Backpacking Old Loggers Path - Pennsylvania

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i am so excited to be back on trail oh how do i get down there besides jumping that is a nice touch right there [Music] so [Music] hey everybody it's frozen and welcome to outdoor adventures if you can't tell i am so excited to be back on trail i'm up here at old loggers path which is a trail that has been recommended to me by a ton of subscribers so here i am i woke up this morning started driving and four and a half hours later i'm about to step on the trail i don't really know what i'm doing today i tried not to plan it as much as i have planned previous trips i know the blazes are orange i know it's a 27 mile loop up here in north central pennsylvania other than that we're gonna wing it just because that's what i like to do on these trips i don't like to research a ton of information unless i'm dealing with some private land issues which were not up here so that's great on this video i'm going to be in a tent holy crap i've converted to a ground dweller no this is this is just to give me some experience on both ends of the spectrum hammock antenna i am a tent newbie i have no idea what i'm doing i think i have maybe three nights under my belt in a tent and that's it the rest have been in a hammock i'm also rocking a brand new pack which is not out yet should be out in september called the light af multi-day pack so we'll give this a try anyway let's hit it i'm so excited let's do this now old logger's path as the name suggests part of this trail is built on an old logging road i'm not expecting a ton of crazy elevation i know there are some ups and downs i wish i would have had time to research it more but i had a golden window of opportunity where work didn't need me for a couple days and no family commitments and just ready to get outside ready to get a trip under my belt i do believe this is the first overnighter of the year which makes me sick to my stomach but there's been a lot of stuff going on with me it's been personal ups and downs there's been family ups and downs uh post trail depression finally did hit me about two months ago i'd say which was not good especially during the whole covid uh pandemic and lockdown that we had to do that we're still doing actually to this day posterior depression isn't really a depression or at least it wasn't for me it was more of a longing to be doing the thru-hiker lifestyle again that's what post-real depression it was missing every single second of it but i'm okay now especially now that i have a trip to look forward to there's giddy like a school kid coming up here just you know it's been a while i think the last trip i did was gosh november with the crew at the allegheny front trail i think so it's been a long time it's july right now the end of july oh i can't wait [Music] so i do need to be mindful on this trip the past three weeks have seen some of the driest hottest weather i've experienced in pennsylvania since i've been alive it's been pretty crazy um i think i'm gonna just not take a chance and just fill up my dirty water here i like uh you know running water stream but you know what i'll take what i can get at this point and just uh that's why i don't have to go down this should be all right i'm just gonna maybe get like a half a liter here as much as i can get out of this little puddle another thing i'm looking out for on this trip especially since this is so close to basically rattlesnake capital of pennsylvania watching out for rattlesnakes there are several spots on this trail where you gotta be careful from what i'm reading at least they're all kind of centered into one outcropping one rock outcropping but no music for me this trip i do love to listen to music or an audio book or a podcast while i'm on the trail but this time both headphones are going to be out for the duration so i got a little later of a start that i wanted to this morning ended up getting here at 1 30. it's friday right now i'm gonna head back saturday because my dad's birthday is on sunday so i don't want to miss that but actually here's a better water source i'm gonna dump this water out and actually get this stuff this one's actually flowing [Music] now base weight for this trip for me because i'm using a tent system this time around it dropped pretty significantly for me i think i hover right around eight point something pounds i'm down to 7.6 7.7 pounds on this one i'm also keep in mind this is summer gear and it's been 86 with a low of 60 for the past couple days so you know you don't need a lot of layers some extra layers i think my rain jacket with me for sure but as far as layers go that's about it and i carry sleep clothes so definitely low in the base weight spectrum for me this pack is a 20 liter pack like i said it's a prototype right now should be out september but uh it comes to like my shoulders you know when it's fully opened up maybe a little bit higher than that as you can see i have plenty of room granted this is just an overnighter and i got here at time but uh you know i'm thinking that for summer i can for sure do probably three maybe even four days with this pack especially if i bring the tent i think my plan is to walk until five o'clock now and then start scoping out some tent sites i would totally take a dip if that water wasn't so