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hey hey hey what's up everybody we're back and hopefully everything seems to go well once again my OBS is saying I have zero drop frames we're holding well over 5,000 kilobytes per second and we have excellent connection reading on YouTube so please fingers crossed that we can continue on and uh not have any more issues with the YouTube so yeah my brother and I we went and like checked everything just to make sure that everything was good and we were so was like okay no worries hey welcome back William Reaper welcome back thank you thank you thank you again my man just to let you know they had the the the two for 20 deal so I got two I got one for after stream as well so thank you sir as my dinner I promised I would and I did as always I always deliver on my promises as best as I can if now something outside of my control uh messes things up well that's outside of my control and I can't spat the things I can't control Eden hey how are you doing I hope you're doing well I hope you had a fantastic long weekend you got a couple uh days off in a row at least but uh I'm hoping that uh everybody's doing well as soon as growing like a weed but oh don't forget we got less than a minute and say 30 seconds is go get your drinks get your snacks get your butts in the comfiest position so we can kick back relax and continue on with some more of this farmer Dynasty I'm uh I'm loving this game folks I've been dying inside To Tell You Folks about it that it's coming back that it's uh very similar in the art style to the original same uh developing team same publisher obviously so yeah you're going into your weekend right now well congratulations and enjoy it with as much time with the little cutie button little soon as you can they grow up so fast they grow up so fast it's like I used to be able to pick you up now you're picking me up and you're only8 years old child what the heck I need to put on more weight so you can't pick me up yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it as why I'm getting a spare tire attached to the dad bod my goodness as long as it doesn't turn into a trailer I guess I'm okay it's these Slurpees that are killing me it's the Slurpees oh but yeah I I'm I'm excited folks uh this is coming back it's going to be another staple on the channel um oh fingers crossed that uh everything goes well this year we get the new pc all built and we can bring back videos again like I'm having a hard time even getting my computer to render um just the credit roles now it's just for some reason when it goes into render mode it's just it's just like no sorry I I can't do it I I I'm too old I won't let you oh what the that was the wrong screen that's the screen I want right you are are you okay you're good now all right perfect sometimes the equipment is horrible I guess I should have pre-loaded it CU now we got a long cut scene ah dang it oh well well extra time to talk with everybody yeah yeah she's going to be another year older and E ever that much closer to learning how to sass back but all all the times and that when you just watch their little gears turning in their head and their thinking things out it's worth it it's worth it you it's worth the slamming doors and the screaming matches you know how it goes yeah you know family stuff get them into gaming cuz remember if a game if a family can game together they can fight together right that that's one one thing that I got to give gaming multiplayer family games they learn how to fight together you know they got each other's back yeah it's pretty good it's pretty cool so hey Mike welcome back welcome back my man I hope you had yourself a relaxing day too we're getting a bunch of on and off rain we've had four cracks of uh lightning so that's it no power flickering so I am not expecting us to lose power today it's Saturday night you're going to the shop to rebuild the the the back end of the new truck also change the upper for control arms and lower ball joints gotcha got to get some service time into it I mean hey she's uh in really good condition for her age I mean she's around the same age as my truck in the in the a right so the 2000s so she's in good shape man she'll do you well she'll do you well you got to give her the TLC and she'll treat you just as well back okay come on loading bar I just want to choke you um hurry up Phil Phil just little bit Phil Right Here Phil ah oh my chair is right in the way of it oh man yeah no one so I mean that's what I got I got a 2001 Dakota so you got the Silverado you got just the bigger Wheels you got the bigger Wheels you got a teenagers going and one's just in the terrible twos oh you got a threenager who's going into their fors oh yeah no I was it was it was pretty good for a while there we had some really good ones and then yeah oh it's all on Factory so gotcha but still take care of it and it'll take care of you that's for sure oh man amazing how this black screen really shows how white like or how uh soap has changed that's kind of given my black shirts a gray color you look at them they look great you look at them in the camera and it's like oh yeah oh yeah even my hat my hat looks like it's gray and washed out no is that the type of light I'm using or is that just the way it is oh well whatever let's get rid of the ugly mug let's get into the game shall we uhoh for some reason my mixer has also decided that it was going to not work uh so I hope everything's going good on your ends everything's showing good onto my OBS so I'm just going to run with it I'm just going to run with it not going to worry okay so where we last left off was is that we were trying to fix things and we came to uh oh why are you not repairing well that's interesting uh hold on do I not have just the right type of material here I thought all repair was all repair oh okay for some reason it's not letting me repair no big deal all right well what we'll do then is we'll go have a little uh looky R around the mapo before we go do any more quests let's go check some stuff out shall we so over here we have a little rest area over here is the general store and then we can't get up to any of the other rest areas um there's another one that's down here here uh our cabin's in the middle here we've been to that and then there's William we can go talk to William he was over at um Emily's Farm cuz we've already finished Maya so let's go let's go take a look