Back to the Future: Back in Time Review - with Tom Vasel

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[Music] and now it's time for another diced our review with Tom vassal hey folks I'm Tom vassal and today we're taking a look at back to the future back in time board game made from Funko a game designed by two Prospero Hall team I think we can all agree that back to the future is one of the greatest movies ever made and if you think differently you're wrong but it is a very popular movie right a lot of fun and here's a board game about it a cooperative board game nonetheless now I will say a little leery about such things because well I haven't played a good Back to the Future game yet the theme has been used by other companies before and IP games don't always work also time travels a little tricky in games which this game preempts by having nothing to do with time travel it's about the 1950s the main sequence of Back to the Future where Marty is in the past trying to fix things him and Doc Brown so he can get back to the present so it's a cooperative game focusing on that part of the movie here's out plays [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Disgaea are going to play either Einstein Jennifer Parker Marty McFly or Doc Brown you know for them could be playing a game it's a cooperative game and what you need to do is as the game progresses there's a turn tracker here for four players or two or four players or three players and each turn you'll be moving this and players would be taking actions and when you get here November 12 1955 at 10:04 two things need to be true the DeLorean here needs to be in one of these three spaces ready to go down the streets at 88 miles per hour and there's a love tracker here and this needs to be in one of these final spaces you need to make sure that the two people here George and Lorraine are in love if those two things are in those spots at the end of the game you can get there earlier it's fine but they have to be there at the end of the game if so you win you lose different this picture is gonna be fading over time and if the picture completely fades away then players as a whole lose now on a player's turn they're going to be moving the token and doing whatever actions it shows here these actions are going to be fading a piece of the picture eventually fading to pieces of the picture the picture won't fade if George and Lorraine are in the love area so that's one way to stop it from fading but you have to get it up pretty high for that to happen also trouble cards will show up we got trouble right here and you'll turn these cards over and put them in two locations and they will cause a negative effect to the game like for example when Strickland here looks for slackers players can't fight Biff on that round until this card is taken care of so there's always gonna be one trouble in troubles come in levels one two and three and then every turn you're going to be drawing a movement card or even more movement cards as time goes by and this will tell you if you're going to move George and Lorraine around the board and then you'll also be moving or activating Biff a certain number of times so here we'll move George counterclockwise to space and activating activating Biff twice now after that's done then it's your players turn and you have a bunch of tiles here over the course the game these tiles can be flipped over and you can do them in any order and things like you want you also have a special ability for example Doc Brown can move to where the DeLorean is for free but he can also spend a tile any tile here to move three spaces or you can attempt a challenge and when you do a challenge you can roll as many dice as you want to well to Italy of one color maximum so I can roll up to eight dice total I guess if I had two of each color and you can use this until all your tokens are gone and then it turned passes to the next player and your tokens regenerate if you're in the same space as somebody else they can even use their tiles to help you out to assist you on a challenge so players are going to be moving George and Lorraine they're on the board they start in their houses and what you're trying to do is you're trying to put them together and to keep them around Biff because Biff when he's activated is gonna move to the closest one and if he's in one of the or both of their spots then he'll be moving the love tracker down players are gonna be wanting to move the love up for that to happen you need to have your character in the same space as both of them they both need to be there together and then you need to make a challenge now like I said in challenges you're gonna be flipping tiles to rolled dice the game comes with eight dice of the different colors here when you roll a dice you're gonna be looking for specific symbols so let's say you're making a love challenge you'll hopefully be rolling pink dice because you want to roll the love symbol here so there's a one and a two on each side but there's also wilds and to the sides to the sides are Biff stone if you roll those you'll activate them and in fact the way dice roll units game works is I roll if I get any bits I set them aside and then I can re-roll dice if I want to every die has two wilds on it so you can use any die in any challenge and hopefully get a success and but the more you reroll dice the more chance you have of getting bifs which will make Biff move around and try to mess up the relationship between George and Lorraine so that's one of the challenges that you can do on your turn is to attempt to make those people fall in love you can also go around the board there's going to be opportunities now opportunities you'll just go to a specific opportunity so here we need to borrow gorge binoculars all I need is one of these yellow symbols so if I roll that on a challenge die it succeeds and you get the reward so here I would get the binoculars item there are a lot of different items in this game so we have here for example the backpack and you can use an item once per turn a sci-fi magazine that cassette player Lorraine's locking these all give you special abilities like George's notebook I can make George move two spaces towards me or here if I fail a challenge I can exhaust this to refresh all the tiles that I used in that attempt so there's all sorts of things that you can get but you also get a powered tile here as a reward so you're gonna want to do these because these will give you more power tiles that you'll be able to add to your board para tiles can give you two different dice or multiple dice or something I guess so which lets you move up to six spaces or something here that lets me reroll those annoying bits or maybe this one which gives me a die of any color or here turn by wilds into double wilds and so there's all kinds of things maybe turn the green symbols in the walls and you can only have eight tiles total but as the game goes by the more these opportunities that you do the more tiles you can get players are also going to try to make challenges where they're gonna attempt to move the delorean and for that you're going to need these move symbols or like I said wild symbols and for each one you'll be able to move the door in a certain number of spaces now once a Dorian gets the Doc Brown's house you need to have gasoline a cable and a hook those are located in various spots around town and you can see there's one here the cables here at Hill Valley High and the hook is here at the clock tower and you're going to need a certain number of green symbols to get these once you make that success they simply go to doc Brown's house once all three things are there and the car swings through you'll be able to keep moving the car forward the last thing that's going to show up or various trouble cards and these are things you can take care of too as you go through these you will be able to you'll have to fight the challenges and the