Back To Church Sunday | Rev. Matthew L. Watley | Kingdom Fellowship AME Church

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hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah father we glorify you we magnify you we we wave our hand because you are jehovah's secular you are god who was our banner we wave as a sign of victory that whatever the devil tried didn't work [Music] hallelujah [Applause] some of us are limping some of us are wounded but that's why we can still testify because his plan wasn't to hurt us it was to kill steal and to destroy so the fact that we're still here is because of your goodness and your mercy toward us for your grace sufficient father we want to say thank you pray now god for the one that suffers the one that is confused the one that is struggling pray for the one that needs faith [Music] who's lost their way restore them right now in the name of jesus grant them to know that they can't go far enough that your hand can't reach them that your love can unfold now we've come to hear from heaven so speak lord your servants are listening and have you choose to move will be given to give you the credible say that jesus did it so in jesus name we want to say thank you and all god's children said amen amen and thank god hallelujah as we continue to stand in this place i would that you would find your bible that you'll turn with me to the gospel according to luke the 22nd chapter meet me there in verse number 39. luke's gospel the 22nd chapter beginning reading there in verse number 39 reading out the new revised standard version of the bible and there i want you to read with me as as we read inside in our outside voices come on let's read collectively he came out and went as was his custom to the mount of olives and the disciples followed him when he reached the place he said to them pray that you may not come into the time of trial then he withdrew from them about a stone's throw knelt down and prayed father if you were willing remove this cup from me yet not my will but yours be done then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength in his anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down on the ground when he got up from prayer he came to the disciples and found them sleeping because of grief and he said to them why are you sleeping get up and pray that you may not come into the time of trial while he was still speaking suddenly a crowd came the one called judas one of the 12 was leading them he approached jesus to kiss him but jesus said to him judas is it with a kiss that you are betraying the son of man when those who were around him saw that this was coming they asked lord should we strike with the sword then one of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear but jesus said no more of this and he touched his ear and healed him then jesus said to the chief priests the officers of the temple police and the elders who come who had come for him have you come out with swords and clubs as if i were abandoned when i was with you day after day in the temple you did not lay hands on me but in this hour the power of darkness amen i guess i finished it by myself amen look at somebody say neighbor live a lot of say neighbor stay ready and pray steady amen god bless you thank you for cooperation you may take your seats in the presence of the lord the spirit does speak and god does god just want to use as a subject for the next few minutes stay ready and pray steady stay ready and pray steady brothers and sisters in 1989 stephen covey wrote a book entitled the seven habits of highly effective people that book ended up selling more than 40 million copies and really set off an entire new leadership theory industry the premise of the book was simplicity itself he simply was trying to say that if you desire to be successful you ought to try to operate in the principles and with the values of successful people that makes sense doesn't it that also means that you should not be frustrated right now that you're not ceo if you've yet to take on to yourself ceo habits if if you still got the same triflin work ethic and discipline and focus and commitment to reading and trying to keep your name clean if you have yet to embrace some of these things then then you can be upset but you don't have a legitimate case to be frustrated because you've chosen to be where you are it's going to be winning type of days i can tell already listen all you have to do is do a quick search and you'll find that study after study of habits of ceos reveals several commonalities of their behavior they read widely and deeply and purposefully they prioritize their health they're quite intentional about their time management they're focused and demonstrate a strong force of will they're willing to take calculated risk they have a strong personal and professional set of rules that they abide by and they take recreation seriously okay that's what they do can i tell you what they don't do they don't scroll social media endlessly [Applause] they don't binge watch television religiously they don't spend hours talking about people they don't sleep and eat and sleep and eat i was excited when i wrote that one [Music] that they don't spend weeks and months debating with themselves over nothing they don't sit around getting high and drunk so they can figure out another way to get high and drunk they don't hang out with people going nowhere the premise for my preachment is simplicity itself that if i want to be where you are rather than focusing on the destination i might want to pay attention to the journey that you've taken and brothers and sisters if you call yourself a christian