at the General Store let's go for let's go for a little Lorry trip shall we just waiting for the are we good all right we're good uh where is the front gate all right over here uh I can't do it I got to switch I got a third person view it folks but you see it's better to go with the uh the newer vehicle for the exploration just because well the old putt putt there takes you a while and I figured we wouldn't do that so take a look at the cars as well take a look at the sign AI is the answer whereas the last one the sign was a Maverick sign so as you can see we are in a different timelines so I'm going to let everybody experience it and all that I'm not going to spill any beans or any things along those lines with it I'll let you guess and decide and come up hypothesize about uh what do the developers have in store with us for all of a sudden for us to be driving around here but uh don't decide now wait until you watch the rest of the video folks wait until you watch the rest of the video so you can have a better understanding oh righty I've never had that one happen before where the heck did it bounce us it took us all the way back to the main Farm what what oh wow I did not had that happen before okay that's interesting but hey G goly Miss Molly she sure likes the party let's go see if she's got anything to say to us you're really very hungry you might even have frog alive well that's just information I want to know what's up with Molly nothing Molly is Lolly gagging around here Molly are you gagging or Lolly gagging oh jeez careful GG you can get yourself in trouble hold on put your arm up again like your oh wo is me oh come on do the pose do the pose we need to see the arm is up come on we need it for a thumbnail you can do it woe is me wipe thy brow I missed it before you can do it I know you got an animation time frame you got a loop you got to go through now there's your koi okay yeah looking good yeah looking good there you go work it girl come on just just wo as me bring the arm up up to the forehead come on you can do it it would make a great thumbnail you're just not going to do it are you we give her one more chance come on you can do it Molly Molly she's just like nope come on there you go okay that's your oh Shu you I'm just such a poor girl from a poor family all right that's it I'm not paying any more attention to you girl you're just not you're not you're not not in the uh posing attitude apparently all right let's get back over there and find out what the hell just happened oh unless oh okay yeah cuz I had to switch over to the demo version from my testing version so maybe the lines are farther back than I thought they were hold on we might not be able to get access to the uh to the General Store folks which now that I think about it kind of makes sense for what was going on over at the house so okay so my version and and this demo version are a little different yeah yep okay that's exactly what it is all right so apparently we can't go visit the uh the General Store like I figured but let's just get close and have a a look see at the that corner and uh you can make some make some calculated hypothesis and guesses yeah no no Molly hasn't aged a day in the 50 years nice William you caught that nice cuz originally remember it was the old guy the guy in the old clothing passing off the the tomato puree drink to the young lady all right so I think okay right about here is where your cut off is okay okay so yeah they did it before the store all right so you can have a good look and see right oh nope wrong button didn't mean to do that didn't mean to do that all right so using a little bit of a zoom in oh they're good yeah if I get any closer okay so uh I thought you'd be able to read the red sign and everything that were on there to give you guys a hint for what I think is coming in the future for items in the store um oh yeah this building over here isn't rendering [Music] in okay all right yeah there's a few there's something missing over over here off to the side too but yeah there's this corner which I'm going to take a wild guest and going to cause us some major headaches and aggravation for AI uh so when we're driving down here like I'm I'm saying beware of this three-way Corner um as you can see the AI are driving right into the edge of it and so I just wanted to show you folks that yes you know the AI driving and everything is better than it was in the original Farmers Dynasty but it's it still has its Hang-Ups in the intersections so that to me is a fantastic Improvement because we had so many malfunction Junctions over in The Originals Farmers Dynasty it was uh it was quite comical to say the least switch over to the map and yeah looks like I can get down to through the tree areas over to the other Park okay just want to give you guys a view to remember here on the map we got uh Mama Mia or Maya whichever way you want to pronounce it over here now let's go on over to the the rest area so people can have a view to die for look at the the drop pin look at the background the the far and draw distance now unfortunately the computer does not have the graphics up to the full uh potential of what this game has if you have a better computer than I do meaning if you have something that's at least eight years or newer you're going to have better quality than I can put out so enjoy the graphics quality cuz I know what it what it looks like when the grasps are turned up a bit more and yeah it looks good looks real good do I want to no no I don't want to okay oh but is it going to let us no it's not okay all right we're going to have to go the other way all right so just have a quick little uh peekaboo over here so you guys can see what else is on this map so obviously this is the the reservoir here for with the Hydro power Dam so fingers crossed that uh story elements are combined into that portion of it now I I've gotten no idea where the story is going folks none whatsoever so um I've seen more story in the demo than I've seen before so I don't know where we're going with the ual story line all right let's come on over here we're going to have to do some Trucking might well put into cvd we're put in variable drive to so that way we can get all four wheels uh basically 4x4 all right uh can I make it yes I can okay and here we go here is that other Park so all these things on the map oh these wreck areas here what are they they do name them something what do they