Baby Products I Regret Buying (Dad Edition) + Alternative Options 2021

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hey guys andrew here with dadverb so we're gonna be talking about some baby gear that i regret now it's not so much what i regret buying but i just think that they're better places to spend your money so we're gonna be talking about some you know buy this not that kind of a thing but before we get started i wanna give you a quick update on the course that's currently in development for soon to be dads it's a pregnancy course designed just for guys if you want to stay up to date on that we're going to be launching in early 2021 and you can sign up for our newsletter at to stay up to date on all the latest details and releases so with that said let's get started [Music] so to kick things off i'm going to start with baby clothes that's one thing that i really don't think that you need to spend too much money on i see lots of parents going all in on different newborn size clothes and they're really cute and fun but other than that one instagram shot really they're going to be wearing it a couple times before they're going to grow out of it so quickly so i wouldn't divert too much of your budget toward baby clothes the next thing on the list are going to be swaddles which is a very popular thing that parents like to stock up on but i would say that you know some babies you don't really know their tendency some might want their hands up some might want them down some don't even want to be swaddled at all so before you go all in on swaddles i would say you know test the water first see what your baby's tendencies are and then start buying swaddles based off of you know what their preferences are don't stock up beforehand too much number three button up onesie pajamas i personally can't stand those snap pajamas if you're gonna go with those onesie pajamas i would either go with the magnets or the zip ups the snaps always took forever it just made changes more difficult and god forbid i was one snap off it had to like undo everything and then redo it it's just easier when you're able to sn to zip up or magnet i would definitely go with not snaps next on my list is going to be diaper genies now i've never really been a fan of diaper genies from the very beginning i always felt that they just didn't do a good job of containing the smells and i would always smell the diapers throughout the nursery so what we did was we pivoted and we went with ooby and i've been happy ever since because of its steel construction i think it contains the smells a lot better and you're not having to buy into the proprietary blue bags of the diaper genie which costs about like 15 bucks a pop or something which over time will cost you a lot of money ubi on the other hand was 70 up front higher cost but we haven't really spent a dime on the garbage bags we just use our standard costco garbage bags so in the long run i think that was a much better investment for us and it did a better job at containing smells so i would definitely go ooby over diaper genie for the record though changing the ubi is it smells like the devil you open that thing up and it just it's the worst smell that comes lofting into your face that is a downside but overall ooby still that's that's my top choice okay so i'm going to move on and talk about some products that are typically a little bit more expensive and are also quite popular but i genuinely don't think that you need to put the money in for this and the first on the list is going to be dockatot which i know is controversial it is very popular among a lot of parents but just hear me out let me make my case for this okay the main reason why i would recommend not going with a daca taught is because it's technically an unsafe option and actually our friends to the north of us canada they actually don't have access to a dock top because their government won't allow it to be sold there and on top of that consumer reports actually linked the dockatot and similar products to at least 12 deaths over a six year span and by the way consumer reports are also the ones who initially broke the story that led to the eventual recall of the popular fisher price rock and play yeah they found some things that are a little bit more questionable with regards to the dockatot now over time i did notice that the brand has changed their tune a little bit and they stopped showing it being used as a co-sleeper altogether instead now they're really pushing safe sleep campaigns on their social channels and they seem to have recently updated their faqs emphasizing that it's not a crib bassinet or cradle the the same reasons why you don't have a bumper around a crib is the same reason why a dockatot isn't a safe sleeping option it's a suffocation risk so ultimately based off of the reporting and the new marketing a dockatot really is nothing more than a lounger for a baby to to rest in when they're awake it's a lounger it's a two hundred dollar lounger i would much rather spend 40 bucks for the boppy newborn lounger or sixty dollars for the fisher price dome as alternate options to the dockatot the next piece of expensive gear that i kind of regret buying i really don't think you need is going to be the hatchbaby grow which is a changing pad that looks like it was designed by apple it's really nice really sleek looking it's a scale that also doubles as a changing pad i really don't think you need to spend upwards of 100 200 i don't even know what the current price point is anymore i just know that it's more than 30 bucks which you don't need to pay that for a changing pad the scale isn't really something that we use super often to justify the cost it was cool but again not really worth