then i would suggest that you might want to look to jesus who is not simply the author and the finisher of our faith but shows us how to live victoriously [Applause] and so here it is if you want to live like jesus you ought to live like jesus yeah i could tell you were waiting for something deep and heavy but but i'm gonna keep it right here today that that literally we could be living in greater victory right now we could be living like jesus right you're saying no reference you don't know me and we don't have me and jesus have nothing in common i know you're not the only begotten son of the father full of grace and truth i understand that you were not born of a virgin that you are not incarnate but you need to understand what made jesus who he was was not simply how he was born it was how he was live how he lived after he was born and can i clue you in on two things that you have 100 capacity to do just like jesus you'll discover that if you read scripture jesus read scripture see they share what i'm trying to get you to see is that that we keep trying to make stuff super spiritual and extra deep when in fact if he is the word and still studies the word then we should not be surprised if we have no spiritual authority if our best scripture is jesus went [Applause] jesus studied the word and jesus prayed wait a second i've been preaching the house of prayer for three months and i got five slow claps on jesus parade i'm about to send somebody out here and get a pick a switch no it's too late now it's too late what i'm trying to get you to see brothers and sisters listen is that the life that we desire is closer than we think it is as close as the bible app on your phone it is as close as you falling down on your knees and having a little talk with jesus [Applause] think about it look how well you're doing with almost no word or prayer in you [Applause] can you imagine what god could do if we would just give him a little space to operate in i want to prove it to you in text that we just read tonight today we see that jesus is in the garden of gethsemane the bible tells us that he went here listen to the words as was his custom let the church say custom that that meant that jesus regularly prayed in fact scholars suggest to us that jesus not only prayed but read scripture consistently in fact when you read the gospels listen you'll discover that jesus either quotes or makes reference to scripture 180 times i said quotes or makes reference not pulls it up on his phone or googles it because when you're in trouble it's too late to google a word you got to have a word that's already sewn on the inside of you that's bringing forth a harvest when you need something so jesus reads and he prays he he goes to this place consistently to pray everybody who knows him knows him to be a man of prayer can i ask your co-workers can i ask your cousins and your classmates what kind of prayer life you have because everything else that you're into they know about so if it was that big a part of your life they would tell me that he or she is a man or woman of prayer oh i feel good today i feel because what i'm trying to show you is that that jesus even though he's the son of god jesus even though he is the messiah the anointed one the christ he still recognizes that to be aligned with the word of god and the will of god and the way of god for his life in order for him to fulfill god's calling and mandate on his life he still has to exercise he still has to read and study to show himself approved he still has to memorize and recite and meditate on the word he still has to pray day in and day out okay y'all anybody here like me have a love-hate relationship with your uh help with your gym my money goes every month my money goes and no matter how long it takes for me to decide once again i'ma get my act together i get the trainer they come and told me the same thing they told me last time you really know anything to do two two things reverend just change your diet and exercise listen simple don't mean easy so so as i talked to you about prayer you you said to yourself you didn't say it out loud because you're in church but but you said to yourself rev i would but i'm so busy and it's hard for me to find the time what can i help you understand if you trying to find it that's why you can't find it because when stuff is important you don't find time you make come on let me preach it you make time you decide to turn the tv off and stop surfing the net and stop talking and texting the people who can't help you anyway it becomes your custom because you understand that there are benefits to being aligned with god there's benefits to being in the word there's benefits to having a real prayer life so the word says he goes to this place as was his custom to pray and as he's praying i want you to see what he's praying about jesus is praying because this is the time where he's about to head towards calvary he he knows that his hour has come and so he's in a personal crisis i want you to hear me beloved because the joy of being a believer is that i do not have to deal with life by myself or on my own because i'm saved i have the privilege of prayer which means whatever i'm dealing with whatever i'm going through whether the devil center or whether i made it myself god gives me the capacity to call up heaven and god promises that he will hear my cry and he'll answer by and by he will incline his ear to me and he will come down to see about me so jesus is now in this circumstance where he's dealing with his impending physical pain and anguish which will happen by being impaled upon calvary's cross that that's the physical reality