call it uh I can't remember but anyway these recreational areas you see on the map they're all the same they're just these little campfire things these little campfire dewys not overly exciting at this time but it would be nice if you know they had uh like NPCs here you know having random conversations or even quests that brought you up here you know say like a an errand you know they call you up and in in the modern timeline they call like on a cell phone say hey can you bring us some beer you know stuff like that date locations yep yep exactly that's what it was with the the original farmers Dynasty in that too so I expect it's just going to be a continuation now I bet you if I [Music] go no I won't be able to go through there okay yes I know one day I might need to eat something I'm I'm so hungry that my stomach feels like their shoelaces tied in it and uh apparently I'm ready to eat a frog a an alive frog even my character is so hungry but for now while there's no real repercussions other than it slows you down in running and makes your nailing a little bit slower I I haven't been worrying about it too too much so come down here now this is something right over here what do you think this is going to be hey stop don't move okay thank you what do y all think that this is going to be right here this wooden Shack thing now is this going to be a fire lookout or is this going to be a hunting Shack or is this going to be a kid's bunk house but it's built here with intention as far as I can tell on the map so that makes me think that I hope to see something with that in the uh the version of the game The Early Access or full release version of the game I'd like to have that I'd like to have that explained a little bit a casino um H oh man that would be pretty interesting if they had like some sort of you know uh Speak Easy style Casino thing going on now that would be cool so we got some other neighbors here and I'm looking at these trees these are not the trees from Farmer's Dynasty or Lumberjack's Dynasty that were in The Orchards but do you think that's what these could be do you think that we that they're going to bring back the orchard trees we'll have some uh some apples maybe some pears peaches something that can grow over in this type of climate other than just the one set of apples that's what I would like I'd like to see you know a few species of um Orchard trees maybe even some uh Berry bishes and stuff like that that we can uh quit quit I I just want you to stop thank you so painful we need an ebre we always needed an in break in these Dynasty games it's something that they keep always forgetting to do it's either that or they can't figure out how to do it without locking up the AI because you got to lock the world down and uh it's it's it's a pain in the butt can be done but it takes a lot of extra programming so there's another Farm that's over here now let's see let's go let's go take the back rout down before we go do this next uh Quest thing here trying to to show you guys everything cuz I don't want to just burn right through the the whole demo on you folks between a cloth and a JCB I hear you I hear you this is a Maverick that's the brand of this particular tra tra tractor Maverick tractor uh okay yeah no never mind okay I was like uh was I supposed to say that like yes okay I'm allowed to say that because it was on the billboard if you last watch last episode when I was driving to uh Maya's place you'll see on the billboard oh okay so R again I was not expecting it to cut me off so early okay so there's really not much I that you can see from that direction then uh by not being able to that far H so I can't make it up to the top of the hill yeah H well let me just go back and see how far I can go see if we can zoom in and see anything that's over there yeah definitely a colon but it's got the back end that kind of looks like a JCB actually it kind of looks like the Ford rear end doesn't it not quite the New Holland because of the way the the scoop is over the back over the um the fivepoint a hitch oh sorry three-point that's a three-point hitch right one two yeah that's a three-point hitch okay it's not the Triangular Five Point all right so okay I'm going to slow down soz I want to see okay so you guys can kind of see something there in the middle I don't know if we can get over this hill if we can get over this hill we can see things okay no no no stop stop stop don't send me back okay so we got stuff over that direction there and we got a house well it's a barn actually that's over there all right by the there's a telephone pole and stuff that way okay I was hoping I was going to be able to drive about uh twice the distance down okay but all right so they got us locked off but those are the those are the main roads that we have access to in the demo there's no more uh other places well suppose we could go this way but would you yeah yeah they're not going to be able to see down here okay so yeah you know what we'll go over here we'll go over here why not we'll go take a look at all the roads that we have available to us we got lots of fuel lots of fuel in this one you start off with 100% And this one just seems to just sip gas so let's go for let's turn on some tunes while we at shall we now H maybe we should switch that over to maybe no I'm not in the mood for it I was going to say like maybe some more like country style but uh songs while we're ding driving in the tractor but I just can't do country right now even though I'm in a tractor when I'm in my tractor it's all the old rock and roll we're talking all the stuff from the the late late 50s that I mean like 58 then the' 60s the 70s and an any bit of the early 80s anything after that I call regular Rock anything before that like you know before the mid 80s everything before that's classic bro that's the good stuff now am I going to be able no we won't be able to get a guard the bridge right let's just take a look at the map yeah it's just before the bridge right by that one small field there okay so here's the cut off line it says all right okay I don't think you're going to be able to see too too much no you can't see anything of what's over on the outside takes St render in from being too far away so all these different lands here you can purchase all these you can see here 1.69 hectares uh .17 hectares 23 oh crap man oh Molly it really throws us back holy cow I was not expecting that okay sorry I'm