the cost i would just go with a simple changing pad that you get off of amazon before we move on i want to take a quick moment to thank our sponsor hobby hobby for making all of these videos happen hobby hobby is the easiest way to support bilingual learning for your kids without screens their books paired with the reading one teaches kids accurate pronunciation and parents don't need to be native speakers i'm trying to push more spanish on my son and based off of his interactions with the books he's he's starting to pick it up a little bit six [Laughter] [Music] if you're interested and you want to learn more or pick up hobby hobby you can find their latest releases through the link below okay so moving on with the high-end gear that i regret or i just don't think that you need the outlet camera of all of the high-end connected monitors that are currently in the market i would say the outlet is kind of one of the weaker ones i hate to fanboy nanette so much i just i think that nana is just a better monitoring system overall it's stronger has better connectivity i think it's got better quality owlette i've just i think it people have had their fair share of issues with it my friend chris i do not recommend this thing it really does nothing for you you're better off buying like a 20 ring camera 30 ring camera it's pretty pointless he made a pivot to something cheaper he's had a better experience but i've just heard way too many issues with outlet more than any other connected baby monitor that's out there all right so next on the list is going to be another really popular option and that's the four moms mamaroo swing now in my experience you're you're putting in a lot of money for something that your kids may or may not actually like both of our kids they couldn't really sit in a mamaroo for more than like five minutes at a time and then they were they were over it they were never really comforted by it other kids on the other hand i mean parents swear by it it's like amazing so i would say that you know if you're putting in a lot of money into this just be warned that you may not get the right value out of it so buying it secondhand may be a better option you got to do your due diligence and hunting for the right thing but yeah sometimes it might not be the best thing for you any of the fisher price graco options are gonna suit you just fine you don't need to spend more than a hundred bucks on it so i'm gonna round out my list here and the last thing i'm gonna say that i guess i kind of regret was overpriced high-end bassinets i really don't think you need to spend that much on a high-end bassinet this particular one that i'm talking about is the halo bassinest i got it i returned it but that's also inclusive of the snoo and the four mom's rocking bassinet now again there are plenty of parents out there that swear by these things that they love them they're like this is great but really all you really need for a good bassinet is a firm sleep surface and an open air system so that there is no place for them to suffocate really like those are the basic requirements that should be met and you can find a lot of great options for under a hundred dollars that meet those now i'm not saying like the basiness and snow are the worst don't ever buy them if you want to buy them go for it you're probably gonna like it honestly but if you're going for a cost value perspective i think that the kiko lula go might be a good fit for you the graco travel light crib the evenflo loft if you want to spend up a little bit more uh something really cool to pick up is the guava lotus or even the nuna sena air not only are those you know those meet the requirements but they're all portable options the one that i just listed off and if you're anything like us we we cared about portability that was a big factor into our buying decision we went back and forth between our in-laws a lot it was it was nice to just be able to move the bassinet to a different part of the house or a different house altogether and have that same exact sleep situation for our baby another thing to consider is just the fact that you're only using a bassinet for a few months we used ours for four to five months before we transitioned to a crib so again it it doesn't really make much sense to drop hundreds of dollars into something that's only going to be a couple months i would save a little bit more i would spend under 100 bucks if you can or or get something like a guava lotus because that's actually like a portable player that can be used for for multiple months or even years again this is just one guy's opinion i think in many cases a lot of people are going to disagree with me which i totally get leave those comments down below i think it helps other parents uh be informed and and make better buying decisions if you found this video helpful smash that like button down there looks like a thumbs up for more videos and reviews for new parents please consider subscribing to our youtube channel thanks for watching this video and come back for the next one god bless later [Music] you
Channel: Dad Verb
Views: 528,264
Rating: 4.9303293 out of 5
Keywords: dadverb, dad verb, andrew dad verb, andrew tiu, andrew tiu dad verb, baby products i regret buying, baby product regrets, baby product regrets 2020, baby product regrets 2021, baby product regrets dad, newborn must haves, newborn must haves 2020, newborn must haves and regrets, newborn products i regret buying, newborn products, newborn products 2020, newborn products i regret buying 2020, newborn products regrets, mamaroo regret, owlet cam regret, dockatot co sleeping
Id: i66mpUNfI2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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