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hi everyone it's alicia with the doctor we are back to school clothes shopping for our 12 kids and josh he's a teacher let's go that's apparently did alma and harley go inside do you want to go grab harlow me and jason combined our cards all right what do you guys want to start okay we are shopping come on let's go oldest to youngest okay all right nobody where do you wanna go okay i don't know it [Music] all right this is like women's fitness stuff this is the stuff you like breathe you probably like this stuff too zoey i want to go in a boys section and get analyzed okay i'm going through the boys jason what you doing honey those are cute i look like they might fit you they might oh they they have them in a small honey too here they have it in a small did you want these okay oh no wait that's the extra smell [Music] hold on sweetie where are they oh hi quinny oh yeah yeah um do you want to go to like the juniors section me no nevaeh we started with the veil there's alma you need help josh is on his way he had to pick up james and oh my god let's go over here we'll just make our way around the store excuse me you don't need a fitbit trick or for school you need oh super cute what do you think you're gonna get harley you need new clothes for school what do you want to get [Music] that dress [Music] those are good pants okay okay super cute love it super cute outfit what else look around those are flowers hold up all right i guess i guess harley's shopped out with one outfit okay so show me the shirts you want let's look at clothes honey okay you wanted where are they mom mom the other mario shirts i had is were too small can i have these uh-huh can i get more are you sure yes mom [Music] [Music] it looks like it will fit me it's like a little big honey let's look at the size um actually no that that is the right size i don't know why it looks so big let me see what size that is patrick that looks a little small honey you need like a large now you want you guys all grow this summer you need a xxl okay or the men's section which also has pretty cool shirts mommy it's the same size looks good what would you like like oh mom this is kind of big um this looks kind of like that would probably be in the men's sports section because i'm um want this one patrick this is an xxl look what is it let's do it yeah i think it is like hold it up and let's see i found an fg tv shirt no i know you're gonna you gotta go into the men's section you're a big boy now i can't wait any more more are you sure [Music] no mom no honey this goes all together this goes with this this is this goes as a set but this is too small for you mom i just realized my shirt yeah okay you need to hold on to what you're buying okay [Music] you know what you got mom is that what you got me for my birthday i don't remember oh my god yeah we can look in the nike section yeah i think we're headed cut it that way cause harley can you not drive your house please [Music] all right keep shopping we'll go back around wait i have to get a shirt i thought a four no you're not a four you're not a four anymore you're a seven you need a seven six you need a seven now well some sixes fit me you need a seven nope not toy shopping so far brie has a shirt and pants and shirts hey mom what is that i got botas jammy's shirt and that's not gonna fit you but i'll come help you find your sides is that where you just found those where did you just find those pants what are you sure no honey you need a size 10. they all have gone up a size this summer i am telling you they've all shot up a few inches i take them all for their annual physicals in the summer i'm not even lying almost all of them grew three inches in the past year four inches no that won't fit you honey honey i'm telling you the men's section has stuff like this this still has stuff like this those are baby socks honey these these would fit bodhi yeah you you can go into the smallest of the men's size you your feet are now a small mess what honey i don't know oh my gosh this is so cute oh my god this is dark how can i see it for me right there it was light on it oh did you say thank you he it's fasted dark it glows in the dark no i'm in there why did deshawn not appreciate you wearing his shirt no he didn't care oh okay all right um um we are finishing up with the boys and then we'll head over to the men's section because one needs a few swishers a barbie shirt actually needs a size five okay if you are able to find a size five that would be awesome you're gonna buy stuff in the men's section yeah i'm just moving you guys are waiting for the men's i'm gonna show you small men's songs like sports like basketball like stuff there because i'm gonna be playing basketball i need baseball stuff alex is with nevaeh right now um thank you uh i gotta spin back around to the women's section but the boys were getting you know anxious to get their stuff harley the twins want to go to the men's section let me see she's a five this is a um honey in kids you're a large yeah and kids sizes you're large he's waiting to go to the men's section when we go to