just learning where these limits are myself self so my apologies oops come on come on give me 40 I can never get this thing over 39 man you throw the cruise on and it slows right on down the 36 you got to floor it downhill to get it go faster but then as soon as you go up he'll just throw back on cruise cuz it'll die down to 36 on its own okay the Norwegian death metal hey if I had some that was copyright free I probably would for some of the songs that I listen to uh when I'm out to working on the farm well now it's working on the Anchorage but I think back in the days I think oh my goodness I just can't believe it's like my parents sold the farm 16 years ago and we were talking about that on the while I was down there with ceman this weekend I was like wow it's been 16 years since they sold it it was like wow time flies time really flies all right so can I at least get right to here stop stop stop okay so let me get out and look get out and look and no it's not letting me get out and look okay there's a beautiful little bridge over here and then it takes you up and around and then there's some more buildings in that that are up and over there oh man that snugs all right and you know what kind to think of it can I yeah I can go down that secondary Road okay so we'll take the next left at Albert kerk or no didn't we do that one no I did the one on the left I didn't do the one on the right okay yeah we got one more that we can go down check out we got one we got another one we can go see all right go raft left at Albert ker so we could if we wanted to do a shortcut no we'll we'll go down this road first oh and to let you know too as well same as in Farmer Dynasty the original here we'll come to a stop and if you hit just gas it takes a while to get up to speed however uh if you're on a hill you just hit cruise control and you get more torque I don't I don't get it I don't get either you get more torque from cruise control but apparently if you put on cruise control you got more torque for take off off now I bet you I'm not going to be able to go much farther than this just from the way that it looks can I get to the park what well that's different okay yeah okay this is as far as we can go okay this is this is new to me why is okay all right apparently no we can't go much farther so you can see that there's a parking sign it's linked up to down here let see that now there's another little bridge over here and as you can see in the far distance okay we did get some rendering but we just the good one is the one that we can't see okay I'll leave that for the future for you guys to guesstimate what's on in the very far background over there but yeah this is looking pretty good look at the size of the uh map and what they've done with it for all the elevation changes that's going to make for some really fun farming you're not going to be all about um trying to make the largest field sizes and stuff yeah yeah just mod the tractor files yeah go as fast as you want I'm not trying to build a cyber tractor you know what I'm saying I don't need to go from zero to you know push my eyeballs in the back of my head in 3 seconds I'm good there's uh y looking for your third wife cuz yeah first wife uh my first wife was the neighbor I can't even remember her name in Farmer's Dynasty then uh then I married uh the herbologist lady in uh Lumberjack's Dynasty and then after that medieval dynasty was like broom Hilda or something like that it was just nobody of uh importance you know what I mean wasn't like a quest character or anything cuz I don't think he could do that in medieval Dynasty I think there were some characters that you could not have a relationship with all right so I got to stop there jump out uh let's go talk to uh let's go talk to uh Emily's brother or whatever his name is here hello hello hello lad I don't think I've seen you around here before who are you I've just moved here from the city my grandfather left me that farm with the windmill oh you're his grandson my grandma Emily told me he helped her save this farm from ruin back when she was young and broke and all he wanted in return was some old piece of junk rusting away in the garage such a kind helpful man yeah that sounds just like him actually I'm looking for some work myself do you need anything done around here as a matter of fact I do there's a lone Spruce by the road that needs to be cut down and the logs stored next to the barn could you help me out with that sure no problem all right here's the chain saw and you can use my trailer to transport the logs all right so we've left Farmer's Dynasty and we've reentered into the world of Lumberjack Dynasty so it is a really good merger of the two together so far so once again using your engineering site you can see where you need to go let's see here let's I get around the pole here let's turn on the 4x4 in and you know what we're that type of neighbor we're just going to block the intersection so no AI cars can come through and push us around we're going to switch on over to our handy dandy now chainsaw we're not using no more uh Mr axe now we're going to cut down the train sauce we use chainsaw uh it looks like the roads clear over here let's just do this uh-oh I had no problems in the other version why am I having a problem now hold on go through it go to chainsaw huh okay honestly I never had any problems cutting this tree down before yeah I was going to say it tells me to cut this one and normally it it pops up and it has that little slider go across and cuts down I've never had an issue with this this is the first time I've actually had any bugs in this demo version Yeah I broke the game already it did a little chop you see like okay all of a sudden now this is working let's switch over to the chainsaw and see if that's going to start working cuz that wasn't working there huh interesting why did the axe not want to work and then all of a sudden start are working uhhuh interesting I seem to have come across a weird glitch folks ah see now yeah as soon as I walk over here and now I'm standing up okay hold on here there is no Crouch key hold on options uh controls key lines here we go there's no crou okay and that's what's missing here okay so for this version that I'm playing this demo version um normally when you walk over the character goes into a bit of a uh like a Crouch type thing and it's not doing it but if I switch over to the axe yeah see now it crouches in