Back To Basics: Using push button switches with HCSCI

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well hello everyone fellow flight simmers and cockpit builders it's finally time for another back to basics video i've been uh taking up quite a long break i guess you guys have noticed but uh there's a lot of good reasons for that i'm not going to get too much into them here but uh needless to say i just been preoccupied you know with other projects and everything and and uh and as i told you before i was waiting until they finished remodeling the configurator on the website so i was holding off until at least that happened which it already did of course okay but before we get started with this little tutorial i would like to put out my little disclaimer here that you know this is going to be my understanding of this material the way i make it work and it has worked for me i am not an official spokesperson or anything for hcsci you know so this is just my opinion of everything and this was recorded on may 3rd 2021 uh that's the way the website appeared on that day and the configurator or the plug-in version that i used at this time was 1.0.74 a so with that in place let's go ahead and get started on this video we're going to be talking about push button switches momentary contact switches more than anything and as you can see from you know what i have here in front of us there are many different types of switches you can get them you know tiny little ones like this you can get square ones you can get actually with the ones with the light inside of them you can get rectangular ones um circle ones of many types and you can get um you know square ones also in many different types and that also includes the switches that are like for example here in the prop watch sim simulations uh dual rotor encoder on these regular ky 40 encoders and then these other encoders which also have a push button in the center um and then of course if you really love soldering and you like to work on uh small stuff or actually even if you're building certain things you might have to use some of these like like the surface mount button here on the arduino which is a you know little tiny little micro switch or even even smaller you can do something like this you know which is basically like uh surface mounted uh micro switches like the ones for the old atari 2600 controllers um so there are many ways you know that you can you can build your stuff and i know that some people you know they try to make everything look as realistic as possible and i guess the only way to do that is um you know either to buy very expensive parts or to do everything 3d printed you know so that you can make it look exactly like the real thing but since i don't have a 3d printer yet um which i'm not sure why i've been thinking of getting one for like the last six years i just haven't done it you know i just basically i mentioned it many times before i'm just building panels that can serve a purpose you know i mean for example if you guys remember on the video when i built this um this little adf radio you know i just wanted something that had all the buttons and the displays that i needed to have and that kind of looked like the thing you know i didn't care if it was 100 um the real thing and like i said before i'm not even using this in my setup so it doesn't really matter to me you know if it looks exactly the same or not but the functionality is all there so you know and it's very important for for push buttons is one of those things where you need to you need to use push buttons for almost everything you know so what we're going to do here is we're just going to basically talk about the two different types you know for for the purposes of hcsci um push button switches are what is called digital inputs in the configurator or in the text and everything so basically um the moment that you get a button and you push it it sends the arduino a signal you know that it's a basically uh an on you know you pushed it and that gives you know the same copy them ah sorry about that i still haven't got over that old name uh it gives the the configurator the plugin i'm all confused now sorry so it gives the plugin you know uh the command to do whatever parameter is assigned to that particular button and that's just an on and off switch you know that's it but of course you can get some i think these right here for example this is a toggle no that's the wrong one this one right here so i switch over to this camera here you can see that when i press it it stays depressed you know and that's basically on and when i release it it goes up you know and it's off and the same thing for this one right here because as i mentioned on the last video i posted about this you can get these in uh in latching so they stay on and off like this you can get them like that or you can just get them in the regular just momentary push which you just push and release and that's it um so basically for all intents and purposes uh those latching ones they are almost they kind of become like toggle switches so it would be no different to have one of these where you turn it on you know and it's on in that position and then you turn it off by doing that you know so any toggle switch or any momentary switch that has latching is the same thing so to the configurator it'll look like a toggle switch rather than a momentary contact switch so right now we're only talking about momentary contact switches all right and so i think what we're going to do is we're going to um connect a few of them and we're going to go to the configurator and assign a couple of commands or parameters to them and then we'll just jump into the simulator real quick and see them working all right so as you can see here i have um a couple of push buttons already here um wired up so i'm just doing this so that you know it makes the video a little bit shorter because i have such a hard time making them short anyways so before we go any further i'm going to go ahead and get myself out of the picture here because you don't need to be seeing me the entire time and we're going to go ahead and connect these um so we're going to just uh we're going to decide you know what to to use them for a little bit later on so let me just bring this up a little closer and i'll just put all the all the grounds i'm just going to go ahead and put here and i'm going to put