's like wow this this person's really really taking care of their customers which you are and then the fourth and final one is going to be hey it's been a you know it's been 24 hours but let's just say you know it's been a day since you received it I just wanted to check back in let you know that I want to make sure that you're you're happy and you received everything is there anything that I need to be aware of are you enjoying it and oh if you can do me a quick favor we're a small business just starting out if you could do me a favor and take a few seconds and go leave us a review that would mean the world to us and that's it and these four emails you write them once and they're automatically triggered so if you want to get that okay if you're not using everb email and you want to get a free month if you go through the growth plan I'm going to throw this up here real quick uh is this one right here so if you go to email forshop docomo plan once you when you sign up for the growth plan you will get a free month as well and then you'll get to be able to do this immediately uh and then uh you'll be able to get everything everything set up if you do got another thing for you if you do go through our link we will get uh we will get a cup of coffee they you know we'll get a little commission there um but we'll also send you some templates and some training for building your list if you want that just uh either message us okay here so you can just uh let's see what could you put in here probably put in templates put in templates and then what we'll do is we will need to uh you know see that you are a uh an everb user so you'll probably want to send us an email at support but we'll give you that information once we once you you put in their templates and then we'll give you our email address then you just email us with your receipt and we we will send you those templates and that free training for building your list um so that's something else that you can do there again if you want those just drop in their templates and they they will be our four templates our four email templates that we use in that sequence that I just kind of went through but that right there is huge getting those reviews is critical critical to increasing your conversions all right so Chris we covered a ton here today um I think we're running out of time uh we've got a bunch of new clubs uh backstage pass club members that I saw that showed up which is awesome if you are just tuning in or if you skipped all the way to the end of this on the replay uh we do have a brand new what we're calling backstage pass club this is where we are going to be well letting people behind the scenes while we record batch record uh our Etsy Shop audits that we're going to be releasing here publicly on the channel we're going to be releasing 52 uh different Etsy Shop audits where people are going to get their shops evaluated and they're going to get some strategy and uh just some tips that we're going to share with them uh but we're also going to be broadcasting those here or publishing them here on the channel but if you are a backstage pass club member you're going to sit in on our recording session where we're going to be doing three to four one or we're going to be one once per month we're going to be meeting Chris and I we're going to be recording three to four Etsy Shop Audits and then they will be released in the future but if you want to get backstage if you want to ask us questions and be there on that live call well you can just go to uh well the join button somewhere here somewhere around here I should say join or you can just uh go to brandreth and uh or every every month and uh yeah you can get behind the scenes and maybe even have your own Etsy Shop audited all right so that's what I got for you guys here today Chris anything you want to say before we uh before we wrap up here no I think that's about it uh first Scott welcome to 2024 happy 2024 I did want to ask you one thing actually before we jump off yeah so you had uh you and your wife had a goal last year of getting to the shop to 100K that was the goal for last year and obviously that's gross not yep have you set a goal for 2024 and are you willing to share that publicly well we have not come up with a new number um but as you know Chris we are obviously we want to we W to do that plus because we always want to grow right um but I would say we want to increase what we're doing on Etsy but we're also now have also uh started to focus on what we're going to do off of etsy so we're in the in the middle of right now we built out a Shopify store which Chris you were part of that uh we built out a Shopify store we got everything loaded up in there of our products from Etsy and now we are just just right now starting to actively Market that Shopify store now we will be talking more about that here on the channel as well so make sure that you subscribe to the channel um but we um we didn't set a revenue goal as of yet we will uh but right now honestly as soon as the year was over we were just like okay we need a little bit of a break uh and uh we just know that we are going to be um going to be doing more than we did last year and we are hopefully going to be adding some Shopify to that because we know that there's a lot more to be had even out there um outside of etsy than there is just there on that one platform and now like I said like we're building a brand so we can now take a lot of those products and bring them over and now use other channels to be able to drive traffic and it's it's exciting but guys doesn't have to be right now for you starting on Etsy is the place that we started and that's where we're starting and that's where I suggest you start so this way here you can just get going and get momentum and then if you're building a brand though we've already kind of like pre-done this in a sense to where we have Assets Now that we can then take over here and sell other places so don't have a revenue goal for you as of yet Chris I figured I'd throw you on the spot for that but I think the thing that's kind of interesting is we haven't I mean we're just getting into the place where we're starting to drive traffic over there we're not emailing to the Shopify store but we have picked up a few organic sales just from the fact that the store exists and you know I our background is e-commerce so we know a few of the things that you should be doing like Ling your products through Google merchant center so that they show up at least on the organic side in Google shopping right that's where those sales have come from and it's not like we're getting a hundred a day by not doing anything and just creating the store but we are starting to see a little bit of activity there and then we're going to pour some fuel on the fire just like we do in the Etsy ecosystem and spend a few bucks a day on ads and see how we can grow that and there's no reason you need to do this right now but if you if you have a solid foundation on Etsy the question then becomes how many eggs do you put in the Etsy basket and when do you want to diversify and for us 2024 is really about the diversification does that mean we're not launching new products does that mean we're not going to be increase in sales does that mean Scott you're not going to be waking up sitting at the kitchen table and looking at Etsy ads a few times a week no we're still doing all of those things but we're at a place now where the foundation is stable we know what we can expect out of etsy and we can start to add some fuel to that fire diversify a little bit and feel a little bit more stable regardless of what happens with Etsy making a change to the algorithm at some point or whatever happens in 2024 yep awesome yeah we just had a quick comment come in and asked um Michelle had asked um is the link for the VIP in the description it will be if it's not there already uh but you can also go right here and uh you can go to brandreth will take you over back to YouTube where it will show you all of the details and you just click one button and you can go ahead and join us um inside of the backstage pass VIP Club so um yeah we'd love to love to have you and um it's exciting we're just getting rolling here we're just starting uh 2024 is going to be exciting so if you are into building a brand that will have a longer shelf life than just selling random products and chasing Trends and chasing Hot Products if that's resonating with you which I pretty sure it is if you're watching this right now then stay here with us join the club or subscribe to the channel both uh you can do that uh download some of our resources see if you're brand new see what we're about see how we're teaching see how we think because just because we're doing it this way doesn't mean it's the only way but this is the way that we've been building brands for years and I'm talking like building six and seven figure Brands uh not just on Etsy here but we've done it on other platforms and on our own our own e-commerce uh shops so we have some experience here we're just taking what we learned over the years and we're applying it here and we're going to take you guys along for the for the ride and the journey and hopefully uh you guys can can do the same or at least learn from us and uh and and grab your success all right so guys that's it that's going to wrap up this episode I want to say thanks once again for hanging out with us and spending some time and as always take care take action have an awesome amazing day we'll see you right back here on the next episode take care guys
Channel: Brand Creators
Views: 8,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selling on etsy, etsy, etsy shop for beginners, sell on etsy, how to sell on etsy, how to start an etsy shop, etsy business, work from home jobs, online business, how to make money online, how to start an online business, etsy shop, make money on etsy, etsy print on demand, etsy digital products, etsy store, how to sell on etsy for beginners, etsy seo, etsy seo optimization, etsy seo hacks, etsy seo tool, etsy rules for selling, etsy mockups, etsy seo for beginners
Id: iWt-7MMe3HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 40sec (4720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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