Bach: Toccata & Fugue in D minor - Original Canadian Brass with Peter Schickele - Part 5 of 7

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most of you know that there's been a longstanding relationship between our group and the music of Johan Sebastian Bach it's almost a mystical uh nearly religious relationship at sometimes it's the kind of music that that we've come to accept as our own music in fact we have some indications that Bach intended nearly half of his uh compositional output for our use in thebrass the indications we have unfortunately are in pencil and and but this composition will perform is the very famous Takata and fug and D Minor it's a mammoth composition and one that displays the brass perhaps better than any of Box's other compositions and this particular Arrangement was done by Fred [Music] um the only reason I brought that up is that when when Bach was writing when Fred I get them confused was doing the arrangement Fred made a point of featuring himself throughout the composition but you'll notice towards the end of the the very giant Fugue that there's an incredible Tubba solo and it's not that any particular love for the instrument that Fred Finds it's it was the proxim proximity where where we sit [Music] o [Music] la [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] w [Music] d [Music] n [Music] [Music] f [Music] d [Music] a [Music] la [Music] d [Laughter] [Music] la [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] a
Channel: Canadian Brass
Views: 2,460,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Cst9lV5PPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2013
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