the men's section you can go back to the women's section because it's up there um you need no you spent it all remember in ocean city it's you don't get your lounge until september 1st i like it i like it so i can work out all right um let's go over to the men's section when we go around uh bri don't forget you need socks and would you like a shopping cart hi yeah we can probably get a shopping cart i found it can i get a shopping cart you guys want these super cute fancy clothes i know nothing i don't okay wait wait you said i'm a girl man you're a grown man this color that might belong to someone else though yeah that's a really nice scream there's nothing inside of it mom they're this feminine yeah but you don't take other people's life it's okay do you want this purple shirt or no no yeah i know i'm allowed to give three of each things did you want this soccer shirt or any of these are really cool i think they're like oh honey harley's shopping with dad do you want to put your stuff in this shopping cart yeah [Music] we'll get one when we go up front jordan jason what about these outfits i'll i'll only take one yeah which one do i fit you're like a large hold it up to you i can hold here do you like that or he's like so big what do you want honey you're a big boy now you want to see what is that blanket oh okay i need more of this for my back soul bags yeah i'm coming honey you should have come here for sheets i bought sheets at walmart this morning i was not even thinking that we were coming here you know what we should get some more pillows the way that we go through them grab a few of those will ya please let me just like a couple okay wait hold on james is getting more pillows we have everything in here and mine okay patrick there's some men's graphic tees where'd patrick go [Music] he ran away we're headed there we're headed there patrick here's some men's graphic tees so in men's you're a small you're a small stop i'm just gonna peek around the corner for alex and deshawn there's some right here this is like the men's activewear there's some in the back corner there's james down there let's go with the dream can i get one i know this was a lot okay well we're headed that way well there's what kind of pants do you want patrick that's the outfit you want the whole ensemble yeah let's see oh that's cool i want that you can do the same thing that's okay too big for me uh xxx yeah what'd you get stuff with dad pick that out yeah you like that you like that one would you pick that one out yes yeah let me let me do this don't put them on but you like that it's matching okay what did you get okay so i got a um nike sweatshirt i know um i got these ex um these sweatpants are you sure those are long enough those don't look long enough you might want to try them on i might have to then i got um a champion shirt a nike shirt and then i got um two nike um shorts nice all right what'd you get nevaeh this is the first outfit i like that so much don't forget socks oh you have socks what'd you get day sean sucks good yeah it's a little nike shirt you bought men's right yeah okay i like it you guys this would probably go with like this hoodie yeah i like that don't forget to get pants oh you got pants okay and then shorts nice i like that sweatshirt too just a bunch of pants and pillow punch pants in a pillow okay that's really all i need so patrick all you've found is a shirt so far yeah there's more shoes over there i go get one keep yeah keep looking okay um that's okay i think it'll fit you let's look all right so it doesn't go to anything to use me to get my data on my phone so nevaeh needs her data on her phone too why yeah so see mom okay cute and then did you find the shirt or no yeah okay we'll keep looking let's go i like that a lot you saw the red pants in the back corner no i didn't look cool with that you need a size small pants i couldn't find any of them is this my size okay we can always order those online yep that'll fit you so i found the tech gear pants they're the green ones and i actually really like them but green pants they look nice but they didn't have your size no they did oh that's a small okay so that will fit you okay oh what about this green one yep i'll take that i'm looking at this bumper that's in my size that cause that would look good on you yeah these are all like it's not my slime okay so let's go in the part let's go in the section that nevaeha shopped and oh there's also more women's clothes down here let's go down here here's just a white shirt yeah that will do oh that's a long sleeve shirt though do you want long sleeve or short sleeves um yeah you can get some tanks to wear under your clothes see now these are a large extra large yeah i'm back here okay so didn't know my thread back there no those were signs yeah wait wait there yeah oh okay yeah it's perfect i'm a small right you're small why are you keeping my ass right so i found one you are this is a small see this is the small yeah i'm trying yeah that you're right i do have that shirt that is an extra large though they have kind of one in a small like a no that's a man look at these cute jackets