but then he faces a metaphysical reality as well because while he's on the cross he will not simply die for sin but he will become sin on the cross and faced with this prospect jesus does what we do he asks god to help a brother out father if it's possible let this cup pass from my lips nevertheless not my will but thine will be done well what jesus is saying is god i i i don't want to have to go through what i'm about to go through god is there any other way we can accomplish our goal through another means and through another method i i got some real spiritual folks y'all scared to say amen but i'll go ahead and be witness number one to talk to you about the fact that more than times and i care to count i've had to have these kind of conversations with god god i'm doing the best i can and i just don't understand why i got to go through i know plenty of folk don't know you don't love you don't serve you don't tie to you here i am trying to do half right can a brother get a break y'all can i get about 500 folks in here that don't mind acknowledging the fact you've had to have some real conversations with god so jesus is facing a crisis and his coping mechanism is prayer can i ask you when you in trouble what do you turn to who do you turn to a purchase here a meal there is that your coping mess mechanism paralysis of analysis here anxiety and panic there a rendezvous here all i'm trying to suggest brothers and sisters is that when jesus got in trouble prayer was good enough for him and maybe just maybe prayer is perfectly designed and suited to help us in this moment of crisis father of his apostle let this cup pass from my lips he's he's praying while he asks his disciples to pray but notice what he asked them to pray he said pray that you don't come into the time of temptation in other words he says i know what's about to jump off and and you ought to be praying for yourself that history won't record you as a coward because you left me when i needed you most here it is here it is jesus is praying and he's praying because he understands that even at this hour there's no listen to me no circumstance that's so bad that's so deadly that's so dark that god still cannot reverse it that god still cannot change it that god still cannot shift your situation so my listen my prayer life is not based on how i feel because half the times i don't feel like i'm gonna make it my prayer life has to be powered by my faith that says despite how it looks how long it's been i still believe that i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living that's why despite how bad it is i can still come boldly before the throne of grace because he said ask and you shall receive i need some bible readers seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened unto you he said ask whatever you will in my name and i'll give jesus said cast your cares upon you because i care for you listen he says which one of you if your child asks you for a piece of bread you gonna give him a stone which one if your child asks you for a fish you're going to give him a snake well if you who are evil know how to give good gifts how much long will your father in heaven take care and hook you look at the one on the right and tell them neighbor have you prayed about having me for real have you laid it on the altar have you laid yourself on the altar have you put your child's name on the altar you praise father if it's possible let this cup pass nevertheless not my will no audible response comes from the corridors of glory but rather in parentheses the bible says and an angel came and waited upon him in other words i heard your request and the answer is no now here's the thing when we pray to god god still gets the right to choose how he responds now his prayer is can i do this another way nevertheless not my will god says no but i'ma make sure you get through it [Applause] so i'm not going to get you out of it but i'm going to give you an angel that gives you strength so you can handle whatever you got to handle to do what you gotta listen listen prayer is our custom especially when we're in times of crisis because prayer if nothing else gives us conviction let the church say conviction see conviction listen is not just about focus it's also about endowment see jesus has just prayed this intense repetitive prayer and and and he's asking god to get out god says no but i'm gonna give you an angel so that when you get up off your knees you're not going to be the same as when you first went down you're going to come up with a greater sense of grace strength and power to handle the attack that's about to be launched against you so so notice the succession in the text jesus goes from praying and then he's he's rebuking his disciples again saying couldn't just stay awake and the bible says while he was speaking the crowd came with clubs in their hands to arrest him their problem was they didn't realize what he had been doing while he was there he had been praying and receiving angelic assistance and power which meant whatever you got coming it ain't gonna work cause i'm already ready cause i pray steady y'all [Applause] it's gon okay okay okay vladimir putin made one mistake now i know all the scholars want to talk about how militarily russia was always going to be doomed because they're too top-heavy in their command control and logistically they didn't have the infrastructure but but that's that's not really the reason russia is losing they're losing because he didn't realize that ukraine is about that life he didn't realize that the soldiers he was sending were just following orders but the ukrainians were fighting for their lives and