this one since i have a female connector on here i'm gonna go ahead and put it here on the out input multiplexer i'll put it on number 15 for this one here okay next i'm going to use this push button here that i had just made it like a calm one so i'll go ahead and put the negative here on the ground rail just like the other one and i also have a female end on this one so i'll go ahead and put it here on a number let's do number 10 on the input multiplexer here all right next we have this little guy here so this one has a male on both of them so i'll just go ahead and hook up the negative here on the ground rail oops and then i will put this one on number 50 directly on the arduino all right and last but not least we have a round push button i hope this is not a latching one but if it is that'll be good to demonstrate you know what i was talking about earlier so i'm gonna go ahead and put that one here on the ground rail as well and i will put this on number five all right so there we got all of them right there so now we just got to go figure out what we want to assign them to so let's go to the configurator here and uh try to decide on some things to do so usually i like to do the 737 just because it has you know so many different things you can do in it and and also uh you know it just makes it easier for me to to just concentrate on one plane rather than having to reload over and over so let me see here we're gonna do uh so let's do the configurator here we're gonna start let's just edit one that i already had started here i think it already had only one thing so i'm gonna go ahead and delete that one and we're gonna do okay for so for the one that says com1 let's just go ahead and do the autopilot here we'll just do uh heading select so we'll just go ahead and click on that one it's gonna be the button and we're gonna put that i think we said we had that one on number 10 on the mux so first things first we have to assign an mux to number eight so it's going to be an input multiplexer and now we can go ahead and select heading select button on number 15. i'm sorry that was a number 10. so let's go ahead and delete that one and let's get it on number 10 so heading number 10 oops button 10 okay so that was this one that i just assigned so for the next one we're going to do this one right here which is just a simple square push button and that one is going to be the one that's directly on the arduino on pin number 50. so if we go back to our map here uh what should we select for that for a simple push button for that one let's just select uh autopilot engage so we'll do the button here and that one was directly on the arduino on pin number 50. so we put it there okay that's good for that okay so the next one we're going to do is going to be this rectangular push button here so for that one we're going to do altitude select it'll be for the button and we are already apparently in an mux number eight and we're gonna go to number 15 so that's already assigned okay so the last one we're going to do is going to be this round push button switch which i'm not sure if it's a latching one so if it is a latching one you're going to see how it behaves when the con when the plug-in expects a momentary contact so for that we'll use auto throttle arm because if it is a latching switch it's gonna behave exactly like if it was a toggle switch but if it isn't you're gonna see what weird behavior occurs because of that so let's go ahead and go back to the browser and we'll do auto throttle arm c is expecting a toggle switch so we're gonna go to multiplexer number eight and i believe we have that one on number five so that's it so now we got um one and number 50 here and we got three on the multiplexer so let's go ahead and save that configuration file so let's go ahead and close out the browser and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go ahead and start the simulator and then i'll be back when it's loaded so here we are in the simulator now and as you can see we have the the board is connected and we are showing four inputs and zero outputs which is a correct and i am running like i said hsci plug-in version 1.0.7 a all right so let's go ahead and see if everything is working correctly here so this one right here is going to be command a so let's go ahead and engage it and it did as you can see the little light is on here and then i'll go ahead and push it again to disconnect it and it did so that's all good uh the second one here that one's going to be a heading hold so let's go ahead and push heading hold and as you can see it came on and we'll push it again to get rid of it so every time you press it once it's you know activated and deactivated okay the next one here is going to be altitude hold on number 15. so let's put the little arrow here by the altitude and let's see good it works take it off put it back so that's all good and last but not least here is going to be the auto throttle arm so let's see how this one behaves we'll go to the auto arm right there oops okay so it looks like it is a latching one because it's um it is working every time i press it it it stays on and then it comes off and if it was only momentary contact you see if i don't press it all the way if i don't make it latch it doesn't stay on so this is a good example of what happens when you are supposed to use a toggle switch you know that you can use a latching push button switch and when you're not supposed to use one then it'll be behaving weird so everything is working correctly right here as we can see which is great so that's pretty much it for this video right here as you can see this is pretty pretty simple pretty basic that's why you know i thought it was one of the very first and easiest things to get started with when it comes to the different components because uh push buttons are about the easiest thing that you can do i think the next one i'll do probably be on toggle switches since they are very closely related but um i hope you guys enjoyed this little video and i hope it helps some of the beginners out to understand how to get started wiring these things so once again thank you very much for watching and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Qosmokid
Views: 493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vnupnpYoo8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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