and now I can cut the tree all right so just to get us through this part of the tutorial folks I'm just going to use the uh the axe to cut the tree down now doing the rest I should be able to do that with the chainsaw no problem now no okay well I guess my chainsaw is whacked all right yeah it's just not doing the the proper animation weird I'll have to send my safe file in get them to debug it or it could be that I have some sort of uh what's the word I'm looking for yeah uh what's I can't think of the word h corruption that's it some sort of corruption from UM playing the other version to this version could be it okay there we go yep well that sucks cuz I mean still is a partner of the the game at this point in time they've they got the licensing uh down for it so I was hoping that uh I was going to get to show it off dang it are oh whoops that's it that was an e not an r and now I don't have cv22 on anymore dang it so if this reminds you of uh Lumberjack's Dynasty it's because this is the same logging trailer that came out of Lumberjack's Dynasty just man e and are too close together I hit both of them at the same time every time it's painful it's painful now it's over here come on just turn there we go so if I go here there we go so now I got to pick it up again I don't know what it is about it why that's the way it is but I don't know what's pushing the tractor there stop thank you yeah that was weird uh the trailer was being pushed maybe because of that open door but yeah it was pushing me around but we're good now okay uh I want to put you about here give you the unhitching let's go Dr William the tree is down and the logs are where you wanted them great job you can keep the chainsaw you'll need it more than I will appreciated I'll be sure to put it to good use well I got to go now see you later I hope so bye that had to be the quickest chitchat on the planet just saying so now it says this was a busy day for sure you could use some rest now so we got €200 Euro and uh some social points for that yeah she does not like to turn yeah pretty much pretty much just give you the good old you know get out of here type of thing yeah you did the work for me now get out and we did it just for being neighborly you notice we didn't get anything out of it we burnt our own fuel spent our own Sweat Equity and uh we didn't get nothing in return oh okay Mike Mike makes a good point you get to keep the broken trainsa okay stop stop stop stop stop that is one thing that will always drive me bunkers when I said stop I mean stop damn it uh right let's go uh get our sleep on it's going to get dark out here in a minute I think I've gone through everything that I can with the demo what what's it what I cleaned all this up I cleaned all this up I fixed it all up and make it look nice and in the 50 years somebody comes by and puts it right back the way it was oh I bet you what it is is because I saved and loaded I bet you that's what's going on you can stop whenever you want just as soon as the airb or as soon as it's after the airbags have deployed yes it was Mike it was wasn't it m now look at this now look at this a welcome to a free day of autumn feel free to look around and do whatever you wish return to bed whenever you feel like so we've got that all repaired that's all repaired yeah it's not letting me repair anything let's just see here options no um controls let's go default and see if that fixes things yeah okay so nope I found out what it was I changed um some of my key bindings around but it had nothing to do with the left Mouse button at all it had nothing to do with that so I bet you now that the chainsaw will work let's go let's go see if we can drop Another Log on the cabin Put Another Log on the cabin bake me up some bikon and some beans I'll fetch my pipe and then go find my slippers then come on darling and tell you why you're leaving me oh bu Put Another Log on the cabin all right let's see if we can do it let's see yeah there it is we got that little ducking reaction sorry folks nope that was me that was me apparently changing the key bindings around completely screwed the pooch can you do it can you do it can you do it no but hey look at that we got we got the U log ready for Christmas Grandma I mean I put it right there on that damn [Music] fire and as you can see much faster than using the uh oh I can't even think of the name it the axe much faster than just using the axe [Music] real question is can you repair the tree after chopping it down can you burn the whole tree I wished so you can now even cut it into firewood and you get 13 per whereas with the CH with the axe I got to find it there it is you get 10 per so just saying oh oh maybe maybe it's depending on the size of the St no it's dependent on the size of the wood no sorry my bad I just this the first time I ever paid any attention to it so yeah it's the length of the wood okay it's got nothing to do with the other all right there we go you know what it's raining out we're going to defy mother nature but now have a take a look at this rain compare it now to what we saw in both Farmer's Dynasty and Lumberjack's Dynasty I'd say they did a hell of a good job with the rain effects now let's just have a listen to it it's not overdone you're not hearing you know like you know rainstorm and for the type of rain that we're having it's not quite a rainstorm as you can still see there's holes in the sky or in the clouds so it's like a spring rain going on but this is Autumn so it's an Autumn rain going on now if we go inside we still have that same issue it's raining inside hopefully that'll be fixed up for the um for the full release or or Early Access whatever it is that they go with at the time that they go with it let's see I said light the fire Mother Nature you will not put it out on me how dare you I will defy you anyway so that is that uh so yeah chainsaws down the what they used to call what was it the lner tractor is now the Maverick and so Maverick um we shown that one off we've done the plow today's the free day right okay so yeah when we're done when we're done exploring our farm then we'll have to uh go to sleep so we have two mezzanines is that what the is that the proper terminology of these I think these are called me need so we got two of those in this uh particular um straw barn now for a straw Barn we don't really have much places to place straw bales do we now do you remember in the other ones we