fighting for their freedom and fighting for their families and they were willing to die for what they were fighting for and can i tell somebody that if you allow god to give you angelic assistance help me holy ghost god will so crystallize your conviction that if the adversary is allowed access it won't matter because you will bend but you will not break because no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper and whatever god whatever the devil says it won't work look at somebody and say neighbor i'm convinced and i'm convicted that one way or another we're going to make it we're going to survive it we're going to get through it i'm not going to lose my mind i'm not going to lose my family because god has already shown me see is one thing to be in the locker room and talk about the game it's another thing to step on the field and have to deal with the team that's against you that's when we find out what your conviction is and do i have anybody in here that's declared though he slayed me yet will i trust him all my appointed days i'm gonna wait till my change comes jesus ain't out of it but he's got something now to go through it he's got a special anointing for what is coming his way uh-huh bible says that he's gone to this place because it was his custom he's praying in crisis now god sends him an angel so he can have conviction and with conviction he walks forward watch this with new clarity read the text the bible says at this point judas now we know the background on judas don't we we know judas has made a dashingly deal to sell out the savior for 30 pieces of silver and he's told the soldiers listen i know where he's going to be because he always goes here because he's always praying so i'm going to go and show you i'm going to dive him out i'm going to show you where jesus spends his time and i know it's going to be some folks around him so here's how you know it's the one to arrest i'm going to kiss him on the cheek notice now the act of betrayal is an act of affection i don't mean to go to meddling right along here but you got to be careful about some of these acts of affection that you keep receiving because sometimes it's not your friend it's a judas it's a judas at judas isha it's a judah's son [Applause] the bible says jesus has this conviction watch me and and as judas comes to kiss him jesus says judas do you come to betray me with a kiss see when that angel came he didn't just give him conviction he also gave him clarity see when you operate in the spirit of god god will show you inside information he will tip you off he will wake you up at 307 in the morning and identify the individual that's been plotting for the last six months again god will show you some stuff do i have anybody here that god has ever removed the cover off your enemy to show you now now let me put a pause in here real quick because i don't want you to act unwisely with information because just because you're my enemy doesn't have mean i have to treat you as my enemy i just need to know that you're my enemy in fact jesus knew from a long time ago it was going to be judas [Applause] i don't have to trust you i just have to trust you to be you they're not ready all right all right all right all right here we go here we go here we go so so so jesus operates in supernatural clarity and says is it with a kiss that you're gonna betray me now just before this jesus had just told them hey brethren uh it might get a little tight make sure you got some on you i'm trying to say what i'm saying without saying what i'm saying true story one day uh we we're going to preach in baltimore and uh brother cash is driving and so we get out the car and we go into the church and uh on the way out the car and when he gets out the car i hear some go clink clink clink on the ground i said cash what is that he said nothing rev let's go to church [Applause] that's a true story jesus said brethren make sure we ready and so when the crowd came with their clubs to arrest jesus they said jesus can we do it and from another text we understand peter didn't ask permission now read the bible the bible says that peter took his sword out and cut the ear off of malcus the slave here's my question was he aiming for the ear no he was trying to take him and that's normally listen how we define courage we normally define courage by fighting one-on-one but there's another level of courage it's one thing to pull out your arms or or lie on somebody who lied on you or put hands on somebody or threaten somebody or undermine somebody but there's another level of courage and the second level is when you stand still and see the salvation of the lord that there's another level of courage when you refuse to repay evil for evil there's another level of courage when you decide that god has not brought me this far to leave me and i don't have to lose my religion or put my faith down to handle ungodly people in fact can i help somebody real fast because listen you can't beat full-time evil people trying to be evil part-time preach pastor i'm doing the best i can yeah you used to be like that you used to be out in the streets but god has delivered you and you can't go back to who you were so you're gonna have to stand in who you are and trust that if you stand he'll fight your battle if you stand he'll work it out if you stand he'll make a way who am i preaching to do i have anybody here that knows they had a trap set with your name on it but you're still alive still got your job still got your marriage because god foiled the plan of the adversary and caused all things to work together [Applause] [Music] another level of courage anybody can go back at them