Backpacking - 10 top things to pack .

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bu we are back from our th and a bit week backpacking um and I thought I would just before I forget um I thought I would just go through kind of the top 10 things that we're certainly going to take when we go to Vietnam in the Autumn so the first one is um the ospre backpack oh my gosh 40 L I could not have lifted any more than 40 lit the brilliant thing about this is you open it from the top like this and you can actually see what you've got inside it's easy to see you're not searching in lots of pockets the other side is at the back um the all the straps can be stored away so when you're putting it on a plane or a a bus as we did a lot of times it means that it can go on quite easily um and then you can take it out and then you've got your scraps there so that's the first thing um at absolutely uh really wouldn't do with wouldn't have gone without that one second one is this water to go we didn't buy much water we just took it out of the tap or a stream it just um eliminates 99.9% of anything y key that might be in the water and they're also really light which you realize you need when you're carrying everything uh third thing is these um packing cubes um they really good and he was very organized he put what was in there um but you get we got four each everything's organized uh you can get more in but yet really really good uh fourth thing is a power B this is quite a big power bank but when you're on a incor trail for 4 days uh with no electricity and you want to be able to take four tours uh then you need a big power bank and this was brilliant never ever ran out um while I was aware easy to charge fifth thing is um the sport and travel Tower microfiber uh go into a very small space um and dries really quickly which you realize that you need sixth thing was this adapter here um I'll show you on the video how we used it but literally you can just press out uh what you need so that's France that's the UK and that's what we needed when we were in Peru and Colombia um and then the have I got to seven or eight anyway this money bag uh this is uh waterproof um but it meant that we could keep our passport credit cards and we did have to carry quite a lot of dollars cuz that's how we paided for the Inc Trail so we had that on all the time um definitely worth getting and then just two other little things that I used all the time I ended up buying this was $11.99 on Amazon um I wore it over my shoulder just like this uh probably had it a bit higher while we were away um had it under my arm like this um it just meant I could have my camera my lipstick my lip balm and and sometimes my power bank in there um so I found that really useful and sorry number nine was this just this little money purse again from Amazon about2 but we found particularly in Columbia and Peru that there was a lot of change so uh pesos um so rather it getting lost we just kept it in a purse and I actually had one credit card in there as well which was easy to get to um and then the final one was this again this 299 lock um we uh used it to lock our uh backpacks um so that if they were left um in a storage area that wasn't that secure um or even when it was in a dorm room um we just needed to put my laptop in it then we uh used used these um really really useful and really strong so there's our top 10 things that we would take uh so these are the additional things that we took that actually we found really useful um so would be maybe our top 15 um so first of all we did take my um Apple mark because I wanted to edit while I was there so I could continue to produce the YouTube videos not making it too honorous and also we found our cameras just phones just got full of phot so we need to to download onto the uh Apple Mac um most days um I took I did take headphones um again I could work on the bus or the plane uh editing um so found that really useful and I didn't bother other people um we did in the end get a Kindle um you don't definitely don't want to be carrying lots of books um and the battery we've not had to charge this Kindle for for weeks so battery really good on that um and then this one was we saw this on a YouTube channel uh this is That's How small it is so it just pushes out like this uh and it meant that if I got a lot of fruit for breakfast and I didn't want to eat it all or waste it I could just put it in here put it in my backpack um and um it was um good it was brilliant so it goes into a really small space um and then finally and you're going to laugh at this is the washing line and we we weren't sure if we were going to use this but it does go into a small space Andy decided to take it and actually there's quite a few hostels that didn't take uh that didn't have a washing facility and washing day you just sometimes you just needed to do your underwear you know wash them through hang them out um um just get them out in the fresh air so um yeah we did use it um and then the final one was the and actually this is one that you would have to have is a day pack now we got an osprey day pack um because we thought that we would attach them to the Osprey backpack um but we didn't ever do that so you don't need to have the same one but you do need a good day pack even if it's just to carry water um towel uh a book or your phone um and for us for the incor trail we had to have a day pack um for kind of the provisions and things we needed for the day um so yeah so there we go some of our top things that we would take uh we'll take when we go to Vietnam in October so I'll list all of the products below um and then we're going to do another video on some of the apps we found particularly useful um when we were out there uh anyway have a great day bye
Channel: Julie and Andy A Year Out
Views: 4,067
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Id: eIvSBA39KXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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