Backyard Garden at the Farm DIY Planting

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hello everybody it's Michael Waddell here and obviously with everything going down around this coronavirus man these ex-mark videos from all the different personalities hopefully coming in useful just some tips and different things that we use out here live in the outdoor rural lifestyle obviously some has to do with our mowers obviously exmark they're make professional mowing equipment just the best there is out there but when it comes to just everyday life especially in a situation like this where you're quarantine obviously I'm quarantine out here at the farm with my wife and my kid and we're just relaxing getting a bunch of chores do we eaten good lord have mercy I don't believe it I've had a let a few notches out of the belt but obviously you see behind me is springtime of the year turkey seasons in we've had a fantastic spring so far but right now I'm gonna try to just do a little day at the farm and get some chores done I got to get these trees sprayed I got to get some fertilizer out and I'm gonna try to get my wife in a little old garden so I show what we're gonna do y'all stick with [Music] see I got a tail up they around the farm stage without his growing fires guard maybe Vader's little sweet corn we got purple holes you know faith I cast peppers water cancer okay my wife plastic pickle smoker so we get this burger - don't know one of the things we're doing out here today I'm doing everything with just a little old tractor out here I usually have a garden here every year and I'm excited to have one this year so turned into a pretty good little fun project today so I just got the garden tour up so now I'm actually putting some fertilizer in the tank here and I'm going to go spray this garden get off treated so that way we're growing them tomatoes and okra just a little like Jack in the Beanstalk baby so here's what we got here this is the bone Fletcher buck row the soil formula I put it on my food pots there works good on gardens I'm just gonna put it in this 25 gallon folder sprayer and I'm gonna you know spray a top coat of real good and that way I want to put my tomatoes in my vegetable plants and my seeds in the ground man it explode and grow good so man country living buddy this is gonna be sweet vegetables fertilised um put about 20 gallons this bumper alone here that ought to make a jump woof vegetables look how pretty that's a pretty little garden spot preferably I wished I could get a little more Sun on it but it still grows pretty good but there's one thing I'd wanted a little bit more Sun on it but it broke up good nice rich soil got it fertilized about to put some seed in the ground and clients with tomatoes and cabbage I might even put me a watermelon so what I'm doing here with this corn I'm just literally going down through here got me a string pool just kind of pushing this up with my boots like so corn on hand just pushing to the end nothing fancy and we'll do the same way with my beans it's all I'm doing being a straight row my tomatoes cucumbers have okra watermelon a little bit everything I planted two different kinds of tomatoes I went ahead and put the hoops on him a lot of times my dad to wait before he puts the hoop on him but I went ahead and put hoop on him because I don't think a deer get on tonight but you can see what I got got me a little row of cabbage I just do something simple like yeah I like to kind of get straight rows so I just pull me a string kind of go off at that way I keep my rows pretty straight I'm even got a little sex toy over here I'm gonna put me some watermelons over here just enough that when the summer time comes late spring want to come back and get you some fresh tomatoes some cucumbers some cabbage maybe Young is going to come out here and bust open a big old red meat watermelon it'll be fun it'll be cool and we can say we grew it on our land all right you can see it behind me back here I got my little garden in not real big but I'm proud of it I got a little everything and you know what if you're watching this video and you learn a little something man that's awesome and some of you watch it and say hey man I'm air mines do that all the time you might be the moved off into the city they plan to guard in awhile and look you don't matter if you in the country of the city putting you a little old garden in and doing work like this it's super easy it's nothing hard about it it just takes a little soil you can do it on a raised bed a lot of people do it on the raised bed a little flower beds you can obviously plow up dirt you just want sunlight in this case fertilizer and get the right plant the stuff that you like to eat and not only can you come down here pick it fresh with your kids in with your family but you can also pickle stuff we pickled a bunch of okra last year you can also put it up and carry it with us the beans or the corn so there's a lot of cool things about this rural lifestyle there's a lot of fun and it doesn't matter if you live in the city or if you live in the middle of nowhere taking advantage of the renewable resources we got being able to tell a little land and grow your garden it's really cool and I know Exmark is proud to be able to share some of these videos from all these different personalities and if you like this video be sure to check out more of these videos from exmark calm slash backyard a lot of different personalities kind of giving you tips on how they live their life also what they do for a living and also remember to if you're looking for a good more x mark their makers of professional mowing equipment so it doesn't matter if you're doing it for a living if you just want to keep your yard looking top-notch x marks got you covered so y'all be sure to check out these videos in the meantime pushing a little garden man enjoy it with your family and your kids I'm Michael Waddell and I hope y'all enjoyed this
Channel: Bone Collector
Views: 7,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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