that is cute i like one of these um that's the same color as that but oh did you want to get jeans or you're not gonna do jeans i might do jeans shorts okay well we just got all those cheeses where the luggage is yeah dad and james are back there queen of queens i lost my barbies can i go over there you lost your barbie i watched my barbie song oh your barbie shirt i think free i dropped it i put it in the car i put it in the diamond star has it and put it in the cart yeah no he didn't okay he can get you in here all right you can look around there oh i'm going to the kids section [Music] james said he'd buy those for you didn't he no i just didn't cry um let's see if they have it in a small what about this black shirt this is a small that is so cute i love it [Music] we're finishing i am tired of shopping no oh do you really have two toilets what should we get for free anything else you can always get more on amazon too did you see those two pairs of pants came in okay why i okay josh has to go get his clothes we're going to go find alex nevaeh and jason all right did you find cologne yes you got to buy it in there oh okay oh we'll go do that then while we wait for dad to get his clothes can you don't touch anything not even you mom no just look james did you want cologne they're getting cologne and perfume i have to buy it in this section of the store yeah this section is the boringest she likes that one i like it but then she said this one smells more like me like you i don't know why i like the first one yeah i told you you just get both and then you can see what your mood is that day okay okay what are you doing oh did you find any no i was looking at like the vans for like lifting oh yeah oh yeah you need the ants for looking to help a ton [Music] black opium yes it's either that one or that i'm not a perfume person so i'm really not the person to ask this is i like them both i think i like this one more yeah but yeah do you want to get both people whoa okay all right all right well honey we're doing one thing at a time we gotta stick together one thing at a time i already have fans do you have fans did you want vans my kids all have fans other kids i like all right let's go find uh let's go find malaya she's my other kids all have vans they love to just slip them on real quick when we're going somewhere they have no dress clothes [Music] which i'm gonna have to order yeah i guess we came too late because our schedule is insane these kids are getting done shopping oh hey no we did not even see this section so we're gonna get james sun clothes yeah [Music] yeah she's the size like seven and a half women threw away all of my lego mario wiggles even lego mario they broke my broken one you threw them away yes because they're all broken let's see i don't know these might be too tall he got pants i kind of just want to give him some shirts hmm [Music] oh these are nice do you think he'd like these oh i think he'll like this this i don't know yeah okay is that is that the only thing he needs well you know he's just like i buy him nice shirts and then he wears the same old like shirts with holes in them but yeah i like those he just says i don't know i need some hands clothes without he's with josh getting sweatshirts he's close without holes like my hiding spot okay perfect mom did you like my hiding spot and get that for james okay oh he's got some stuff so all right i did some shopping for james do you know what yeah i want you to try them on i know but where's the um changing room there's no changing around here let's go all the way down oh that's awesome oh we found more cool shirts okay let's see for me yeah i need lots of tacos do you know how much those i like run around is mario can't find any of those mario ones did you see the mario ones patrick yeah mom did you see the boat ones no my mom here this one's your size mario kart 1992. i like this one that one's too big dang it check that one out no honey you have five thousand hats it is very cool but we're gonna look at i'm gonna make a mental note that you want that for your birthday and we will remember that [Music] i know mario kart 19. where did you find that that's a long time ago this will fit your passion you don't want it i know what i want look at that oh that is cool that's a large thought do they have a small i'm going to check it out actually glow in the dark i don't know uh some of these are yeah oh okay i think we're ready to check out i think so do you want to take harley out she's getting crabby yes i will do we have all of the cards i'll take jordan okay one two three four five cards well i had to do it because it was blocking everything okay honey she'll suck she'll sort out the hangers you don't have to worry about the haters honey when we get home we'll sort everything out into who it belongs to right now let's just get everything up there please okay because they got to take all of the security tags off soon oh okay nice got a gray one and a red one nice your other stuff's right here look at these shorts i know thanks welcome i thought i did some good james shopping oh right alex why don't you hold your cologne