another level of courage is to pray for those who despitefully use you i can't get no help and scandalize your name because the bible says blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake for great is your reward in heaven so maybe just maybe god is challenging us to grow to a new level of spiritual maturity here's how i know jesus is operating at level number two of courage the bible says once he cuts the ear off jesus says i told you not yet it's widely version of the bible and watch us and he heals the man we go from clarity to courage to the curing power of god that even for his enemies he's still god i'ma try it again that i don't stop being who i am because of how you are god called me god saved me god redeemed me god is sanctifying me and i refuse to step out of my character and my calling to lower myself to your level i healed everybody else come on up here brother i'll heal you too because i still have divine grace i still have my calling that that jesus's public ministry is defined by how he continues and consistently up ends the rules of law and nature remember his first miracle he makes water turns it into wine he he walks on water he calms the raging sea he gives sight to the blind and opens up deaf ears he raises the dead he multiplies fish and loaf he cleanses the leper see the truth of the marriage brothers and sisters jesus is still jesus even when they come to arrest him i'ma say something now listen sometimes we're more spiritual than jesus we try to give jesus a way out and take him off the hook we don't want to claim too much just in case it don't work out we don't want to put jesus in a bad light but but hear what i'm saying brothers and sisters if jesus can heal the ear of the slave that was part of the group that was going to take him to calvary that means that his character is without blemish and even if he chooses not to move as we've requested he's still god and he's still good so you want to ask boldly and not take anything off the list because his character cannot be besmirched by anything that happens in my life did you hear that here it is here it is so my assignment listen is to pray and believe for whatever it is god has declared in my life if he chooses to say no that's on him but if i fail to ask [Applause] have you sick among you call for the elders of the church are there those who are suffering pray that the lord of harvest god that god has some plans and some promises for every last one of us and to receive some of them or some stuff he gonna do just because he's a good god but some stuff he says according to your faith i'm done here it is bible says that jesus cures the man because that's who he is and then finally even though they're arresting him the text makes it clear jesus is in command here it is here it is he basically is allowing them to do what they came to do he he he is already in control even though they think that they're in charge listen he is stronger arrested than they are free now now if you can't see that with jesus consider how mahatma gandhi martin luther king jr nelson mandela each submitted themselves to arrest and by being arrested and seemingly submitting to the authorities of the world they became more powerful than the ones that were arresting them so that each one of them was asked to leave i'm done when i tell you this when you pray doesn't mean everything gonna work out like you won't when you pray you still may have to go to calvary but here's the good news it's already factored into god's plan i was in atlanta this week preaching for my father and y'all know atlanta traffic is like no and so even though obviously we knew how to get from his house to the church every day first thing we did was set ways because we wanted to see where traffic was and each day it took us a different route now i'm kind of laughing to myself because as we're following ways my father is orating the journey i don't know why it took us this way it seemed like we should be going the other way you see all that traffic and i'm saying dad i see the traffic but before i saw the traffic waze saw the traffic i said dad stop looking at the traffic and start looking at the eta as long as the eta doesn't change that means that waze saw what i was going to get into before i got into it and has already factored it into my journey so long kingdom may the lord god bless you real good but i come to tell somebody when you pray you still may have to go through calvary but that's why god gave you the angel so that it's already factored in to what god's gonna do can i preach like i want to the bible says that on thursday they arrested him and took him from kangaroo court to kangaroo court pilot tried to wash his hands and by the time they got through beating on him and whipping him they put the cross on his shoulders and forced him to walk the via dolorosa and his strength fell out and so they had to call another black man by the name of simon of cyrene to help carry the cross and when they got to the place called golgotha the place called the skull they laid that cross down on the ground and they put him on the cross and put nails in his hand and then they lifted it up off the ground and that was their strategic mistake that was their fundamental flaw that's where they lost the battle because jesus had already told them if i be lifted up from the earth amen unto me look at somebody real quick and say neighbor come on neighbor stay ready and pray steady because if you stay in god's will you may have to go through what you don't want to go through you may have to see a good friday but don't quit don't throw in the towel hang in there cause easter sunday morning