could pick these up and move them but we can't do that in this one just saying at least not as this time we cannot move no none of those um straw bales so in here we have a little uh little workshop top room now nothing is interactable with in here other than the boxes that you can pick up for the old materials but that's about it hey Derek welcome back my man welcome back I saw your message earlier just I was uh about 25 minutes after you sent the message did I see it I was like oh I was away from my computer at the time yeah so there's no no um engageable or interactable objects or anything in here like I said other than the old scrap the lockers everything not engageable just to like switch but it's the old school light switch even though we're in modern time at least we have incandescent light bulbs we're not lighting them up with the candles or natural gas cuz there was a time when they people did that silly silly people then over here this is our grain silos so this way we can carry two different types of um grains so we come up here and there's nothing it's just it's just like a like you can watch filling you know type of thing that's about it that's just like a lookout then I can go up one more then we got a little uh little Crusher room here Mill room I guess it's not really a mill it's more of a like a pump of some sort I can't think of the name augur that's it it's an augur and yeah you wouldn't want to fall down through that no would you so little Asuna you're not allowed up here okay Mommy and Daddy are going to put some tape across here it says Asuna do not cross so no climbing up here okay you might not take fall damage in game but you take fall damage in real life don't climb up there all right so that is our uh double Silo so that's been a huge upgrade we've already seen what the greenhouse and the house looks like let's go for a look through the new milking parlor so nothing is interactable in here at this time that I can see like there was no trying to fix or clean up the pipes or anything to make this place look any better you know give everything a new polished look there's nothing like that uh the only thing that's in here is a light switch which is oh over here by this door so there's a light switch here then we have some of these um pens I'd like to know how the animal that gets into here is going to get milked like H unless you got to take them all out you can't go through there you got to go through here through there you got to take all of them out through here because this support beam is right directly in the way of getting animals out from here oh and yes you can go through these just to say show you you can go in and out of these so it's going to suck if we have to put our animals away for the night you're going to have to bring the first animal all the way across over here close the gate then bring the third animal bring it all the way over to here close the gate grab the second animal bring it all the way over here you know what I mean yeah pain in the ARs whereas these ones are just instant here you go in you go out you go yeah I just I didn't like the design of these uh oh sorry it's um three pens not four I was thinking it was four pens but it's three pens I don't like these three pens all right so let's go up the stairs to the uh uh the attic see can we go yeah let's go this way let's go through the other forgot to close that but yeah once again another light switch we got our uh I'm guessing this is the pasteurizing room for milk pasteurizing I'm guessing this looks like a a honey machine a honey extractor so I I'm hoping I'm hoping that we get honey in this machine sounds like a chore for the misses yeah oh is that what those are I thought it was like 1930s design or something you know what I mean like European design of some sort but yeah no I could see that I could see that being on a ship because it'd be easier to to grab a hole to all right so yeah this this here looks like like some sort of milling machine of some sort I just don't know what that is if you know anybody's watching on the replay or in live chat right now definitely let me know of course here's a way scale that'd be cool if these were all interactable just to really give some realism into the game is what I would like to see and so here is our upper portion of the Parlor Barn this is usually where hay and supplement cubes are usually um stored and then you just drop them down here and then throw them into the pens and this is how you usually load up from over here you usually have some sort of crane rope operation type thing that just over the edge you pick it up out of your trailer slide it up put it onto here and then people just carry in the bales of hay and cubes and you know all that type stuff and we got an entry exit from the outside right here and now that's pretty much the tour well that is the entire tour of the uh of the milking parlor cuz here's the other side of that door see right by the three pens so like I said we've all seen the greenhouse from the previous episode from earlier today hey look the cardboards holding up guys look at that it's holding up sweet um so the last we have is what I'm going to call the mechanical shop SL garage this is probably where we're going to uh store 90% of all our goods and materials uh do any repairs on it once again nothing is interactable other than like picking up the wire brush um but that's it no no vice work no anything so I really hope that the the repair mechanics is more greatly expanded um that is not something that we've ever talked about so I don't know I can speculate on that as much as I want I have no idea what they're going to do with the repairing mechanic if it's going to be simple pop on pop off like it is with the wheel right now or if we're going to have to have wrenches and things like that that's more more up to date with today's expectations for video games to have over here is our pumping space so I don't know if these are going to be interactable as well be nice so we could just grab the handle Pull It in get charged a certain amount to fill up our tanks and then have carry Jerry cans instead of using Jerry cans to fill up the vehicles as it is right now I would much prefer that we can fill them up to the pumps carry a Jerry can if we accidentally run out this is our Reserve right here this is our main fuel I'd like to see that uh we got a skill saw or a table saw over here but it doesn't look