yeah we'll just carry everything out yeah help me out yeah you can climb in there you can climb out i love i've been eyeing this the minute i walked in because it's orange and blue it's the darkerty colors don't you want it okay yes this is really nice actually it's the decorative brand colors i knew you were iron i know you're gonna get mad and stuff for i should i should order like custom shirts like this yeah that would be awesome from that tie-dye person did you see all those dish towels she sent me yeah i like that that'll look nice together green red are my top two colors they're just jolly all year imagine i just like pick out all wrinkles like the entire school year just wear all green clothes every day sprite green bright green in red everybody's eyes yeah yeah see i knew there were some sweaters in my side which didn't where to look yeah i totally forgot about that they have that big and tall section here yeah so is this all school yeah for 12 kids yes and we have of course waited until the very last minute next wednesday a week from wednesday next wednesday yeah yes well mom we're going to bankruptcy yeah but you'll be looking nice that is true that must have been one of the twins dad got the twin stuff wow honey just leave it in there we'll get it after you're not going to listen children are not called makes the dream work how i don't know we were getting changed from like out of the blood clothes i closed the gate and somehow he should probably go upstairs and he came to my room i was like oh the stairs yeah if it doesn't click shut yeah it was a completely click shot like oh yeah yeah nice that's my job when i grow up all right did you watch one of you guys no i don't think you want to do it okay one right [Music] i'm here to who's purple pants oh yeah so we got those purple pants i know yeah cute all my pants hopefully i need that for now i know don't worry i need that josh picked out harley's outfits and i haven't seen them yet so that's adorable it's cute it's pre-approved reapproves of it so it must be cute oh yeah i can see well no yeah i didn't think about that where are we gonna put all right we're almost done guys we're almost done the teens are getting things the fish has been popping in that river a lot yeah i've been noticing they're working at the fish hatchery a lot people like so many fish in there now it's like why are you shopping it's not actually one thing the only thing is it's just really hard to catch fish she was like it's not a touch screen my darling it looks like it because it has one of those than that so shopping done all right here is everything laid out harley has pants tracksuit skirt and shirt set two nightgowns and this cute jumper um and two sweatshirts and three dresses body got underwear socks pajamas four shirts and two pairs of pants and like i don't know where toys came from but yeah toys apparently that's needed for back to school uh what did jason get he got five pairs of pants four t-shirts a jacket and three sweatshirts jordan got six pairs of pants seven t-shirts and three jackets and some sweatshirts back there this tank top okay dash is the true middle child that we i want to because josh thought i shopped for him and i thought josh shopped for him so apparently he only got pajamas and two t-shirts so he will be going shopping tomorrow zoe got two t-shirts and five pairs of leggings cute brie got a pair of leggings she had just ordered stuff on amazon too uh she got leggings this cute skirt a cami three t-shirts and this adorable jacket some socks deshawn got a pair of pants two shorts two t-shirts and a sweatshirt and socks this is the sweatshirt he said it's his christmas trip okay socks and vans oh those are all our school supplies that are going to the kids schools this week back there patrick got three pairs of pants and three shirts that one's scary and sucks uh let's see nevaeh i got three pairs of pants a candy two shirts a sweater and a pair of vans no james and alex yeah they went a little overboard um but they don't buy clothes as often as the rest of my kids do so this is fine they're not like my constant clothes shoppers like my other kids so what did james get james i got six pairs of pants three pairs of shorts seven t-shirts and three sweatshirts he's really into hoodies right now alex got six pairs of pants two pairs of shorts five t-shirts two sweatshirts and socks you see how hard it's raining i know it is raining well what do you what do you think about um but see it's a seven and it's showing only the size of these stars yeah they are they're nana and dash are shopping online for clothes they were gonna go to kohl's but then he decided he wanted to online and it's better because it's pouring right yeah and here's what dash picked online shopping thank you for joining us back to school clothes shopping for our 12 kids you are strong you're beautiful you're loved you belong and i'm so proud of you we'll see you
Channel: Dougherty Dozen
Views: 355,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z_ftW10yu5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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