Babysitters House Adventure! Ethan and Cole go to Aunt Jenna's House!

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(footsteps) (thud) (bell rings) - Yes! (door locks) Perfect. Those boys are gonna get it now. (car engine drones) - [Mom] Bye boys, have fun. - Okay, love you. - Me too. - Be good for aunt Jenna, boys! - Yeah, we will. - Wait a second Cole! - Yeah? - Why do you have that bow and arrow? - It's for archery. - Hmm. It's not for trouble, right? - No mom, I'll behave. - All right boys, be good for your aunt Jenna and dad's gonna pick you up later. (light mischievous music) (whispers) Let's go. - Why do you actually have that bow? - 'Cause aunt Jenna always causes problems. - Right. Well, we can't just walk in with that thing. She'll know something's up. - Oh, you're right. Maybe I'll hide it on the side of the house just in case. - That's a good idea. I'll wait to knock on the door. Just go, go, go. (light mischievous music) - Got it. - Let's go. (knock) - Come in! Hello boys. - Hi aunt Jenna. - Hi aunt Jenna. - How are you boys today? - Fine. - Fine. - Well that's good. I hope you weren't planning anything exciting 'cause I have to work. - Work? What are we supposed to do? - You have to sit up stairs quietly 'cause I have to work. - We're not gonna do anything? - No boys, sorry, no. Go upstairs and be good. - Wha- We have to do nothing at all? - So you're like-- - We just have to sit up stairs and be quiet? - Like seriously. - I don't know what to tell you. Go up there, now, go. - Fine. - Ugh. Fine. We would've been better off at home! - For real! (laughs) - It's so boring! - For real. - Why'd we even come here? - 'Cause Jenna said that we would have fun. (sighs) - This is so fun, but what'd you bring in the bag? - Oh, my bag. You know, just some, uh, BoomCo. - I never seen that blaster before. - Yeah, checkout how it loads. (boomco clicks) - That's sweet. Let's go test it. - Yeah, let's go ask if aunt Jenna will let us test it in the backyard. - Ah, ah, ooh. - Hey aunt Jenna? Aunt Jenna? - Where'd she go? - I don't know. Maybe she went out back? - Aunt Jenna where'd you go? - Aunt Jenna? - [Cole] Where are you? - Aunt Jenna? - Jenna? - Jenna? Where'd she go? - Yeah? - Aunt Jenna? (mischievous music) (mumble) through the whole house to find her. Aunt Jenna I just need to ask a question. (xshot blasts) (shrieks) (thud) - Hey! - Oh! Get ruined! - Get ruined? - Oh, by back! - Ah-ha! (gunshot) (shrieks) - My back! My back. (Aunt Jenna fails with xshot) (screams) - Get her! (grunts) (chuckles) (footsteps) (mischievous music) (sighs) - Oh. (footsteps) (panting) What? A paint scratch... This'll be fun. What else is in here? Looks like a water sprayer. Perfect. (thud) (gate clicking) (sighs) (mischievous music) (water squirting) Awesome. (door creaking) (door locks) (thud) (footsteps) - What? What was he doing in here? Where'd the blaster go? (water squirting) - Ugh, you little brat! Come out! (gunshot) (shrieks) - Ah-ha! (Aunt Jenna blasts xshot and misses, again) (Jenna screams) (panting) (gunshot) (shrieks) (xshot blast misses again) (shrieks) (panting) (gunshot) - You're trapped. You're done. Look like you forfeit. (footsteps) Better put your hands up. You're done for now. It's over now, too bad, you're done for. (whispers) Get her, get her. - What are you doing? Like what's this? Are you trying to distract me? You think I'm silly? (amazing bow and arrow thingy shot) (shrieks) - Ha-ha! Bye-bye! (panting) (exasperated sigh) - Ugh. (whispers) Get down. What's the plan? - We got this. - Yeah it's perfect. - I know you guys are out here. Go. - What is this? (chuckling) What happened to my car? (car engine drones) - Cole, come one. - There you boys are. You ready to go? Guess so. Let's go. - Go, go, go. - Are you in a hurry? What's going on? - Dad just go. - Dad floor it, go, go, go. - [Cole] Dad go, go, go. - Okay, okay. What's the big rush? I'll go, I'll go. - Go now, go now. Wait dad stop, stop, stop. - It's a sticker. - Hey Jenna! (another amazing shot by Ethan) - Huh? (shrieks) - Ha-ha get wrecked! - Get wrecked. Dad drive! - Go. Bye-bye! - Bye-bye! (laughs) She got so wrecked. (sighs) I love aunt Jenna's house. - Yeah. It's a lot of fun. (chuckles) - Hey guys, comments of the week comes from Ibraheem Asaad. Nerf rival against ninjakidz. - Actually, fun fact, ninjakidz are coming to our house this month. - What? Yeah, ninjakidz are coming later this month. We'll see what happens there. - Yeah. Yeah. (chuckles) We say a lot of, but yeah. - Picture of this week comes from... - Archie and Kelsey. (whispers) Archie, I don't think your sister's holding the blaster right. I'd be scared to get in a battle with her 'cause you never know where it's gonna go. It could go over there. - It could go right in my eye. - But, you'd be a cool pirate. Thank you for your picture Archie and Kelsey. Trial game extreme toy store. Come check us out February 17, 2019. We'll be at the Gila River Arena. - For Jurassic Fight Night. (mumbles) - And we'll see you next time. ♪ Spider-man, spider-man ♪
Channel: ExtremeToys TV
Views: 18,326,961
Rating: 4.3579202 out of 5
Keywords: toy, toys, extreme toys, extreme toys tv, nerf, xshot, babysitter, ethan, cole, sneak attack squad, aunt jenna, nerf battle, nerf bow and arrow, kids toys, crazy, ethan and coley, kids vs babysitter, family nerf battle, nerf rival, playing, fun, wild, kids vs parents, family fun, boomco, ethan and cole, kid friendly, videos for kids, videos for children, kids, nerf attack, family friendly, family, vs babysitter, play, nerf for kids
Id: kPO8rDfsy5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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