like it is hked up to the pulley system in order to run it um what's really weird is that uh I have have or sorry my dad has one of these sitting out in one of his sheds it was his dad's so my granddad was a carpenter so yeah my granddad had one of these and it was run off an electrical engine that was actually a bit bigger than that and it went to a pulley system that run pulley all throughout my granddad's Old Barn like it was crazy to see all these leather pulley and how everything ran he went to a a drill over here like um oh what do they call those uh the drills that spin up and down damn it oh come on drill press so it was like there was drill presses there was um like Band Saw and they were all just runoff pulley and all you had to do is just pull wooden levers forward and back to create friction tension and those were how they would turn it really cool all right so if we want to get up top we can either go up there but for now let's go take a look at the other shop over here so this is what I call the garage got a bunch of nice little iron working stuff here the grinder the Anvil like these would be great little places if all this stuff became like these carpentry table here that would be great if it all became interactive good for moving limbs this was for like rough cutting logs so you could get um planks um except for the only thing is is that like my granddad's his whole like the wheel stayed stationary but this table thing would go up and down so he get all the way through I think it was like a 28 in log or something like that that he could Buzz right through and then he would just flip the log 180° and go through something like a 50-in log because he knew how to do the balancing with the he had like these little lock hammers things that's came off on the sides and the rollers that were underneath the board that was crazy worked really good but then yeah I could lock it in and use it like just a regular table saw and have the material move or you could have it so that the blade moved the blade didn't move very far it was only like 36 in in either direction yeah here we go here's the upper mezzanine mezanine mezzanine whatever they call them but there's nothing interactable up here just once again more repair materials that we will eventually clear near what it looks like what what what what what you okay so yeah when we Reloaded The Game apparently it reloaded all my uh my goodies it's not even letting me pick stuff up I bet you I'm going to have to I have this in my hand can I grab things yeah it's not letting me do uh there we go now it's letting me pick stuff up interesting and now there's glass okie dokie I don't understand from out here it doesn't look like there's glass is it but when you go inside it says there's glass all right so um let's go to the other side and go upstairs here we go here's the mezzanine on the other side on top of that um table saw once again nothing interactive up here but there is quite a bit of things so just I'd like to be able to see us clean stuff up you know what I mean like have this stuff interactable so you can grab it and move it not for sale or anything like that but like say I wanted to bring in I don't know kids junk you know just pile it up I just want to be all of the options oh all right no second floor up in here just the two mezanine or the one uh working area no mezzanines in here at all so that is the entire Farm folks um other than I'll show you all the fields that we own fields for as far as the eye can see well not really so we got these fields here plus that larger area of trees so I'm showing you these three here a large area trees and then we go over to the other side you're hey Cory how's it going my man welcome back welcome back and thank you to uh you for subscribing up to the bronze level thank you thank you thank you greatly appreciate the support my man speaking of which folks actually hold on you know what I'm going to have to check tonight but I think that just took us over and I think we just unlocked another Emoji so if it is congratulations and good on you uck good on you and here are our other two Fields number one and then number oh yeah let's get down to it what number one did I cut through the the pass already of it yeah I'm in The Big Field where the small field oh 10 acres oh 16 Acres okay all right it's just not showing the green line on this version okay I'm going to have to uh let Sasha know that the the second acre here the second plot here that's here isn't highlighting in green that's why I was like uh where' It Go 10 acres6 Acres One S one yeah we're supposed to have another acreage that's like right here no worries I'm sure they'll they'll fix that not a big deal so that is so now we experienced the spring experienced the fall with the winter or with the Autumn now that we've gone through some time a diet Pepsi Martini Emoji um tell you what I'll just throw I don't know I'll just throw something in there tonight um just to um reserve the spot now okay this was not interactable at all okay if I go into the house but where is the damn thing I've been trying to find this fireplace forever and I haven't found it yet but it's on the outside on the outside but okay so it should be right here no no but there's stairs there so there's no firepl okay let's go up one more but here's the window let's open the window let Green in where the hell it a fireplace is this it is this like this it is this the fireplace is this going to be what heats her house in the winter I don't know I'll go check out the basement but I doubt it' be down there it's not a boiler nothing nothing still raining in the basement all right I'm going to have to fill them in on changing key bindings and raining inside the house still all right get an outdoor pizza oven kind of it kind of looks like it doesn't it but there's just no like we're supposed to be heating our house in the winter right so I I just don't know I don't know all right let's go for a nap ah you're well rested and feel strong again you're very tired and slept for a very very long time long enough for the winter to come ladies and gentlemen winter requires a different approach to gameplay staying warm using fire proper food and winter clothing will be important for your survival aha your greenhouse and livestock will be crucial for food and remember to have plenty of firewood at hand you will always be able to light a fire to warm yourself and cook something