nasty looks really low too i think it's supposed to go in here it's actually flowing this way i think it's just really low anyway we're gonna be heading up what appears to be someone's driveway but that's the uh that's where the trail's taking us i saw some of these before there's some cabins up here i guess they run them out for camps and youth groups and stuff boy scouts who knows cool old proctor road trail heading this way i also hear some people behind me i did pass some people earlier that were having lunch lots of cars in the parking lot though i'm hoping i don't have to fight for a campsite but we'll figure it out later we've got plenty of time now here is where i would like to set up for the night but it's only 3 30 so i'll go a little bit further this is sprout point vista this isn't actually on old lager's path i just saw a spur trail figured i'd check it out if it wasn't too long it's like point one away pretty darn nice very cool i wonder if we can see any rattlesnakes up here we'll check them out in a second here look at that pretty good for pa sprout point shelter very very nice this is pretty cool well like i said it's only 3 30 so i'm gonna keep moving okay plant experts i need your help check out this plant and let me know in the comments if this is stinging nettle no they got the the uh kind of like the razor shaped leaves and there are very tiny hairs burning down the base and as you can see the forest floor is covered in this crap now i could test this theory simply by just running through it real quick but i'd rather not do that let me know now if that is in fact stinging nettle it is not the most useless plant in the entire world um what it does if you get your skin comes in contact those hairs actually send a searing sensation like um kind of like your hair your legs or hands are on fire but apparently if you kind of mush it down into goo people make tea out of it i don't know i've never done it but i've heard a lot of people say hey don't be so quick to dismiss the thing that has a lot of good uh herbal effects so i don't think i'll ever try it i'll stick with my my spice chai but uh hey you do you oh yeah i am back to the sawyer squeeze i absolutely hated the sawyer micro it's absolute trash i heard so many people rave about that thing when that came out figured i'd try it for myself to see if it was good or not because i really don't believe people when they review something after a day and yeah it's uh it's garbage don't waste your money for real use the squeeze or maybe the beef free i still here is pretty good though apparently the beef free filter is a pain in the butt to kind of back flush or clean out so i don't know i'm just going to stick with this guy because this guy works this is the same filter i used on 1700 miles of the appalachian trail and it's you know it's that's a little slower than before but it's definitely working for me and if you do get this get the one on amazon with the faucet adapter it's going to be the cheapest model and what you don't get from that that you do in the others for ten dollars more are those useless sawyer bags that break after like two uses so just a little tip there i'll put the link in the video description if you're interested make sure you get the faucet adapter one that comes with the filter and the faucet adapter for the cheapest price or if you want those crappy bags by all means get the bags i like doing it this way though this [Applause] works check this out i know there's not mountains in the background and waterfalls and animals and wildlife and all that stuff but it's wide open it's relaxing peaceful and it's really all i need to be happy that's great oh i'm really enjoying this trip so far granted we're only like seven miles into this thing but this is neat well maintained for the most part too uh it is now five o'clock so just saw a campsite back there i'm gonna pass on that and the next one we find that's where i'm gonna spend the night that'll leave me with well right now about 17 miles left to go for tomorrow hopefully that drops between 16 and 15. that's where i want to be made it to the top of the hill and greeted with a beautiful view of pennsylvania this is very surprising this is epic wow now unfortunately there's a road behind me i guarantee there's no camping allowed up here i'm not going to do it anyway cause every park that i've ever seen it's always like 300 to 500 feet away from any kind of road that and who knows who may or may not come up here at whatever time of the night and cause a ruckus i just don't want to take that chance i'd honestly rather get a good sleep tonight yeah no camping there's your sign right there made it down to the stream let's see where are we going actually i might have found camp i was just gonna say that there's a ton of people down here by this stream but there's a path over here and i don't see anyone over here so let's go check it out got my own little cove back here however this guy right here is pretty dead i'm gonna push this one over and just to make the campsite safe other than that i think we're golden let me push this over though so pack handled amazing it's perfect can't complain about anything the shoulder straps make the pack man it's just an awesome awesome design for shoulder strap all right let's see here it is the plexa mid see if i can set it up