Bacterial Blight on Geraniums

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my project is on bacterial blight on geraniums I chose this topic because of my own experience with the disease in my flower bed at home I research the signs symptoms and cause and treatment of the disease my name is Sarah Beth McLean and I'm currently majoring in agricultural education with a concentration in horticulture bacterial blight is caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas Tarun which is a bacteria that can survive in the soul for up to six months the disease is commonly spread through propagation irrigation or whiteflies and symptoms may not always be visible to the naked eye until months after the first infection common symptoms of the disease include water spots necrosis on the lower leaves wilting discoloration of the leaves and potential leaf or stem rot a common sign of the bacterial blight on geraniums is oozing that occurs from the leaf when it is cut bacterial blight is most commonly spread through Gardens through watering when you water a plant that has already been infected by bacterial blight it spreads to the nearby plants through the vector of water through direct contact in order to properly diagnose the bacterial blight on your plant it is necessary to send a sample to a laboratory for further inspection they will then grow a culture of bacteria if it is present and you will be given the results because there are no pesticides or drenches that will cure the plants that have bacterial blight the best way to prevent the disease from infecting your geraniums is to remove the wilted plants from the garden you can also grow the plants from seed and minimize the amount of splashing that occurs when you order
Channel: Sara Beth McLamb
Views: 5,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lv0H8f3O_U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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