warm yeah same here reap man yeah eight months of the year I want to sleep also your neighbor's needs and their way of living will change so I'm guessing this is where the tree chopping comes in and the demo will quit in 5 minutes from now so just let everybody know the game's going to stop it's going to shut down and crash because I was told to be oh okay with the demo it's just going to stop after five minutes and just that's it oh all okay so let's I want to I want to sleep a little bit here all right we can't change time on this I can't sleep an hour it's still going to be just as dark tomorrow dang it nope not as dark okay perfect there we go I wanted to show you guys the winter time with some better lighting so we got beautiful plastic flowers still blooming in the middle of winter but here we go we got some dead crops out here it seems let's go have a take a look see over at the trees what I want to do is I want to chop down a tree in the middle of winter just to see if the snow falls off the tree branches in the winter time let's see how detailed they get with this no so the tree or the snow is stuck to the tree like uh like glue all [Music] right apparently it has has a dependency [Music] problem all right so seven out of [Music] [Music] that all right now let's go over and check that fireplace out in winter that's something I haven't done [Music] yet I I I just that rock I know I'm going to be driving into it you folks know that I'm going to be driving into it uh it's just a natural obstacle for me to hit okay where were we all right over here so middle of winter we got to stay uh warm with fire nothing over here we can light this one see if we go to cook oh man no I didn't want to extinguish I want to cook all right so we got enough to make another another pot of this uh soup let's come over here let's have one we'll eat a tomato P we're still hungry let's eat another one uh we're a little bit hungry we're packish we'll just have one more now we're all well fed but we're freezing very cold - 20 Health but I have been told that there is no um there's no additional clothing currently in game in order for us to do for the winter in the demo just want to let everybody know so if you're looking for some you ain't going to find it it's not in the demo okay but that is ladies and gentlemen the demo um take a look what do you all think about the snow what do you all think about the tracks that that we don't leave behind just saying just saying I wanted to drive the tractor though cuz I didn't see I want to see if it's going to leave tracks in the snow now this could be due to the fact that I have my Graphics turned down so let's just uh turn them up real quick options oh yeah that really just crashes my frames down woo okay so I am seeing tracks on the floor in the garage but I'm not seeing tracks in the snow so this is actually a good thing for older systems um so you don't have that much of your your memory or anything being used just to remember the tracks that you've used or that's have gone through the snow while you were driving on the other vehicles so this is the the the best beauty I can give you guys from from my PC at this time this is Max Graphics um I could turn the textures up a little bit higher but then we'd be down to like an actual slideshow about one to two frames per minute so we won't be doing that but I think yeah quite honest I agree with Mike it looks really really good ladies and gentlemen so uh definitely like I said follow the links Down Below in the description if you want uh to just have a quick hot way of going over to steam and wishlisting this game um make sure that you join the toppets Discord they do have that information on the steam page you just click on the toplet Discord join that up um get your information into the developers um because they do take a lot of feedback from um the public definitely all right so the game just closed just crashed that was the that was our five minutes that was our five minutes of fame folks so is over it's over but I think they've done a wonderful job you tell me uh what do you guys think is this something that you were going to play is this what you were looking for is this what you're expecting um did you think that they were going to do the merger of lumberjacks and Farmers Dynasty together in the way that they have um what do you think of the storyline seeing um a before older style with the Jack bear the older cars on the road and then bouncing forward into a new timeline of modern times where there's new vehicles on the road and the you know newer character and stuff so let me know what you guys think about it let them know what you think about it in their Discord um and yeah that's going to be it for me tonight folks that was amazing that was a lot of fun I have no idea what's going on for this weekend yet so I don't know if I will be streaming tomorrow or not normally I wouldn't because I should have caveman I don't know um but yeah make sure your notifications are turned on like comment subscribe tell your friends you know um let everybody know what you guys think of the the farmers Dynasty and uh shoot them over to my channel let's make sure that GG get some growth so this channel becomes self-supporting so thank you one and all you've been amazing thank you once again to uh um Jack the Reaper for providing this evening's dinner and for ebuzz with all her amazing uh gifted memberships and uck for subbing up and becoming bronze so thank you everyone I hope you have a wonderful morning evening afternoon good night no matter where you are in the world today thank you for taking the time to keep back relax unwind with me and I'll see you guys in the next notification Bell till then laters peace out everybody I hope that was a good ending for you
Channel: GaminGargoyle
Views: 3,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Game, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthough, Letsplay, commentary, entertainment, Adventure, Casual, RPG, Simulation, Farming Sim, Life Sim, Sandbox, Exploration, Immersive Sim, Time Management, 3D, Colorful, First-Person, Agriculture, Atmospheric, Building, Family Friendly, Fishing, Modern, Nature, Demo, Early Access, Toplitz, Farmers Dynasty 2, Farmer's Dynasty 2
Id: GFU5yMoansA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 7sec (4387 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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