is on the way he died can i preach like i wanna he died on friday stayed in the grave on saturday better early come on i need somebody with a preacher's voice say early sunday morning jesus got up without power in his hand and because he lives i i can face [Music] living he loved me dying he saved me buried he carried my sins far away but rising he justified me freed me forever and one day he's gonna crack the sky one day he's coming back for a church without a spider wrinkle one day [Music] [Applause] glory hallelujah everybody standing i want you to know listen i want you to know he's going to get you out he's going to get you through he's going to deliver you one way or the other your assignment listen is to stay ready and pray steady [Music] free advice when you wake up at 2 16 [Music] rather than spending the next three hours trying to think about it and think your way out of it pray about it [Music] if you could have thought your way out of it you'd be gone by now [Music] your best thinking brought you to where you are but god's promise is that he does still hear and answer prayer can i pray for you right now father in the name of jesus i thank you there's no crisis there's no disease there's no loss there's no mistake that is outside of the jurisdiction of prayer that god when we turn it over to you we're literally saying we acknowledge it's beyond our pay grade but we believe you can handle what we can't handle so god we believe you for stuff we stop praying about we're claiming stuff that we didn't want to ask for because we don't want to put you on the spot but god you said ask whatever we want so god we're asking right now hear our cry oh lord attending to our way from the ends of the earth god we're crying unto you [Music] father lead us to a rock that's higher than where we are right now the flood waters are coming god even if we gotta tread water just keep our head above the water until you decide to come down and rescue us [Music] thank you that you are our eternal rescuer and now god i pray for somebody [Music] who has sunk into sin who is unsaved unsure doesn't have a real relationship with you i pray for the one that needs rescue so they might live eternally with you in heaven and that they might have heavenly help while they're here on earth god i pray that you might save the souls that need to be brought into the kingdom right now thank god i pray that you might add to the church those who are outside of its ark of safety god we're tired of trying to make it out here on our own we know we're better together we're better under divine cover and planted in your house so now god would you bring the harvest for our good and for your glory in jesus name amen come on clappy hands clap your holy people listen if i just prayed for you because you're not saved and not sure what salvation is all about i got good news today for you is the day of salvation if i just prayed for you that you don't have a church home where you're growing and getting stronger then you are to respond and be the answer to my prayer on the count of three we're going to praise god again and if you're unsaved or if you don't have a church home in the dmv where you're growing and getting stronger i want to welcome you i want to invite you to make the best decision and the best walk of your life and know with every step you take your life is getting better come on one two three put your hands together right now and encourage somebody to come forward to be saved somebody to join the church somebody to get your life right with god whoever you are wherever you are up in the stands up on the on that on the first floor come out come out wherever you are come on choir whoever you are wherever you are let's look we want to give you a chance to get to where god wants you to [Music] the be of salvation follow your heart and not your heart god bless you we see you coming god sees you coming hallelujah come on there's somebody else that needs to say yes that needs to come forward god bless you my brother come on right now [Music] hallelujah god bless you my sister now listen every time you see somebody walking i want you to praise god and i'll be the more you praise and the more we'll come to him god bless you god bless you come on there's some people up in the stands they need to come on down to the floor don't let some stairs get between you and what god has for you come on there are others come on right now [Music] hallelujah come on right now you can make it you can make it god bless you my sister come on that's your sister walking down y'all kind of stingy with the praise today hallelujah make up your mind come on there's somebody else god bless you we'll see you coming god sees you coming oh glory to your name i feel the move of the spirit in here come on this ain't normal this is not regular this is supernatural and you ought to move with the move of god listen listen listen i want to give you another chance i want to break it down and make it personal i know i get it there's a lot of folk up in here there's somebody who's struggling to make a decision right now we want to help you make that decision everybody who's a member of kingdom fellowship i'm going to give you your assignment right now your assignment is to find somebody since we got a lot of guests today find somebody you didn't come to church with you don't know ask them those questions ask oh god bless we see it coming right now hallelujah i see a whole family coming down praise the lord my god my god isn't that a beautiful thing hallelujah and i believe this is just the first wave i believe there's a whole other group that's about to come forward here's