bad and crazy funny moments

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[soundtrack plays] - Why are you doing this? Is it because Do Inbeom is Assembly Man Do's cousin? Is that it? That's it. Isn't it? - Hey, Yang Taeseok. This isn't a gym. It's our office. I told you to get rid of those. - How can I get rid of my babies? Would you throw away your babies? - This stupid... - Is anyone there? Please, save me! Sa-- [metal clangs] Sir, what took you so long? Please, plea-- - Peekaboo! - Hey, what are you doing? You- what are you doing? - God bless you. - Stop, stop! - [muffled yelling] - Stop!! [loud thud] - Why did you stop? This is much scarier. What are you doing? (such a gentleman <3) - [yelling] - [groans] Oh, this is refreshing. (sir, that is oil.) [all the various noises you would make when slipping on oil] - [video game point sound effect] - Mmm. - You bast- You- - Do you want one? - Are you done playing now? - No, no I'm not. I want to play some more. - Don't laugh! - Don't tell me what to do!! - [yelling contest] - [singing] Mother, Don't yell at him. - Hey. - [singing again] Suyeol and I can share a room. (laughs) - Excuse me. How long are you going to stay here? - Fine, less than one month. I'll move out soon. [smack] - Don't be rude. Be respectful! - [laughter] - [a very heavy sigh] - [giggling] - Three versus one. Okay, I just need to endure. Just endure. - [talking in background] - [making sound effects] - Hey. Can we please respect each other's privacy? - Ryu Suyeol? You were the one leaving flowers? Hey! At least ride your motorcycle... - One... Two... Three! - [water splashing] - [lots of grunts, thuds, and other loud noises] - What? - Only we can do it. - As in... us two? - From now on, we can only trust each other. - (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ ) [laughs] - [gasps] - Wow, who are you? - [more gasping] - Hey, that looks good on you. - Swag. [laughs] - I'll do it. Gosh. - [whispered] Okay, you do it. Hey, you jerk. You're me and I'm you, so that means I'm doing it anyways, you jerk! - Did you finally realize that, you idiot? - I need to find evidence or a witness to prove my innocence. - [phone vibrating] Yes, mom? Of course, it's the new office smell. - [phone vibrating] Go on. - You should answer it. - No, it's okay. - Answer it. - Okay. - If we keep digging, something will come out. - He's so charismatic. Wow. - This makes such a hearty meal. It's to die for. Do you want a bite? - No, that's okay. You don't even eat dinner. - That's right. I'm hungry. - You think you can catch me by yourself? - You think I came alone? - [the guy literally only he can see] - What is this? - Since when did you do dangerous things alone, huh? Do you have a burning sense of justice? No, you don't! I do the dangerous stuff. He's the one who hates injustice. You just take credit for our hard work. - Hey, you're talking like-- - I can't do this. Should I ask him to let us off? - Do you want to broadcast that we're looking for their boss? - Wait. What are you taking off? Your-- Why would you take off your pants?? - I'm boiling! I'm so hot right now! - You lunatic! Anybody in their right mind would take their shirt off instead. Why would you take your pants off?? You idiot-- - My bladder is about to burst. Please don't. - I need water. - No, no. If you drink water... Hey, you know what will happen to me if you drink water. Don't. - Hold on. - No, no. Stop- stop it! Why is there water right there? - Oh..! Wow! You're a full-fledged adult! - What are you looking at, you jerk? - Are- are you alright? You should go to the hospital! The hospital... - Obviously she took the same bus. To go home, she had to take the same bus at the same stop-- - No. The fact that she returned to the same spot isn't important. The time! It took her an hour to return to Jeongsu Bridge and get on the bus. Between getting off the bus and buying the raincoat, there was exactly... Forty-seven minutes. - [rhythmic clapping] [singing? rapping?] If you don't talk, you lose! If you go off-beat, you lose! Ready, go! Baek Youngjoo! - Loser. - Munyang High School. - 20 years old. - Outcast..? - Mental hospital! - Onto step 2. - What? - [singing the song from their memory] You remember this song, right? - Hey, brake! Brake! [both yelling] - There are no brakes in life. The same goes for this guy! - What's this nutcase saying? - Let's go!!! [singing] [lots of yelling] [splashing sound] - Suyeol, save me! - Get up, you idiot. The water isn't even knee-deep. - Why are you looking in there? - Oh, you know. He could be in here. - Pardon the intrusion. - Huh?? Hey, why are you going in there? Hey! Get out quickly. - Suyeol. Don't you know that I'm very interested in interior design? - Ugh, stop saying nonsense and just come out of there. - What are you two doing? (no idea what they're saying sorry) - Quiet! Be quiet! Be quiet. Korean. Korean. (in English) Can you speak Korean? Korean- Korean! Yes, yes. (in Korean) I'm learning Korean. (mix of Korean and English) We're friends! We're all friends, so-- - (also in Korean and English) Ah, stop talking! Shut up! - Yeah, be quiet! What are you saying, 'friends'. Why would we be friends, you idiot? - [shout] - [thud] - What the hell? What's this guy doing? - How dare you! How dare you smoke cigarettes already? You're still in school. Is that how students should behave? Go bring your parents! - Then is it okay for you to smoke? - Ah, this thief... - Come on. - You should quit smoking, you jerk. You already look like a dinosaur. [laughter] - Suyeol. As your hero, I can't let you pay them off. - Here. - How have you been? - Hey, Huigyeom! Goodness. Are you alright? Jeez. - Okay, I'm sorry. - "I'm sorry"? Come here. - Hey. - Get over here. - Calm down, Huigyeom. That's not what's important right now. Suyeol. I didn't know you were such a good actor. You should be an actor. Why did you become a cop with that face? - Actor, my foot. He's a con man. - Hey, calm down! - Should I confess to Huigyeom? - Confess what? Don't you know the situation we're in? - Hey, I'm good. I don't need to meet him. - Your full name isn't K? - My name... (in English) Full name! K, I, N, and... - Don't tell me it's "G". - Bingo! That's my name! King! Of the world. [laughs] - Just go. - When I see this, it makes me think that we're really biologically related. - Why do you say that? - Ryu Dongyeol. You've gotten better at stealing from the pizzeria. - (laughs) Naturally, you're so good at revealing corruption. - Mom, hit him more. Hit him more. - Come here. - Mom, stop it! - Mom, I think he's seeing someone! Ask him about that! - Gyeongtae. Get them on the count of three. - Okay. - Three! - [yelling] - Look in front of you! man these subtitles were a bitch to enter
Channel: eunbi
Views: 1,400,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad and crazy, kdrama, wi hajoon, lee dongseok, korean
Id: wS9XPv6z3Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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