well let me think about this do i want sand i don't know we'll figure it out now this guy takes six tent stakes i'm continuing to use the msr groundhogs because i've had the most luck with these i've tried shepard's hooks titanium vargo like u-shaped stakes i keep coming back to these guys i just these guys hold they don't break i never have to worry multiple terrains i don't think you can go wrong with these guys now i may downgrade to some mini groundhogs but for now this is what i have i don't have to spend any money getting them let's see how this goes oh i should also mention i've set this up once before this is the definition on how to do everything wrong now in this guy there's a pocket right here where your trekking pole goes in so it takes one pull to get everything right these bugs are crazy i'm gonna have to raise this up a little higher based on the sand all right god i don't miss doing this i did choose a pad that gary recommended my buddy gary uh he chose the three-quarter length therm-a-rest x-lite i'm gonna give it a try i did not have great tests uh when it came down to just testing in the basement um i think i want to lay the other way actually let's switch this there's more dirt over here all right and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put my pack under my feet we'll see if that helps unfortunately i don't have any extra clothes um to do anything with though so we'll see maybe i need to adjust the bathtub floor up with these guys maybe that's my issue it just looks weird it looks very weird i don't know we shall see though like i said we'll make some fine tweaks i got um i got rocks on every point just to make sure and i'm not expecting any wind tonight even if there was i'm very very protected at this point so should be good anyway do some tweaks and fire up some dinner man it is hot here i was just i think i need to drink some more water but i don't know i've had three liters today already um it's supposed to go down to 60 degrees tonight i'm looking forward to that i was actually gonna have a fire because it's just all rocks right here it's safe i can just you know have at it but man i don't want a fire tonight i really don't i just want to eat and just chill uh unfortunately downside about the tent that i already found at least probably with this material well probably any tent material to be honest it is way hotter in there than it is in a hammock you know with the hammock the tarps you can just kind of open it up you know put it in porch mode and just kind of sit it without the bug nut but it's uh decently humid in there so i'm going to give it a little bit i am going to cook though i didn't realize it was seven o'clock already holy cow i'm glad i settled down when i did because it took an hour to set up camp which is that's a long time for me but you know i'm still getting used to something new um it's comfy in there i have enough head room can't complain i'm short though i don't see i'm not seeing a tall person be in this tent though i'm 5'6 and nah nope anyway personally i like it so far but here's what i'm worried about right here all right these little titanium well maybe you can't see it those little titanium little rods up there they are very very tight and we'll do a first looks video at this i just wanted to get it on a trip first before i actually talk about it so i know what i'm talking about um not a review just the first looks uh but we'll see anyway it's time to eat and i have some i have some buffalo style tuna or chicken or something it's gonna be good let's eat when i went down to get water i filled this pot up with the remainder so i have two full liters of water i'm probably gonna drink one liter before bed because man like i said it's really freaking hot out here i'm using the fancy feast stove today see if you guys can see that there we go nope there we go so that just takes a uh an ounce of alcohol i probably don't even need an ounce but just in case so i just use one of these little uh from a medicine bottle 30 mils is one ounce roughly all right light this carbon well you can't see it again come on guy stay here this thing gets tightened all the stuff we have to do when we camera and video okay so here this is carbon felt around it you can it's also called plumber's felt but that actually takes a flame and once it's blue and the whole way around we can put our pot on and then i have a titanium windscreen that kind of goes around the whole thing not that i need it right now but whatever all right wow i'm really hot geez let's drink a water i can't believe it this is the same light af bag food bag that i carried the whole way on the at theirs google is listening to me and i don't like it google stop listening anyway same bag i used on the entire at and not sure any signs of wear they're chicken buffalo chicken creations and tonight is gonna be fettuccine and a creamy parmesan and romano cheese flavored sauce with other natural flavors pasta side i'm just trying to eat these at this point because i need something different but i have so many of these guys at home that yeah you can't waste them i'm probably talking nonsense am i talking nonsense right now wow i'm dehydrated let's get some more water i'll have to watch the video it sounded like i was slurring my words you you get this like um when you're dehydrated you get this