challenges will get harder but until you get rid of that challenge it's going to cause a negative thing so for example here it puts a sign on George's back you're gonna move bits to George location and every time you move George moved he just goes right to where George is if you stop this you get rid of the effect and you get a reward in this case a power tile hey Biff I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him fortunately here you can knock Biff out you can fight Biff that's the last thing you can do and when you fight Biff you're just trying to you know basically take him out with these stars here and you can knock him down that way the next time I Biff symbols were old or it comes up in the cards he just stands up not only can you knock them down you can knock them down for the count you can add up to three tokens here so if you manage to pull that many tokens up against Biff then you can kind of escape with these people and the tokens here with let's say three Biff symbols are rolled one two three and he's still knocked down it would take five for him to actually start moving again speaking of that as you move around the board you can take George or Lorraine you can't take them both at the same time you can take them with you and drop them off in different locations which is a good way to make sure that they're together now that's kind of a general overview of the game you're just trying to do those things there's not a whole lot more involved than that but it is the combination of opportunity cards every time you complete one of these a new one pops up they're gonna give you different items and equipments and new power tiles and you never know what kind of trouble cards are gonna come your way and you're just trying to stop and make everything happen so that's the game I like the components for this game the miniatures are not like amazing but they're they're good enough each miniature is a different color and you can tell who everybody is in this the clock tower which was a little bit of a pain to put together it's actually a dice tower you can drop the dice into it by the way the dice super high quality dice I like them a lot but you can drop them in and roll them out if you want to the tiles and everything but I want to focus on the art I'm a really big fan I'm glad they didn't use screenshots having drawn art just really looks good I think it does a good job and as you look through the different things there are all the different things are in a game the starlighter's guitarist is injured or the gang spikes the punch founder the gang steals lunch money or the delorean won't start or the gang cause the ruckus at the cafe or they disrupt traffic that's the gangs always doing all sorts of things and I just I just like the art in this game brings it to life and this idea of the picture you know as the picture here and you're turning these over and having people fade away is such a neat thematic thing it works really well just for the kind of game this is I'm really happy with this and while I said the miniatures were okay the DeLorean is awesome last year I stood in this very spot and raved to you all about a game from Prospero Hall and not from Funko but by the same design team called horrified horrified based on the Universal Studio Monsters where you went through and I said this was a great amazing family weight strategy cooperative game that's good for families but gamers will also enjoy it and I think it could be a pretty big hit and it was I would like to say that again back to the future back in time is phenomenally good I am very happy with it first of all I often use this this phrase but it's definitely the truth here this game is brimming with theme the theme comes to very strongly other than maybe the dog running around behind Stein I mean Einstein was there I don't his special abilities he can scare Biff away so there's that but I don't think Einstein is running around making people fall in love but okay I needed a fourth character technically Jennifer wasn't and doesn't matter okay but the characters are there and I love that what you're trying to do is you're trying to get these people to fall in love and these things happen and the guy comes out and calls people slackers and you know the gang messes this up the DeLorean won't start that's all there and it feels like it and like the components in art work don't hurt so I'm really pleased about that so that's step one so good they did that but is it a good game and it is I like cooperative games to not be so difficult you can't think you can beat them you also don't want to be a walkover this one feels like it's right there in the middle you know it's it's it's tough enough to beat and it's gonna be different how you play it each time the trouble cards that come up and things and if there's one small thing I might worry about this game is you might get bored a little bit with the replayability aspects maybe because you are literally doing the same thing each time but I think that all the different cards the opportunity cards and the different tiles you get I think that's different every time so I don't think that's a big deal at all I I don't think the replayability is an issue but you are gonna be accomplishing the same goals but it's like what do you do you got to split the things evenly you know you got to keep that DeLorean moving that's important to get it to the end you got to go find the parts for it you got to make these two people fall in love and then Biff oh if you hate it Biff in the movie you're gonna hate him even more in this game because he just constantly in there he's reckoning up Oh pain in the neck the die mechanisms really good at Ender's because there's dice there is luck obviously sometimes you'll roll and it's amazing what happened and there was when I play this game stand up moments like and then there's also it's it's good I'm just so happy about this game I'm happy because I know people who haven't played many games will go to the store go through it read and excellently written rule book which doesn't look like a real book because it's Tales from space it's a comic book type thing but this rule book is so well written it's so well done it shows you everything has an FAQ on the back this is a great rule book this game is a great game it is a game that I recommend to families if you like the movie you want to play this game if you'd like cooperative games you want to play this game if you're looking for a good gift to give other people this is an excellent choice I think a lot of people are gonna be singing his praises soon of this game I really do and I think for good measure this is what it should look like when you say let's make a game based on a movie that feels like the movie but is also a good game they made an excellent choice here to cut out the time travel because that can be confusing in a board game here it's just the theme in the background the theme itself is the closer hey I need to make George and Lorraine fall in love and I also need to stop Biff from messing things up that's the kind of a small close lens on the theme but it works in this situation and so by doing that the design team kind of help focus it keep it the Matic but also make it a close personal theme that is fun and as you roll dice you can see the different things happening and that you know it's not following the movie necessarily on Rails because maybe this time Biff did succeed maybe this time Marty this skateboard didn't help Marty so I like that and it all comes together in a wonderful package highly recommend it Back to the Future back in time diced our judgement excellent [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 53,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, Prospero Hall, Funko Games, George Bletsis, Les McClaine, Steve Scott
Id: AknQnRIoMv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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