Baby Squirrel Removal Goes NUTS!

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[Music] okay so we have a mother and mother squirrel and babies living inside this parapet dream if you look under there there's a gap in there that she's going in and then down into this space and right here we've noticed there's a lot of nesting materials so that's probably where the babies are right behind this wall and when we were estimating it I stuck my hand in from the other side and the mother squirrel grabbed my hand so we know she's in there so what we need to do is remove this so we can cut a hole in the siding here and get the babies out and let's see what happens so we're just taking this off so that I can have a better access to cut here's the nesting there's a bunch in there that was just up the well I can see a little baby poking out actually right after I did that so I just pulled a little piece she might have moved him yeah she's right there she's not happy might be her face right there actually they can hear the babies [Laughter] being careful not to hit her with the knife I know she's in the middle here and I'm cutting on either side pull it back yeah we know those babies because of this behavior she's being very protective good to see her claw out there she's not budging so what we're doing like you've seen we're trying to cut the two sides here it's just hard after then I'll pull put my hand in here and pull it back so we can see the babies okay so I just didn't want to stick my hand in there so I'm using the pry bar to get in behind the top she's gonna feel exposed now she's gonna stick close so hold on a sec yeah he's a little upset with us [Music] come back come back coma so the mothers really aggressive she she's not going to leave him once we start moving the babies they will start crying so just gonna try to catch her or there's the babies in there they're nice and cozy show a nice little space there for them I don't want to touch them remove them yet cuz the mommy's right here but we're just gonna get a piece of screen to close this from her getting in and then we'll be able to grab the babies okay so I showed you the babies they're right here I'm gonna try to grab as many as I can at once just because if they start screaming she'll show up she probably already is very close all the babies in the bag I think there's five of them the mothers came back she's circling us so we want to give her one of her babies back so she can start relocated and then she'll do that really quickly so I'm gonna go down to the ground and try to give her one yeah she's on the fence right now she's eating again she's just eating an acorn nervous over there there right on the top of the fence so I'm going to go down and I'll set up the camera so we can see that happen so this is a bit of an odd behavior but probably a nervous behavior she's a 9 on an a corner nut of some sort even though she knows her babies are in jeopardy but I guess her instinct is taking her to a place where eating kind of reduces her stress level so unusual but it's amazing how the the minds of wild animals work compared to ourselves two seconds she's back getting one of her babies how the baby crying has drawn her back to the group oh she started a cord involved here and that's unusual I thought you had a baby removed at times in their comment this is weird [Music] maybe we're gonna back up a bit and let her do her thing babies are here she is here you can take one if she put the eight going down she could probably pick up a baby but he hasn't figured that out yet this really weird behavior I've never in my 36 years seen this happen before Oh finally she dropped the ego now she's got a baby okay let's see where she goes with the baby so they have secondary den sites that they've scoped out in the neighborhood she's obviously on her way to that den site she now knows that the one that she was living in is not a safe place I'm sure you want the babies up close while she's taking that one there very cool [Music] you always want to keep an eye on where she is cuz she'll come back very quickly and luckily she hasn't come charging at us but we have had mothers that have before four in court total open the mother has wanted um and this is the other three we have showing up on the scene here another mother which is fairly common she doesn't know that this is not her baby she hears it is a mother you can see by the teats so she's coming to make sure that we don't have one of her babies and there she goes she's circling no I've seen this before where that sound isn't specific to her babies it's the sound of any baby squirrel another interesting fact to both squirrels they hear the crying of another mothers babies and they come to check it out what I haven't necessarily seen before is whether she would take another mother's baby oh the last one show me back [Music] they always come back and check one last time and since that's where her babies were she's like she's up there right now we have screen on that other side so she can't get in from there she just wants to make sure that all her babies are gone go in there yeah oh she got another baby so we had miss one and she got another baby in there that's why you always let her go back and check so we saw the mother go back in and retrieve another baby inside we didn't get a chance to do our final check so we let her do it and I I can now beach in because we were kind of in a bit of a rush mode earlier because she was on this so we didn't want to have a jump on us on the ladder but now I can feel the whole nest and she's got them all she will come back one more time you might just let her do that so she can satisfy herself and she has them all you looked up at me like yeah me too do you have a baby we don't have them and get your ACORN sometimes you just don't know what they might do there she goes she's heading back to her new nest which she already had set up in the neighborhood long before she even gave birth so she'll be happy in our new location and continue to raise the babies there wherever that might be take one last look she says the nest and mostly is grass and chewed would mostly chewed wood is probably from inside this hole but as you can see it's just grass and I took there's some hair in there would have been an estimate too the next step is just to secure a piece of screen over the opening that we made and here as well this is where she was going in original up and over the corner once she's done there so we're gonna put a piece of screen here and we'll also put our screen where the customer has put their own screen just so we can guarantee it the site is secure I'll do this side of the porch and the job will be complete to make it watertight not that wide it would come up this high but so that was a most interesting job really threw me for a loop is when she had the walnut in her mode and was preoccupied with it and even when it was important that she gathered the baby she kept it in her mode and went back to chewing it so I truly believe that's a instinctive behavior just to minimize her stress because her babies were in jeopardy and she just had to cope somehow and and that's how she found a way to cope happy ending she has all her babies in a new den site and job complete you're able to screen up the whole and she to erase those babies happily somewhere else [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gates Wildlife Control
Views: 1,731,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AAA, Gates, Wildlife, Control, Animal, Removal, Capture, Evict, Humane, Raccoons, Squirrels, Skunks, Birds, Bats
Id: JAlAaax45B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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