i need y'all to help me i need you to help me help them everybody on the count of three your assignment is to go find somebody ask them these questions are you saved get an answer ask them do you have a church home around here where you're growing i want to hear about some church in new york and florida you live here now if they say no i'm not saved no one have a church home tell them i'll walk with you and bring them all down everybody all over the building one two three go to work right now ask them your ask somebody those questions come on ask somebody those questions are you saved get an answer do you have a church home where you're growing if they say no if they say i'm not sure tell them you have to go by yourself i'll walk with you and bring them on down he's waiting come on my brother come on my sister hallelujah come on you can make it today confess and believe god bless you we'll see you coming god sees you coming confess and believe he'll change hallelujah [Music] [Music] make up your mind confess and believe [Music] god bless you we see it coming god sees you coming hallelujah now listen listen listen real quick real quick hey baby we want to thank god we had four students that said yes to jesus today in children's church you want to praise god there's salvation happening all over the house i'ma let it go but i've been doing this for over 25 years here's what i've learned sometimes we confuse superstition and spirituality [Music] lord if you want me to go make the lights go off make my right hand to you that's that's not spiritual that's superstition you know why because listen what god needs to do requires your agreement your permission listen to the bible jesus says behold i stand at the door and i knock that means you have to make a decision to open up your heart to let jesus become your savior to join the church so you can grow in the things of god can i tell you this church is god's entire plan to develop you as a disciple he has no plan b the only place you can get what god has for you is the house of god you tried it long enough outside the church oh i got it preacher i'm just looking for a perfect church good luck first of all if you find it you still can't join it because you ain't perfect you'd mess it up churches aren't perfect because they're full of people and people aren't perfect but here's the difference church is the place where we're being perfected we ain't perfect but we getting better we're getting stronger because we're in the place where god has called us to be i need because i saw about 150 folks that didn't do it last time i need everybody i'm gonna put it in dmv ease i'm gonna need everybody in here to find somebody didn't talk to ask them those questions because you don't know the status and you don't know how your question might bring somebody into the kingdom and into the church everybody find that last person ask them right now those questions are you saved get an answer do you have a church home where you're growing get an answer if they say no they say i'm not sure tell me you have to go by yourself i'll walk with you and bring them on down come on last call that means getting while the getting is good here we go today is the day of salvation come on i need somebody out that balcony y'all y'all been kind of slow on them stairs come on now he's waiting he's waiting he's waiting [Music] no greater love god bless you we see it coming right now hallelujah that's how you do it come on that's how you do it that's how you do it everybody glad to see some young adults coming forward come on confess come on one more time for the holy ghost come on come on this plane's about to take off we're bound for glory you ought to come on get on board harden not your heart [Music] no greater love confess and believe [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hey man we going sanitize you at the back let me pound you up right now god bless you welcome home we're so glad to have you today and the family faith amen we appreciate what god is doing in your life we're excited bless you my brother hey buddy yeah god bless you my sister god bless you praise the lord god bless you i'm glad you made it god bless you would you help me welcome my brothers and sisters today in the family of faith amen come on you can do better than that one after you go up with sister kim right there y'all follow her on out amen platform platform somebody shout welcome home welcome home to the family of faith praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord saints amen we thank god seeing our ears have hurt our hearts of filth now today was back to church sunday i want to make this public announcement before we pronounce benediction we're going to be having church next sunday right here this is the only place you can go no cover charge no tickets no park come on [Music] come on now [Music] the church is like blanche dubra it's always dependent on the kindness of strangers think about it y'all know mary j in dc tonight they want their money up front like before you even think about coming up in here they want a lot of money too here's the thing [Music] best things in life are free to you because they cost jesus everything [Music] this is his church and he welcomes you whoever you are however you are every time we gather together so i want to personally if nobody else invites you i want to personally invite you to come on back tune on in we gonna do it all over again next sunday but
Channel: KFAME Church
Views: 2,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BbixypaYq20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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