this weird like uh you lose your train of thought uh you slur your words it's not good i was just super hydrate all right so i think i know what's wrong with me i think i drank too much water actually today that was like four liters after i finished that bottle i think i need some salt honestly so we'll see how i do after the north side everybody always says that there's like sodium so bad for you but your body does need a little bit of salt i might have just flushed it all out you know just sweating drinking water um we'll see looking for a place to hang a food bag here and uh i'm not seeing anything so i'm gonna have to walk back a little bit just to see if i can find something but hey i'm not not really looking good here so this is my little rock bag i'm gonna take a couple just random rocks i can find on the ground and fill this guy up all right and then i'm gonna attach a line to this carabiner i'm gonna throw it over a tree and hang this guy up for the night so now i'm still using the pct style hang i have plenty of videos on how to do that i think it's the best way a lot of people tie their rope to the trees but man a bear can just come up and swipe that and rip your rope so with that because they don't have thumbs they can't pull your rope back down so that's what i do [Applause] man this feels really good right now i'm just kind of chilling listen to the the sounds of the forest i got the creek over there that i'm going to fall asleep to tonight i just got another liter of water short walk um five minute walk down there and back and uh there's a whole bunch of people chilling in the stream right now it looks really enticing but uh i think i'm just gonna call it for the night it's uh 8 30. sun's about to go down i'm gonna hop in my tent content yeah i'm gonna hop in my tent and uh listen to ready player one again i think this is like the fourth time around it's just really good don't watch the movie the movie is terrible but the book pretty darn good uh tomorrow i'm gonna get up as early as i can without being ridiculous and hike before the heat hits today was hot tomorrow i think it's hotter so we'll deal with that tomorrow i'm going to try to stay hydrated as a as hydrated as i possibly can tomorrow i'm not sure the water source is this way but uh they've been pretty great on the southern section so far so anyway everybody good night thanks for joining me it's been a while since i had you guys along i'll see you tomorrow good morning everybody can you see me yeah there we go all right so it's about 5 30 the tent worked perfectly fine never been having problems with that but the sleeping pad it ain't gonna work for me no way i roll around too much um and it's not even the length it's the width i need something wider so that's why i wanted to start the tent saga because i'm pretty sure this is going to be like finding a good pair of shoes for me it's sleeping bad but i've got the tent down at least hopefully anyway i'm gonna get up let me get some coffee man man good morning i think what i should have did last night was had both doors wide open not a lot of condensation really at all nothing i couldn't just wipe off but a little humid in there and i think if i would have left those doors open i would have been perfectly fine all right just break my stick all right and the bag comes down [Music] coffee down i think we got blueberry oatmeal today i think it's two different kinds this morning actually and some coffee coffee i had a good night actually very nice peaceful night chilling out and relaxing and really it was quiet i think i there was a mouse um right before i went to sleep where i was imagining it i don't know but other than that i was okay again i need a longer or wider pad to kind of rotisserie checking on but yeah that was nice probably only need a half an ounce actually we're making coffee i forgot about that let's uh let's put some more in here typically in the summer you only need uh for two cups to boil about a half an ounce of denatured alcohol in this stove used my costco quilt last night i think it's rated to about 50 or so but uh yeah and it didn't get anywhere close to that i barely even had it on me the whole night well if anyone wants to uh buy a three-quarter length neoair x-lite let me know in the next couple days or else it's going on the backpacking flea market not a bad pad i just turned toss and turn too much they use it i like the length i might get something else that's three-quarter you know i curl up in a ball most of the time anyway it's not like it's affecting me we are all right i'm gonna let those cool off and pack this up it's actually a lot faster packing up a tent interesting i'm always the last one out of camp because you know you got the under quote you got the top quilt you got the hammock itself you got the tarp then you have to deal with the straps if they're wet this guy i'm just going to shove in the mesh pocket of that multi-day pack by late af sound like a poster child man they're they're just they're comfortable i don't think i'll ever get i hope he never stops manufacturing i really don't because i'm never going to be able to go back to normal shoulder straps ever again anyway i think we just uh get the we get this guy out of here right let's lower this there we go done anyway we'll pack up all right let's hit it i'll be honest i did sleep better than i thought i would and i did sleep better than i usually have in a tent so i think i'll just get a wider maybe a little bit thicker of a sleeping pad i don't know if i'll go three quarter length or not i was surprised the length worked really well for me last night again i know but uh i think we have 16 miles left back to the car today and i don't think this northern half is as hard as the southern half and southern half was not hard at all so might be a smooth easy day or it might not i could be totally lying to you right now we'll see where the trail takes me though damn it feels good to be out here [Music] there we go it's definitely humid out this morning wow yeah every once in a while i catch a glimpse of the orange blaze i know i'm on the right track a little glimpse of a view about 8 30 i think i got on the trail about quarter seven it's getting hot and humid today got a great view but also we got a great rattlesnake i don't know if you guys can see that i'll leave him go obviously that's a that's an old guy right there just stunning on a rock check out that view though guys wow pretty crazy for pennsylvania actually he might not be old he might have just fed that makes more sense you see his body's all warped trail's been pretty overgrown this morning but then you get to like these sections nice wide and open trail and you kind of make up the time i'm definitely not complaining this is nice after that rattlesnake we came uh way down in elevation wow way down for this trail there isn't really much elevation gain and loss but when they do take you up or down it's straight up or down but yeah enjoying the day there's another shelter lots of campsites around here too this is something run shelter can't read it doe run shelter cool place there's water right down there log book very cool a hammer all right then jump in the water up wow that was fast i guess it was a frog or something i saw this little campsite over here i figured i would take advantage and get some water and have some lunch i am starving already i think it just hit 11 o'clock too but uh i got an early start so whatever uh on the menu we're gonna do some buffalo chicken and ramen together today uh a dude named john was coming down the trail and he recognized me he got my name wrong shame on you john but it's okay thanks for watching i appreciate it it's always cool to be recognized here in pennsylvania says he watches all the videos so man john i hope you have a great trip if you did let me know down in the comments buddy i'm only doing a half a packet of this stuff since i'm adding some more uh [Music] flavoring what i'm really happy about is with all those issues that i was having with my knees back in april and may i haven't even taken ibuprofen on this trail and it is really actually kind of rocky in certain sections and i'm perfectly fine that just makes me so happy i thought i really screwed my knees up i'm glad that i didn't anyway i'm gonna get on this and we'll get back on the trail look at that oh how do i get down there besides jumping can i get down there hmm oh oh god oh boy yes oh man oh okay all right that was really fun really cold though oh i feel so refreshed so glad i stuck around the extra couple minutes to figure that out i walked down there cliff i walked around cliff and finally as i was walking back to the trail i'm just like let me take one more look because man that pool is enticing quarter after one i think i'm wrapping up the last two and a half miles of this thing waiting for a rattlesnake to start rattling in this tall grass but how about this to wrap up the trail freaking beautiful [Music] that is a nice touch right there little old saw i'll tell you what old lager's path two thumbs up for me this was a great trip especially for an overnighter i have a lot of stories to tell a lot of cool experiences that dip that i took earlier today around uh lunchtime that was that made the trip for me on top of that we got the views the overlooks the rattlesnake this morning it was a this is a cool place i wish i would have did it sooner i know you guys have been recommending me go out here for years now i just never got around to it but this is a nice relaxed trip i think it came out to 27.8 miles 28 miles somewhere around there and if i had to do it again i think i would go counter-clockwise i think that would help make it even more relaxed as far as elevation goes but anyway everything worked out well uh the pack is phenomenal the tent i was surprised it worked out really well as well uh the sleeping pad though i probably will be getting a different one because that's just i'm sure 100 positive that's not going to work for me anyway i'm frozen with outdoor adventures find time and go on your own adventure i'll see you on the trail [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outdoor Adventures
Views: 43,115
Rating: 4.9233036 out of 5
Keywords: appalachian trail, at2019, thruhiking, thru hiking, camping, backpacking, reviews, gear, outdoor adventures, frozen, hammock, mountain, hike, camp, backpack, trails, ultralight, hammock camping, solo hike, old loggers path, pa hiking, pennsylvania backpacking, OLP, backpacking pennsylvania, backpacking PA, loyalsock
Id: jjhZ4qAU_Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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